You cannot merge racks. You can copy modules from one rack to the other with the c and v shortcuts, that works with two different browser windows so you open the two racks in two windows and copy paste from one window to the other.
The other workaround is to use your My Modules collection to quickly put your modules in a rack.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

could we please have the any incomplete rows left-justified rather than fully justified?

that should work now.

Whilst I'm at it, could the rows also be padded out so that the tops of all the cases align regardless of the length of the case title

could not get it to work without compromises, e.G. truncated text and fixed heights. That is more limiting than it does good so I leave it for now.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

On the "Command Centre" (sorry..."center") display,

I guess you mean the Kommandozentrale

could we please have the any incomplete rows left-justified rather than fully justified? As a graphic designer, I start to cry when I see three racks spread apart on the final row, after seeing evenly spaced racks above

I know what you mean. The graphic designer and the web developer had heated discussions above that topic. That was not very productive especially since they are the same person. (web developer always wins)

Whilst I'm at it, could the rows also be padded out so that the tops of all the cases align regardless of the length of the case title - e.g. make it like a spreadsheet table where you have a row of case titles above a row of cases.
-- AndyQ

Understand. Will look into it and give it another shot ...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

search ignores diacritics

you can now search for tàin and tain and get the same result.

forum signature improved

  • fixed a bug in the signature where links could be broken
  • enabled Markdown for the signature

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I am all in for a revised list but it is a delicate matter. It is easy to add new tags, but very hard to delete them.
We have already a lot tags currently, while some are very special others are too loose.
That could be improved.
We also have descriptions (filter) and quantifiers (dual) mixed, but I think that is ok.

As Lugia says the problem is to go through all the modules. While I will not change data that is locked by manufacturers I am fine to remove the locks when manufacturers are unresponsive or even out of business.

I think for every new function tag added an old one should be refined/renamed/merged/deleted so we don't end with a frightening list of technical terms.
E.G. combine Expression and Controller, find a better name for Clock Modulator etc.
The function list must stay "noob" friendly, it was intended to give beginners a quick overview what's available. That won't work with a hundred entries.

Btw. here is the ModularGrid function tag cloud which exists forever but I never found a place to post it.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

To disable Native Apple UI in Safari you can set the "-webkit-appearance" style to none;
-- defragmenteur

Yes, I know but the dropdown menu would not look like a dropdown anymore and you have to fake in that down triangle icon and that triangle icon will not register clicks so the dropbox would not open and than you can add javascript to prevent that, etc.
Not worth it imho just to get flatter dropdowns on Safari which might come "for free" with a next Apple update.
Anyway: "ModularGrid? Isn't that the tasteful site with the beautiful webdesign?" said no one ever ;)

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

That is Apples idea how a default drop down should look. Every attempt to restyle those elements is a bit hacky and has other disadvantages. The new "dropboxes" on iOS have the dropbox appearance disabled so they look flat. But from UI perspective they are no dropboxes anymore which can be problematic. I hope that Apple will just tone them done a bit in the future.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Strangely, when I posted my earlier message I couldn't see any posts in this thread besides the first post and one reply.
-- Sarksus

That's because the search function is too advanced for this world. If you enter something in the search box all posts are hidden that do not contain the search query. I will fix that one day..

For the cat matter: it's even worse now with the dark theme. Now there is a negative cat which in theory should neutralize the regular cat if they ever meet what god forbid hopefully will never happen.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I am happy to sticky any good post!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I noticed screenshots of wider racks (anything above 119 HP), the image is always cropped I tried different racks and width:

-- metrowave

This should be work now, thanks for reporting!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Seems to be a problem with all wider racks.
-- erdgeist

I have reverted some changes wich might be the cause for the problem. Does that fix your problem?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

reCaptcha fix

One new fix for an annoying bug:
We use reCaptcha to fight forum spam.
If you post in the forum and write for more than 2 min the reCaptcha token expired and you had to click submit a second time.
That should now be fixed, because the recaptcha token is now generated on submit and not on page load as before.
(And if this post is saved it's also a test that it works).

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

After the recent site update, when viewing an individual rack it's stretched too tall or something so that the bottom of the rack covers up the statistic information
-- JohnLRice

I’m seeing the error on Firefox/ Chrome and whatever the MS browser is called now (on win10)
-- hrterror

I've got it, too..
-- Lugia

I am not 100% sure if I see what you see, but I have reverted a change that might have lead to the behaviour you described.
Does that solve the problem?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Click on your rack and replace view with shopping_list in the url, e.g.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

There's kind oof a bad bug where if you accidentally enter a very large number in the hp box (9999hp or something) and then try to delete it with backspace, modules will start getting deleted from your grid starting in the upper left corner.

-- Sedalus

Some kind of focus problem. Hotfix: Disable the keyboard shortcuts.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Not per se a dark mode issue, but I can no longer zoom out to view my full rack on iPad Safari.
-- erdgeist

That is strange, which rack is it?

I'm glad we didn't end up with the 200% grayscaled images, I mean can you imagine 😂
-- ApolaKipso

New feature: the color gradually fades as your unicorn account approaches the expiration date, just kidding ;)

Yep, looks better and cleaner to me. However, after selecting an item from the dropdown, the text is black and hard to read. Can you make it white or grey?
-- subframe

That should work now..

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

The modules look...OK?...but I can see what people are talking about with the washed-out look.
-- Lugia

I noticed the modules images tones' are slightly desaturated, It seems a bit too desaturated to me; it's pleasant artistically but it's not matching the real thing.
-- metrowave

I'd prefer the dark mode not to affect the images of the modules as well.
-- ApolaKipso

The image filter is now gone.

The dropdown in the Module Finder are very Aqua, with the reflections. I think it's pretty distracting, can the dropdowns be flattened a bit?
-- subframe

That is an iOS issue, those select boxes are hard to style. You have to use CSS I would categorize as "hacky" e.G. remove the aqua and fake in those down triangles... Nonetheless now they are flat but don't look like selects anymore, need feedback if that is better or worse?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

How do I turn off darkmode? It's really not working for me. Sorry...
-- Sedalus

Go to your user preferences and select "Light" in the Color Scheme select box.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Reduced the filter to 25%. That should bring the color back in your life! For every new member complaining I add additional 5% until we hit 200%

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Since I guess there will be some problems and issues let's discuss them here and not in the change log thread.

The new Page Layout, while in darkmode, applies a filter: grayscale(50%) on every image. Is this intended?
Because it makes the page and especially the module pictures and your rack look really washed out.
-- temp_hill

What do you think, should that be reversed or tamed down?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Hey @Modulargrid,

The new Page Layout, while in darkmode, applies a filter: grayscale(50%) on every image. Is this intended?
Because it makes the page and especially the module pictures and your rack look really washed out.
-- temp_hill

Hey, yes that is intended to tone the contrast in images down. I am collecting some more feedback and then maybe reduce the filter/find a better solution..

Edit: made a new thread for discussion:

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log


Restructured Layout

We have updated the page layout slightly. The CSS is modernized and the page should look better on mobile devices and on very large screens. We have tried to keep the bootstrap look and also kept all the buttons on their sometimes weird places.

The homepage, rack view, rack edit and user view changed the most.
Data on the module detailpage is restructured and includes ideas from Roey from Play Think Make.


Top requested and finally here: Darkmode exchanges the bright white background against a darker tone which might be more pleasing to the eye, especially on late evening module research missions.

On most Apple devices darkmode can be switched on and off in the System Preferences (General -> Appearance on MacOs), so if you have darkmode enabled for your OS it will automatically be enabled on ModularGrid too.
Of course it can be manually set in your user preferences (

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

We don't change data when the lock is set by manufacturers. But if the manufacturer does not respond I will remove the lock.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Mostly. There's still issues, though, most notably when a manufacturer discontinues a module and they don't bother to come back and change that module's MG listing. [...]

-- Lugia

Sure Lugia, I am aware of the problems. What users can do currently if they see a locked module with off specs:
Click on the Message the Manufacturer button besides the manufacturer stamp and remind the manufacturer to refine the data or unlock the module.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I have added Dannysound to the manufacturer list and reassigned the modules.

would it be possible instead of only adding manufacturers when they request it to also allow the addition of Manufacturers when requested by a user

-- JimHowell1970

Sure that is already possible. The only reason I prefer manufacturers to register themselves is that they can get a manufacturer account and set the Approved by manufacturer lock which mostly improves the data.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Not sure if it will work with the height but you can try.
Whatever you do please set the Do not list this module flag when uploading.
Mods will delete the "modules" if they appear in the browser.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

This chrome extension will hide the cat when in rack view.

You people

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Because my attention was brought to this post: a reminder that there are far better forums to discuss economic systems and their sexual preferences than MG.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Some users didn't like the ads and I understand that.
Unicorns now have the option to hide the ads.
Find it in the user settings.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Hide Advertising

Everyone has an opinion about advertising. This opinion strongly depends on the role in which one encounters the topic.
We tried to make the ads as relevant as possible but we understand that some users don't want to see it, especially those users that support the site with the Unicorn account.

I have deployed a new option for Unicorn users to disable and hide most of the ads:

  • the leaderboard ads on the module browser
  • the ebay section on the module detail page
  • the reverb section on the same page

Unicorns can chose to display/hide the ads on the user settings page.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

You know you can deactivate all shortcuts by clicking the Kbd Shortcuts button top right on the planner page?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

That problem is fixed. Thanks for reporting!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

the $6,000,000 server!
-- Lugia

Not quite, but close!

Everyone reading this: server is running, we are operational again!
Running on 12 cores and 32GB RAM.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

It will help to fund the new faster server we are getting tomorrow Thursday 03.02 , 11.00 CET :)
MG will be offline for couple of hours though..

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Offline on Thursday, 11.00 CET

We are going offline on Thursday, 11.00 CET for up to 4 hours.
We are moving to a faster and bigger server!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Multiple systems on one page will not come for several reasons.
But maybe as a workaround you can open two systems in different browser windows and use c und p shortcuts to copy/paste modules from one browser window to the other.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

What happens, when you click on the link in the email notification?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Just a reminder that ModularGrid is not the place to discuss politics. The new UK Option is not a political statement.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Users can only rate each other if they have had contact via the ModularGrid messager

You cannot rate random people anymore by accident, you have to send them a message or have received a message from them.

Added United Kingdom as a separate region

UK is not part of EU anymore.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

United Kingdom is now a new option in the marketplace selector. All existing UK offers are moved to the new option.
I hope it will work with the Reverb offers too, that needs a couple of hours.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Awesome! I have published it on the Facebook page. Maybe it get's some more attention.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Did anybody else have messages disappear from their inbox?
-- talkboxert

There is a bug that might "hide"messages when they appear on the second message page of the pagination.
As a hotfix I have extended the display of messages to 500 per page. Does that help you?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

If we could have a "date created" for builds (ie: the date when the build was started with an empty rack) along with the "last modified" date, that would be a big help in going back thru older builds I've got to clear space.
-- Lugia

Sadly we don't store the rack creation date, and I guess it is a bit late to start with it :(
However we have the Rack Id which kind of mimics creation date. I have sorted the racks in descending order by id in the users view
And I have added the modified date to that table, i hope that is a good compromise.

@lugia -- I remember a long post you made a while ago called something like "Why you shouldn't get into modular". This should be a sticky in the forum. Does that count as a feature request?
-- the-erc

I have stickied that thread. Happy new year everyone!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Bugfix: upload images in Safari

That is more a Safari bug than a ModularGrid bug, but I have made a walkaround so that it is possible again to upload module, pedal images and user avatars in Safari 14.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

We now have the option to disable the shortcuts entirely. Find the button top right where you can enable/disable Popovers, Space Guides, Panel Selector.
Message me, if it is not working for you.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Option to turn off Keyboard Shortcuts

There are some nice keyboard shortcuts like copy, paste, duplicate, etc. in the planner.
But unfortunately users reported issues where the shortcuts interfere with the search form.
We now have the option to disable the shortcuts entirely. Find the button top right where you can enable/disable Popovers, Space Guides, Panel Selector.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Check if you have activated the Space Guide button.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I keep an eye on that Kosmo format and also the AE system. It's quite an effort to create a new format in the planner, so there must be more than just a few people to use it.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

The , and . move module functions are quite nice. And copy/paste even works between browser windows so you can plan 2 racks at the same time. But unfortunately there is an unsolve problem with the focus of the search input field that can cause mixed up racks and swear words.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

How about that option of disabling all keyboard shortcuts except the copy (Ctrl-C) and past (Ctrl-V) options as the only two?
-- GarfieldModular

I think the option should disable at least all destructive shortcuts. Paste and cut belong to it.
But I am in favour to just disable everything. It bugs me a bit that I never got it to work reliable.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: