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I'm not the original poster but I wanted to thank you anyway, I really like it when you re-work other users racks and then explain what was changed and why. It is really useful for less experienced users like myself, it allows me to understand how different modules play together to make a good rack.
Banged on it a bit...see what you think:
You'll notice some changes, to be sure...but not anything huge. I got rid of the summing mixers because, frankly, these are intended more for summing CV and mod signals (they're more akin to adders, really) and if you're combining AUDIO signals, you need discrete level controls per input. Only one buffered mult remains...because you really only need one here. The biggest lineup change was to jettison the Polaris; frankly, you don't need a third VCF in this, and you'll do loads better with an effects unit...which is what that Stasis Leak is all about. Stereo output, too...hence the transformer-isolated stereo output next to it. Just run your audio mix from the Quad VCA (I suggest using VCAs 3 and 4 here for this, out of the Morgasmatron's dual outputs, leaving VCAs 1 and 2 for CV/mod work) right on into it and control your wet/dry mix for your final output result.
I added a nifty Seismic module in the lower row, since there wasn't anything to manipulate CV and mod signals with. This does that really well, manually OR under CV, plus it offers another linear VCA for CV/mod work. Then the lineup overall was altered to put all audio on the top row, all controls/CV/mod on the bottom, and the setup for the VCOs was changed to co-locate each of the DixieII+ modules next to a Rubicon2, which is then next to a 2hp Mix...making it more convenient to combine the two operationally for a more Buchla-ish operation situation, which'll make it easier for you to go WAY past basic detuning. Lastly, all of your audio signal paths now "read" in a proper left-right manner, with modulation, etc coming in at intervals from the bottom row.
Seems more solid. It did increase the cost a few hundred, but the results seem far more workable now.
@SteveLate is being scummy and has ignored several of my messages even though I know for a fact he's been on the site couple of times since I sent him 500 EUR for a Bitbox.
I also know for a fact that he did the same with other people and doing it right now.
If he does not answer soon, send my money back OR send me the module, I'll have to pay him a visit in person, cuz it's not a good idea to scam someone who's 2 hours away from you while all your info is public and easily traceable.
I have waited long enough but decided to post this because he still sells things and has no trouble answering other people he hasn't scammed yet...
-- breakline
+1. it was all cool until i sent him the money, after that he disappeared. @SteveLate you better pay us back
-- sdelimar
So, any updates on this?
-- maclittle
so its all good at the end. he sent me mine today, and breakline's stuff was already on the way from beginning of the week. he only kinda forgot to notify us about everything. but we cleared everything up
So I am going to go with a different case. I wont be able to buy everything soon, but I can go piece by piece and eventually get it done.
So I took you guys’ advice and added some sequencers and modulators. The only thing I’m not totally sure of is the Oscillators. I think it looks good and I just feel if I have one I need at least two of that one. Coming from standard analog synths I’m used to detuning or phasing the Oscillators.
Let me know if this looks better or if there are still some glaring weaknesses.
Hi guys!
Thank you soooooo much for the information, gives me a lot to think about. It makes sense to have more space because without added modulation and some creative modules it is basically just a generic mono synth. I’m going to work on putting something together in a bigger case. I’ll repost to see what additional advice you guys have.
Mainly what I will do is:
1. Look for a bigger, better case
2. Find some analog oscillators like the Chormatic. I would still want to have an unusual sound source like the shapeshifter or squid sample just to not have only analog oscillators
3. I’m thinking the Quadrax instead of the Dual ADSR as it can still be kinda used as an ADSR, but can also have 2 LFOs besides the usual envelopes.
4. Look through modulators.
Thanks again, I appreciate it as I’m just getting my feet wet.
@SteveLate is being scummy and has ignored several of my messages even though I know for a fact he's been on the site couple of times since I sent him 500 EUR for a Bitbox.
I also know for a fact that he did the same with other people and doing it right now.
