Being newer to modular, I wonder if what I experienced is just the nature of the beast that is modular that I should just get used to or more of an anomoly for an apparently popular module.

One of the modules I've been wanting to initially get added to my slowly growing rack is the Frap Tools 321. I put my name on notification lists for a couple stores so I would know when they were back in stock...apparently, that is not an efficient way to get something that is out of stock (and apparently wildly popular).

I recieved an email notification from a store last night that they had them back in stock...when I went to the storefront to get an order in this morning, it showed them as out of stock. My initial thought was that they just had not updated their inventory online but when I reached out to them, they said they had sold out of them much for adding your name to a email notification when something is back in stock....LOL


The Hydrasynth and the Microfreak complement all this.

-- Hikove

I have a Hydrasynth that I'm building my modular around...although to be honest, its being built around that and the use of my DAW/VSTs and an Artura Minibrute 2 as well. I have an Arturia Minibrute 2 which will be added into the mix eventually and that is why for me, I chose to buy the Rackbrute 6U (much to the chagrin of many on here :) ) I currently have Maths and Quadrax that I am working through and its quite a rabbit hole using those with the Mod 1 and Mod 2 inputs on the Hydrasynth (I have the desktop version). I also just figured out how to use the Ring Modulation to accept audio into the Hydrasynth from my DAW and yet now another rabbit hole. Good luck with your build...I can't imagine doing anything but a slooooooow build with modular systems to get used to all the possibilities that it presents.


and rtf 'maths illustrated supplement'

and especially work your way through the 'maths illustrated supplement' a good few times - possibly each. time you get a new module

-- JimHowell1970

+1 on the maths illustrated supplement...i have been going through at least one of the lessons each day since I got Maths to try to understand all that it can do...and in some cases had to go back over one or two of them to really grasp on to what was happening...more so because I'm very new to modular in general.


nice! really enjoyed that!


Funny that you mention the Happy Nerding FX Aid XL module as I just picked one up from Analogue Haven as that was the only shop that had one online in stock for sale and Shawn is a stand up guy and was helpful when I asked him some modular questions. Great module so fun and I am still learning mine. I love using it along with my Mimeophon for great results.
-- sacguy71

Nice! Can't wait to get mine....I think I've contracted a case of GAS...saw someone with a Warps avaialble and also picked that up this week as well. I think I need to stop for a while because I was just starting to undertsand some of the use cases for my Maths and then threw a Quadrax into the mix with it which quickly taught me that I know with the FX Aid XL and Warps on the way, I think I will be busy learning for quite a while


I'm thinking there is a bigger universal picture to my getting into modular...currently not being able to find modules that have been recommended for what I'm wanting to do is forcing me to dive deeper into the two modules I currently have (Maths and Quadrax playing with my Hydrasynth desktop)...however, I did find a FX Aid XL this morning and its now on the way.

I heard that Frap Tools is shipping again, I've been looking to get the 321...that and the QX expander will be coming shortly thereafter...if they are available.

On a more serious note...does availability of modules go in 'cycles'...has the pandemic really hurt the module manufacturers (ie chip and raw material shortages) or is it more the nature of modular in general that availability comes and goes in cycles?


New to modular so apologies for what is probably a very rudimentary question.

I am using Ableton Live with a MOTU 828 (CV outputs). I have a Hydrasynth that I am sending midi tempo signals to and am wondering, if I patch the Hydrasynths output into two of the modules I currently have, should they be tempo synched to the midi tempo I have sent out from Ableton?...does it automatically flow through the clock output from the Hydrasynth into my modules (using a stackcables to go to two different modules).

What is the best way to mange tempo when using a hybrid sort of setup?


To add to @JimHowell1970's excellent answer: I designed to top two rows to be completely usable as a synth on its own - VCOs into VCF into VCAs with lots of modulation capabilities. The Grids can be used as the clock source and the Pico DSP can be considered its "output module". I have a Twisted Electrons Crazy8 laying around that I can use as the sequencer.

Curious as to why the variety of VCAs…why wouldn’t you just use one type of VCA multiple times? For example, you have the 3X VCA and then also the Veils quad VCA in the top row…why not just two of the Veils? Is it for different functionality that some have vs others? Different sonics? Looks like the Tallin is also a VCA?

Another interesting tidbit about combining 2 Rackbrutes is that, by default, the lower half mounts "upside down", as can be seen in this video by BoBeats. This means the power supply of the lower Rackbrute will be in the bottom right, which disturbed me. However, by unscrewing the wooden side panels it's possible to "flip" the internal assembly so that the hinge can be mounted on the other side, making the two Rackbrutes in the same orientation again. Definitely something you'll want to do when getting your second Rackbrute!
-- splendor

That is a great tip to know, thanks! I’m probably a good couple years away from that :) I do have the Arturia mini brute 2 which I was thinking to mount to the 6U…second guessing myself as to whether I maybe should have gotten the 2S instead for the sequencing


Very nice and inspiring considering I have a Rackbrute 6U with two modules currently (Maths and Quadrax).
I'm still quite new to the modular scene and don't know what a number of the modules in your setup do...can you describe how you have things set up between the two 6Us? top for synth and modulations and bottom for drums and other stuff?


Just recieved the second module in my build. I now have the Maths and Quadrax and all I can say is holy crap there is a lot to learn with just these two around with them using my Hydrasynth. They are both pretty 'deep' and I'm sure will take a while to really learn how to use them....looking around at some of these HUGE racks people have thinking damn, I'm barely scratching the surface. Its all good as I love the process of learning.

I'm not sure if its possible yet, but could I modulate the Quadrax with Maths (or vice versa)? if so, does anybody have any suggestions to try out?


Thread: ES-8 vs ES-9

ES8 is good choice but you may find the 4 inputs a bit limiting especially if you like processing and effecting drum voices separately in your DAW. For this reason I paired mine with an es-6 so that may be an option later down the road and the combined size is still 4 hp smaller than the es9 albeit with less functionality. I personally thought that was a better option although I also considered Lugia's setup at the time but connecting firewire to tb3 was expensive as I needed 3 dongles in the end that were about £80 if I recall, but if you have the dongles already this would be a great option and I still think some of these older devices still look great in the rack with their LED displays.

Hey, thanks for the feedback. The rack is really a recommended build based on my goals of being able to interface with my Hydrasynth desktop and having as much flexibility/options that you could in a Rackbrute 6U. To date I only have the Maths and having been playing around a little bit with that connected up to my Hydrasynth. I think my next investment is going to be the ES8 so I can start playing around with CV Tools as well. Definitely open to suggestions if you have any based on my goal of using what I already have (Hydrasynth, Focusrite 8i6, Ableton, Push2 and Launchkey 49)

8 outputs are more than enough for me on the ES8 for modulation as I only use these when I run out of modulation sources in my rack or from my 2 neutrons

Confused me on this one...did you say above you also have an ES6 that you use with ES8 because you felt a bit limited?...but then you are saying 8 outputs are more than enough...sorry, maybe i'm completely misunderstanding your point, I'm really new to thd modular world.

Why do you need your cosmix, Intellijel audio I/O and the fx aid xl as you could effect and mix in Ableton using your es8 inputs.

This build was really a recommendation for something to consider based on wanting to integrate my Hydrasynth with whatever I build (I forgot to mention above I also have a Minibrute 2 that I may want to plug in as well)...but ultimately looking to run audio back into Ableton using my Focusrite 8i6. Definitely open to module suggestions as I'm limiting myself to the Rackbrute 6U for a variety of want to pack as much flexibility into it as possible.

I thought adding the Intellijel audio I/O would allso me to run the audio out of my Hydrasynth through my modular for fun and then the outs from it to the input on my Focusrite? maybe i'm not thinking it through correctly...


Thread: ES-8 vs ES-9

@JimHowell1970 - thanks for all your replies, really appreciate your helping me along with my confusion on all this :)

If I get the ES-8...thats all I need in order to us CV Tools in Ableton Live to send/receive CV? Is it doing that via the USB?
Then for recording stuff coming from my modular/Hydrasynth, I could use the combination of the ciao and a-520 to route audio to my Focusrite? i have all of that right?

If I substitue the Ciao! with the Intellijel Audio Interface II, would that allow me to route audio into the modular setup from my Hydrasynth for any processing and then back out to my Focusrite?

According to their website all Focusrite ¼ inch (6.35mm) jack inputs and outputs are mono balanced.


