ModularGrid Rack


Hesitant on what to do with remaining 22hp.

I was thinking of Virt iter legio + Ghost as it would allow me to vary the sounds (virt can sound like an organ), and Ghost comes with a few cool features (sidechain, a big filter knob!). but there´s already a ton of sonic possibilities with Ultra-kick, BIA, Tymp and the dual oscillator.

What would you suggest I fill the gap with?

I tend to make minimalist repetitive dubish electronic music (think Surgeon or Colin Benders but slower with a ton of bass).

I usually go for no-menu immediately playable modules.


The voices etc look good bu I think modulation and playability is worth improving.
- A matrix mixer for CV
- Switched multiples
- A bunch of attenuverters
- Tetrapad or a couple of Gliss.
- More envelope generators

Do you really want 5 basic mults?

Hey! Thanks for the notes.

Yes I tend to like mults cause I don't use stackables or out of case mults. I use tendrils as I don't patch/unpatch much and it helps for playability. Maybe 5 is a bit much though :)

Gonna look into you suggestions. Never used a Matrix mixer. Thought it was mainly useful to facilitate effects routing and the mixer has effects sends so I didn't give it much thought.

Switched multiples I could use to facilitate certain transitions, alternate between sounds etc. And I could most certainly use more attenuverters and envelopes.

Will see what I can fit in.