it's not about typing in the description field, it's about using the "Text Replacement" function in Macos, where you can automatically substitute a text you type by a saved text (usually a short abbreviated text replaced by a much longer text)
-- DirkB

We added a Rich Text Editor lately to the offer form which might cause the issue.
I now have added a Legacy Mode button to return to the web conform standard form. Maybe that fixes the issue?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

In your user settings there is a setting for Planner Menu Preferences.
You can uncheck the button options there and dependent on your problem that might help to drag the small modules easier aroound.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

There seems to be a bug with My Modules feature. I've added quite a few (40-50), initially just three of them appeared in the tab. I logged out and back in, and then it seemed that most if not all of them were showing up. Then on following login just a single module is now showing up. Would be great to resolve this issue as it was one of the features that prompted me to upgrade to paying version. Thanks

-- soulsun69

If you go to the My Module section the search parameters still apply. Click Reset in the search form and check if the missing modules appear. Does that fix the problem?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Update: So I figured a ""workaround"" and that is to delete every module and add them back one by one. Not super ideal but it seems to be stable atm.
-- JFerg

I have seen that you had modules lie on top of each other in your dotcom system. Not sure how that happened, but I guess this was the cause of problems.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Which browser are you using?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Richtext Editor in the Marketplace

The Richtext editor is now available in the marketplace section.

ImageUpload in the Richtext Editor

Ever noticed the small image icon in the top right of the Richtext editor? That used to insert the markdown syntax for images. Now it lets you upload images and they will be displayed inline in the forum texts and marketplace offers.
An experimental feature that might be reverted.

Let's start with image No 1, a must have for every modular user: my potted plant.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Am I missing something or did they remove the rotate 180° option ?
-- ukiyo_

It's an option now in the User Settings
Enable Flip Button

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Hey folks,
I had several situations I wished I could simply send a picture of a real existing module in my rack at home or a soundfile to somebody else here on modulargrid via a messenger service like on Facebook and many other web sites. This would make communication within an ongoing trade much easier and I would not need to use sombody elses e-mail adress or send mine to receive more infos about a module. I do not know how hard it is to implement this into this site but maybe something worth to consider.
-- ChaiBaba

We have this now as an experimental feature for unicorn users. See

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Image Upload in the Messenger

Besides module images I never wanted to host user uploaded images on the server because of the potential trouble with backups and malware.
But users pointed out that in case of the marketplace it is very helpful to send images via the messenger to not disclose their private data/ email adresses early. So that is possible now. You can send one image per message.
The images are hosted on a Google Cloud Server. Because that service charges money for hosting and traffic the new feature is an Unicorn Only feature.
Since I have no idea how expensive it is in the long run the image upload is an experimental feature, so save any important images localy, because the data might vanish again.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

it would be great to work with module dummies in the real world before starting to persist the arrangement in modulargrid.
smaller versions (maybe 1:2) of each module printed on paper or cardboard which can be arranged & moved around on a desk.
-- modular01

You can go to Modules -> My Modules and just use the Print function of your browser. I have changed the print.css so the modules will be printed in series and other info will be hidden.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Is there a way to merge racks? I have a few 4 row cases that I created before getting the Unicorn account, is there a way to merge them or copy/paste rows from one case to another?
-- vuucuuv

Currently you can only copy modules one by one with c and v keyboardshortcuts between browser wondows.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Hide Manufacturer Info Block

When you select a Manufacturer via the Manufacturer Drop Box in the Module Finder an info box with related info will be shown. That's old news. But if you don't need that info now you can hide that box with a click and it will stay hidden even after logout.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

There is something wrong with the Screenshot thing!
-- Hikove

Screenshot thing makes screenshots again, thanks for reporting!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

I have seen terrible webserver performance lately. I found out the reason was a search engine spider that crawled all Similar Racks pages. That is a page with very hefty SQL queries and for that reason a CPU/memory hog.
Quick fix:
Similar Racks now is only accesible for users that are logged in. Thinking about changing it in a Unicorn only function...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I am not 100% sure what happens because I cannot reproduce the problem but it can be related to a sanitize function that is executed before save:
all html tags are filtered out of the comments when you save. If you had pasted something into the form which looks like broken html it may have the undesired result that text will be deleted.
Message me if you have a text snippet that triggers that behaviour so I can look into it deeper.
... and thanks for supporting!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Just write your company name somewhere in the module description text and it will be found when users check the "other/unkn own" checkbox. If your modules are bit more known and/or you are ready to ship some you can apply for a manufacturer entry.
I understand that you find that "not right" but most users want to decide if they want to see the more obscure modules or the more polished ones. That's why we moderate the manufacturer entries.
It's all explained here:

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Flip is back

In the user preferences under you find a new fieldset called Planner Menu Preferences. Here you can check which entries you like to see in the planner action menu. Options are Push Buttons and/or Flip Button (or none of both).
You can select both but the space will be very narrow on slim modules.
Keybord shortcuts are still available even if you hide the buttons.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Flip is back

In the user preferences under you find a new fieldset called Planner Menu Preferences. Here you can check which entries you like to see in the planner action menu. Options are Push Buttons and/or Flip Button.
You can select both but the space will be very narrow on slim modules.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Case sizing

Can we have multiple cases in view, all at once?

No, but you can open several racks in different browser windows and copy paste modules via keyboardshortcuts c and v across windows.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Push entire row of Modules

In the planner there are two new buttons that appear on hover to push one or more modules to the adjacent side.
This can also be used with shortcuts n and m.
The older shortcuts , and . to push only single modules still exist.
The button to flip modules is removed because I think that was not used enough and took too much space. The function is still there with shortcut f for flip.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Can you please clarify the process to do this with a manufacturer acccount.
-- justgrid

Manufacturers should see delete buttons on the different version images on their module detail pages. The server then tries to remap all of those version images in all existing racks.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Yes. Wrote a PM.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

O.k. they were already in the Pedal section anyway

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:


Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

It's a bit clipped but still o.k.?

also would like to remove joke videos

Thats's not possible...

and submit one or 2 that are legitimate

... but you can just post YouTube URLs inside the module description text and they will be rendered as embedded videos.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Sorry that this is a bit complicated, the whole version image thing came late to the site and is a bit a mess. If you have a manufacturer account you should be able to delete the version images.
I will try to make it possible that users can delete there own uploaded images. The challenge is to not destroy thousands of existing racks that already have those images assigned.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log
  • Bigger thumbs on the marketplace index page
  • Manufacturers can delete panel versions
  • Single view for posts and a share button on forum threads to copy the URL of those single forum posts (try to find it)
  • Check for weak passwords on registration and password change with a lookup table of the 10000 worst passwords of all times
  • Captchas on password and username forget, because reasons ...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

So my request is, new users should be able to open new threads, otherwise a new guy like me will never be able to use this forum..
-- DareDenis

After ca. 24h you are not a new user anymore. The limit is just there to keep the bots out.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

They are in

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Fixed a small bug that prevented new manufacturers from posting news.
In the process accidently deployed a new feature were users can thumbs up forum posts.

Thumbs Up button in the Forum

A simple Thumbs Up function that lets you leave a thumbs up on a forum post.
Second click on the Thumbs Up button removes the Thumbs Up.
Narcists can thumbs up their own posts.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Happy to report: ModularGrid now supports AE Modular format!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

AE Modular Universe

Modulargrid now supports the super affordable AE Modular format!

more small changes

  • Added the Markdowneditor to the Module Upload forms.
  • Changed the term HP to better matching terms like Unit for non Eurorack formats.
  • Added sticky Submit buttons on longer forms so you don't have to scroll to the bottom to submit.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Design changes

News from the Lab

The News from the Lab section has an updated design

Manufacturer Pages

  • updated Design
  • Manufacturers can now upload logos which will be used in several places
  • Manufacturers can enter their social media accounts

Manufacturer Info Block in the Module Finder

When you select a Manufacturer via the Manufacturer Drop Box in the Module Finder an info block with related info will be shown

Retired the Twitter API

Since Twitter won't allow free access to their API anymore we have removed Twitter from the ModularGrid Modular News section :(

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Toolbar for the Markdown Editor

The markdown editor in the forums has now a toolbar where you can set text bold, italic, set bullit lists and insert the markdown code for links and images in case you don't know where to find the square brackets [] on your keyboard.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: UX

Thanks for reporting all this. I read it all and want to fix everything but everything is going slower than I wished.

As a user I want to be able to export a csv from the data sheet page, or hide specific columns in that view.

Not CSV but on the My Modular page you can get a XML page of your rack with all the modules. Just add .xml to the URL. (Unicorn feature)
I see it would make more sense with CSV and the data sheet page, that might come.

Please remove keybindings

this is already possible with the Keyboard Shortcuts switch in rack view?

Please detect mobile and enable lock by default for mobile

Good call

Please enable transferring of a module between cases

There is a workaround but (cough) keyboard shortcuts must be enabled for this. You can copy/paste modules between browser windows with the c and v shortcuts.

Thanks for supporting!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

We have an eye for vote manipulation and we delete fake votings regularly. This module was downvoted by a normal user. Every voting system has this problem and I am not sure how to improve it. At the end take the ratings with a grain of salt but I still think in most occasions they give you a good idea. Especially if the modules are voted in larger numbers.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Natural sort of Rack names

In Rack view under Switch and in the command center the names are now sorted "naturally" instead by string.

1. Rack 1
11. Rack 11
2. Rack 2

1. Rack 1
2. Rack 2
11. Rack 11

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I added Both to the options of the 1U tiles.
Now they can be of the type
* Intellijel
* Pulp Logic
* Both

IMO it makes more sense to display both Intellijel and Universal if Intellijel is selected as I would expect the most prevalent use case is to look for modules that will fit the user's rack

This is the way it is working now.
I did not call the new option universal because in more cases the modules are just available in both formats instead of that one combined universal format.
To not overcomplicate it the universal 1U should be entered as both. I think this is the best compromise and should address what users like to see but I am not very familiar with 1U. So what do you think?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

We now have a filter for Pulplogic 1U and Intellijel 1U modules.
Functionality is there but of course most of the data is missing. It can be added by users but it would be easier if I would bulk edit the modules.
Is there a list of manufacturers that only do one format but not the other?

Regarding that universal format. If I would add this how should the filter behave. Currently there are these 1U options:

  • 1U Tiles / All Formats
  • 1U Tiles / Intellijel
  • 1U Tiles / Pulplogic

If a module is universal and a user selects 1U Tiles / Intellijel in the filter should that universal module be displayed? Or should there be a third filter entry 1U Tiles / Universal ?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

All unlisted

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

SO, my request is: Would it be possible to change the default 'Description of your Offer' to remove the * I will ship to xxx only. * so that sellers have to explicitly state where they will ship rather than just use the default copy that says they won't ship abroad?

I have changed the template text a bit

P.S. BONUS REQUEST: Also, it would be so cool to have a rack of the week 'contest' where users' racks get featured based on type of build/ number of views on a rack (or something)
-- pigrabbit

We have something like this on the homepage: the Hot Racks section is generated by user views.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

3) links to deleted racks
its totally fine to get a 404 when trying to view a deleted rack.
but it would be nice to have all users public racks as a fallback
-- modular01

Starting with racks that are deleted today we have that now. You will be redirected to the users profile page.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

It seems like you forgot to unescape somewhere ;)
-- lipoqil

The thin red line between Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability and a sledgehammer.
Thanks, should be fixed!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Weird stuff is... going on 'round here. Like when I zoom in on the Afterneath module, it turns into the silver version! Now that is spooky! I suspect whichever panel was uploaded last becomes the "main" panel.
-- catwavez

Zoom now always shows the selected version. Zoom bug is fixed.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Just tried setting up a pedalboard build for my tandem string rig (1952 National Dual-8 lap steel, Suzuki Ran Alto taishogoto) and...uhhhhhhh...
-- Lugia

I know it's bad. We tried to delete everything that is not a pedal but users reupload them again and again.
So that brought me to rethink the usecase. In the meantime I think all the desktop devices like the small synths make kind of sense and we think we should keep the modular user in focus with all his gear. That user does not stomp on the pedals but has them sitting on the table next to his sequencer and drum machine.
Still I know it is a mess and i hope we will find the time to improve it. You think it should be strictly pedals and everything else private/hidden uploads?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

As a manufacturer, how can I add the stores that sell my modules? Thanks in advance ;)
-- BlackNoiseModular

You cannot do that, the stores can do that, they have special accounts. Contact them.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

test, test, test, trying to reply from Firefox ...
Seems to work here, problem still persists?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I have unlocked all the Dovemans modules and set them to discontinued.
You can always try to contact a manufacturer when you send them a private message by clicking on the link Message the Manufacturer near the manufacturer approved stamp.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

hi there,

just wondering if the unicorn account increases the maximum size of pedal boards too?
-- Iggy_ogg

yes, currently it increases max width from 820 to 1600 and max height from 400 to 1400.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bursting!

Been having issues trying to get the video to embed, but apparently underscore characters in URLs are not parsed properly,

Thanks for reporting. If a Youtube link contained two underscores, the markdown parser interpreted this as text emphasis and rendered a beautiful em tags inside the video id code.
Should work now.

... and great tune on an impressive rig!!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: