No! DO get the sax back out...but only after you listen to THIS:

My bet is that after about 10 minutes of playing this, you're gonna be looking for a suitable pickup...I know these guys have made ME reconsider picking up a bass clarinet again, but ONLY if I get it drilled for a piezo FIRST.

Went nuts...
ModularGrid Rack
OK, this is different from your rework in some ways, similar in others.

The top row, I decided to consolidate the "main voice" part there, and have the voice module at the end. The two main oscillators are still there, followed by one of the Mixups for summing. Main VCFs next, then the Quad VCA was repositioned by this so that you can have VCA control over the Befaco's inputs. One of the Lesters went next to that to take advantage of the stereo I/O on that.

First tile row starts now with a buffered mult (yep, it's likely to be needed here), then everything's much the same until the end, where I put in a Stereo VCA to deal with the Lester's output levels to the final mix.

Row #2 is where I started going off...the row is bookended by your passive mults (yep, this is big enough for that), then the quad switch is next to give you a bit more routing control for various functions. Then Disting, Octa, Ochd...and I added a 4ms QPLFO so that you've got some ultra-slow (out to 70 minutes-ish) duty cycles for the modulation section. This is a nice thing because you can also tap tempo with it, or ping it with triggers to determine the duty theory, the Varigate 8+ can do this admirably, with the result being that you can sequence (kinda) your four LFOs' rates. The Doepfer minimixer is next to sum those first sources, if needed, then the Blender got used here to crossfade modulation signals...yet more modulation automation. Added a Quadrax/Qx pair for 2 or 3-stage envelopes, looped envelopes, complex function generation, all that fun stuff, then I put a Happy Nerding 3xVCA for VCA control over mod levels. Two ADSRs are after that, then we get into the drum voice.

Now, that looks like it'll be fun...the hats are paired with the indecipherable whateverthing for your percussives. After this is the Violin Ruiner + the WASP VCF for processing these. Now...that next thing isn't a mult, it's a fixed-pan stereo mixer! The white-ringed jacks are the L and R outs, and you put the signals where you want them in the stereo field jacks in between. And yeah...the other Lester is here, and can be used as an "effect" VCF for the drums or, if you like, a second stage of Lester after the one above. Or maybe for the Bitbox...? Your call!

Next row, a very necessary thing with all of this sequencing: LOGIC! This provides the typical Booleans, plus inverters, three flipflop switches, and a clock divider. But that's not all, as I added the Fractio Slumnus after that to allow clock division or multiplication (ie: ratcheting), then I paired this with the 16-step sequencer. Then Stages, Maths, Zadar (WITH the expander!) and the Bitbox. Effects are next: Mimeophon, and the Pico DSP, then a submixer to sum effects (or most anything else you might need in tandem with the mixer). I dropped the Verb (seemed redundant with the Pico DSP) in favor of getting the Fractio down by the timing section.

Next tile row: the unbuffered mult, then the Noise Tools because it adds some useful functions (S&H, slew limiter, clock, noise). Oscope tile next, the delay, then another stereo VCA (intended for tandemmed level control of the Bitbox) before we get to the audio I/O.

Bottom row: Hermod, Pams, Voltage Block...and then, the Varigate 8+ for trig/gate sequencing as well as memories for the Voltage Block. Last is the WMD Performance Mixer, where I added the mute expander which ALSO allows CV control over the AUX sends on channels 1-4.

The only two dropped modules from the original were the aforementioned Verb, as well as that set of fixed HPFs. The latter, I just didn't see the point of having, and by dropping it I was able to put in the fixed panning mixer for your drum modules + their VCFs.

So,'s not the same as your shot at it above. I went in a direction that didn't necessarily add anything to the sound, but the end result is that the functionality you had before is now VERY bolstered by redoing the signal flow ordering and adding some choice modules to jack that functionality way on up. Result feels more intuitive, and the additions will allow a lot of new modalities that either weren't all there yet, or just weren't there, period.


this is my contribution.
what do you think of it ?

Recorded in May during lockdown.

-- klodifokan

Wow! Super good. Really enjoying this.

That's just called progress @mowse! Glad to have you onboard, I'll reach out here in a bit 😎

Two of my tracks felt like they really came together, such that I use them as reference tracks for stuff I'm working on. That says nothing about what others think of them, but if I keep them in my personal playlist then that's good enough for me.

'Cygnus' and 'Become The Sky' are two that I'm pretty proud of. Between the two, Cygnus feels like everything just came together how I had envisioned. Anyhow, I have so much to learn that all of it will probably sound laughable to me several years from now.

Thanks! This was a fun little jam.

Oh, cool. I'll check out that post.

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Well said Lugia, and speaking of quantizers, some super duper functional modulators like Rossum Mob of Emus even have those as part of the package. I was messing about with mine last night and having fun.

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Thread: My 1st Rack

I would remove the Neutron from the case as first step as it takes way too much valuable HP.
You don't really need it.

Next step is you need support utilities and modulation sources like LFOs, attenuator/attenuverters, mults and logic. Adding something like a Batumi or Divkid 0chd would give you a good modulation start and something like Mutable Instruments Shades or Noise Engineering Lapsus Os would provide attenuators and maybe throw in a Kinks and Links for support modules.

Next thing: how are you sequencing the rack? Maybe get a basic step sequencer if you want to create beats either in case or external like a Korg SQ-1 or Arturia Keystep with CV control. A good in rack basic sequencer and clock that I love is Pamela's New Workout as it small, powerful, easy to use and does a ton of cool stuff.

Third- function generator like Maths or Quadrax would give you lots of options or maybe Zadar.

Last- effects, a delay and reverb would add a lot to your setup. You can get something like an Erica Synths Pico DSP or Happy Nerding FX Aid.

I PMd you :)

I'll check em out @aphex_goodman, and @yalivec if you want to post to a dropbox that'd be great or I can send you my email for wetransfer.

Quick thoughts from skimming this thread:

1) Love this convo and love the idea of bringing a process approach to the modular world, lots of room for discovery there and I've been trying that myself lately. Along with all the other great thinkers/composers mentioned here, James Tenney has a role here too and his writings are pretty accessible, worth checking out.
2) In addition to everything @lugia suggested I'd emphasize the role of function generators to add some movement, organic-ness, tension, etc to your music. A little harder to channel but they open up process potential in the continuous realm, and there's a lot of them to choose from.
3) Check out the Monome Crow if you can or want to code, it's a cheap and small way to add programmatic features to your rack. Want some quadraphonic melodies? Want a microtonal quantizer? Easy, write a script for it.
4) I know you've said you're not going to get the sax back out @funbun but if you're interested in hearing someone bring woodwinds and modular together check out Golden Retriever, it's really special stuff and half the reason I started my eurorack journey. All their albums are great, but I'll share my fav:

Finally, I'll wish you good luck. And keep us posted, would love to hear some tunes once you get going!

Thread: My 1st Rack

Hi guys.
Build my first modular over the xmas days and gave it a spin.
Basically it's three rails of 108 in Size into a IKEA Cupboard. The width doesnt fit perfectly, have to finde a solution on how to fix the rails to the left. To the right their screwed to the cupboard walls.

I can post some pics if you like.
My main question is: Do you have some tips into what else I should build into the rack?
I am not looking into generative music or the like. My music is mostly DnB and I am looking for some other, unique sounds to my sound palette.
So straight forward Bass, reese Bass or Pad like sounds.
I think oscilator wise I am well equipped but I guess some other filters or other mangling processors could be fun.
Any idea?

With kind regards
This is the correct link:

Somehow it is being shown with a Neutron which I do not own.

Haha, maybe!

Guess we will never know for sure...

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I would start with something like the MDLR 12u case with 1u tile rows. I quickly outgrew my two Doepfer 6u cases and already have most of my 14u case full. For a travel case, the Intellijel 7u is hard to beat. I plan to get one as soon as they are back in stock.

So much protesting Kel_, I start to think you are the spy this message was intended for...

Of course and maybe...?

...but these are real world items for sale that come up in search results... I think it is spam! Plain and simple!

