Had fun tonite with my two smaller setups and creating some unique weird sounds layered on top of a nice fat bass lead.
It was great to put my new Clep Diaz to work as well.
Had fun tonite with my two smaller setups and creating some unique weird sounds layered on top of a nice fat bass lead.
It was great to put my new Clep Diaz to work as well.
You are welcome @Lusiad- I have the HexVCA and Hexmixer they are fabulous together as VCAs and mixer are super useful for modular.
I just got a Befaco Hexmixer and love it! Gives me 6 channels of mixer controls with mute switches and sends/pan and all sort of goodies. I was using a smaller mixer with Intellijel Mixup which is not bad for a small 3 channel mixer.
-- sacguy71
I'm looking into the Hexmixer now--thank you!
This is workable except for the mixer. The docs say: "Module A-138p is the 4-fold input module, A-138o is the output module that can be combined with one or more A-138p." You are lacking the necessary output module.
You could replace A-138p with an FBP 6 ch mixer. 6 inputs, stereo out, head phone amp, and an fx send to, too. Plus a cue function for pre-listening.
-- wiggler55550
Thank you, Wiggler55550!! You really saved me a bunch of heartache. I'm scanning around for alternatives now (I couldn't find the FPB unit for sale anywhere).
Have you considered buying a copy of the most excellent book Patch and Tweak by Chris Meyer of LearningModular.com and downloading the free VCVRack software? These really helped me get started for low cost and I still use them for trying things out before a purchase. Congrats on your plunge into modular world.
-- sacguy71
Thanks for this guidance! I'm reading Patch an Tweak now. I haven't really played around with VCV Rack but will do so.
I just got a Befaco Hexmixer and love it! Gives me 6 channels of mixer controls with mute switches and sends/pan and all sort of goodies. I was using a smaller mixer with Intellijel Mixup which is not bad for a small 3 channel mixer.
I've been building something similar but different for Acid, and I'm curious what you're using for your drum sequencing here, does the Maestro handle that?
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
Sure, I like the Intellijel Quad VCA- small and powerful with boost and attenuator controls.
What about this one? https://cosmotronic.nl/delta-v.html
-- 8cloud8
Delta-V looks amazing!
Another idea would be getting two ALM Pip Slope and one ALM O/A/x2
Can swap Ferry for Sono Abitus or MSCL
Can swap Ansible + Crow for Chimera
Can swap Black Sequencer for Drum Sequencer
16hp options:
* WMD Sequential Switch Matrix
* Manhattan Analog Manual Voltage Processor
* Mordax DATA
What about this one? https://cosmotronic.nl/delta-v.html
I have an FX Aid mounted in my Palette case. It's indeed a tight fit, but I never had any problem.
Thnx for the advice. I'll keep a watch on that.
Brenso, Entity and Ripples have a internal VCA with VC control.
I use the Frap Tools 321 for balance in te mix for BIA and Chimera (also with internal VCA)
On top of that the 2HP double VCA...
Any advice on a good Quad VCA?
This is workable except for the mixer. The docs say: "Module A-138p is the 4-fold input module, A-138o is the output module that can be combined with one or more A-138p." You are lacking the necessary output module.
You could replace A-138p with an FBP 6 ch mixer. 6 inputs, stereo out, head phone amp, and an fx send to, too. Plus a cue function for pre-listening.
Lugia has solid advice. I started off first with an Elektron Analog 4 and Make Noise 0-coast semi-modular several years ago. Fast forward from 2016 to 2020 today. I downloaded VCV Rack and ordered the book Patch & Tweak and really learned a lot. Then this summer I bought a Doepfer A100 Basic System 1 with room for adding more modules to learn modular in rack and that helped me to further understand how VCOs, VCAs, VCF and envelopes and LFO modulation work together as well as the need for support modules like attenuators, mults and logic modules. This month I ordered a much larger case and more modules. Still learning but quite a journey. One thing to keep in mind: always always get a much larger case! I recommend at least something like a Doepfer 9u powered suitcase or perhaps an MDLR 12u case. These are still portable but have lot of room for the many support modules you will need versus just a bunch of the cool oscillator modules.
Have you considered buying a copy of the most excellent book Patch and Tweak by Chris Meyer of LearningModular.com and downloading the free VCVRack software? These really helped me get started for low cost and I still use them for trying things out before a purchase. Congrats on your plunge into modular world.
Hi all,
I was going to jam a bit work on drums tonight but just ended up jamming for a while.
So this is just a long block of jamming... so enjoy if you want to skip through and give any feedback, all feedback is greatly appreciated.
Alright, I give up. Putting together a first rack is overwhelming. I don't know enough to make good decisions, and I firmly believe that I won't know enough until I have a rack to play with. So I pulled the trigger on this rack (just ordered all of the modules) and a MINIBRUTE 2S and RackBrute 6U. I'm excited and a bit anxious!
Looks pretty good maybe add in a quad VCA and logic module?
Hi Wavne,
Wow, what a beautiful and interesting machine! :-) Very nicely done video too!
Can't wait for your live show then :-)
Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
It has everything you mention bar the auto pattern I believe. The sequences are upto 64 steps with swing, directional options and individual time signatures.
Thanks Lugia, that's really useful feedback.
More than anything else, my constraint is space, which I have just about for the 104HP. I guess I was too optimistic with what I could get away with a modular of that size. Sadly, that means getting multiple devices like you suggest is also out of the question. I might have space for one more synth, definitely not three.
That said, I am not unhappy with my current setup... I love my Rytm and the posibilities for modulation and performance that it has and I'm also very happy with the range of sounds I get out of my Digitone. Also, I'm happy with the music I have released using these two alone. I just have a feeling that going forward, if I want to make things sound different, I have a gap in analog synth sounds, and thought a skiff of modules could sort that.
I guess I will just hold off it until one day I have a dedicated studio space where I can fit a PROPER system as you say.
Again, thanks for the help!
As always, Lugia has the insight! Seriously, thanks for the comment. I didn't think about logic modules (obviously) and that will definitely be the next thing I dive into.
As for size, this is definitely something just for creative fun. I have 15U at 128 hp in my office, but I wanted this to have down in the living room as something to play with and distract me from the larger collection of modules. Totally get you though - to truly get into a generative patching scheme I'll need more space to allow more utilities.
As a side note, I haven't dug into the forums enough, but is there a collection of Lugia best tips? I mean it - you always have great suggestions and insight into the eurorack world, and if there is a compendium of your "best of" that could be helpful.
Thanks again!
Thank guys!
@GarfieldModular, Cottondale Counterpoint was a fun one. Waves of Life started with a good old wind-and-surf patch.
@Lugia, yup! This was all done with the AE Modular: no controllers, memory or anything.
Portable Suitcase with 2 x 84HP + 4MS Pod64x
Designed for minimal and rythmic CV modulation.
Hands on sequencing:
- Frap Tools USTA
- Noise Engeneering Memetic Digitalis
- Acid Rain MAESTRO
Sound Sources:
- 2HP Kick
- Noise Engineering BIA
- WMD Chimera
- SSF Entity Percussion Synthesizer
- Frap Tools Brenso
Clocks & Function Generators:
- Mordax DATA
- Frap Tools FALISTRI
Effect & Filters:
- Noise Engineering Desmodus Versio
- Erica Synth Pico DSP
- Mutable Instruments Ripples
I'm open to critique on this, having just built the Robaux LL8 (Which is very nice) I've probably got all the triggers I could ever need to make a full drum and percussion row.
Modules I don't have yet are:
Prok Clap
Happy Nerding 3x Mix
Befaco Kickall
Omsonic Pixel Dust
+Kit still to build of the Befaco Burst (This will be used for more than just Ratchets)
Befaco Output (Optional)
The Omsonic UPE is handy for panning the ADDAC103 into the mix (dedicated to the 103 as there are no level controls). The DNiPro DOT is really good for Euclidean and will also Ratchet.
Do you think there should be some effects within a Drum Row, maybe a Distortion and Reverb, or keep those for a different row?
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
I thought some folk might be interested in this machine I built for pairing up with a modular system.
It was a commission for someone else but I enjoyed messing about with it so much I'm going to build myself one.
Snagged a copy, too...I presume a lot of this is done on the AE?
Yuppers...open case spaces might look a little "unfashionable", but if YOU get a new idea with all of those "holes", you're primed to drop modules in to explore that idea! This, to me, is one of the big plusses of ANY modular system...and one of the biggest mistakes I repeatedly see right now revolves around people trying to make their case size a "final result". It won't work. Period.
Systems get bigger. It's a super-basic FACT. And one that new builders need to keep in mind....
It looks to me like you're not thinking ahead here. If you're keeping the M32 in its case, then I don't see why you wouldn't go with the Moog stand + some Moog extra skiffs for the sake of convenience. Plus, if you went with a four-row Moog bracket, that would allow one or two more Moog patchables along with a compliment of Eurorack. All you'd need is power for those skiffs.
When considering modular synths, always plan to go further. Getting stuck on a certain size paradigm in modular has really screwed a lot of people over...until they realize that, in order to get any new modules, etc into their systems, they HAVE TO go bigger, then this expansion tends to go against the rest of their planning which revolved around the modular not changing...which is sort of a violation of physics! ALL modulars undergo change! And it's far better to have open space in which to work into than painting yourself into a corner with a "fixed" build paradigm.
Bigger cab, for starters. This is a pretty good start, but if you want to get REALLY deep into generative, you're going to have to go way further in.
Example: you've got a neat stochastic sequencing setup there. But you DON'T have any logic, no comparators, no mix/maxes, etc etc to work with its timing signals. So while there's some good options for generative sounds, this isn't even close to where it could go as far as generative processes can take it. By adding some of those...even if, yes, they look boring...suddenly you've brought your clocking and sequencer trig/gate aspects into the generative domain. And with a few comparators + Boolean logic, you can cook up LOADS of results that are based on your modulation source states.
So, I wouldn't concentrate on the sound generation SOLELY. Instead, figure out how to extend the generative concept AS FAR AS POSSIBLE...then pare that result back into a build that works with your capabilities and budget. You'll be pretty amazed as to the results. And yeah...if you've got VCV Rack, you can see how a lot of this should work.
Or, a better way of putting that would be to say that if you're busy making your "studio" look like a "stage set", then perhaps your musical priorities are getting kicked down to Priority #2, and being some sort of YT "influencer" is more important to you than knuckling down and digging into the difficult task of being creative...because being a tour guide for an acre of blinkenlichts und tvistenknobs is CERTAINLY easier than being creative.
But yeah...same methods in use here, too, sacguy. Find a sound and run with it. See where things lead. The "dots 'n' lines" composition crowd will probably get salty about that...but it's worth noting that that method was what Stockhausen and his ensemble were up to from 1964 ("Mikrophonie I") to the early 1970s (the "Fur Kommende Zeiten" pieces). Dude was correct, though...if you're prepared for it, the music itself will tell you what to do!
You're expecting way too much out of a tiny build like this. Yes, it's got a VCO/VCF/VCA chain to it, which makes up a basic voice. But in the process, there's a lot of compromises made in creating these things. Small skiffs like this aren't the sort of thing that can "...get fat sounds out of the modular, perhaps same for some leads, and to also delve into more ambient and general craziness that I can use for intros/outros". There simply is NOT enough there.
If this build is limited on the basis of money, I would suggest just getting a patchable system or two. This system will probably cost about $2.5k once it's cased and powered. At this point, I would like to point out that a Buchla Easel minus the controller comes in at only $500 more...but I'm NOT advocating that (very expensive!) device here. For "fat sounds" (bass, I'm assuming), you could get a Poly-D, leads would point toward something like a Microbrute or Minibrute, and for your weirdness something like a Kilpatrick Phenol...and the amount you'd be spending would be $600 or so LESS (assuming you get a Minibrute 2; a Microbrute instead would shave close to a grand off of this).
If money isn't the determining factor, though, I would strongly suggest that you do two things...
1) Get a copy of VCV Rack. Get used to how modular synthesis works...and DOES NOT work.
2) Scrap this build AFTER spending some time with VCV, then either build a PROPER system that can accomplish your aims, or go back to the option above.
Fact is, there's loads of people that think that a modular synth can "fix their music". Bollocks. If there's a problem with your music, NO PIECE OF EQUIPMENT WILL HELP. That falls more under the rubric of "user error". And there's this other mindset that you have to have a modular to be "serious". Also bollocks. Sure, it'll make for a wild time on Reverb and eBay for those of us who DO "get modular" in a couple of years. But that's not how I'd like to get my bargains. I'd rather see modular synthesizers get used CORRECTLY, which also means building them correctly in the first place, which THEN means that you need to know YOUR MUSIC well enough to determine exactly what sort of modules would go into an expensive bespoke build that you can live with and expand on for a number of years...perhaps a decade or more.
If you're not sure about that last part, if you're NOT ready to know what exact elements will make your music go together, don't do this. Get some time with VCV instead FIRST...since it's free. The rest of this is far from it!
p.s. the £ is low against both the $ and the €
There are some real bargains to be had right now if you act quick!
My advice is to pay for fully tracked and insured postage, ymmv, good luck!!
This is a terrible request to have to make, I feel nothing but embarrassed, but seeing as our 'leaders' have seen fit to throw all of us under the infamous bus...
My reading is that no one will be bothering importing or exporting to and from the UK, at least not for a good while until things settle down, the unknowns become resolved and everyone knows where they stand. My uneducated guess is this will take, at the very least, 6 months...
So, it would be useful to separate us out, if it is not too much trouble could you add a UK option please?
It would be nice to be shown I am wrong here, if anyone has a different take on it, I am all ears :)
While I am here, apologies to our friends in Europe, I know it's really easy to get the impression that the UK is full of people of a certain ilk, and while this is true to some extent, it is far from all of us, at least half of us are absolutely horrified at what is happening. I can only hope that this chapter is over soon...
Kind regards to everyone Xx
Hi Funbun,
Wow that's a serious large album! :-) With some very interesting music. I like The Waves Of Life a lot and Cottondale Counterpoint sounds very interesting too.
By the way, I love the album cover art work by Krystal Penny, that's a great cover!
I will continue listening at your album, thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Funny Lugia because I did same thing going nuts this year in buying tons of modules and several cases as well. At least I have plenty to learn and keep busy and won't run out of space now with 300HP free. I am really loving the Harvestman and Mutable Instrument modules the best because they just sound amazing even if they are digital versus analog.
Hi Gabor,
You got some fantastic sounds in this jam, beautiful and disturbing nice at the same time :-)
Ha, ha, I like the video effects you have been adding here, lot's of fun there too!
It's always a pleasure to watch your video's and listen to your jams, so please keep them coming :-) Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Thanks everyone! This is super useful. I updated with a Disting mk4. I was hesitant trying to avoid digital modules but I gave in after the recommendations of finding something with effects and more patch points. Sounds like it will go with my Mother 32 fine.
Hi all,
I recently picked up a "Mob of Emus" - and dang is it fun! I'll have to do some deep diving into this device as it has a wide range of sonic goodness!
Here is a link to a quick jam I was doing today to try out the new modules:
I added in a Vox Digitalis so I could have a simpler sequencer - really liking it so far, easy to use.
As note above: I'm trying out the Mob Of Emus and i'm digging it so far.
Patch Note:
1) main riff is the Mob of Emus sequenced from the Circles, notes from the Vox Digi and running through the ms22
2) Bass-ish part is the Mantis (I really love this going through the C4BON)
3) Kick is the BIA
4) Hats are from the QD
5) FXs are from the Happy Nerding FX AID XL, Clouds, and my external Digit Pedal
My next steps are to create some more note sequences, and start hooking up more control with the Catalyst
Hope you enjoy, and please feel free to give any pointers, ideas, and feedback.
It is all greatly appreciated.
I'm currently looking into fabricating my own dual or-combiner to go with my muxlicer.
I've made some of those this year, funny enough, also one for my Muxlicer;
It is an open source project, check it out here.
In essence the outs set al negative voltages to zero and only the momentary highest voltage will pass; making it ideal for gate combining.
For some reason the Low Gain Electronics Short Bus has seven inputs, I think that is for creative purposes but I like me eight of 'em.
Here's a "sister-patch" which I named "an ode to Blixa" (because I can picture Blixa Bargeld of Einstürzende Neubauten doing some vocals for this, in German, of course). Again, all the voices come from the Just Friends. Some more patch details in the video description.
Also, lovers of custom panels may observe three panels made by Chora Panels, all in the top row.
I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.
Hey all,
Been playing at this modular game for a few years now, but I'm just a tinkerer. I started with a Pittsburgh Modular SV-1 and Keystep, and it's been downhill since. Do lots of DIY kits and modules to try to keep the price down, but this isn't a hobby to save money on!
I've been toying with the idea of minimal space/maximal usage, and I've built a small case to focus on that. Here is my current "portable case" to encourage me to focus on mastery of a few modules:
I own all these and quite enjoy playing this! I usually run the Ornament and Crime in Quantermain mode with the Turing Machine or Integer Sequencer modes to have some evolving melodies that play themselves. The Voltage Research Lab is ridiculously amazing and versatile, and I'm super happy to have that to give two oscillators, two function generators, two VCF/VCA/LPG, and an analogue delay. Both the Magneto and the Microcell do lots of great ambience inducing effects, and the multiDimension provides some great movement.
My question to you would be what sort of modifications would you make to the rack to extract more varied sound generation, or to extract more out of this limited space. Curious to see your thoughts!
Thanks Garfield,
Yeah that would be great and would love a trip anyway to Germany :-)
I still am patiently waiting for my WMD Metron pre-order for a month now won't do that again. I have the Stillson Hammer in the new MDLR 14u setup that works great for now and Mordax Data for clock/trigger duties and Marbles for random patterns. So all good.
Hi Sacguy71,
Yeah would be lovely to meet you at the Superbooth and showing me your MDLR setup :-)
How is your main sequencer coming along, the... WMD - Metron, right? Did you order it already? Or did you already received it and haven't put a video about it here yet ;-) ?
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Ya know as a teacher and engineer I like to take two approaches
My Youtube channel gets a lot of hate for poor audio quality but hey I am an amateur beginner, not a pro with a million dollar studio with 10k studio monitors in sound proof booths, give me an Fn break guys and gals!!!!
Thanks Garfield,
Yes, the Stillson Hammer has far exceeded my expectations as a superb sequencer with ratcheting, quantizer, random patterns and so much more for the ideal 4 channel sequencer with CV and gate control. I scored a deal on it and it blows away the crappy Varigate 4+. All the Harvestman modules are beyond amazing that Scott Jaeger really is a genius and he has been kind to respond patiently to my emails. Mutable Instruments is another superb modular company as is Rossum the genius behind EMU synthesizers so having all three modules in my MDLR case makes for a killer mobile modular rig if covid ends one day I can fit on carry on airline to Germany for Superbooth! Funny as Harvestman just sends you the module in a plain box no toys and no screws even but they make some of the best coolest digital modules ever. No nonsense just awesome stuff. I think that Scott Jaeger knows this and just sends the goods no fluff just substance.
Rossum is great as well- that Trident is brutal analog madness all kinds of CV options solid tones and Morpheus Z Filter is pure brilliance.
Hi Sacguy71,
Oh beautiful MDLR rack you got there and nice setup! :-)
It looks like the Stillson Hammer is a lot of fun!
Enjoy your new setup, have fun and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads