Hi Modulargrid,
Thank you very much for the keyboard shortcut option! :-)
Have a good weekend and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Modulargrid,
Thank you very much for the keyboard shortcut option! :-)
Have a good weekend and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hey Guys, thanks for your feedback! :))
I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.
Went nuts...because I'm GOING nuts in quarantine! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....
OK, now that that's out of my system, I beat on this for a hot minute before lunch, and wound up not only finding how to keep the Queen of Pentacles in the system, I wound up majorly expanding on the original build! Check this out:
Hot damn! OK...this actually does have much of the original in it! But what I did here was to jettison as many of the full sized Mutable modules when possible/practical, and this reclaimed a BIG chunk of space. So, when you got space, you do the logical thing...
First up, I shifted the entire layout so that audio is on top, modulation (and effects) is in the middle, sequencing and mixing and drums and such is now on the bottom, which should also get the umbilicals from the BSP to the endorphin drums out of the way of everything else. Audio row is left to right from sources to VCFs, with the final audio VCAs actually residing in the Toppobrillo Stereomix II at the bottom.
Top row: I added a Konstant Labs 1 hp power monitor (always useful!), then your STOs now have a Pico Ring (with its own sine VCO) between them, hinting that you might want to "unitize" this as an initial voice. It's also got its own submixer there. Next to this, I mashed the original Plaits into TWO Beehives, which ALSO have a very wild waveshaper/crossfolder for THEIR intermod thingamajig. And again, another submixer. In case you've not noticed, these two pairings with their mod circuits and mixers are now a bit more "West Coast-ish" in how they can interact. Telharmonium's in next, then the 10 hp NEW version of Veils provides VCA mixing of all subsections of tone generation before we get into the filtering. And for that, I changed things up a bit.
Filtering in this version is a lot more complex. First up is a very versatile G-Storm multimode VCF (and 2 to 1 submixer) that replicates the Korg Delta's. After that, I dropped in Doepfer's twisted version of the MS-20 Sallen-Key VCF pair. Why twisted? Well, because this thing's got an insert point in the resonance path...so instead of just having it filter things, you can run the filter's audio feedback through something else, such as the nanoRings next to it, a leg of the Polaris, etc. Oh, yeah...the Polaris is now down below this, alongside a Pico DSP which, actually, make a nice pairing since the Polaris has a mono out, and the DSP has a mono in and stereo out. This is important later...
Middle row: buffered mult, right above the MIDI interface. There are definitely enough "destinations" for CVs in this that it's prudent to add one. I got rid of the passive mult, also, because those are still a little bit much for this build size, and you should probably use inline mults or stackcables. Next, I added a noise/random source with an independent S&H/T&H, this all being there to work along with the Marbles. Stages is in next, since it works with clocking, together with the previous two modules as well as the sequencing below. I added four free-run LFOs after this, then the shrinky-dink version of the Tides. This has a Roti Pola next to both of these to allow mixing, attenuation, and polarization of mod signals. After this is another new Veils, the Zadar (which now has its expander), and then a Quadrax for AD, AR envelopes OR looping of these for up to four more LFOs if needed. Next to this are the effects, with one of these also posing as a "global" filter (the Polaris). These are just above the AUX send/return points on the Stereomix 2 for easy patching.
Annnnnnd...the bottom row: MIDI interface stayed the same, then I put in a New Pam's, which makes more sense here than the Tempi, since the Tempi is really at its best when used with the Rene mkii, while Pam's is better in a "mixed bag" timing situation such as this. NerdSEQ and the drums are next, then the Stereomix 2. Now, this thing is a BEAST...four mono inputs with CV over level, pan, and AUX send level, plus mute and cue sends. But the killer thing here is that you also get a mono AUX send and stereo return, allowing you to patch your effects (more than likely, the Pico DSP will stay parked here) and mix them properly. This also has a killer monitor section, with the cue function being great for live patch adjustments. And last, a balanced stereo pair with some nice transformers to add a little warmth if you push 'em a bit.
This SEEMS better. The layout makes far more sense, and should result in less of a snarl on the patch panel. The thing that's really wild, though, is that you now have three "voices" onboard alongside the drums. Pretty beefy, I think...but with a case this size, it really did teeter on the "could I keep that?" line, and I went for it instead of ejecting it. Results seem to have born my suspicions out this time!
I just play, as in like what kids do. I liken it to finger painting, but with sound.
Inscrumental music for prickly pears.
• Intellijel Palette case: https://intellijel.com/shop/cases/4u-...
• Arturia MicroFreak: https://www.arturia.com/products/hard...
• Here's the system on ModularGrid: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/v...
• Many many thanks to the amazing Todd Barton for his inspiration and the resources on his site which I have shamelessly pilfered in this video: https://toddbarton.com/
• You can support Todd's teachings on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/synthtodd
• Here is my bonus research skype chat with Todd (obvs ya gotta be a Patron! Todd also has it on his too): https://www.patreon.com/posts/30310920
Someone asked me to list what's in this system and alternatives. Again, here's the system on ModularGrid: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/v...
I used: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/ladik-s...
You really want a sequencer capable of 3, 4 and 5 step sequences and especially gate sequences too, a massive and essential part which I did not have at all (I cheated and used the MicroFreak sequencer). Any sequencer that can do that would do, but Ladik S180 plus one of the S180 family knob expanders would be ideal as they are cheap, and pair them with a Clock Divider for sequencer reset at 3/4/5 step (I love the 4ms Rotating Clock Divider), and you'd be in business. But they are deep and wide collectively. Ladik's S184 uses faders, highly appropriate!
I used: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/make-no... as it gives randomness with vibe, and much much more.
I think it's worth experimenting with using slow/medium speed LFOs (NOT white noise - too random) fed into Sample and Hold generators in order to create 'randomness with personality' from scratch, something I need to try. Apart from this you should check out the Doepfer A-149-1 and probably the Richter Noisering. Also the Turing Machine, of course! Goes without saying.
I used: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/alm-bus...
I would absolutely loved to have shoehorned a Make Noise MATHS in there (snappiest envelopes in the business), but any Envelope generator with an Exponential curve to their response is what you're looking for. And a 'gate'/held input as well as a 'trig' input. And CV control of the A & R time!
VCO 1/2
I used: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/feedbac...
I used: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/intelli...
Any decent VCO will do. You do need a sine wave output on one, and look at the Easel Panel for which waveforms you also need.
I used: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/intelli...
Any fast, clean VCA will do. The more the merrier of course, since you can use voltages to control the amount of voltage you're feeding to other voltages...
I used: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/steady-...
There are lots of wavefolders and they all wavefold with a slightly different tone. There's one in the Disting too. But I must say, tonally, the WMD Ultrafold is one of the best I've heard.
I used: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/2hp-mix
Any small mixer will do. Mutable Veils is a great one as you get VCAs to boot! Bigger tho.
I used: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/intelli...
Abstract Data ADE60 is another good one I own, didn't have enough room for it. You just want one that will output voltages with nothing plugged into the inputs.
I used: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/future-...
Makenoise Optomix, LxD, Rabid Elephant Natural Gate - or make one from VCA, Lowpass filter and an exponential curve Envelope Generator.
I used: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/doepfer...
Intellijel Springray looks nice too. Gotta be a real spring.
Thanks troux, I really love the new setup. Been learning to use the 4ms VCA Matrix mixer and Radar. Quite powerful. Morpheus is great but takes time to learn. Lots of options for thousands of filter combinations. It is very easy to use and the color screen a nice touch. I think of it like the Harvestman/IME Bionic Lester filter on steroids. Not many filters can do 14 poles!
Nice 90s industrial techno vibes @sacguy71, I see you have a Morpheus too. What do you think about it? It looks pretty impressive but I'm not sure I want it just yet 🤔🤔
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
Really enjoying learning my new MDLR setup with WMD percussion and Hertz Donut
I read and re-read manuals a lot which helps me figure how to use my new modules.
Expertly designed piece @aphew_goodman, love the balance between all the voices and the tension and letting go. Well done!
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
I like that @merzky_shoom, I'll give it a shot myself.
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
- Pick some sort of metaphorical idea and aim for that, e.g. "This song will sound like different types of water coming together, or arid fire, or have a particular feeling."
To add to this, some years ago I fell into a creative rut. Rather than try to force things out as I stood over my equipment, I gathered a bunch of random pictures and artworks, choose one at random, put it in front of me and I would try to create a soundtrack to that single frame.
It helped a lot. In particular, it really helped me begin to stretch small ideas out into full songs. Instead of trying to ensure that each piece is profound, provocative, and cohesive, I got much better at engaging with my musical ideas as they truly are: just ideas, sketches, imperfect snapshots of an imperfect mind's imperfect experience.
Suddenly, trying to compose a piece that aurally conveys the smell of snowfall doesn't seem as stupid and insignificant, because it just playtime in the end, and every experience is valid if any of them are.
Anyways, the point is really that staring at a picture and trying to make a soundtrack to it is a great way to get out of a writers block mindset or to just experiment with different inspirations/impetuses of creation. And I think still images are pretty key here. Mostly because composing a soundtrack to video can imply or strictly dictate the tempo and rhythmic and ornamental elements whereas a still image will force you to consider those elements abstractly and interpret them.
Hello people of Modular Grid,
I would like your opinion on my rack plan. Is there anything you would change? Have I missed anything important? What would you do with the 2HP left?
I mainly make synthpop and currently use an Elektron Analog Rytm and a Digitone, plus guitar, bass and vocals. I have been interested in modular for a while and I think this winter will be my jump into it. My main goals are to sequence basslines from the digitone and get fat sounds out of the modular, perhaps same for some leads, and to also delve into more ambient and general craziness that I can use for intros/outros.
Thanks for your help!
Edit:After a day of thinking about it, I think I would prefer the Cš-L to the DPO, and that would give me enough space for a Disting mk4 too. Thoughts?
Hi Gabor,
Oh yes! This is even better than your previous track and that was already a beautiful designed track. This track however is on a totally different scale, (much) better! The tension you got here in this track provides me goosebumps...
What can I say further? I just hope Covid-19 will be over soon and then I hope you can do a concert tour through Europe and don't forget to do a few performances in Germany ;-)
This is proper stuff, thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Only Just Friends thru fx. Details in the video description.
I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.
Ok, thanks for the advice.
I've been playing with a 0-coast for more than a year, and with STO+FORBIDDEN PLANET+MATHS+YARNS+DUAL ADSR since June, so I have quiet an idea of what I like and what I want - for example I really like Contour, reason why I want it in this rack. I also need powerful simple sounds for my work as a composer - STO is great for that part - and in another way I love random things, reason why I'm trying to have both in the same synth.
I spent time reading all the manuals - especially the one about 0-coast and the one about Maths.
Now I'd really like to go for a full system, but still I don't think I know all the modules enough to be totally sure that the systems works well...
plaits before maths I guess is because this will add a second voice that can be integrated with the mom easily and will add a lot of versatility in that regard in one go
maths second though - it's a great module for learning modular synthesis - possibly the best, due to the illustrated manual that is available online - working your way through that a few times is an excellent learning exercise
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
another thing to consider might be - put the money the module swap would cost you in a jar and every time you buy a module put it's rack rent (modules hp * cost of 1hp of rack) in that jar too
when your rack becomes full, you will probably have enough in the jar to buy the next rack
this is the way to go if you like ergonomics instead of trying to cram as much as possible in as small a space as possible
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
Just start with the minimum you think you can work with
a sound source
a sound modifier
a modulation source
a way to play (midi interface)
a way to listen
and then play with it for a month or so - your patching will lead you to know what you need - rather than want what you think
Maths is really good as the modulation source - see the illustrated manual - working your way through that a few times is a great learning exercise
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
Hi everyone,
after many changes, I came with this :
=> image is wrong, you can see the final version by clicking.
Before I begin buying / trying anything, I have this simple question as I'm still a beginner : what's wrong with it :) ?
Thanks a lot for any advice!
Hey all, thanks for your feedback! :)
I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.
Definitely an fx module would add spice to your Mother 32 such as Make Noise Mimeophon or perhaps Erica Synths Black Hole DSP? I really spiced up my small setup by adding Mimeophon that really gives dozens of new tones and cool sounds.
Thanks for the responses. Interesting to hear Plaits over Maths.
I mostly worked with daw software until I came across VCV. I’m interested in the way that the modules lead me to discovery. So, I guess a generative type of instrument. I added Ears for a tactile percussion element. But I’m mostly into the meditative vibe of it in the moment and adding layers in real time, not for recording.
Yes, it would be helpful to know what kind of music you are making, and what you would like to achieve.
I think I would want some effects, so an FX Aid XL might come in handy. Peaks is a love-hate module for me. I have the mini-clone Pique, and while it has a lot of functions, they sort of defeat the purpose of modular because you can't really control anything with CV. I would look for something with more patch points that your Mother 32 could actually interact with. Maths or Quadrax would be fun in this regard. Plaits would add a range of voices. A random or chaos module like the Wogglebug or Triple Sloths could be cool...
Let us know what other gear you already have and what you want to accomplish by adding to your Mother.
Have fun and good luck.
I suppose to some extent it depends what you're trying to do musically, and also what other musical gear you have hanging around. It's hard even then to recommend a single module... but I think my suggestion would be to add the Plaits first, then Maths.
Hi Zuggamasta,
Nice to see your DIY modules and watch you being busy with it. Nice video and lovely to watch.
Nice to fiddle about & away with modular, right? ;-) Enjoy and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
I’ve had the Mother 32 for months and it’s a great way to start my journey into eurorack. I’m ready to start adding more and explore more sounds and possibilities. I think I’ve settled on a second row- I like the size, 4ms makes a 60hp pod that is powered but it’s a little shallow for some modules. But I like the size and I have a good idea for putting my carpenter skills to work for a nice tabletop case.
After building the case and getting the mscale, I’ll start getting the modules but I have to budget- so ya’know, one at a time.
My question is: what module should I start with that will be the most fun to interact with my moog?
Haha. Yeah, it's got kind of a mountain vibe.
I just thought it was an interesting acoustic guitar and cajon sound. Not something I expected from an FSS module.
This made me miss the mountains @farkas, very interesting, and thanks for sharing.
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
IMHO you can't fit drums into an ambient rack of this size because you need effects plus better modulation tools to do ambient well. I took a crack at what I'd build, see below:
For effects, I added a delay (Chronoblob2), a granular processor (Monsoon), and a dedicated reverb (Erbe-verbe). I switched up some of the mixers, including adding a Mixup which is stereo and a DTM which does nice warm distortion if desired, added a Maths (which I always do), attached a Nin to the Zadar so you can use the Zadar as a playable tool (including long changes over time), threw in a Sloth for weird modulation, swapped an STO for a Dixie II+ (no reason to duplicate modules this early in your journey and Dixie also functions as an LFO), and dropped a Kinks in for good measure.
Weaknesses: I'm not an expert on a lot of the MI modules here so I may be missing something, it's light on attenuators (with only those in Maths and your VCAs), and I would personally probably want a second filter (I'd probably pick a Doepfer ladder over a Wasp though).
Anyway, hopefully this provides some useful ideas!
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
I got around recording something on my daw-free setup, with some nice lights and the current Rack. I collected a lot of performance and structure ideas from this jam, which I should probably rehearse much more before recording next time ;)
The Machine: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1601144
Hey Community,
I thought about this quiete long and wanted to have a Techno & Ambient-Drony kind of Rack. The Queen of Pentakles is sequenced by a Beatstep Pro, Nerdseq does the Rest. What do you think?
That is more a Safari bug than a ModularGrid bug, but I have made a walkaround so that it is possible again to upload module, pedal images and user avatars in Safari 14.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
Considering to swap my old doepfer 8hp noise/random module and and my large 4x LFO module for new mini (4hp) versions to gain space. Not sure yet. Working on a good deal to get a Intellijel mixup. Probably next week. Also negotiating a uBurst Clouds clone to add to my Plaits and Rings super combo, with a MI Marbles being shipped to arrive later this week. Still room for some multiples etc.
To be continued.
Hi Gabor,
Oh man, this is super cool! He, he, I love the video, it's nice to see you at work, it's interesting too and very entertaining.
I only can beg for more :-) Thanks a lot for sharing this with us and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Farkas,
Ha, ha, yes, that sounds like lots of fun, pity the track is so short!
Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Mowse,
Oh yes! Nice demo of the Mimeophon. It's already on my wish list, now waiting for a good deal :-)
Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Ace! Nice work. Sad that Whimsical Raps Mannequins has not released any new production batches for their modules like Mangrove and Three Sisters as I'd love to try them out.
I've been experimenting with the Future Sound Systems Recombination Engine, and man... what a fun module. I captured about 30 seconds of a freak-folk-hippie-country synth jam that I stumbled into. The Recombination Engine is the primary sound source (melody and percussion) with some bass notes from AJH. Also used Ripples and a touch of DLD.
I was fascinated by the versatility of this oscillator, but didn't feel like recording into the laptop, so I just pulled out my phone real quick. Sorry for the low quality. I haven't seen many videos showcasing what the Recombination Engine can do.
I'm quickly turning into a FSS devotee. Great modules.
In that case take a look at this, it's designed off a rack @lugia put together to solve a similar problem, but you'd swap the Arbhar in for the Lubadh.
Your version would end up like so:
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
This is great. Kind of has a "Second Toughest in the Infants"-era Underworld vibe. Nice!
Recorded this percussive piece today. Details in the video desctiption.
I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.
I was wanting to go for a sampler/ effects sciff and I may have to upgrade, because I'd like to add some drum machine modules. All of the synth work I will be using my Elektron A4 MKII and the Digitone, is there a module that can help bridge the gap between the 2 systems?
Thanks for the help.
A quick jam on my Moog stack. DFAM, 2x Mother 32, Subharmonicon. Mutable Instruments Clouds & Make Noise Mimeophon for reverb and delay.
Thanks Garfield,
Indeed- in fact all of my desks/tables are full of my three modular cases so no space left until I can move to larger studio and buy more desks. I also need a couple more pairs of studio monitors and stands. I already have a ton of modular gear to learn and use to create and record music. Once the WMD Metron sequencer arrives that is it for modules for a while. I figure with two good sequencers, two complex oscillators/filters and lots of modulation sources and support modules in the MDLR 14u case, I have more than enough to keep busy! I did take advice and have the 8 VCAs, 8 attenuator/offset and mixers and logic modules even have plenty of tools like this for making patches fun. The matrix mixer from 4ms is really fun can have 4x4 matrix mixer with mutes and all sorts of routing options. Befaco Hexmix is superb eurorack mixer as well love the mutes and pan options. At least no one can say my new case lacks enough support modules now :-)
Really like the Erogeneous Tones VC8 and Levit8 attentuator modules and Mutable Instruments Shades is fantastic.
Which A-138? You've got two, and only one of those should be for audio, the other (linear) one is tailored for CV/modulation mixing. They deal with gain differently...the exponential one raises and lowers levels in a way that our hearing deals with apparent loudness (the Fletcher-Munson curves...look 'em up) and the linear changes gain in a purely linear manner across the entire input pot taper.
The layout is sort of crap, also...very confusional as to signal flow across the patchpanel. I'm going to tinker with that...
EDIT: OK, hopefully this build will actually show up. The "screenshot" function is acting pretty wonky right now...
Aaaaaaaand nope, it's not showing up. This'll have to wait until that function starts working properly again. However, I did a major-type rework of the build; since you mentioned you were considering tossing the Doepfer modules, I really dived in on this and tried for more functional density. UNFORTUNATELY ModularGrid is having other ideas here...
(Monday evening) Ahhh...the screenshot function is working again! So...
BIG reworking on this...the main thrust was to boot everything that didn't have sufficient functional density. If you're going with a 2 x 84 cab, then it's imperative that you maximize the amount of function you can cram in. So this thing got MAJORLY changed around...let's have a look...
Top row: first thing there is a neat little Cavisynth slew gen + buffered mult. And yes, this will likely have enough CV destinations that the buffered mult IS needed. Like, for the Quadnic...still there, but now paired with a little Doepfer 4 x 1 mixer that'll allow you to sum the Quadnic down with total control over the levels of the oscillators. Yeah, it's got a summed output, I know...but this offers more subtlety. Original Plaits = gone, replaced with TWO 3rd-party builds of the same. And beside this is both a waveshaper AND a suboctave divider in the Tiptop Fold Processor. Dreadbox mixer/multimode VCF next as an "in general" VCO mixer + VCF (highpass is super-useful here), then there's G-Storm's version (with another 2-input mixer) of the original ARP Odyssey VCF, and a Nanorings...yep, another 3rd party Mutable module, saving more space. Last up is the 10 hp version of Mutable's Veils for CV-controlled final mixing.
Bottom row: kept the A-118, Marbles goes next (because it uses the A-118 for random signal sources), and then I dropped in a 4ms Quad Pingable LFO. These are way nifty...they have a maximum cycle period of over 70 minutes and on the top end, they clock up to 500 Hz, so if you needed an AF mod source, there you are. Roti Pola next, mainly for mixing and polarization of your QPL. Beside that are two Antumbra VCAs (identical to the Veils VCA). Then the envelope section...I went with a Quadrax for the 2-stage loopables, and an Intellijel Dual ADSR for your four-stage envelopes for the final VCA and your VCFs. The very end of the audio chain is next to this...the Stasis Leak offers reverb, chorus, and a tap delay, plus it's a mono-in stereo-out device that can "stereoize" your signal...which goes right to the Happy Nerding Isolator, which also has your final stereo level control, and which has transformer-balanced 1/4" outs.
Now THAT'S got some beef! By yanking a lot of the sparser Doepfer stuff and shooting for more interconnectivity between SETS of modules, this is now one helluva potent 2 x 84. There's now ample modulation sources for the upper audio row, you have FX, stereo out, more VCAs...well, just MORE, really, which was the point of this rework.