What's happening here?! Writed a long post and it submitted only the fist line.

Nooo - I had a heart symbol put there, did it break the submit? greater than symbol + 3. :(

Ok - I have to meditate on top of this, I'll write the stuff again when I have a bit more time. But thank you again for the feedback!

Wow... that's beyond comprehensive! Thanks for your time, really appreciated.

Why is this tagged for video?

Voltage Tweaker

What are your settings in the x fun and y fun pages?

Braids has a built in VCA so you wouldn't necessarily need something like that right away. You should probably have something to control pitch, whether that's a sequencer, keyboard with cv, function generator, whatever. I'm looking into using a LPF with my braids, because some tones can be very bright and an LPF can always be used to great effect. Modulation and trigger sources are a good idea, as well. Some wavetables require a trig input, I believe, though they can be set to auto-trigger on pitch change.

I'm working on a system to complement my Digitakt. I want to make dance music and explore ambient as much as I can. The Digitakt will be my primary sequencer, but I'd like to be able to do some generative melodies in euro as well. Sounds created in the modular system will be sampled and incorporated into my dance music set.

I've built a two-row 84hp case, and have a few of these modules already. I plan on the lower half of the case housing the Digitakt, a Digitech Polara Reverb Pedal, as well as some custom eletronics I'm working on. I plan on the upper half holding the modular gear. The custom electronics include a second MIDI-euro interface with clock output, and a clock divider. I'm also planning on adding some passive attenuators and arcade buttons.

Looking for any feedback on the rack! I'm pretty new to this and I'm worried that I'm missing something on the utility side of things. I'm really shooting in the dark here but I'm excited to get something put together.

Edit: The rack below doesn't reflect the rack I built. I removed the middle row, which I was using as a placeholder for the electronics I'm planning on building.

ModularGrid Rack

Here's a question/request which ought to be easily feasible:

can we make sure that the alignment between using a module on a rack and what appears in the info section of the module in regards to usage is 1:1 ? I mean, I'd like to be able to see exactly on how many racks a module is being used on, no exceptions.

Right now I have a module hidden, which I uploaded and had to remove, which is in no racks (supposedly) but when I try to delete it, it doesn't allow me as "it's being used in some racks". There's probably someone who still has it on a rack but I can't know who or how many there are, since the information is non-existent.

Same goes for when I upload a module the first time, I put it on my rack and there's no info about it being used anywhere. It's a bit weird. Is it possible that it's a bug?

hey guys, after some consideration, i've come to this, am i missing something here? some suggestions?
how best to add manual cv's / triggers? any recommendation?

Thread: technostart

ha, i put the wrong sputnik in there (although i though the optomix just needs to be pinged?) - corrected now..
for mixing i'd thought to abuse veils (and some mixer channels).

looking better now?

Yeeeeeeeeah....gives me a headache in all the RIGHT ways!

Thread: technostart

Aber...Umschläge? Sie haben keine davon fuer Ihre LPG-Module. Sie können auch mit einem weniger komplexen MIDI-Interface arbeiten, da Sie nicht 4 Kanäle von CV / Gate benötigen, um nur ein DPO zu steuern. AD-Umschläge funktionieren am besten für die LPGs, und wenn Sie irgendeine Art von Funktionsgenerierung wünschen, können Sie sich Doepfers A-143-1 ansehen. Es würde einiges an Mischen erfordern, um es da rein zu bekommen, aber du hast immer noch Platz, denke ich.

(Entschuldigung für die ungeschickte deutsche Übersetzung ... es ist schon eine Weile her, seit ich da drüben war und ich habe einiges vergessen. Irgendwie gezwungen, Google zu benutzen, um die Dinge relativ richtig zu machen.)

