A sequencer would be very low on my list to add-on to this synth,
-- ku14
Point taken, thanks for yoir feedback


If I had to come up with a partner 120hp row to permanently sit on the Matriarch it would look something like this. These modules tend to get the most mileage with the synth.
-- ku14

Awesome, thanks for that response....I happen to just order a Matriarch case for mine from Erik Needham Woodworks....it will have three rows of 150 HP....2 x 3U and 1 x 1U....I'll have the Zorx Electronics 1U CV Bus and Bus Expander...as well as their 1U Through module which does what that Back 2 Front module does...I considered adding the ST Modular Toolbox 1U to fill in that 1U row.

Definitely looking at Batumi and considered Triple Sloths (and maybe another cool NLC module).

Any thoughts on what might be a good sequencer to throw in there? I was considering Metropolix

Also considered (if I could find one) a Sinfonion...maybe overkill for using with the Matriarch?


Wondering if anybody else here has a Matriarch that they use with their eurorack and if so, what modules do you feel really go well with it?


Would some granular stuff fit this 'category'? I have MISO Cornflakes and yes it does things you would expect, but you can get into some pretty wild territory with it too...probably the same for other granular modules.


FYI: https://www.gear4music.com/Keyboards-and-Pianos/Rebel-Technology-AC-DC/4UDA

-- Traxam
Is this an AC-DC build by you?


-- Arrandan thank you! this is exactly what i was looking for! How long ago did you contact Befaco about the noiseness? Think they will 'address' it?


I'm playing around with an Intellijel palette case (62hp) and wondering if there is any sort of alternative to something like the ES-8 that would allow me to get audio into my DAW? I have the ES-8 but it is too deep to fit into the palette case.

In the end I do have a spare Focusrite audio interface and I can just get the 1U stereo line out and use the Focusrite but was curious if there might be a different option.


I am looking to add a VCA module and ran across the Doepfer A-130 (Linear) and A-131 (Exponential) and while I understand "mathematically" what the difference between linear and exponential is, I'm trying to understand the use cases for each and which might be best suited for an overall general purpose VCA...I'm guessing the linear version would be but am interested to hear any feedback regarding the different use cases.


People shy away from CVilization because it looks like it might be difficult to program, but really that couldn't be farther from the truth IMO...but if you want something smallish HP that is a great matrix mixer but can do much more as well, its worth a look for sure: https://u-he.com/products/cvilization/


maybe consider using Beads instead of Clouds...or some other smaller clone of Clouds to conserve HP? that would get you 4HP and you could add something like Disting MK4. Monsoon is a clone that is only 12HP which buys you 6HP and you could add MK4 and something like 2HP Euclid to generate clocked patterns.


Bought an ES-8 from @bassscience and had a great transaction...great communication and module was packaged with great care


Late to the game on this thread but surprised nobody mentioned Ornament & Crime (or Disting EX or MK4) which give you a lot of flexibility in a smaller HP case like this, especially if you have Hemispheres installed on O_C, which is also available a 1U version.

Throwing in for FX Aid XL (or even Pro) which is 10HP smaller than Ghost (2HP less for FX Aid Pro). I think for a smaller setup like this, FX Aid XL will give you excellent effects in a much smaller module...and now you have 10HP more to play around with :)


I don't know where the post is, but someone did actual calculations on the wasted $ per HP when you mount a semi modular like M32 (that can easily stand on its own) in a rack. If you have the trifecta (DFAM/M32/SubH) go on Reverb and look up three tier Moog racks...for $100-$150 you can get a really nice wooden three tier rack that you can mount all three of them in (thats what I did with mine). As far as the size case to get, it really depends on what you're goals are...the 6U 88 would give you more HP overall and everyone will most likely tell you that whatever you decide you want to buy for your case, get something bigger. The Tip-Top Mantis cases are highly regarded for their overall value...I personally like the Rackbrute cases because two of them wide fit perfectly on the table I use and I like their design for portability if I ever get the courage to do some live performing


Anxiously awaiting my SIG+ to arrive in the mail any day now...


Delay/reverb recommendation: FX Aid XL or Pro by Happy Nerding
Mix recommendation: Cosmix by Cosmotronic


I would swap out Zverb with FX Aid XL....2HP smaller and more choices for effects


I would strongly consider FX Aid XL...would obviously recommend FX Aid Pro but with a smaller case like this, HP is at a premium.


I think the NE Versio series would be a good fit for this case...


Very cool...pun intended there ;)
I like the whole 'cinematic' vibe to this...cool photos too (I do some photography as well).


Thread: Using Reset

About your question on how to use resets on other modules, the easiest way is to send a clock signal every x divisions of the clock.
For example, let the clock run and on every 4 or 8 clock ticks you send a reset signal as well. Both clock and reset can are the same sort of signals, a trigger (short pulse) or gate (longer pulse) will do.

Wow, what a great answer...so much useful information in your reply, thank you very much!!


Thread: Using Reset

My favourite use so far is to send gates to resets on sequencers you might have , say you have an eight note sequence you might reset a few times in bar to get a role effect . Dreamt for drum sequencers and arp patterns to give some variation .
-- arkatun

interesting, will have to give this a try...so you mean send a gate to reset every or every other note?


Thread: Using Reset

as for sending the reset signal to multiple modules, a passive mult (or stackcables, or headphone splitters) should work perfectly, it's a bit of a waste using the buffered mult from links - better for pitch (and potentially if you are re-patching triggers on the fly)

thanks for this info...separately I have an Intelijel buffered mult (no passive mults in my setup) so i will just use that for any gate to Varigate 4+ and Bloom...but also need to get one sent to my separate 3-tier Moog setup...does the signal for a gate diminish in strength if you 'mult' it out too much?

(pams is set up to reset by logic not sending a clock for a while and then receiving one)

how does this work? receives one from BSP?


Thread: Using Reset

I recently acquired a Moog DFAM/M32/SubH three tier setup. In the past I have just clocked everything in my modular setup with PAMs via BeatStepPro (BSP is USB connected to sync with Ableton Live so I can either clock with Live or if I don't want to use Live just use BSP to clock everything). To date I haven't really used "reset" inputs on anything and with the acquisition of the Moog components I'm thinking its about time to learn :)

I also have Varigate 4+ and Bloom in my modular setup and would also like to reset those when needed.

What is used to send a 'reset' signal...is it just a gate on step one from a primary sequencer?
How do you send a reset to multiple devices? I have Links...just send signal to Links 1 in 3 out section?

Very interested in hearing how others use 'reset' and what is driving your use of 'reset'


Wow, really nice to listen to this....enjoyed it very much. I love my Bitbox Micro, have been using it with my BeatStepPro actually using the eight drum triggers with it.


One module I would recommend considering adding to this setup now is some sort of effects...like the FX Aid Pro or XL (which unfortunately seem to be hard to find these days). Not sure what HP you have available but definitely something to consider for that "get off from work, get a patch going, and groove" jamming :)


Get rid of one of the C4RBN's and add QX Expander for Quadrax. Move the DFAM and SubH out of the rack and buy one of those fabricated stands made for them, they take up/waste a lot of HP space in your rack. I have DFAM/SubH/Mother32 and bought a three tier stand for them...I can use them with or without the rest of my modular in this way.


The MIX BX is a large module for a smaller build like this. Take a look at something like Cosmix which is half the size and still a very powerful mixer. Also maybe Bitbox Micro instead of Salmple which saves 3 more HP...now you have 22HP extra. Maybe add an effects module like FX Aid Pro (14HP) and you have 8HP to add Pamela's New Workout as a clock source for everything.


Maybe look at Cosmix vs that larger SUM2? 28HP vs 16
Starlab is a really cool looking module but not sure its 28HP in a smaller build cool :)
FX Aid Pro is 14HP (vs 28HP)...those two things alone will give you a lot of options in the future.