If he does not answer soon, send my money back OR send me the module, I'll have to pay him a visit in person, cuz it's not a good idea to scam someone who's 2 hours away from you while all your info is public and easily traceable.
I have waited long enough but decided to post this because he still sells things and has no trouble answering other people he hasn't scammed yet...
-- breakline
+1. it was all cool until i sent him the money, after that he disappeared. @SteveLate you better pay us back
I agree with Jim on everything. To get the most enjoyment out of these modules, you will probably need to adjust your approach, pick up a larger case than you think you need, and add some things like utilities, a sequencer, and modulation sources. Something like the Varigate 4+ might be fun for sequencing, and it's relatively small. MI Links is definitely nice to have. Maybe a Make Noise Function with a small setup? All of the modules you have picked seem to be good, but you might not be able to do as much as you want with such a limited setup. Have fun and good luck!
I would seriously suggest a slightly different approach
1 - bigger case - in the long term cheaper and less physically constraining - you do not need to fill it ever, if you don't want to
2 - get something smaller and simpler than the shapeshifter to allow you to get the modules that you actually need - this will also allow you to spend more time ;earning to use a modular then learning to use a super complex module - I'm not saying don't buy it - I'm just suggesting not yet
just get the following - it'll be a better learning experience for you I think:
a sound source - something relatively cheap and inexpensive is good - the dreadbox chromatic one for example
a sound modifier - a filter is a good - and going out to a H9 will add delay and/or reverb I think
a modulation source - modular without modulation is pointless
a way to listen - yeah you have that in the palette or whatever it is - but if you have a H9 you probably have a mixer - use that
a way to play - you basically need one of midi interface- for DAW, sequencer, midi keyboard -personally I would go for sequencer - so you can wiggle whilst a tune is playing - just get something relatively simple to start with - although clock and gate outs would be useful
on top of those some utilities are good to have - I like links and kinks from mutable instruments - a disting never hurts and you already have a quad cascading vca so keep that in there
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
Are you voting them as negative? I thibk this feature must be used appatt from this thread, because some people doesn’t know that modulargrid is also a forum!
@SteveLate is being scummy and has ignored several of my messages even though I know for a fact he's been on the site couple of times since I sent him 500 EUR for a Bitbox.
I also know for a fact that he did the same with other people and doing it right now.
If he does not answer soon, send my money back OR send me the module, I'll have to pay him a visit in person, cuz it's not a good idea to scam someone who's 2 hours away from you while all your info is public and easily traceable.
I have waited long enough but decided to post this because he still sells things and has no trouble answering other people he hasn't scammed yet...
-- breakline
+1. it was all cool until i sent him the money, after that he disappeared. @SteveLate you better pay us back
@SteveLate is being scummy and has ignored several of my messages even though I know for a fact he's been on the site couple of times since I sent him 500 EUR for a Bitbox.
I also know for a fact that he did the same with other people and doing it right now.
If he does not answer soon, send my money back OR send me the module, I'll have to pay him a visit in person, cuz it's not a good idea to scam someone who's 2 hours away from you while all your info is public and easily traceable.
I have waited long enough but decided to post this because he still sells things and has no trouble answering other people he hasn't scammed yet...
Maybe I'll take a look on small (BIG) modules which can supply VCA and ADSR functions. This will optimize your rack space.
Polaris is a very good filter with lots of modes, which is ok. I think that VCOs and Filters are something very personal and it depends on needs and what final user likes.
ALT has 4 clear VCAs in only 8 HP, so you're saving 4HP. Q
QUART are 4 AD-Looping envelopes, which can act as LFO too an, again, in only 8HP.
We have now 8HP remaining and, we can add Transient Modules 8s as a sequencer (little sequencer, but very funny and powerful).
You can find an sketch of how your rack should be with this changes. Just CLICK HERE and you can take a look on it.
Hello everyone!
After making multiple designs and watching hours of YouTube videos about Modular, I have finally come up with this setup.