Thread: ES-8 vs ES-9

I am using Windows PC and it does use ASIO. I specify ASIO driver in Ableton and then Focusrite USB ASIO as the 'audio device' in Ableton. I live in the US (not sure if that means I have balanced power or not though)

So in this rack: ModularGrid Rack

On the right top and bottom would the Ciao! and A-520 4ch(in) line preamp be what you're referring to as input and output?
Would I still need to make room for the ES-8 to use CV Tools with the system then as well?


Thread: ES-8 vs ES-9

@Lugia - So if I got the ES-8, would I be able to use my Focusrite to record into Ableton? I guess that is my biggest confusion point with building out this 'hybrid' system any further right now. Have been reading that you have to have a DC coupled audio interface to use CV tools. I want to be able to continue building out my Rackbrute 6U so I can integrate it with my Hydrasynth desktop (which I'm already messing around with using Maths)...but also want to use Ableton CV tools to control things as needed/wanted and then record back through my Focusrite into Ableton.

Do I need to incorporate something like the Intelijel Audio Interface II as well so I can go out from my Hydrasynth into my modular and then back out from that to my Focusrite to record in Ableton? or I could bypass anything in the modular if I wanted and go straight thru the Intelijel straight to Ableton, etc. So many routing


Thread: ES-8 vs ES-9

Looking for some feedback on the Expert Sleepers ES-8 vs. ES-9

My 'hybrid' setup will only ever be as big as the RackBrute 6U...I know, thats what everyone always says when they get into modular :) I have Ableton Live 11 Suite and want to make use of CV Tools to integrate my modular setup with Ableton and I've heard the Expert Sleepers module(s) are a must have for this. I'm just wondering what I would be missing if I went with just the ES-8 vs ES-9...Since the RackBrute 6U is as big as I'll ever get, I obviously want to conserve space for adding cool modules so am looking at the ES-8 for that reason alone, but wondering if I'd be missing out on any thing big if I didn't go ES-9.

One other item of note regarding my setup...I also have a Hydrasynth desktop which I've already been playing around with using the first module in my RackBrute (the Make Noise Maths) ES-8 vs ES-9 with that in mind also comes into play. I currently have a Focusrite 8i6 audio interface, Push2 and LaunchKey49

Thanks for any suggestions/feedback!


I think it would be interesting to be able to take sounds from a track in Ableton (for example, i have an iPad with some cool/different synths (Animoog and Sound Prism to name just a couple)...and run them through various modules in my rack and then back into another track in Ableton...would that be accomplished with some sort of 'sampler' module?

-- jb61264

if you had an ES-9, you could send and return the audio using that module alone, plus a suitable digital link to the Focusrite (like an ADAT Lightpipe). This would also result in having dedicated interface I/O for the modular alone, which isn't a bad idea because, well, CV Tools. And yes, you CAN simultaneously move audio and CV signals over the same Lightpipe and Expert Sleepers module.

I'm a little confused on this...ADAT Lightpipe is for an optical connection? The Focusrite 8i6 doesn't have an optical connection but does have an S/PDIF in and out...could that be used? would i instead use the ES-4 SPDIF/CV Interface and get the same functionality? Would I still need an ES-8 or ES-9?


I can't remember if those focusrite interfaces have balanced inputs or not
The Focusrite 8i6 has six balanced line inputs, and four balanced outputs

for amplification you could use an input module - or if you are not going to use it constantly something like MI Veils is a good buy as it has a lot of gain available, is 4 channels and is a cascading vca so can be used as a mixer - intellijel quad also does this - not many vcas do!
The MI Veils is on my list for my RackBrute 6U build....maybe it moves up the priority list a little? :)

but if you want midi i/o from the modular then befaco make both in and output 4 channel midi modules and are usually pretty good
Thanks for that recommendation!


do you already have an audio interface?
if so which one?

do you already have midi i/o from computer?

-- JimHowell1970

I have the Focusrite 8i6. As far as MIDI i/o, it runs through the Focusrite...I have an Ableton Push 2 and also a Novation Launchkey 49 (sometimes I just have to have the keys vs pads :) and they are USB connected to my PC. I think it would be interesting to be able to take sounds from a track in Ableton (for example, i have an iPad with some cool/different synths (Animoog and Sound Prism to name just a couple)...and run them through various modules in my rack and then back into another track in Ableton...would that be accomplished with some sort of 'sampler' module?


So far, this is what I have in my RackBrute 6U build. One of my goals with this build is to not only integrate it with my Hydrasynth and Minibrute 2. I would also like to be able to integrate Ableton Live Midi, M4L devices, etc (I use a Push2 and LaunchKey).

ModularGrid Rack

Looking for recommendations on a module that would give me good midi integration between my eurorack/Hydrasynth and Ableton Live...I'd like to be able to record things in Live as I am messing around/experimenting so I can go back and scrub through recordings to find any 'happy accidents' to use. I have a Focusrite 8i6

Thanks for any recommendations!


Wow! @JimHowell1970 - thats amazing.


the reason I would buy an effect over quadrax is that you will then have 2 modulation sources (Maths and Quadrax) - whereas I would suggest reasonably early on adding something that is modulatable and will process the audio from your other synths - you may find you want something like quadrax next!

Awesome, thanks for the explanation and the recommendation based on my goal of using this with my Hydra and Minibrute 2

whilst I think Lugia's recommendations are always excellent, I would suggest taking them, and mine (and other people's, for that matter) with a little salt - they are much more about functionality, than specific modules, even when specific modules are suggested/recommended - except Maths and Veils!!! hahahaha

I get and appreciate that...honestly tho, taking module recommedations is probably my best option since I don't have a lot of experience with anything yet.

Part of modular is about having your own custom synthesizer - mine for example has 11 sound sources, one of which is polyphonic, and synthesizes both audio and video - it is quite large, I suppose, @ nearly 1500hp - NB the most common manufacturers in my modular are Doepfer, LZX (video) and Mutable Instruments (although some of both the LZX and mutable are DIY)

Do you have your system posted in the racks section of Modular Grid?


Maths is a brilliant starter module - google the "Maths illlustrated manual" - which has illustrations of 32 self patching programs for maths - which is a great primer not only for Maths, but also for patching modular synths in general - it would be top of my list for adding more functionality to semi-modular synths
A quad cascading vca, such as Veils, would be second on that list
I'd probably replace quadrax with one of the effects though - either fx aid xl or warps
I'd also recommend grabbing a few stackcables - being able to use the same signal a couple of times is really handy especially in a small system - and they don't take up rack space
the next modules on my list would be Kinks and Shades or similar - they both add extremely useful functionality

Thanks for the feedback @JimHowell1970 - I just placed my order for the Maths last night and will be ordering again the first weekend in June to get the Veils...sounds like you're recommending to get either fx aid xl or warps instead of the Quadrax, not sure I understand completely what the Quadrax brings to the table, but I'll read up some more on it...again, my idea is to build what Lugia has recommended but do so gradually with what makes sense to start with...thanks for your recommendation!


Totally makes sense, in fact that is what I would recommend you do, no need to rush into spending cash, you already have fun machines so adding to it little by little should be enough and allow for proper learning. Try and pick modules that will immediately bring something to the table, you'd have to seriously look at the patchbay on your existing synths but I'd probably go for Quadrax + Maths + Veils, those 3 alone have the power to rock !
Take your time to study Lugia's answer as well, not only here but other builds he did if you have time, loads of learning to do there as well. Ah, and don't forget to copy the proposed build, Lugia did comment some time ago that he won't be able to keep everyone's builds on his account forever so if you want to keep the work done for you, do copy the rack into your racks ;-)

-- toodee

Thanks @toodee, I have been reviewing Lugia's reply and opened up browser tabs to each module to dig deeper into what each least as much as you can by just reading about it :) and looking closer now at the "Quadrax + Maths + Veils" that you recommended as starting points in my build. One question on your starting recommendations...beings that one of the goals of my build is to extend the capabilities of my Hydrasynth and MiniBrute 2, would you still recommend those three as the starting point knowing i want to be able to patch into/integrate/etc with those two synths?


Since this build is more intended as a "sidecar" as far as its own voicing goes, I opted to add more in the way of modulation sources so that these can go out to the Hydrasynth and/or Minibrute as needed.

This is fantastic, thanks so much for your input on this!

Like I said, this is sort of an "example"...but it's actually not a bad example as it is. But it does hit all the've got a very capable voice section, modulation is nicely overspecced for the modular and other synths to use, and you get onboard FX and stereo mixing that can also take external signals. This is pretty much the sort of thing that would be ideal as a Rackbrute complement for both the Hydrasynth and the Minibrute, though.
-- Lugia

I just received my RackBrute 6U today and want to start building this out. I can't afford to do this all at once so I'm wondering what makes sense in terms of starting points? My thought was to build out the top row first by adding the first four modules and then playing/experimenting with those for a few months until I add the other four and then again playing around with everything for a few months before doing the same on the bottom row. Is that a realistic approach considering the recommended build?


Whenever you see a retailer pushing something specific, the correct reaction is NOT to immediately jump on it. Instead, you need to be asking "why?".

All very good points, which I will be taking forward in my modular journey

I, however, am NOT easily "influenced"

So where is the best place to 'learn' and get good information on beginning a modular system? I did take toodee's recommendation and have downloaded VCV and will play around with that. I think I read another one of your posts (I think it was you that made the comment) to buy a module or two and play around and discover where you want to go from there. I did order the RackBrute 6U earlier today as I know if I am going to dip my feet into modular, I like the idea of integrating it with my Minibrute 2 (being able to connect and carry so to speak). My my goal is to 'extend' the capability/flexibity of making cool sounds with my Minibrute 2 and Hydrasynth...I think I'll have enough HP with the Rackbrute 6U to do some damage but I really just need the 'compass' to point me in the right direction. All the videos on YouTube I've watched so far don't seem to just discuss the basics...these modules do this, that module does that and together they can do this...its more 'abstract' discussion and as I mentioned to someone before, how do you know until you really have your hands on it and are playing around with it...I get that time and experience over time is going to be a big factor in learning modular, but would like those initial recommendations of what someone with lots of experience would do in my shoes


I hope what I'm about to say will not hinder your will to learn modular, but I honestly think this video is a good example of a bad example :-)

Not at all...I'm about as new as it gets to modular. I've watched videos, read through forums, and figured that Perfect Circuit built something specific to work with the Hydrasynth that I couldn't go wrong starting with what they built/included...sounds like I'm wrong about that :)

Crazy modulation and analog filtering/waveshaping is what I consider the main advantage Eurorack can offer to an existing synth setup like yours

This is exactly what I'm looking for. Want to extend the capabilities of both the Hydrasynth and Minibrute by stretching out their legs with the ability to integrate with modular, adding a lot of flexibility/experimentation capability that I can use with both.

What do you feel is missing from what you already have?

That's a tough question to answer because really, how do you know what all everything can do until you really have your hands on it and try it out? I've watched quite a few videos and its the "modular can do anything/everything you want it to" that makes it difficult to answer that...I want to do the crazy filtering/waveshapping sound design thing for sure with the ability to experiement as well.

Are you absolutely set on this rack size ? What is your budget ?

Yes and No :) I like that it can attach directly to the Minibrute 2 and I could easily carry it if I wanted to take it somewhere. I figured it was a good starting point and if I did things right, could add a few cool things while I'm learning more and then add additional things that would compliment the Hydrasynth and Minibrute until I filled it out...heck if I get completely consumed, (which I'm sure I will) I can see myself doing 'builds' from a square wood case like I've seen in a video series I watched and thought was pretty cool.

What is the type of music/sounds you are making ?

I'm all over the electronic music board and love listening and attempting to make anything that feels good to me, I don't try to get into any "I do stuff in this genre" discussion...I really like a lot of The Crystal Method, from Chemical Brothers, Prodigy, New Order, Depeche Mode to a lot of the Deadmau5, Glitch Mob, Massive Attack, Bassnectar as well...and everywhere in between I guess...Not saying I like everything that all of those artists do but definitely enjoy most of the stuff they make.

Trying to answer those questions might help you see things a bit more clearly, and sharing those thoughts on here will help others help you ;-)

Look forward to any suggestions or recommendations you and others may have based on my responses above


Looking for some feedback on adding to a rack build. The initial modules are based on a rack that appeared in this YouTube video:

I recently purchased the ASM Hydrasynth and an Arturia Minibrute...looking to dip my toes into modular and thought getting a Rackbrute 3U that could be used with both the Hydrasynth and Minibrute and incorporating the modules used in the video would be a good start. I've created a rack with the corresponding HP (88) for the Rackbrute and will have 19 HP left to add to. Is there anything critical that I'm missing and/or something I should definitely consider adding to the remaining 19?""