Thanks for sharing, looks well thought out, I want to give it try! Where are you in the process with this one—any tweaks or ideas since you posted?
I'm researching and planning different ways of setting up a Palette case—for me it presents more of a challenge than a bigger case, because there's more of a need to keep a focused and pared-back rack. Intellijel is wise to make a compact case like this, and no doubt it is going to appeal to folks who are newer to modular—myself included—because it looks like a way to test the waters without a huge investment. IE, buy a small handful of modules, and experiment with modular, decide "ah, I like this modular thing" and then go gangbusters and start putting together a larger rack.
It is arguably more difficult for entry-level folks to have the constraints of a compact case. It makes every module choice more critical, and requires (from what I understand) a greater knowledge of modular than if I were to go ahead and buy a bigger rack—where, theoretically I can add in modules more willy nilly, have room to grow, make mistakes, and be able to tinker with a rig that is less focused initially. Say—maybe I want to try to figure out a nice analog drum machine area over here, and over there I'll start building up a generative sequencer, and then leave some room in that other open area for some sound sources that are yet to be defined.
For reference—Ricky Tinez put together a very compact kit with plenty of sequencing & modulation oomph, you may have seen it already: 
Any others you've seen that have stood out?