Thread: First Go

Impressive...about the only thing I would want to substitute out would be to toss one of those triple VCA/mixers in favor of some sort of delay line in that 6hp space. Ambient really sort of needs some sort of sound-field depth manipulation in order to get that immersive quality, and delays seem to be better in restrictive spaces than the reverbs that one might fit in the same space. Plus, with the sequencer, you'd then have the ability to do very Berlin-school-ish 'delay canon' repetitions if the delay can sync to the sequencer clock. While it's spendy, still have a look at Audio Damage's ADM16 Dub Jr....does all of this, plus gives you the fun of an insert in its feedback path. But another way to do this and have even more flexibility would be to go with an effect send/return module such as Malekko's SND/RTN, which would allow you to insert a number of chained outboard devices AND give you another 2 hp to drop a VCF in from...who else?...2hp. You kinda might want a VCF in this, come to think of it.

Thread: technostart

doch lieber pamela's new workout (als den alten..)

This input is great!, I can't thank you both enough!

Thanks again!

Just bought a uO_C from @PinPinKula

PinPinKula was always very quick to reply, and was very helpful.

After the payment went through, i received the tracking information for the package.
The module came very very well packed, i have never received a module this well packed before (either from marketplace or shop purchases). It came nicely packed with lots of protective bubble wrap, and snug inside the box (not too tight and not loose).

Module Quality:
As for the build quality (this is a DIY built by PinPinKula) the module is professional quality build. Never have i seen such a flawless job (human made). I can do some DIY builds and know how much care is needed to build a module by yourself.
I really recommend buying from PinPinKula if you want quality.

If a compactflash card could talk, it would say "yes".

Thread: First Go

Starting to build my first modular rig. Aiming to produce ambient and minimal sounds. Any feedback would be helpful, thanks!

ModularGrid Rack Still working out ideas for the eventual system in here. This time, I tossed out the ADDAC cabs (transatlantic shipping - ugh) and went with a 2Egress/Eurorack Modular Cases 18U double 104hp setup. I feel better about designing the power distro setup myself, anyway; I like using HEAVY gauges on those lines, like 14ga stranded, which is heftier and less prone to 'surprises' over time.

Typical up-left/down-right design, like I prefer. Top two rows are voicing, modulation and VCAs on row three, then left side is modulation on 4 and filters on right. Left 5 is random/timing/CV manipulation and right is FX, then 6 left is sequential crap, 6 right is mixing with the Intellijels used for CVed channel submixers. Plan for controllers is the Keystep I've got now, plus a KOMA Komplex (which fits nicely with that new toy from Instruo at the bottom-center). Really, really open-ended usage architecture...this could wind up in most anything.

Of course, as noted before, I'm apt to come up with some other idea as new stuff appears, so mmmmmmaybe this one, or mmmmmmaybe not...?

Oh, hell yes! If this is going in that Dreadbox cab, really all that's left some way to get back down to line-level out of the Dreadbox's Mixer A, and there should be a 2hp solution for that. Or just use the System-1's outs. This is quite open-ended.

Normal synth, row 2, abnormal synth, row 1, and all the right bits. Nice...

Emotionally, "what for dinner" is my most important decision in a day. As good choices bring essential daily happiness.

Technically, Just Type is the main sound source, a Mangrove to beef up low end. Two Sisters, one in crossover mode for tone shaping, another in format mode for intense effects, sometimes percussive.

I think the charm lies in the method of polyphony stacking to distortion (a thing to avoid in "normal" sense) for timber morphing. And occasionally jumping modulations to provide a feel of paragraphs.


ModularGrid Rack

I kinda like this idea...keeps the A-106-1 and the MATHS, but tosses in four VCOs, a couple of VCSs, plenty utilities, three VCAs in the same form factor. If it's supposed to be a starter rig, having the ability to do modulation at both audio and low frequencies is pretty key to learning how to concoct a timbral palette. It also allows mixing for the VCO outs (left mixer, AC-coupled) and mixing/summing CVs (right mixer, DC-coupled). Disting for weird processing things, stereo mixer, stereo outs. In a way, it's got a good bit of what you'd find on a classic 'teaching synth' like an ARP 2600 but with some Euro twists and the ultra-power modulation voodoo of the MATHS to boot.

Great! Looks good to start with and find out about the basics.
Once you've done that you will know much better what suits you and you can still check out more special stuff then.
Have fun!

Veils is more or less the same thing as the Intellijel minus the boost circuit and plus $10 more. Either would work for the same functions, though.

Hmmm...MakeNoise's Contour only really appears to give you CV over the attack and decay and not the sustain and release. Instead, I'd prefer having full CV control. Look at Tiptop's offering, though...all parameters under CV, plus onboard attenuverter and CV offset, only $25 more, same space.

Always get as much as possible under CV control when you can; even if it seems like you'd think 'when would I use that?'...sure enough, you'll find yourself in a situation where you'd like to have that functionality.

Power...see what you can make do with at present. But at the same time, if your total current load approaches 3/4ths of your power supply's presumed capacity, then take steps to increase your power capabilities. I don't advocate pushing a power supply right up to its limit as I've seen amateur radio switching supplies get flaky as the current draw would approach maximum, and those tend to be lots higher amperage on both capacity and draw (plus lots more variable in current fluctuation). It's best to assume that when your synth is up and running that the draw isn't going to be 100% level all the time, just like modulation peaks on some transmitters for ham radio can alter the draw of those components. Always overspec on power...always; there's nothing wrong with having too much amperage capability, but there sure as hell IS when you're suddenly discovering there's not enough! Not fun!

OK...let's beat on the other cab set now...

First up, more VCAs. Waaaaay more, especially linear since you've got some good modulation sources in there and it's nice to use those on VCAs to change not only audio level but to modulate CVs as well. The linears will mainly deal with the latter; as for the former, my take there would be to put something that both offers exponential VCAs and mixing near or at the output. Have a look at Qu-bit's Mixology. In the case of that module, you get a four-in, stereo-out performance mixer with CV control per strip on level, panning, and AUX send. That last bit would allow you to use the Erbeverb or Echophon in an effects loop on your stereo output and not just inline in a single signal path. Plus, adding something that can do stereo-in and out would let you put that (or the Clouds, which would let you manipulate the entire system's output at once) across your output, provided you had an output module to deal with your level/impedance changes for line-level to your mixer/line-in/whatever. And if you need more mixing, something to submix sources down per strip could be done, either a manual mixer or one with VCAs per input so that you can do some elaborate level controls but summing those to a single output level/pan position.

I can't be happier to see the new performance mixers that have come along over the past couple of years, also. They really are something I would've killed for way back when, instead of having to split signals off through some sort of kludge into separate mixing desk channels.

Next, lose the Vermona stuff. I think that what they're doing with those modules is better accomplished by other makers. The MIDI interface would better be done by Mutable's Yarns, which also gives you four CV and trig/gate outs, but also includes a 64-step sequencer in of itself plus a bunch more tricks. Only a bit more expensive, but it's smaller, more capable, and since you've already specced out a bunch of Mutable stuff, not a bad fit. As for the LFO, I think you could do a lot better with Doepfer's A-143-4...also quad, has much the same functionality as the Vermona, but it's smaller, cheaper, and it has a jumper setting on it that can change it from an LFO/VCO to an LFO/really slow LFO. That's quite fun stuff when paired with the MATHS and the PEG, gets you into some complex stuff especially if you add those linear VCAs I mentioned. Lots of very gradual changes + your sequencing setup means you can create longer, more nuanced work that heads more in a generative direction, or at the very least adds plenty of interesting shifting potentials over something more determinate.

Add a Brains along with the Pressure Points. Even if a Squarp, etc is doing the 'heavy lifting' on sequencing, having little subsequenced patterns within those primary sequence patterns get quite interesting. Have a look at 'I Dream of Wires' where Morton Subotnick's talking about how he dealt with the sequencer patterns on the second part of "Silver Apples of the Moon" by setting inequal lengths against each other (might just be in the Hardcore Edition). That piece kills; it's not simply avant-garde electronics, either, as I've heard a couple of DJs back in the day spinning it against some minimal stuff (think Maurizio, etc) and it made people CRAZY with all of the cross-rhythms and shifting pattern stuff on top of a hard beat! And while on this point, look into more clock modulation possibilities, like I mentioned with the percussion cab. The ability to constantly tinker with temporal values is great here, too, even if the Squarp is set to maintain a set tempo; this would open up even more polyrhythmic potential.

Last, the Braids problem. Unless you can find a used one, you'll either have to source an open-source build, or consider something else. If the latter, go with some sort of source that also is multi-mode capable, like MakeNoise's Telharmonium or some such so that you still get the variation of sound potential plus some very crazed sounds as a certainty.

Again, not a bad start...there's a lot of potential there already, it just needs the right 'helpers' to get it to really kick ass.

You're a gent! thank you. I've updated my rack and am feeling excited!!!


Nice, will definitely check that out! What about veils by mutable instruments? Been looking at that today. And the make noise adsr. Or would you have any other options ? To be honest I’m not bothered about hp as I have the current space and a second 84 hp rack not in use :) also quick question. Would it be wiser to get a ribbon cable adapter or get a second power module? As I am looking to expand to at least 3 rows. Thanks for messaging. It’s nice to get some helpful information rom someone who is obviously super passionate about modular!

If you're just talking linear VCAs, it's one of the better space-saving choices. However, I would be more inclined to look at something which offers more flexibility even if this means taking up more space. Take the Intellijel Quad VCA, for example...in that case, you get four VCAs which can also sum down to allow the module to function as a mixer, adjustable behavior between linear and exponential (which tends to be better for audio signals, because of how we perceive loudness), a signal boost per VCA, and so on. Granted, the Intellijel is 8 hp instead of two and costs $100 more, but I feel that you get more functionalty that justifies the price difference and extra width use. Since your current layout is lacking in a multisource mixer and VCAs, better to kill two birds with one stone here...and then some, really.

Oh, and if you have the possibility: go to a local synth store, check out some modules, talk to people, find out what you want and need!

Cool! I would still recommend getting rid of the Doepfer A-138p performance mixer. There are more important modules to start with and if you plan a rather small rack at first (which is absolutely the right way to go!) it is oversized. Plus, your maths and the intellijel vca can mix signals.
So I'd very much advise to get a proper VCO in its place. That is something you really need.

Also a nice filter is a good choice. You had one in there before, right? Doepfer has some good ones, but there is really a ton out there. Same infinity of choices as with VCOs...

And you might check out the disting: It is a slim module with lots of functions; might be helpful if you don't have much rackspace.

Also, try to figure out which modules suit the music you want to make. If you want to play melodies you might consider getting a sequencer. If you want to do droney/ambient stuff that might not be soo important (although still good!).

Most probably you won't need an audio out. If for example you want to record stuff on your computer you can probably go directly from a vca (or whatever) into the interface. Normally interfaces can handle the hot (loud) output of a modular. (But it's best to check that out before hand.)

Generally speaking it is good to start with a few modules and get to know them really well before expanding your system.
It is also the best way to not get frustrated by an overkill of possibilities at the start.

Good luck and... have fun!

Hey Phineas!

Thanks for your input! and friendly welcome. I'll mess around with my rack and modules and see if I can make improvements. I've made some suggested improvements, do I require an audio out?

Cheers again!

Hi Jaysus,

and welcome! You got most of the basics covered - you should get a VCO as the voice of your system, though. The range of choices here is huge (starting with the question of analog/digital...). Intellijel's dixie might be somethingm, or the Tiptop Z3000, or the WMD spectrum, Doepfer has a selection of VCOs as well ...
You might throw out the Performance mixer to clear rackspace for that.
Also, you should get a dedicated VCA. I can really recommend Intellijel's uVCA. It's not too expensive and does not take up too much space.
Finally, I am not sure if you need the multiple really.
Hope that helps you on a bit.


I'm about to plunge in the unknown depths of modular synthesis and trying to convert my sonic interests and available funds into a my first modular sound lab:)
If have experience with programming regular keyboard/rack synths and own quite a few of them, and also have some experience with building simple DIY projects like a simple 8 step sequencer, an APC and and other (simple) sound generators with standard components and IC's. Maybe I would like to (re)build some simple modules myself to be added to my future modular setup.

What I'm looking for is a setup geared not exclusively to analog/subtractive means of making interesting sounds. I'm particularly interested in granular/sample mangling and physical modelling synthesis. I already own an Elektron Analog Four which I want to use as the main sequencer for my modular setup.
My available budget is max. 3000 euro but I wouldn't mind spending a bit less to start off with and have some money to spend on further acquisitions based on my first months of experience.

ModularGrid Rack

All this I'm planning to place in a Dreadbox case 168 (https://www.dreadbox-fx.com/case168/) to use its mixer, lfo and attenuator functions. I can also use its midi to cv function to have extra sequencing options by using midi data coming from my Electron Octratrack.
The Roland System 1M seems like a good and affordable toolbox with it's envelopes, LFO's, basic effects and oscillators.
I could imagine that after some time of experimenting and experience I will remove the System 1M again and free up the space for more elaborate modules (but also more expensive ones I don't want to spend my budget on yet).

My current choices are mainly based on watching and reading tutorials but probably I overlooked some shortcomings or better options so that's why I would appreciate any good tips or ideas! Thanks!

would you say the 2hp VCAs a good option?

thanks so much mate ill take your information on board!

Hi - I'm new to all of this, If some of you could check out my rack and tell me if it has all the basics essentials for starting out.


Hmm...good thing I'm kinda bored on my day off...

VCAs, VCAs, VCAs. More of 'em. Remember, they're not just for audio; using DC-coupled linear VCAs gives you the ability to control/modulate CVs as well, and with the MATHS and Wogglebug, you've got some great control/modulation potentials. Plus, if you're going to establish two signal paths (which the Rosie implies) you need more AC-coupled exponentials to deal with the audio signals in those paths.

More straight-up envelopes to go with the more VCAs, too...ADSRs or ASRs for those audio path VCAs are a must.

Not sure about the Rosie, also...with the Clouds and RT60 being stereo units, I would tend to go with a stereo output and stereo mixer. Plus, you can then patch these between the mixer outs and the output module and use them more as global effects (or in the Clouds' case, global sound tinkerage).

Remember: Braids isn't being produced anymore by Mutable, so the options there are either a used one or one of the open-source builds. Also, maybe consider something with some twisty modulation possibilities, like an Intellijel Rubicon.

I'd lose the A-145 altogether. The A-143-3 gives you three more of more or less the same thing for less than $50 more in only 6 more hp and all you'd lose is the sync input and your reverse saw waveform. Not a bad tradeoff unless the sync is essential, then the A-147-2 would be better as you not only get that back, but CV capability, a gate delay, and an onboard VCA for CV manipulation for about the same cost as the 143-3. Only one LFO, sure, but it's got way more potential.

Otherwise, not a bad start...plenty more space to work with, too.

I'll second the call for the mult. Also, if you have the O-Coast, you might consider pulling the MIDI interface and substituting something that can get audio into the skiff so the Clouds can chew on it alongside the other sound generation path. The O-Coast can handle the skiff's MIDI just fine via its MIDI 2 outputs since you only have a single VCO, etc signal path in there. Also, don't forget you can crosspatch this with the O-Coast for other functions, such as clocking, etc and then you'd just treat it plus this as a single device...which, actually, would be a pretty beefy device.

One of Ladik's mixers that has panning and line-level stereo outs might be a better fit in that same space where the current Ladik sits now, too...could be useful to sum the O-Coast and skiff's signals together as a single stereo pair, plus you can also use the O-Coast's output for something else entirely.

One thing I was always taught early on was that if you can tandem two full systems together...as in this case...you're really not getting the result of one device plus one device. The possibilities are a bit more exponential, more like two squared. The more you can crosspatch, the more complex and outright interesting the situation gets!

Grr...had a rather extensive reply on this, but MG logged me out while I was writing it and I lost the whole damned thing. Let's see if I can get the basics down from that again before it bongs me once more.

Drum rack: add some metallic/noise-based sources. The Mutant Machine and Plonk can do these basic functions, sure, but you want to use these for more complicated sound design, otherwise they're a bit of a waste. Look at some little Tiptop stuff for snares, cymbals, hats...the basics...then the other two beefier modules can do some weird variations on those.

The combo of the Field Kit FX and ER-301 is excellent...gets you way off into King Tubby-land or weirder. In fact, probably weirder...which is better!

Consider a dedicated trigger sequencer here to supplement the Squarp outboard one. Plus by using a more 'fixed' pattern sequencer against something more fluid like your outboards, you get lots of potential cross-rhythmic possibilities. I see there's a Grids, but those always stuck me more as a 'sequence manipulator' than just a sequencer, so it would also be a variation device.

Put in some things for making more old-school electronic percussion sounds...a few very basic AD generators + some resonant filters gives you loads of possibilities for sounds such as filter snaps, 'rung' filter sounds like in old beatboxes. Nothing too fancy; you would be just fine with a handful of 2hp stuff here for a space-saving solution.

Add the ability to modulate clocks and triggers...you want something for swing to get things a little more humanized, plus you can shuffle one sequence and not another, then use a trigger combiner (like Xaoc's Bytom) to get flams. Skippers can add a probabilistic dropped hit here and there, making more humanized variation. And then a few clock manipulators plus some logic that you can apply to rhythmic gates can create a lot of cross-rhythmic craziness. Both EMW and Ladik make plenty of space-conscious options that come in pretty cheaply.

Last, look at a mixer that's suitable for percussives, like Hex's Mutant Hot Glue. This thing also has some methods onboard for adding some 'grit' plus compression, and that last bit is important. I don't know how many times over the years I've found myself putting a bus compressor across my drum busses to 'punch' things, make them hit harder and get more in the listeners' faces. Percussion needs to HIT...and compression gets things 'hitty'.

Otherwise, not too shabby...I like the presence of the Elements and Rings for adding plenty odd sounds; it strikes me that the Plonk thru the Rings would have lots of 'abuse potential'.

Will get to the other rack later; don't want to have MG drop me and lose all of this typing a second time...

Would love some patch ideas from people as I am new to modular. Thanks !

Thread: Patch ideas

Hey everyone. Please could I get some help with patch ideas with my new set up which i have put up on here? Would be awesome to hear back off some friendly modular mad people to talk to!

Im also new to Eurorack. I started with the Mother 32. I can speak for Maths and Disting. Maths was also my first addition and was really tricky for me at first and I didnt really understand it...But at a certain point it clicked and I was just like "...woah....this thing is SO useful..." I am also completely in love with the Disting. Its so useful (especially for a small system) I think I might get another one.

someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I am pretty sure clouds is going to start to get pretty hard to find...So if you see one you should try to grab it quick.

I would definitely squeeze a multiple in that open 2hp.

Not bad! Yeah, there's a few things I'd do a little differently, but otherwise I can see what you seem to be aiming for here, and it looks good. The use of the 1U rows does a nice job of splitting up the cabs, but you could also side-by-side the first and second towers and fill with blanks where there's not anything. I'd go more into the architecture of the modules themselves, but that would be sort of OT for this topic.
-- Lugia

Now there's a new post about the build if you'd like to comment! :)


Hi! Reorganizing my modules and would appreciate the feedback. Either on basic layout tips from you experts or perhaps some tips if I'm missing something really major in your opinion from my build.

These modules are yet to come, but other modules I have already:
Field Kit FX
Quad Morphing VCO

Sequencing mostly with Deluge or Squarp - so I don't feel any need for modules for sequencing purposes.

Main build
ModularGrid Rack

ModularGrid Rack


Need some guidance and experienced ideas about this rack that I've planned. Completely new to the modular world...
I already have a 0-coast (tons of fun) and would like to add some modulation capabilities, so I was considering Math as the first step. Later on hoping to use the rack both as a stand-alone sound generation, and later on integrated with my DAW as sound-mangling unit. MI Clouds looks like a great second or third component, along with the ExpertSleepers Disting unit.

Would appriciate some ideas if I forgot something important, or units that I should consider before going ahead with the stuff placed in the rack right now.. Thanx in advance.

But conversely, if a used Akai S3000xl can be had for 120 UKP on eBay UK and a Doepfer A-100 LC1 48 hp cab alone costs 119 EUR, I'm not sure of why you'd go through with having just the ONE in a rack, even as a starter module. The Akai already has the signal level situation sorted, no issues with powering, deals with MIDI just fine, and does what the ONE does as well as quite a bit more. It sounds more to me like you'd be better off waiting until you can build up a system that's a lot more sonically open-ended in Eurorack, rather than just going with this single function which can be accomplished better and more self-contained in an easily-obtainable and inexpensive used rackmount sampler unit. Not saying 'don't' here, but just pointing out that there's other solutions outside of the modular synth box that you might find quite suitable.

  1. Get a used Doepfer beauty case (https://www.thomann.de/de/doepfer_a100mc_raw.htm).
    They go used for ~50 EUR and include power for a handful of modules.


  1. Construct a case from spare wood (see http://www.doepfer.de/a100_man/a100m_e.htm for dimensions) or cardboard (). Rails are usually required for that but you can get away with using wooden bars and wood screws to attach the modules with. Get a (used) uZeus PSU and module. You won't grow out of that as fast as with the Doepfer. Heck I even saw a rack made of wooden book shelfs with the modules screwed to them and bricks and tiles as spacers! I guess you can't go any cheaper than that.

To connect the module to your other stuff your mixer should have a -15/-20 db pad switch at its inputs. That should bring your module level to line level used elsewhere. To get outside signals up to modular level, your cheapest option would the headphone amp in your mixer I guess.

hello, and a big ‘thank You!’, first of all, to any modular head who is bothering to read my thread and hopefully will be happy to give me some advice.
I have no experience regarding modular systems at all, and even though I’m very curious about them and wish to get into them proactively further down the line, at the moment it’s simply not an option due to the very limited financial resources and funds I have (or rather don’t have) available, so for the time being my concern is purely to be able to use the SAMPLE PLAYER MODULE “ONE” by TIPTOP AUDIO along the rest of my audio set up, which isn’t modular, and it is simply all fed into either an analogue or digital mixer, depending on the situation, which outputs to active speakers.
More specifically I guess what I need to know is
*how to supply power to the module (I’m based in UK but also travel to Europe regularly),
*how to get its levels right ( I know modular signals are hotter than usual line signals) so it can be inputted into the mixer,
*and perhaps how to be able to control it with another device, I imagine via Midi,
*as well as upgrading its firmware when it’ll be needed if that’s something relevant to modular setting?!
As mentioned what’s currently most important for me is to do the above in the cheapest way possible, but of course within this frame if there’s options that allow me to make this set up open for future modular development rather than not I’d definitely go for those options, though for instance if not having a case for the module for now doesn’t cause any safety issue I would be happy to do without until I won’t get more.
Can anybody spare a few moments to enlighten me and give me directions on the matter?
Ignorance isn’t always bliss, damn! :)
Thank Yous, a Gentle Werewolf

I just had a very pleasant experience buying from @pixfoil. Very recommended!

Didn't mean to offend when I mentioned the reverse panel post. I fully understand that not everyone is aware of the Panel Selector option, as I'm aware that not everyone will bother scrolling through all the panels.

As is the panel number increases with each edit, whether it was panel related or not. Then we have all the people posting duplicates because they can't be arsed to use the search function! Not even alternative versions, just mere duplicates. And then, my favorite, people uploading a duplicate just to promote a sale. Love it even more when it's not even a module!

Anyway, I think merge would do wonders here. But for starters a warning when someone presses the Submit button "Are you sure this module isn't already available? Did you check the Panel Selector for alternative versions?" :)

Love and piece

Just got policed by PP, not being aware of the new panel switch feature.
Great initiative, both the function and PP efforts.

Can i suggest to define some official guidelines on this and send it by PM to all users?
There may be more users like me that do not read often the forum, but are heavy tetris players.

A Eurocrack Pusher: "The first time is for free" ;)

Thread: Change Log

Selectable Panel Images

TLDR; there are two arrow buttons to change the panels images.
-- modulargrid

Great feature! Thanks a lot for that.

A Eurocrack Pusher: "The first time is for free" ;)