I have a two 6U Rackbrutes setup and my largest modules are Maths and Morphagene at 20HP and all my drums are external with MPC Live 2 and TR-8S...except for BIA which is in my rack

The only real way to tell if you're going to need more VCA's is to start patching things up and if you find yourself saying "damn, i wish i had another VCA" well...then you know if you need more VCA's :)


I think I read somewhere in the Modular Philosophy 101 class workbook...a rack is never really truly complete...lol



Why? OK...consider this one: take your quadrature outs and mix the 0 and 90 degree together, then do the same for the 180 and 270 degree EGs. Send the resultant mixed outputs to a pair of, oh...let's say Intellijel Polarises...control inputs.

When you say 'mix the resultant outputs' of Quadrature, do you mean use something like Links to do that 'mixing'?...

As for EOF, it's super-useful for chaining EGs to create a complex composite modulation signal. One ends, starts the next, etc. Then just send the result through a DC-coupled mixer and you get super-varied LFO behavior. Or you can use the EOF in some generative functions to fire off the "next" set of parameters, and as long as there's a feedback loop (not acoustical feedback, mind you) that can keep right on going, and other modules can then modify the individual EG parameters depending on which EOF has sent a trigger. You could actually wring two signal paths of this sort out of a single Quadrax/Qx!

Right now, I'd say that the Quadrax/Qx combo is one of the best module sets in this regard, but the newer Tiptop/Buchla 281t also can do this...as it's got built-in quadrature outputs for the A+B and C+D outs.
-- Lugia

Cool, I have lots of modulation in my racks (Maths, Quadrax/QX, Quadrature, Stages, CVilization) and want to learn more about using them for different things...thank you! appreciate this feedback


Looking for some discussion/inspiration for using EOR/EOF (in general mostly...but I have Quadrax/QX Expander). What sorts of things does everyone use EOR/EOF for in your modular music making?


@jb61264 Oh man, the DistingEX got my attention! hahahaha
-- GideonFalls

Its very powerful but be warned if you don't like to navigate menu's it may not be the module for you. I love it, it adds so much flexibility and capability to my setup. Actually (IMO) for someone just starting to put together a case, its probably one of the better modules to get early on...as you learn different functions, you find those that you really want/need in your setup and buy a dedicated module for it, then DistingEX can be changed to do other things and the cycle continues as you build out your system. Good manuals/tutorials make it pretty easy to learn/use. If you don't mind navigating a menu system in a module, its a great add.


To quote @JimHowell1970 "Utility modules are the inexpensive, dull polish that makes the expensive, shiny modules actually shine!!! sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Maybe look at something like Frap Tools 321, SSF Toolbox, CVilization, maybe Ornament & Crime, or DistingEX


And this can get interesting when you've got a bunch of DC-coupled devices in your voicing, but NO AC-coupled ones after that to strip DC, then you send it on out to your amp. And this can result in............
Yeah. Always try to eliminate any and all DC in your audio path, because once it hits your amp, things WILL get ugly.
-- Lugia

So for the MMG by Make Noise, could it cause this type of issue if you passed an AC signal to the DC input?


Yup, Lugia is right on. Just gotta keep plugging away at it (pun intended) and I recommend you keep hitting record when you get to something you like. I find it very valuable to listen back critically and think of what I could have done differently. Cheers!
-- TumeniKnobs
and to be able to use the sounds you like/record as samples :)


This is really great, very emotive in my opinion...I'd say you are definitely figuring out ways to compose a complex set of sounds into something coherent...really enjoyed listening.

What are you triggering the QD with?


Clicking on the link on the product page leads to an error... so module discontinued... good luck finding one!
-- JimHowell1970

Thanks @JimHowell1970 wasn't considering buying/trying to buy one, just looking through the various modules that Make Noise does and noticed MMG...hadn't seen a module really like that before.


Yeah my understanding is "DC coupled" generally just means not AC coupled.

-- adaris

Thanks for posting that link, that was a great read @adaris


From my limited knowledge of electrical engineering, I'd say yes. DC coupling means both AC and DC current can pass through. It has no bearing on the polarity of the current (positive or negative) which I'm suspecting might have been why you asked? The opposite would be a problem though: DC signals can not pass through AC coupled inputs, because AC coupling has no direct path between input and output and will only allow AC current above a certain threshold frequency to pass through.
-- theneweuropa

Thanks @theneweuropa my electronics learning curve is a bit steep as well. It makes sense that it would be the case considering I believe that is what DC coupled audio interfaces are capable of?


it depends, which module are you thinking of?
-- JimHowell1970

Hey Jim, I was looking through all the Make Noise modules the other day and noticed this one:

Shows an AC in and then a DC below it and just wondered if an AC signal could also be routed to the DC input. I still have a big 'learning electronics' curve to get over but it seemed to me that I've heard you can run audio signal via DC (and having a DC coupled audio interface also made me wonder).


If a module has an AC input and also a DC input...could another AC signal be routed using the DC input?


Here's a screwy idea...

Instead of a "normal" VCF, use one that has an insert path...and then drop something like a delay or reverb into that. Doepfer's A-106-1 fits into 14 hp, leaving 4 hp for an effect to screw with the resonance path...HN's FX Aid could work, and there's several others that fit in that remaining space.

The 106-1, fyi, is actually a version of the MS-20's Sallen-Key filter pair...which is definitely is capable of some weird filter interactions. Plus, this idea is pretty cost-effective and fills the 18 hp hole.
-- Lugia

Hmmm....interesting...I already have FX Aid XL...but now I have to fill an 4HP hole ;)


QPAS might help tame some of the harshness of Manis while offering stereo options. Audio rate modulation of QPAS is fun too. If you want to accentuate the aggression of Manis and Mysteron, maybe check out Future Sound Systems Fil3 Spectral Devastator. It’s a dual filter and distortion that fits your hp requirements.
-- farkas

@farkas - thanks i'll take a look at the Fil3
Morpheus filter looks interesting with that "filter sequencer"...would love to hear how that can be used...sequencing your filter on a sound? don't think i've run across that yet in my short eurorack lifetime yet


With that being said, what kind of sounds are you hoping to make? If you are looking for more aggressive tones, a Dual Borg or Polivoks style filter might be better suited.
-- farkas

@farkas - probably something a bit more aggressive where I can do some 'exploratory' sound design for stuff to be used as samples, etc...I bought a Mysteron recently and was considering putting a nice filter in between Manis Iteritas and Mysteron


I am looking to change up some space occupied by the current filter I'm using...will have 18HP to use and narrowed down to three in that range. Which would you get and why?
2. Morpheus
3. Erica Synths Dual VCF

or would you recommend some other combination of filter and something else to fill 18?


I would look at something like FX Aid XL which will give you lots more effects in fewer HP...or have a look at the Versio series from Noise Engineering. Nice that you can easily switch out firmware to any of the others that they have available.

Don't see any sort of filter in your rack yet...Doepfer Wasp or TipTop Forbidden Planet are good smaller HP filters

Disting EX may also get you some good mileage/HP in a smaller case like this


Thank you for posting and providing me with ideas to use my Ts-L...As with everything I have in my setup, I'm apparently only scratching the surface of what this module can do :) I like you how are using it with Twin Waves as I've been looking to get that one as well.


+1 what Jim is saying…I started with just a Rackbrute 6U and that was all I was ever going to have…now it’s 2x Rackbrute 6U and a Rackbrute 3U :) I wanted some flexibility to use modular with some of the other stuff in my studio (Minibrute 2, Hydrasynth) and to be able to mix/match smaller setups to take with me when I wanted. If I were in your shoes though I would definitely get a Mantis as suggested… you can still just fill it with a few modules like a smaller setup would allow but you will have lots of room to grow if (well when) you decide to add more


Well, the DivKid YouTube video at 43:36 - Step sequencing is probably a good start...the DivKid video on this module is very comprehensive and well done like all of his videos


Some great suggestions by woeps there!