Because it's technically no one else's business regardless of their reasons for wanting to look. I even sometimes get paranoid that MG staff take liberties by being able to look at any old private racks they like "just cuz".

It's not that I'm hiding anything in most cases (no pun intended), though I have uploaded some non-existent, hidden "concept" modules on here which may or may not ever be realized. And I'm also not here to impress people. I use the grid for planning my racks, both real and theoretical, sometimes in multiple, messy iterations. Why does anyone need to see that? More practically, why might I want to tip people off to what unobtanioum modules I'm scoping out at any given moment? >:3

If I want opinions, I'll ask. I'm not spending 6 hours obsessively moving squares around for any of you, though!

Predatory company ripping off small businesses without adding any value. If you care about the euro community avoid this.
-- DonKartofflo

I certainly do not care about the "community" WRT consumers. Bunch of self-righteous, narcissistic whiners for the most part.

But why would I buy this when I've already got a Maths, complete with 5-6 failing, glitchy trimmers that render mine almost unusable without paying for replacements? (A fancy rubberized knob on a chintzy, wobbly trimmer is still just that, folks. And that's all MN uses IME).

I probably wouldn't like to do live mixing with those sliders as I do with the 531, but have often though I'd like a second 531. This could be a nice alternative to use as a submixer for the price.

Please, for the love of god, put this out.

It's almost like you didn't even see the asterisk, or even anything past the first line space... My goodness! What a lot of nothing! Preaching to the converted, sister!

I think EG can cope just fine without the usual groups harping on about credit, proper licensing and general good taste or big, bad, tuff posturing about killing people based on statements/philosophy over action (I sincerely have no idea what the last commenters are rambling about, but some sources might help*. Preferably something more credible than social media gossip).

I guarantee that no one else cares anymore. Beyond being a glutton for punishment, the only reasons to potentially feel bad about buying this (or practically anything these days) are the low-level Chinese plant workers and Uyghur children mining rare-earth elements with their bloody, broken hands.

*Edit: Oh, THAT "controversy". I'd completely forgotten about it!

Is this really just a Braids/Plaits knock-off? :|

The world doesn't need another MI clone, but I guess with their manufacturing resources, it's just about racing to the bottom to release the absolute cheapest knock-off/clone of something in hopes of dominating an already flooded market.

But where does "using gear 'incorrectly'" end and "using gear in a way I don't like, or under conditions I don't like, or to create sounds/styles I don't like" begin? How big a problem is someone with their Altoids tin shaker-thru-DigiTech Death Metal harsh noise project, really, even when they branch out to buying boutique equipment?

It makes no sense to labor that particular point as it's an exceptionally rare case where some filthy-rich fruitcake hoards Trent Reznor/Richard D. James quantities of truly exquisite gear and can't/won't do anything with it. In the majority of cases, people are spending their own money on readily-available equipment. Equipment they sell at a discounted price to YOU if/when they realize they're not making it as Prurient 2.0 or whatever. This is truly a non-issue.

The one exception, perhaps, being common, "overnight cult successes", most of which are purely hype-based gimmicks to begin with (Sitar Swami, anyone?). And we have only the Internet Buzz (Bull) Machine to thank for that.