i just want to know, zachsname, do you not like 4x 12u 100hp systems, or do you just not like my 4x 12u 100hp system. lets pretend i really know what im doing and have a lot of ideas, do you like my design, asthetically, or would you do a 4x 12u 100hp system completely differently? im thinking, like, this would be my one studio forever forever, if i had it. do you like it just for that concept? peace peace peace out out out.

i like the tukra as a performance instrument for drum sequencing, then i can have 2 clock divided arpeggiation voices, with seperate adsr, and then the chao can sum the two synths and feed the pure tukra out into something an mbox would take, by abusing it a tiny bit. if i wanted 'just 84hp' then, i cant think of anything less that would give me the options i want. the whole point is to give myself the right amounts of 'nooks and crannies' to really keep me intetested. i already have like 20+ patch element ideas that i would want to test out. i dont think i would get 'blank daw paralysis'. i think i would have a lot of fun trying 1,000+ things out, but, thats just my opinion because i dont have the physical thing. are you against maximalism? is that why you like albert ayler? j.c. peace. out.

yeah, like i said, i just decided to design this for fun. i intended to go a bit overboard, ie using a whole nerdseq for just 1 bass tone. i want to be doing most of the performance on the tukra, so i want that to be the clock for most of it, as i like how its clock control works, but yes, i would program in the whole set into the nerdseq first. i think you dont fully understand how the tukra works. i checked out the albert ayler, but tbh i prefer snarky puppy and moondog. also, to the point about lugging it to gigs, if i had to, i could can a whole live performance, then do live visuals on a laptop and work the croud on stage. i really wish you would consider this design for its own merits rather than suggest i do things more the way other people typically do. i get that its a lot of units and a big price tag, but thats what i set out to do. i wanted to make a maximal system. i just want to know if you think its too maximal, or doesnt makr any sense. this is a 'dream system'. i just want to know if you even like it. peace. peace. peace.

also, im not really sure i understand how a clock divider works, and i feel like i included enough random cv modules to sculpt some interesting stuff. please give my concept a little extra consideration for its concept. peace.

you are mistaken. the tukra is a fully featured drum machine, on top of the extra sequencing gates, and i just really want a crazy bass tone with possibly 4 octaves of demon cores all being modulated by 2 8 pase lfos, or something even more complicated. what i am going for is 'lots of options, big sound' so i can keep repatching and repatching and have almost a completely different instrument each time, so i can make 60+ hours of content and never get bored, etc. i will look into the album you mentioned, i just wish you would take some more time to try to apreciate the high concept. i was trying to make it 'too much', i just want to know if you think it is 'way too much', etc. peace out.

im thinking: program the bass line 1h at a time on the nerdseq (plus whatever live options it has available, if any) then draw in a base drumline, then either use a keystep pro or any of the sequencing and arpeggiation options available to build the main melody, then add extra drums and melody on the tukra and rene, clocking everything to the tukra, then fill in a ton of extra cv mod texture, then build an effects chain, then have 5 pre loaded samples to trigger stretch or reverse at any time, then some 'extra magic', then record. now that you know the whole concept do you think it makes more sense now? peace.

i was mostly just thinking about live streaming and 1 take dawless play. i dont have any intention of treking anything anywhere. id say the cases are "main case" which has a full synth unit, a full drum computer, chop sampling if i want it, nifty touch points, and pams + op ned for ease. "bass case" which lets me program a 8 oscillator 4 demon core complex bass tone on a nerdseq, or other patchs, plus some nice effects modules, too. "performance case" that has the tukra and a rene, and a plethora of cv, and some more voices. and lastly the "sampling case" that, i believe, should let me have total control over 5 samples, plus any mixing i missed on any other case, plus some more trigger and live patching options, plus a bluebox to make recording extra convenient. i have a whole concept that there are 9 albums there in that 1600hp, and i imagine i could even travel with it if i absolutely had to, but i see it as purely a studio rig. i hope that clears up what my vision is. are you purely convinced this is too much? everything is out of my budget now. i just like to design things for fun. dont you think, if i work out all the bugs, that a system like this could make one even more creative? do you have any specific complaints or do you just think its just too much? peace out.

sigh, maybe you are right zachsname.

i designed this one just for you, like you said:

ModularGrid Rack

peace, etc.

i kind of think it is, mostly, a bit, in my head. i understand i would need way too many way too long cables and its totally possible i dont actually need a number of those, or the synergy isnt quite right, but i truly am working on a whole 4 x 4 3u h 100hp concept where each case can mostly work on its own, but together, can make live music like nothing else. i dont mind criticism about the racks, and specifically what wont work, etc. but i would really prefer if you would just try and buy into the big concept, first. plus, there are plenty of bigger systems out there, etc. id just like to hear, given that i can find the right cables, and given that i can wrap my brain around the individual modules, that the high concept design works. thanks for the comment anyway, tho. ☮


i have never played with eurorack before in my life. i decided to build a massive 4 case rig on here, just for fun, as the whole thing is way out of my budget. i only half know what most of the modules there do, but i wanted the biggest canvas to create really unique textures and performance. i tried for true greatness.

so, the question is: do you like this setup? do you think it makes any kind of sense all together? and, did i go way too overboard? any comments completely 100 welcome.

thanks for the feedback.

peace out. ... ... ... ... ... ... .