I am resisting posting a link to the search engine results because then I would be doing their job for them!! If you really want me to type in the relevant terms and post a link I will do though... but come on?

Um, just realised to me it's plain and simple, but it might not be to others...

Search engines add credibility to websites who's 'terms' get mentioned on other sites... see how this works?

Trust me, it does work, it seems stupid, but investigations have shown as much as a 5% shift in stock prices based on spam emails - to an investor this is HUGE - it's insane - but true!

Now if only someone could point me to a verifiable real wold entity re. the numbers stations?

You know what a Numbers Station is? Posts like this are the 21st century version.

(Either that, or human beings are idiots, a hypothesis which is obviously not true...)

Dear Garfield,

Thanks for your comment, I think it's not the same track I shared earlier, but maybe it was, I clearly don't finish enough music, I need to dial down on the pointless jamming in favor of more output... :-)

I'll see if I can demo the Waldorf DVCA somewhere but from the get go, I'm not sure I could take advantage of its particularities. It's 20HP for 2 VCA's where the new Veils offers 4 of them in only 10HP or something like that. From where I stand, the color knob needs to be incredible to justify the extra HP and cost, but maybe I'm missing something ? In all honesty, I probably lack imagination, in my mind the only advantage a VCA module could have over another is the interface, buttons/knobs/jacks placement etc, but not the sound, am I wrong ?

You might be right for the availability of the Dual VCF, it's just that some stores already marked it as sold out, which usually means it's getting rolled out. Also, it's heavily discounted on Erica's website which also usually means they're trying to sell off the stock. Wait & see, I guess, I'm still not entirely decided on what to do, although I do want a dual filter, and this one with all the individual outs seems like a very useful one for my setup and the way I patch, plus it sounds pretty good... There's one for sale locally, might just give in...

Finally, about the WMD mixer: it's probably the best euro mixer I have tried, but I didn't try them all hehe. Let's clear your doubts first: no bleed whatsoever, or noise for that matter, it's very clean. Looking for cons, maybe the panning knob's curve could be smoother (still very workable, I'm being a Karen here), or returns could be stereo and I'd like to have 3 sends instead of 2. How much would the mixer cost in the end if everyone got what they wanted ? Too much, probably.

Take care,

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Yeah, works both ways!!!

Has anyone worked out what the actual implications are from this 'deal' re trade between UK and EU?

My head is spinning, so much noise and bullsh!t!

yes please!!!
having british pond offers when filtering the marketplace for eu only posts has been irritating...

Very very nice ! Loads of cool moments there, really loving the sound that you are playing with at 5:30, I think it's the same that sort of "cries" at 6:40, seems well behaved but sometimes goes over the edge in a noisy kind of way, genius ! Is that the E330 ?

Anyway thanks for sharing and keeping us inspired ;-)

--- Voltage control all the things ---

That's a cool sound, Garfield. This kind of reminds me of a raga or maybe an Arabic scale.
I love discovering new sounds like this!

@Lugia: thank you so very much for the above. I know and understand all the above on a theoretical level but you add the "how to practice", just when I was looking to spice up my patching.
Yet another drink I owe you. If we put those together for all the people you help, you could probably open a bar :D

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Great idea @troux! Thanks a lot for your interest. I'm in!
I'd like to contribute this tune. I can send you wav file if needed.

Hey @troux and all,

Excellent idea and I'm humbled to be included on the list. I wasn't near the forum for some days but now I'm back and if it's not too late I’d be honored to have one of my tracks in the compilation. I put three tracks in this folder, hope one of them may be OK to go.

Thanks again and all the very best to all of you!


I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

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Some fun experimental jungle beats tonite with the MDLR 14u setup

Nice one as usual @mowse. Now, which of your fantastic tracks from this year are you contributing to our end of year best of? 👀

Which you shouldn't do. Not only do you run into the issue you've mentioned, you're also making the device you're UNcasing and REhousing more expensive than it already is!

An illustration: let's say you want to put a Moog Mother-32 into your snarzy new Pittsburgh EP-208. Sounds sensible enough...but then, let's do some math here.

A Mother-32 takes up 60 hp, and streets for $649. It has its own case and power.

The Pitt cab streets for $699 and has 208 hp total. 699 / 208 = 3.36, which is the per-hp cost of the cab.

So you stick the M32 in there. All of a sudden, here's what happens once you tighten down the last screw...

3.36 x 60 = 201.60. This is what it costs to do what you just did, which makes the M32's ACTUAL price in this situation $850.60!

Did you pay that much for it originally? No? OK...then why pay that NOW?

Eurorack cases are really for devices that DON'T have a case and power. Those devices require it. The Mother-32 in this, it doesn't require it since it comes ready to rock out of the box. Yeah, I know, you see a lot of people on YouTube and the Interwebz in general doing this...but they're actually QUITE wrong in doing it. And I understand the whole thing about "convenience" and all that...but that "convenience" costs in exactly this hidden way. In short, I quote Admiral Akbar: "IT'S A TRAP!" Don't fall for it.

Also, check the "Too Many LFOs?" thread...I put quite a bit of info in there about how to work with LFO signals via other modules, and many of those tricks work just as well with envelope generator outputs.

LFOs are actually a lot more useful than they appear to be, and there ARE some modules that pair with them for some neat results...

First up, any synth that has several of these needs something along the lines of the Intellijel Triplatt. This is a set of three attenuverters that also works as a DC-coupled mixer. Now, why attenuverters? Well, what they'll do is to invert an inputted signal, and inverting an LFO means that you'll get the 180 degree OPPOSITE waveform. Mix this in with the original, and you get cancellation. But mixing it in at levels that don't quite cause 1:1 phase cancellation lets you "smooth out" the original waveform...which is very useful if you're combining several LFOs to create a complex modulation signal.

VCAs combined with LFOs lets you have sounds autofading in and out when you connect the LFO to the VCA's CV input. And if you use something like a sawtooth wave to modulate this, the results will be like a simple envelope generator connected to the VCA. For generative musical forms, that's really useful.

Then there's quantizers. Most of the time, we look at these as being used for extracting pitch CVs from the CV outputs of sequencers. But you can also use them with LFOs to generate CVs that run up and down scales. Even better, if the quantizer has the ability to specify scales/notes, you can make these skitter up and down (depends on the waveform you use) in tune with the rest of the audio coming out of the synth. With a pair of LFOs mixed properly, you can arrive at some very Shepard-esque pattern generation this way (one of my fave ARP 2600 tricks, btw, using the EGs in a "looping" manner).

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! Comparators are a natural pairing with LFOs. What these do is to wait until the incoming signal level exceeds a level you set, then when that happens, they output either a gate or trigger. This lets you do all sorts of on/off control tricks with the regularity of the repeating LFO cycles. Better still are special types of these called "window" comparators...these have several voltage thresholds that you set, and a good one will output g/t signals when the level is below the bottom limit, and above the top limit...AND when the waveform's voltage crosses the "window" set by those two limits. Again, for generative work, damned essential!

FYI, comparators also play nice with do square/pulse waves directly out of an LFO. The typical Boolean logic tricks apply here...OR = one OR the other input can make the logic gate output a trigger or gate, AND = one AND the other (both on at the same time), NOR = neither on at the same time, and NAND = outputs only when neither incoming signal is on at the same time. These rock like you wouldn't believe for creating strange crossrhythmic patterns...again, super-useful for generative. if they're just really slow VCOs (they are), can you do anything VCO-ish with them? Again, the answer is can wavefold LFO signals with the right sort of wavefolder. For example, EMW has a module called the CV Folder 3x...a triple wavefolder optimized for modulation and CV signals. And yes, there's others...such as the Elby "Mangler", etc. Couple this with some of the above, and you're primed for stochastic waveform MAYHEM. And there's one thing like this that's not exactly VCO behavior, but related...minimum/maximum-type discriminators, which take two or more incoming signals and then outputs the selected CV level, minimum, maximum, and sometimes also the median average of the inputs.

Oh, and yes...they do work with VCAs, but note that you'll need DC-coupled ones (which are usually linear) to deal with the LFO signals. A VCA in the output path of an LFO lets you do things like applying an envelope to the signal, so that you get level rise/falls while the waveform from the LFO remains the same. If you've seen the gatefold Brit cover for the first two Kraftwerk albums, the spectacular waveform on the front is the result of this exact usage. This lets you control the amount of modulation coming out of the LFO (or several, mixed) with any CV.

Can they turn things on and off? Sure can...just use a square or pulse output, feed that to an audio VCA's CV input. LFO cycles up, VCA turns on (or off...depends on how you've patched it and with what). Cycle down, audio off.

How about transposition? Yep...if you're using an LFO with a quantizer and your rig also has an adder, just feed the quantized LFO signal into an adder with the CV for your VCOs. This will result in the quantizer's voltage levels being added arithmetically to the pitch CV...and if you set the quantizer properly, you can get behavior that's sorta like the old "Juno Hoover" sound of rave tracks of old, especially if you drop a slew limiter into the quantizer output before it hits the adder.

Now, there's a few things that can behave in a very LFO-ish way...anything based on the Serge Universal Slope Generator (such as Maths, etc) will do this...but then, you'd ALSO get CV control over the rise and fall times, with that determining the duty cycle of the "LFO" here. Lots of two-stage EGs can act like this, too...Intellijel's Quadrax comes to mind immediately. There's also a bunch of interesting "specialized" LFOs, too...check out Ladik's L-122.

Yeah, these things are NO fact, they're the backbone of modulation alongside envelope generators. You CAN have too many LFOs...but you'll only figure out how much is too much when you run out of LFOs to screw with everything else. If that happens, you clearly don't have enough! ;-)

Thank you so much for all the thoughtful and informative responses. I think I understand better now, and have some venues for further research.

And yeah, it was screwing around with MATHS that made me ask this question!

An ambient drone performed on the bottom two rows of my modular build.

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No worries, Garfield. The Noise Engineering stuff has been very good experience thus far with the Clep Diaz being the most tricky to figure out. I have a Loquelic Iteritas Percido on the way so will be fun to compare with my Cursus Iteritas. I think that once my WMD Metron arrives along with Mimetic Digitalis and Euclidian Circles, my sequencer needs will be met until end of next year. But I will need another mixer or two for my racks. I am finding eurorack mixers that can mix cv and audio plus pan and have effects sends to be super useful.

Hi Diego,

Nice to hear from you again! :-) Lovely track by the way! I remember another track from you, is that this one or is this another track. Love the tension you are building up there.

For a new VCA, I can strongly recommend the Waldorf - DVCA1, from all my VCAs, this is the one I like most so far. I loved it so much that I bought a second unit of it, fantastic dual VCA!

I see that you are planning to get the Black Dual VCF from Erica Synths, I got that one already, it's a lovely filter, together with the Doepfer - A-124 VCF5 WASP filter my most favourite filters. The SEM Filter A-106-5 from Doepfer is quite nice too! That Black Dual VCF is still available from Erica Synths own website, so try it there; if you live in Europe you have to add 21% VAT (I think it was) to their mentioned prices though...

I am looking for a second mixer in my rack, how do you like the WMD - Performance Mixer? Is it worth an arm or a leg? Does it bleed? My Doepfer A-138p's do bleed a little bit :-( Even when putting volume of the channel to zero and mute it...

Good luck with your rack planning and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Yes the Desmodus Versio was clearly visible (the name) in your video :-) I am still hesitating about Noise Engineering and I am waiting for a next opportunity to get a few Noise Engineering modules tested at my local dealer, however since a few weeks we are back in a lock down here in Germany, so I have to wait for a while.

I had a few set backs regarding free time but catching up now with my modular stuff. I need to explore more my Drum Sequencer from Erica Synths, I hope to be able to do that in the next few days. Then let's see what the dream sequencer combination is going to be together with this Drum Sequencer :-)

Thank you, Happy Holidays too! Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hello All,

I was playing around lately with a few modules when my modular synth was crying out loud... I tried to capture that sound here:

It exists of two voices, one voice is that crying kind of sound, main module behind that is the E330 - Multimode VCO from Synthesis Technology driven by the ACL - Sinfonion by the way. The second voice that is, indirectly, strongly driven by an LFO is the polyphonic Doepfer - A-111-4 Quad VCO module using the A-105-4 Quad Poly SSI VCF module (nice filter by the way) and A-132-8 VCA module too.

The track exists of two parts. Starting with Part A, the "original or classic" version how I discovered the sound with a mild touch of reverb and directly followed by Part B a stronger use of the Ventris pedal (by Source Audio) using both DSPs (Part A only used one DSP) adding some echo, and here and there using a frozen reverb too.

Not sure if it's a drone, still, to make sure to fulfil the new requirement, by holding here and there a bit longer the frozen reverb button I managed to just go over the 17 minutes ;-)

Thank you very much for listening and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

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Thanks Garfield,

The new module on left is a Mutable Instruments Shades support module that works like either an attenuator or attenuverter and can do mixing as well. I found that percussion modules like BIA really need an attenuator/attenuverter. The other new module in the setup is the Noise Engineering Desmodus Versio an amazing reverb module with lots of options as well. It really spices up drum patches quite a bit. Today was a very fun day- I met up with another local Eurorack modular synth enthusiast and we jammed together. I had the chance to try out the Intellijel Planar 2 and Rossum Control Forge- both superb modules. I do have a Befaco Joystick and other stuff on order :-) hehe.

Yeah my Doepfer monster base case and MDLR 14u weight a lot. So for local jams, I use the 6u suitcase for ease of travel without breaking my back and also with a healing foot from past broken ankle, cannot put a lot of weight on it yet so all good. Have you found your dream sequencer yet? The Erica Synths Black Sequencer looks promising once they get the bugs worked out and have another major firmware update.

Happy Holidays!

Hi Sacguy71,

You are back! :-) I missed your videos. That module on bottom left, what module is that? Is that one of your new modules? From your video I understood it's an attenuator but I didn't hear which brand or model name it is.

You got some heavy kick sound there :-) ! Oh great, I finally can see your new monster case Doepfer - A-100PMB :-) Great! Ha, ha, "that sucker waits a ton", yes that's right! I got the A-100PMS12 and when it's empty it's already pretty heavy, filled with modules, I am not going to travel around with that one...

Thanks a lot for sharing and Merry Christmas to you too, kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

I would like to see a breakout for the Model D and Neutron that restores the rear panel connections that are lost when removing these units from their case to install in eurorack.

I'll give em a listen @mog00!

I just completed this one

other contenders


Both sound good to me @klodifokan and @jingo!


I couldn't do anything new yet and my time for music is near 0.

So, if you like I would contribute this:


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Thousands of LFO are possible with VCV Rack.

With Expert Sleepers expanders (one ES5 and 5 ESX8CV) you could have 40 LFO outputs plus 8 gate (square LFO)

Hi all ! Merry Xmas !!

All right, it’s my time to ask for advice and opinions on how to extend my rack. This is what I currently have (and already enjoy a lot):

ModularGrid Rack

I use my setup to generate most of the synth lines in my music, the drums, one shots and what not are handled by an MPC Live (mk1 so no CV outs) which also sends MIDI sync to the Hermod. I of course sample the LIP and BIA quite a bit for drum duties, but it’s a quick sample/loop that goes straight in the MPC. I also sometimes use the rack on its own to jam so that why you see the Prok HH there, although the main reason was that I wanted to build something lol. For those who want to get an idea of the sort of « music » I make (although I haven’t posted much of the modular music yet):
The placement of modules follows the patching I found myself making the most because that’s what made most sense in my head but I also often patch the C-sL into Sisters or Belgrad so there is nothing fixed.

And this is the plan I have for now:

ModularGrid Rack

Let me explain the changes:

  • I need more VCA’s ! I’m coming from a smaller setup with less everything, where the Quad VCA made sense but it’s clearly too little now. Even the mixer I use to mix & match waveforms from the C-sL could be a Quad VCA instead, it would probably be more fun, being able to control the mix by hand AND cv ! So I removed the Mixup and added a Quad VCA from Doepfer and a small double VCA in the 1U row. For now…

  • I need multi tracking ! For now I thought of adding the expander for my mixer, I’d lose the effects on the recording but I suppose I should consider the Mimeophon as a 1 track effect (like the Chorus from the 1U effects, for example) instead of a send, it’s a bit noisy as a send anyway. I’m very open to ideas on how to do things better, though !

  • I like having 2 different filters with the C-sL but I miss a proper stereo VCF for that voice I feel, so I thought of repurposing the Viol Ruina to an effect duty, and introduce the Erica Stereo VCF in the mix (if I can find one, I think they’re discontinued but I see some on the 2nd hand market).

  • I don’t like having to sacrifice the Disting for logic duties (or worse, Maths), so a Kinks could come in very handy I reckon.

  • I’m using one of the Intellijel Mixups which are remains of my old build as mixers for feedback paths and what not, but a matrix mixer would be so much better, so I think building the AI Synthesis is almost a must-do for me.

  • Added the ResEq in the hope that I could figure out how to properly order parts for the build. Or buy one already made. Anyway, looks like a lot of sound timbre fun to be had, I mean, it just ticks too many boxes of what is fun for me (feedback, distortion, band rejection, oh boy).

  • The times when I wish I had more cv inputs on the Zadar are sorta rare but I figure those + the trigs for each channel would be nice to have.

  • Finally I’d like to have some sort of hands-on controller, to be able to trigger voices and or modulation, the Tetrapad seems like a perfect fit, probably a lot more so than the Pressure Points. I still need to investigate how necessary Tête really is.

Anyway, enough of what I think, let’s hear what you think ! What would you change ? What do you think of my plan for the future, am I missing something glaringly obvious (or very obscure) ?
Looking forward to read your opinions and thank you in advance for your time !

Take care !

--- Voltage control all the things ---


this is my contribution.
what do you think of it ?

Recorded in May during lockdown.

I have one FHX-1 expander for my expert sleepers FH-2 midi interface dedicated to LFOs. So that's giving me 8 (clock synced) LFOs in 4HP. Could easily add a few more. The only potential issue being that those LFOs have to be configured on either the FH-2's tiny screen or via Midi CC on something like a Faderfox or (in my case) an Octatrack. I wouldn't recommend an FH-2 just for the LFOs :) But if Midi is something you need in your rack anyway... why not? Works for me.

Hehehe, so funny!!!

Alas, the world of the internet is 99% full of this kind of stuff... it is advertising!!!! Plain and simple...!!

"what are Astroworld hoodies ?"

How would you go about answering this question?

Therein the answer...

If ONLY it was aliens!

Well... it is, but not the kind you are hoping for!

Guess I will NEVER be buying anything they allude to ever in my life!
-- Kel_

But what do they allude to ? I don't even understand what he's on about... What are those "classics" I never heard of ? What is a website drop, what are Astroworld hoodies ? What about fellow "ragers" ? The world of the intellectually challenged is so mysterious !

Even more curious is how the guy created an account here on the 17th, and even went as far as to create 2 empty racks (takes a few clicks, you can't really automate that), then waited a full week to post something, only to post a failed copy-paste (how do you fail a copy/paste ? Another mystery here straight from the lands of the brainless) which won't be driving anyone to anything because there's so much failure here one couldn't make sense of it even if one tried.

I choose to believe that he's in fact a secret agent working for the aliens and using this forum as a way to communicate with other agents, the above is clearly a coded message. The mention of Astroworld gave it away...

--- Voltage control all the things ---

this user has left ModularGrid

My small 6u case has 2 voice modules, the rest are modulation, fx, VCAs and support modules like attenuators/attenuerverters, logic and cv mixers. It is what I learned as a beginner. Maybe start with a prebuilt system like Doepfer A100 or Make Noise system or maybe the ALM Busy Circuits Coupe system that comes with these things?