I already have a decent amount of VCO synths, so I decided that a digital FPGA would be different. Also, looking at the videos the Shapeshifter looks to be very deep, and I dont really care that it came out 6 years ago. I am hoping I can use OSC 1 as a sound source and OSC 2 as an LFO.
Not too sure if I need the ADSR, I still think it could be useful, but if Im playing from an external keyboard maybe not.
The only thing that is bothering me is not having LFOs, Sequencer, and Effects. The Shapeshifter can be used as an LFO I guess. I will have to use external effects like the H9.
I do what to keep this small as I really want to learn with limited pieces at first. I'm pretty confident that this setup has all of my "needs" down and can substitute my "wants" with external gear to learn what I want once I put together a bigger rack.
thanks for your time guys and I would be grateful of any input!
I’d love to see the Intellijel 1U modules I/O 1/4 Jack that goes with the I/O 1U and the 1U MIDI Jacks that goes with the uMIDI 1U. A black Atlantis would be awesome too! Also, I would like to have a Five12 Vector Sequencer with its expander in black! Please please please!!! Thanx!
But doesn't that change the default image for everyone? While I wished people would stop adding separate "whatever panel" versions to the database, I'm not sure the current implementation is sufficient. Or am I missing something?
Yep...the MIDI is relatively basic-ish on the AE's MASTER, but it can still do lots of crazy things. To accomplish the really wacky stuff, though, I'll be relying on CV Tools. Even though we don't have any solution like the Expert Sleepers stuff (although, you CAN use their Silent Way software for this same voodoo, too) in the AE environment, it's still cheap and easy to get a used DC-coupled audio interface off of eBay or Reverb, hook that puppy up to the DAW, and make the magic happen that way.
Nice album you got yourself there! :-) I specifically like those longer tracks with the topper being "Pacs (Main Mix)", it goes on and on and it just can't go on long enough for me :-)
What are you using for the drums? Everything else by modular? Also those voices in track "Head Related Transfer Disorder"?
Thanks a lot for sharing and I look forward in more exciting music from you! Kind regards, Garfield Modular.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
I wonder how well the Zoia euroburo would play with that master AE module. Doesn't the Zoia have midi control modules on board along with midi in and out? Take a sequencer from a euro module and route it to the Master module with the Zoia, letting the Zoia handle notes and octaves?
Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.
In the AE environment, you MUST constrain signals to a 0 to +5V scale. It's just how the system works, probably due to part of its origins being in Stanley Lunetta's design work. Now, to get signals in and out, that's what the 4I/O modules are for...they do all of the voltage voodoo. But if you want proper scaling, that will require the MASTER and its MIDI interfacing, since the AE also isn't exactly 1V/8va.
There's also a second solution, especially for CV/gate/trig signals, and that's Soundmachines' Nanobridge. That was designed for their Nanosynth...again, some Lunetta ideas in there...and costs a whopping $40! w00t! This provides 14 channels of bidirectional I/O for control signals (primarily) and when you use the AE's +5 and GND as its references, it will autoconstrain things to the proper range.
I use all of these, btw...pitch CVs via the pair of MASTERs, audio I/O via a pair of 4I/Os, and a Nanobridge for all of the other stuff. I can also drive my AE system via Ableton's CV Tools thru a used/cheap MOTU 828FW mkii ($120 on Reverb), which is capable of dealing with the voltage scaling issue and can give me eight simultaneous channels of scaled CVs if I should need that.
EDIT: You (and others looking at the AE, of course) might find even more answers over at their forum, which you can access via their site at Lots of knowledge flying around there, including some tasty DIY action (company-encouraged, even!).
I would also like to highly request that the
“ Intellijel Planar 2” be added to your Black and Gold panels please.
Additionally I would also really like to see the “ Dave Jones Design O'Tool Plus Oscilloscope” be added to your Black and Gold panels please.
I have questions:
1) Is there anyway to tell when a module that has been requested becomes available, like maybe an email notification?
2) What is the cost of these Black and Gold faceplates?
3) How do we order one once it is available?
4) Also I’m wondering is this request page still alive? When I look at it without being logged in I see others request but not mine.
The only time I see mine is when I’m logged in.
I guess it also warrants asking, am I barking up the wrong tree? I really like fat, dark, warm synthwave tones like Lazerhawk, Malo, Power Glove, Carpenter Brut, Magic Sword, etc, etc. It seems like, at least on Youtube, the majority of patches I see are things like house, trap, techno, ambient, experimental. Not very many synthwave patches. Anybody have any experience with making Synthwave on a modular? I'd think an AE with an Arturia would be as good of a place to start as any, but I'm hesitant. Should I start with my idea for an AE and a Keystep? or perhaps go for an all in one Korg or Behringer? I just hate the thought of losing the ability to shape my sound with a guitar pedal or an effect in the middle of the patch, just not at the output. EDIT. Isn't crippling self doubt just the greatest? At lease I ain't suffering from Dunning Kruger!
Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.
The work on the existing 1U Intellijel pantels is awesome. It will be great to see more 1Us like Radio Music by Music Thing Modular, 1U Steppy, as well was some 3U modules that can be flipped to 1U
With a bit of extra income coming in from multiple sources, I'm really considering taking the dive, but i have some concerns. I'm thinking about getting basically the AE modular starter rack 1, rehoused in their 16u eurorack adapter, with a few changes and putting that in a Tiptop Audio Mantis for future expansion, along with an Arturia Keystep. I understand that the AE system is limited to 0-5 volts on CV, is it also limited to 0-5 volts in it's audio signal? I don't want to plug in my guitar or, say, a line of One sample players and blow up my AE system. If it is limited to 0-5 for Audio, what would I do to step down levels simply? Would I use a VCA? Is an audio signal's voltage the same as it's amplitude? like instrument level vs line level vs modular level?
Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.
Oh how curious!! Looks like we both released full albums on the same day... I wonder what the chances are given it is only a few weeks since we were taking about Branches - hope that's working out okay for you :)
Listening to your LP now and enjoy it so far - cheers :)))
not sure, but i believe your request is actually implemented in the current rack browser already.
if you look at the top-right there's a collection of tabs, one of which reads "Panel Selector On/Off". if activated, you can browse all available panel versions for that one module (when hovering your mouse over the desired module) and settle for the one you like most (or the one you're having) by clicking on the arrows. at least that's what i always do.
if a specific panel version is missing for the module in question you could just add another picture yourself to this single master entry and that way the database is not getting clogged up forever with countless versions of one and the same module.
just give it a try and see how it works for you;).....
I'd be very handy to have the ability to easily duplicate a module if one wants to, for instance, create a 2nd version of a module with an alternative panel (or colour) without having to recreate the module from scratch and fill in all the details again.
The handiest will be to add a duplicate button on the module edit page to instantly create a new instance of the module that is all pre-filled and one only have to change, say, the picture.
Thanks for your feedback, glad you listened to and liked some of my tunes. I recorded all the tracks with my modular rack + a Nord Drum 2, which I triggered with either the Just Friends or Pam's New Workout.
And for sequencing I primarily used the OP-1.
Thanks again!
I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.
Thanks a lot for sharing this. For some reason when I clicked on your link, the music started to play with the track #4 "The Tribe", a very nice and impressive start! I love the creativity in track #3 "The Merry" and track #7 "The Welder is a pretty high energy track ;-)
Perhaps most interesting is your track #8 "The Anti", full with nice and interesting sounds!
Well done! I wish you good luck with making music. Personally I wouldn't mind to hear more of The Anti or at least music into that kind of direction but that's just my personal taste.
Oh yes, have you done all with a modular system?
Kind regards, Garfield Modular.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads