Hi everybody, starting my journey into modular this is the initial gear am thinking of purchasing.

Any thoughts or ideas on things missing or that i should change? I am a dj and minimal house/micro house producer

ModularGrid Rack

Thanks in advance

Fordidden Planet is a very good filter module. I think I remember @Lugia using it and being happy with it. You have to ask him... :) For my part I use several filters including Overseer which would be perfect for a DJ / House work. Other comment: Plaits is a wonderful module to start a modular and will stay in your rack until the end of the road... So, have a good trip!

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Looks like a good start! I'd personally add an analogue oscillator and a wavefolder, maybe an STO or a Dixie II+ and a Joranalogue Fold 6... also FX Aid is pretty flexible and might be worth considering over an ECHOZ. Last thought, ALM's HPO is 2HP vs Pico being 3HP here and about the same price.

+1 on @troux suggestion: FX Aid.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

How are you planning on providing pitch cv, the erica synths module is for trigger only, what are you going to be sequencing this with that you require dedicated trigger midi only?

I personally think given the single voice in the current rack that, having both the behringer and the befaco envelope/lfo is not necessary and would lose the behringer, also consider Maths as a replacement for befaco (though that is a personal preference).

FX Aid is a solid fx replacement.

Filters, there are a ton though I would look at doepher both the Wasp and SEM are great affordable and readily available filters. Intellijel Polaris is a great overall filter as well (though harder to source)

Given this is your beginning what is your end, what are you trying to do within modular, having a better sense of that will help drive some suggestions, what gear are you pairing this with. Are you using external mixers? Is this going to be a standalone groove box?

I would look into getting a Disting as well since there is a lot of utility baked in a small hp and is great when you need some function to try out in a patch before committing to a dedicated module and comes in handy in small racks.

Fordidden Planet is a very good filter module. I think I remember @Lugia using it and being happy with it. You have to ask him... :) For my part I use several filters including Overseer which would be perfect for a DJ / House work. Other comment: Plaits is a wonderful module to start a modular and will stay in your rack until the end of the road... So, have a good trip!
-- Sweelinck

Thanks for the feedback

Looks like a good start! I'd personally add an analogue oscillator and a wavefolder, maybe an STO or a Dixie II+ and a Joranalogue Fold 6... also FX Aid is pretty flexible and might be worth considering over an ECHOZ. Last thought, ALM's HPO is 2HP vs Pico being 3HP here and about the same price.
-- troux

Nice will look into the FX Aid

How are you planning on providing pitch cv, the erica synths module is for trigger only, what are you going to be sequencing this with that you require dedicated trigger midi only?

I personally think given the single voice in the current rack that, having both the behringer and the befaco envelope/lfo is not necessary and would lose the behringer, also consider Maths as a replacement for befaco (though that is a personal preference).

FX Aid is a solid fx replacement.

Filters, there are a ton though I would look at doepher both the Wasp and SEM are great affordable and readily available filters. Intellijel Polaris is a great overall filter as well (though harder to source)

Given this is your beginning what is your end, what are you trying to do within modular, having a better sense of that will help drive some suggestions, what gear are you pairing this with. Are you using external mixers? Is this going to be a standalone groove box?

I would look into getting a Disting as well since there is a lot of utility baked in a small hp and is great when you need some function to try out in a patch before committing to a dedicated module and comes in handy in small racks.
-- mog00


Yeah i had not realized that with the erica sythns so am taking it out. I wanted a module to hook up mi DAW to the rack that would take on midi and convert that to use inside the rack.

Also I have a beat step pro to use as standalone with the rack.

I added befaco because where i live i cant get the Maths.

The end is to use the rack to complement my music production, creating new sounds.


Yeah i had not realized that with the erica sythns so am taking it out. I wanted a module to hook up mi DAW to the rack that would take on midi and convert that to use inside the rack.

I would be wary of the doepfer that you have replaced it with - most doepfer modules rock - but their midi modules don't

Also I have a beat step pro to use as standalone with the rack.

I added befaco because where i live i cant get the Maths.

do you live on the moon? make noise are slowly getting back to business - so if there is a make noise dealer anywhere on the continent you live on then you should be able to get one at some point - I'd suggest Maths too over the rampage - particularly because of the 'maths illustrated supplement' which is a fantastic primer for modular patching

be wary of any small 2-4hp modules - they can be particularly unergonomic and so frustrating to play with

do you really need an output module? chances are you don't, but it really depends on what you're intending on sending the output to...

I would suggest a good cascading vca module - either a triple (happy nerding 3*VCA) or quad (mutable instruments veils or intiellijel quad vca) as an investment for the future, that you need asap and almost definitely more than an output module or random or a 2hp mix... nb cascading means it will act as a mixer as well as x number of vcas

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities


Yeah i had not realized that with the erica sythns so am taking it out. I wanted a module to hook up mi DAW to the rack that would take on midi and convert that to use inside the rack.

I would be wary of the doepfer that you have replaced it with - most doepfer modules rock - but their midi modules don't

Also I have a beat step pro to use as standalone with the rack.

I added befaco because where i live i cant get the Maths.

do you live on the moon? make noise are slowly getting back to business - so if there is a make noise dealer anywhere on the continent you live on then you should be able to get one at some point - I'd suggest Maths too over the rampage - particularly because of the 'maths illustrated supplement' which is a fantastic primer for modular patching

be wary of any small 2-4hp modules - they can be particularly unergonomic and so frustrating to play with

do you really need an output module? chances are you don't, but it really depends on what you're intending on sending the output to...

I would suggest a good cascading vca module - either a triple (happy nerding 3*VCA) or quad (mutable instruments veils or intiellijel quad vca) as an investment for the future, that you need asap and almost definitely more than an output module or random or a 2hp mix... nb cascading means it will act as a mixer as well as x number of vcas

-- JimHowell1970


jjajaj yeah I know I might just as well wait until Maths is available for order then.

the output is to be able to play the modular using headphones on the go and at home without waking up everybody in my house.
I will add the the intiellijel quad vca to the rack as per your suguestion and remove the smalle ones.

Thanks for the feedback

if you can find veils get that instead of the intellijel... slightly smaller module and has more gain available + a couple of other features that make it marginally better than the intellijel imo

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I think you can use the Beatstep Pro as a MIDI to CV converter. My Keystep and SQ-1 can do that.