This is my last iteration of the rack I've got focus on ambient generative music, but enough flexible and complete to making other stuff.
I'm overall pretty happy with it, and it was a long way to arrive here. But minimix seems sometimes not enough for my purpose, thanks to Jumble Henge and Veils (x2) I could arrive to compensate the loss of flexibility from minimix, but I'm wondering if I could find another alternative mixer module more flexible outthere with similar hp, even maybe I could switch out one veils too to get more hp for a new mixer module. Notice I need stereo mixer with stereo channels, only mono inputs doesn't work for me (more stereo channels are always better for me). So, what do you suggest me around this? Thanks

SSF Vortices has 3 stereo and 4 mono channels in 16 hp, or with Tesseract Tex Mix you can get 4 stereo channels and some sends/returns in 20hp. Otherwise Doepfer has the 8hp VC Stereo mixer, a couple of those with the Jumble Henge could yield interesting results!