imho this is actually a nice little rack. If you are just beginning you have all you need VCOs, VCFs, VCA, a sequencer, and some FX. You will of course grow into your own way of using them together and you'll get more stuff soon enough. I suggest as you do to get more simple VCAs and proper ADSRs. Maths is great in a pinch, but good ADSRs open up many new paths for modulation. Can't wait to hear more!

You catch the era's vibe perfectly.! Well done.

Definitely hear the genealogy of Terry Riley. Followed on bandcamp for sure. Good work.

I play my modular synth through a Tesla coil and then mix the sound back in. This was legit really fun to make.

Great work, and I have to say it too, amazing visuals!

Taking me back to 1981 Frankfurt! Subbed.

Gotta love the DFAM!

Thanks for sharing, some great info to dig into! :)
-- Jukeshoe

You got it B!

Thank you for the kind words, and I totally agree Sweelinck, the modular system is an alchemist's laboratory.

And I totally went and watched the scene for reference, and I certain see what you mean, lol. I often wonder what context this kind of patch could be used for. A slower guitar track, or a special section of a song. I think it would be great for cinema :)

Impermanent Station [Instrument Envelope Followers]
*module used in alternative patch

*Guitar ► Any Stereo Pedal
L ► Mixer
R ► Maths Ch.1 [in]

Out L ► Quad VCA Ch. 2 [in]

Sample & Hold [out] ► Maths Ch.2

Ch.1 [Unity Out] ► AI Synthesis Quad VCA Ch.1 [cv in]
Ch.1 [ EOR Out] ► Mult ►
a) Clouds Freeze [cv in]
b) Intellijel Scales Trigger [in]
Ch.2 [out] ►Scales Pitch [in]

Rings Green/Green
Out L ► Clouds L [in]

Plaits Green Preset 2
Plaits [out] ► Milky Way [in]

Synthesis Technology Quad VCA
Mix Out ► Zedi10 Pan C

Intellijel Scales
Pitch [out] ► Mult ►
a) Plaits v/oct [in]
b) Rings v/oct [in]

Instruō øchd LFO 5 self-patched

LFO 3 ► Rings Brightness [cv in]
LFO 4 ► Plaits Timber [cv in]
LFO 5 ► self-patched Milky Way
Ch.1 [out] ► Quad VCA Ch.1

*Alternative Interfaces & Amplitude

1) Guitar ► Any Stereo Pedal
L ► Mixer
R ► A Pedal Boost ► Maths Ch.1 [in]

2) Guitar ► Any Stereo Pedal
L ► Pedal Board ► Mixer
R ► Boost Module [Phonogene] ► Maths Ch.1 [in]

3) Maths
Ch.1 [Unity Out] ► AI Synthesis Quad VCA Ch.1 [cv in]
Ch.1 [ EOR Out] ► Mult ► a) Clouds Freeze [cv in]
b) Intellijel Scales Trigger [in]
c) Doepfer Dual Mini ADSR Ch.1 [in]
Ch.2 [out] ►Scales Pitch [in]

Doepfer A-140-2 Dual Mini ADSR
Ch.1 [out 1] ► Quad VCA Ch.1 [cv in]

I made an addendum to the video Emily Hopkins and I last worked on, where we ran her harp into our modular synths. This video looks step by step and how to achieve similar results using a guitar. It would mean a lot if you give it a look sometime and tell me what you think.

Check out this video Emily Hopkins and I made where we run her harp through our modular synths. I really love the patches, particularly the last one. I'd love some thoughts on the patches:

Hope you find this set interesting. Patch notes below. Thanks for watching, it means a lot.

Decoherence Patch Notes

BeatStep Pro BPM 105 Project 06 Key C
SEQ 1:
Pitch [out] ► Circuit Bent VCO [1v/oct]
Gate [out] ► Doepfer Dual ADSR Ch. 1 [gate]
SEQ 2:
Pitch [out] ► Mother 32 [Mult In]
Gate [out] ► Doepfer Dual ADSR Ch. 2 [gate]
Clock [out] ► Mother 32 [TEMPO]
Midi [out] ► DR-670

DR-670 Drum Machine Kit 8

WMD Triple Bipolar VCA
Mix Out ► Zedi10 Pan L

Erica Synths Pico DSP
Out L ► Quad VCA Ch. 2 [in]

Out L ► WMD TBVCA Ch. 2 [in]
Out R ► Quad VCA Ch. 4 [in]

Circuit Bent VCO
Audio ► Doepfer Wasp [in]

BURST ► Clouds [Trig]
INT CLK ► Math Ch.1 [Trig]

Ch.1 [Unity Out] ► Clouds [Freeze]
Ch.3 [out] ► Rings [pitch cv in]

Mother 32
VCA ► Mimeophon [in L]
Mult 1 [out] ► Plaits [V/Oct]
Mult 2 [out] ► Rings [V/Oct]
ASSIGN [out] ► Wogglebug [speed in]

Rings Yellow/Yellow
Out L ► Clouds L [in]
Out R ► Clouds R [in]

Plaits Green Preset 1
Plaits [Out] ► Filter 8 Ch.1 [in]

Tides VCO Mode [orange, green, ---]
Ch. 1 [out] ► Wasp [CV2]

Synthesis Technology Quad VCA
Mix Out ► Zedi10 Pan R
Ch. 1 [out] ► Cockpit^2 Ch.1 [in]
Ch. 2 [out] ► Cockpit^2 Ch.2 [in]

L [out] ► WMD Ch. 1 [in]
R [out] ► Quad VCA Ch. 3 [in]

Instruō øchd
LFO 3 ► Rings Structure [cv in]
LFO 4 ► øchd CV [in]
LFO 5 ► Plaits Timber [cv in]
LFO 8 ► Mimeophon Rate [cv in]

Doepfer A-124 Wasp
LP [out] ► Milky Way Ch. 1 [in] Preset 1 verb Cockpit2
Mix [out] ► Zedi10 Pan C Milky Way
Ch.1 [out] ► Quad VCA Ch.1

Jornalogue Filter 8
180 [out] ► DSP L [in]

Doepfer A-140-2 Dual Mini ADSR
Ch.1 [out 1] ► Quad VCA Ch.1 [cv in]
Ch.2 [out 1] ► Quad VCA Ch.2 [cv in]
Ch.2 [out 2] ► Filter 8 LFM [in]

This stuff sounds great and looks amazing. Wonderful visuals.

I made a real simple vid about how I layer melodies. If you have a few minutes to gift your eyeballs/algorithm food, I'd really, really appreciate it:


Big thanks! Means a lot.

It was a rainy day, so I made this. Truth is, I like making these walk through videos because they force me to consider how best to communicate about synthesis.

Thank you so much for this. I really do see it similarly. It is never a solo.

Love the track and especially the video! The source material is great and the editing amazing too. Was this a Visualz RBG effect? However you did it, great job.

Thanks Zugga, I've really been focusing on mixing, because recording multiple synth voices almost always entails working with broad frequency ranges. Articulating every voice in the overall mix can be challenging. This track was recorded all in one go through a four channel mixer, so I've learned that getting the initial recording right is so key.

Hi Garfield, this one was an earworm that stayed patched for a while. Thank you, as always, for the kind words.

This track was my main production project for August. Worked on it a little too long, but I am happy with the final patch.

Patch Notes:

Boss DR-670 Kit: 16

BeatStep Pro BPM: 80 Key: C
Clock [Out] to Moog Mother 32 [Tempo]
Pitch to Mutable Instruments Plaits [V/Oct]
Pitch to Synthesis Technology Circuit Bent VCO [V/Oct]
Gate to Doepfer Dual ADSR [L Gate]
MIDI to DR-670

Mother 32
VCA Out to Milky Way [L In]
Assn to Moog DFAM [Adv/Clock]
Gate to M32 [Mult In]
Mult 1 to Rebel Technology Stoicheia [L In]
Mult 2 to Plaits [Trig]

DFAM: Kick & Bass
Pitch to [VCF Mod]
VCO EG to [Noise Level]

Rebel Technology Stoicheia
L Out to Make Noise Maths [Ch. 2]
R Out to Plaits [Harmo]

INSTRUō øchd
LFO 4 to Plaits [Morph]
LFO 5 to Maths [Ch. 3]
LFO7 to Mimeophon [Color]

Doepfer Dual ADSR
Env. 1 Out 1 to Maths [Ch. 1 Cycle]
Env. 1 Out 2 to A.I Synthesis Quad VCA [CV 2]
Env. 2 Out 1 to Maths [Ch. 4 Cycle]

Make Noise Maths
SUM to Plaits [Timbre]

Erica Synths Pico DSP
L Out to Cockpit^2 [Ch. 3]

Mutable Instruments Plaits
Out to Make Noise Mimeophon [L In]
Aux to Mimeophon [R In]

WMD Triple Bipolar VCA
Mix Out to External Mixer [Ch. 1 Panned L]

A.I. Synthesis Quad VCA
Ch. 2 Out to Pico DSP [In]
Mix Out to External Mixer [Ch. 2 Panned R]

VCA to Cockpit^2 [Ch. 1]

Synthesis Technology Circuit Bent VCO
Audio to Quad VCA [Ch. 2]

Make Noise Mimeophon
L Out to TBVCA [Ch. 1]
R Out to Quad VCA [Ch. 1] Cockpit^2
Out to External Mixer [Ch. 3 Panned C] Milky Way
L Out to Triple Bipolar VCA [Ch. 2 In]
R Out to Quad VCA [Ch. 3 In]

Hi! I just wanted to share a super-cut from a show I produced along with my friends at BKVL in Brooklyn. It was a fundraiser we held for Willie Mae Rock Camp, a synthesis and electronic music school for kids. We are also doing a popup show at Better Nature Records in Sayville, Long Island this Saturday from 3pm-5pm. But I really like the way our last show turned out:

ThanksCurioKid! I had never made paper mache before this. It was fun throwing that thing together. I really appreciate your comment.

Oh Garfield, you are always just the nicest and most thoughtful person. Thank you for watching.

I had a really great time making a video on how to build a copper tape and conductive paint touch-plate for my eurorack system. I start by making the paper mache octopus and then detail the wiring and soldering of the circuit, which uses a 9 volt battery as a voltage source. I am happy to answer any questions about it, and I hope you think its as cool as I do. Would love a like if you find it interesting. [Patch Notes in video description]

Thank you TumeniKnobs, I really appreciate that.

Hi all, I did a live set in December in collaboration with BK Voltage Lab and really liked the patches and sections, so I decided to record every sequence of every individual voice signal path for the 30 minute set. Then I clipped each recording, made loops, and reassembled the whole thing. Thought I'd share it.

Some notes: The DR-670 drum machine is controlled by the BeatStep Pro (BSP), while the Mother 32 set the underlying song structure. I use the the Filter 8 again as a sub bass whose envelope is gated by the Rebel Technology Stoicheia Euclidean rhythm generator, which is given initial clock by the M32, which is synced to the BSP. I have used the Filter 8 for the bass notes twice now, and I really can't say enough about the clarity and variety of beat the Filter 8/Stoicheia combo provides. The backing key synth lines are of course the microKorg and the Little Phatty Stage II, looped with a Pigtronix Infinity Looper. The first sequencer of the BSP controls the trigger for the traditional bouncing ball patch that runs from the Make Noise Maths to Mutable Instruments Plaits, which is then made stereo, with the left channel going directly into the left channel of aMake Noise Mimeophon, while the right channel passes through a Doepfer Wasp before going into the right channel of the Mimeophon. The second sequencer of the BSP controls the Synthesis Technology's Circuit Bent VCO, which flows into a Mutable Instruments Clouds.

The track, while obviously cheerful in structure, upon closer inspection reveals that it is tough to keep it together. Things fall apart. I play a lot with hyper-melodic lines that overlay one another, like a stratification of melody that gives it depth. I find that this approach reveals the often melancholic qualities of otherwise happy sounds. It may be tough to hear it at first, but after a while, it is all I can hear.

Happy Birthday Earth Modular Society. Thanks for being there for me.

When I read the title, I was like, ok, so Garfield found some thunder-esque sound, let's see.....oh no, it is truly 100% thunder. So rad. Good find.

I am curious as to what cameras you use and how many? How do you handle camera switching during your performance?
-- mog00

Thanks for your kind remarks. When streaming live I usually use an app called OBS and fit all my camera stuff on one frame because I don't want to be distracted by having to switch cameras, though I'll often have two cameras and switch between them in OBS manually. For streaming I usually just have two cameras, one (my MacBook camera) to capture me playing from a few feet away and then a GoPro knock off to fisheye on the modular rig. When just recording, I'll also use my iPhone and then import all the video and edit it. This gives me full control over video dynamics to feature the camera image that it doing the most interesting things at the moment. But this editing take a lot of time. Sometimes I think it is worth it. So, long story short, I do not have an automated switch like so many rad acts do.


Do you mind sharing what you had connected to the various CV outputs for the sequencers and drum gates?
-- jb61264

Sure! Here are the elements I find most interesting.

The BeatStep Pro (BSP) drum sequencer is controlling a Boss DR-670 for those awesome 90's drums via the MIDI out. I use the roller pad to manipulate the IDM-ish drum patterns on the fly.

The Mother 32 provides the primary underlying melody for all sections. It runs through an Milky Way for reverb saturation and is given that classic delay during the Berlin School style mid-section by an Erica Synth Pico DSP.

I had the idea of running the Joranalogue Filter 8 at audio rate for a really nice sub bass. The notes of this bass are drawn from the M32 KB out, and the rhythm is achieved by taking the gate from the M3 and running it through a Stoicheia euclidean rhythm module by Rebel Technology. This gives the gate for the envelope of the bass via one side of the Doepfer dual ADSR. I really like this effect because the bass and the melody are in sync and key, but the notes are not too often repeated on the same beat giving variation.

The SEQ 1 of the BSP sequences the Circuit Bent VCO, which provides the overlying melodies of the first and last sections. This VCO has a built-in filter, but I also run it through a Doepfer Wasp for that amazing color, which is best demonstrated in my view at the 25:05 mark. This then runs through the Mimeophon for stereo pread into right and left VCA mixers (a WMD Triple Bipolar VCA and a AI Synthesis Quad VCA). Note that when I use the roller pad to manipulate the drum pattern, it also glitches Seq 1. The second side of the ADSR envelopes the SEQ 1 melody on the BSP, which allows me to make the notes of the melody stay nice and tight or to stretch the notes out allowing the WASP to really shine. This is also best demonstrated after the 25:05 mark.

The SEQ 2 of the BSP provides accent notes with Rings, which of course goes into Clouds for reverb/delay and granular looping. The looping capture is triggered by the right side pattern of the Stoicheia which is clocked by the Kick cv out on the BSP.

Hope this gives some insight!

As always, you are so kind Garfield. I wish more people, including myself, were as generous and thoughtful in their remarks as you. Thanks for being such a great community member.


Mission accomplished! :)


Really great. What is that 1U unit on top? It seemed to glitch out the running pattern, akin to the phonogene's gene shift knob/cv point.

Thanks for saying that. It really does mean a lot. Yeah, I was really trying to channel pink years Tangerine Dream there.

Yeah this was a fun episode with a real book worm of module knowledge. And as always, thanks for your kind comments.

This patch spans the gap between Harmonia and mid-70s Tangerine Dream. By this I mean to say, it sounds awesome!

subbed on SoundCloud! I really love what sounds almost like a ratcheting effect with a hand held tempo pot? Or is it modulated by a an irregular LFO? This is definitely one I'd love to see video on.

This week we speak with modular synthesist robby to discuss the collapse of the producer/consumer:

Hi everyone: Saturday Night synthesis is a synth performance/discussion show I co-host. This week, we have three awesome live performances and are joined by Fetz A/V [Sonic Alliance]. We have a great discussion about community support and how to create with a praxis of togetherness.

The show premieres at 9pm (EST), Tuesday April 27th. Hope you can join in the live chat:

Lol, yeah I can drone with the best of 'em too. Thanks for listening.


Hey folks, haven't posted in a while, but I've been working on a weekly synth variety show and I wanted to share our latest episode with you all, cause I actually dig it.

This show's theme centers on nostalgia.

Thread: Space Terror

Audio/Visual Essay - 120 bpm

Can't wait to give it a look.

Thanks, it looks like we're in the same county, so I'll definitely inquire.

I want to travel with my M32 3x rack.
Anyone heard of a suitable case?
Thank you.