This patch attempts to create the appearance of a wide range of voices from just one voice, by modulating waveform/timbre and how often it's sent to the delay. A second voice is occasionally brought in tuned to a perfect 5th of the primary voice.

Before getting started, tune the top oscillator to a C, and the bottom to a G.

The Rene's X channel is used to sequence the frequency of both oscillators. The X channel gate triggers the envelope for the primary voice, going to the dry channel. Use a slower Tempi clock to The Y channel or a more sparse gate pattenrn to trigger a second envelope which controls when the oscillators get sent to the Mimeophon. The Y channel CV also modulates the waveform from sine to saw on the oscillator. C channel CV gets mixed with the Y channel's envelope, using Maths sum output, to modulate how much of the second oscillator (perfect 5th) gets sent to the mimeophon.

For best results, keep Mimeophon clock to same tempo as X-channel, and Rate at noon.

Play with:
- envelopes
- clock speeds to the Rene
- gate patterns on X and Y channels
- CV on Y and C channels
- Mimeophone Zone, Repeats, and Halo

Any news? I need this! Today! Please Scott, you still have a few hours left today, 4th of May, 2024... just drop one ... thanks, big hug from Budapest

mother 32: Eb6sus2\C (Cminor) + Bb6sus2\G arpeggio
subharmonicon: cut off, vcf decay, vca attack
dfam: noise, vca decay
1.intro vessel noise and drum kick, mother 32 play manual
2.dfam starts + mother 32.
3. Enters SubH.
4. change noise dfam.
5. only dfam+subH.
6. enters mother32 fatty + new drum.
7. closing with sam vessel sound.

add drone sounds. add drum machine

Thank YOU both, yes, Marbles - shes such a player! :-)

Care for another?


ah ok

thanks for info

That's a Unicorn account feature, max HP for free users is 168, but it's 432 for Unicorns:

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Good stuff.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Good stuff.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Beautiful walk in the Plonk Gardens in the company of King Marbles.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).


this guy: offered also on Ebay Kleinanzeigen. After requesting personel contact, I received no response. Therefore I informed Kleinanzeigen and all offers are now deleted, including the profile.

hi there

it is Impossible to make a "ADDAC 901TAM" with 197 HP per row

the max is 168 HP and i need 197 HP...

can you help me ??


Thread: Subtly


So the puroose if this isnt to be thee most rational or even functional system, but mire to just motivate me to create.

The hardest part of art for me is just getting the motivation and emotional energy to "do".

I have ADHD, so what ever tool or instrument i use has to be instantly gratifying to the eyes and it must be tactile and kinetic... ir else I din't get the dopamine hit

Modular rulz. Death to fixed architecture!!!

Thread: CSV file

ahh lovely - that'll work thanks so much @modulargrid

Thread: CSV file

yeah seems so - hopefully @modulargrid can sort something
-- greenfly

no CSV, but Unicorn users can get XML and JSON formats by adding .xml or .json to their rack url.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: CSV file

yeah seems so - hopefully @modulargrid can sort something

Thread: CSV file

No worries then, was just giving you an option seeing as there doesn't look to be what you are asking for.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Thread: CSV file

no, I would like a nicely formatted csv file - like you would get from a sql query.

Hi all,
finally release 0.3.0 is available!
- Arpeggiator Track
- increase stochastic rest proability to 15 steps
- logic track fast input visulaization (press shift)
- fix clipboard copy track
- fix logic gate probability
- fix rotate steps (thx to glibersat)
- keep sequence names when copy and paste
- issue #100 - reorganize quick functions shortcuts
- issue #101 - reset cv in stop parameter
- integrate Malekko integration
from now on there will be no more major upgrades but just bufixes and workflow improvements. feel free to open issues on github both for bugs and for workflow ideas.
as always rate the project on github and feel free to donate to support the project:
thanks to all tester Jil, Guillaume Libersat, XQSTKRPS, P.M. Lenneskog

Electronic music/video producer and composer.
Dark Ambient Cinematic atmospheres from Sardinia.

Thread: CSV file

Click the Data Sheet link below your rack, copy and paste the page into something.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Thread: CSV file

Can I get a csv file of my racks - is there an export option?

Dear all,
I plugged an usb hub like this to power arturia beatstep pro with the power supply of my doepfer A-100 diy psu.
With arturia keystep37 seems to work but with beatstep pro the other modules doesn't work well.
I connect +12V and -12V correctly to A100 psu
but probably the beatstep pro drain too much power. If I use tubbutec usb bridge A in my other rack with doepfer A100-psu3 it works, obviously with 2A instead of 1.2A, I have more resource.
I have 1A free for main rack with psu3
ModularGrid Rack
and for the other rack with psu diy I have only 0.4 A free
ModularGrid Rack
Do you have any suggestions? Is possible to use Klavis No Drain to recover extra +12V from unused 5V (but if I remember well it converts -12V to 5V so in this situation is useless)?
A voltage converter would be needed to use 5V instead of 12V (like tubbutec does) but A100-diy psu doesn't have 5v.
"Nothing created and nothing destroyed" I thermodynamics rule but maybe I'm missing something...

Does anybody know where I can find the BraidsIllustrated guide? I used to be able to google it. It is really cool whoever created it. There used to be a link on Youtube from DivKids review of Braids but that link is now underconstruction. It seems like it has been scrubbed from the internet. If that is even possible?

mostly for creating more complex, but related versions of modulation sources (& for attenuating them at the same time)

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

As above!

I have the SSM which can also be used as a kind of patch memory too.

Thanks. those are some great suggestions. As is the one to just wait and see what appeals later.

It seems to be a good ground to me.
Just leave the slots empty or place blankpanels until you reach limits you can clear identify.

Maybe there is just no need to add something at the moment


maybe a matrix mixer?
maybe some comparator stuff?
Noise sources even for modulation duties?

I like very handy things, like a 4ms signal mingler, Lapsus Os or Xaoc Samara II, but I guess you have this allready covered in your other modules.



I am a software developer by day ;). The code is not the hard part ill get there. Where I struggle is the hardware side... I have an idea for a synth based on the the daisy. But lots of hardware learning before i can make that.

I do stuff and things and whatnot...

Ive heard of those, definitely a cool idea, but not sure how much I want to dive into coding. I enjoy building the electronics, not sure how I feel about writing code though. I hear c++ is especially hard as well.

I did pick up a patch. init() from electrosmith. i am having to learn c++ but... it's kind of cool if you are into software stuff. i will likely play with it more in the fall/winter time.

I do stuff and things and whatnot...

Hi all. Here's a link to my current rack.
I would use a link but it won't update properly so this image is most accurate.

What do you think I should fill those slots with? I've got the Es-8 and Es-3 bringing in LFOs, 1V/Oct, etc. but feel like I'm missing clear choices for utilities or sound shaping.

Thanks for any ideas.

Keep in touch, I know a few people in Lansing and Grand Rapids, (synth heads, Not really any DIYers) So im not against a short trip. I just find it hard to phrase a lot if questions in text.

Might have to get a little collective going. I know synthcube has diy builder meetups out in MA.

I am interested in what you find out. I am on the west side of the state.

I do stuff and things and whatnot...

A wave folder/wave shapers with other good stuff.
Straightforward build, but there are a lot of parts.

Sounds great, some interesting things that I didn’t dive into completely, but you’ll have fun with this.
I’ll admit, I like it more on lower notes that higher, but both are good.

Great, and thanks for the photography!

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

I just wanted to give a call out. I want to find other people who DIY modules and build circuits around the detroit area.
Not only would it be cool to see who else is doing it in the area, I very much wanna pick brains and trade projects.

Im a decent to good DIYer, but am a complete Newbie to electronics. Im trying to make that jump though. I feel like the best way, would be to reach out to other such people, that maybe are a little ahead of me, and teach me in a more efficient fashion than the internet.

If you're here to design your racks, then go do it and quit crying you big baby lol

And I really couldnt care less what you think and I think that should be quite obvious. I have never sold a module here, i have bought a few.

Thread after thread of people asking what module they should buy. I'm here to design my racks. It's sad of course to see this platform sink to this level and I doubt that Dieter Döpfer would be impressed. But it's not my problem.

@Sweelinck - Thanks to your feedback I've built a rack without the Zadar. I do like the Pip Slope and the sliders on the Contour 1 to play around with. The C4RBN filter is a little cramped but manageable. Thanks again!

ModularGrid Rack

I have not personally been robbed, but if I was you can bet I would call the person out publicly in this thread. Again, if somebody has been ripped off, this is the place to warn others about it. That's why it's called "Bad traders on the marketplace". Not sure what you were expecting to find when you opened a thread with that title lol. The fact that you are so triggered by this concept that you feel the need to complain about it repeatedly makes me think you are a shitty seller yourself. Again, if you don't like hearing people's stories, quit crying and don't open the thread. I couldn't care less if you post here or not. People are posting about modular synthesis in all the other threads, feel free to engage in those threads instead of wasting everyone else's time in this one lol.

Both buyers and sellers are free to post here and we can all evaluate their statements for ourselves. If there's a particular post you take issue with, then by all means reply to it, but just saying stupid stuff like "If you get robbed, I really don't wanna hear your sob story" doesn't add anything to the dicussion, nor IMO does it lend credibility to your point of view lol.
-- adaris

Listen if you are robbed, let admin of know about it, he may ask for more information or he may do something about it, he may also come to the conclusion that the accusation is not based in reality.

Yes it is a sob story since we are not able to confirm any of it. Theft should be taken up with the police while here we have some misunderstood players receiving their module just after writing this nonsense. Fine, if you want to take this platform in this direction of a witch hunt, do that. I have posted technical stuff here but I will not bother with posting it here if this is not a serious platform. That's just the reality of this. I like the grid and I need it and will use it. But this is a platform where guys could be posting things relevant to modular Synthesis, this is not it.

Both buyers and sellers are free to post here and we can all evaluate their statements for ourselves. If there's a particular post you take issue with, then by all means reply to it, but just saying stupid stuff like "If you get robbed, I really don't wanna hear your sob story" doesn't add anything to the dicussion, nor IMO does it lend credibility to your point of view lol.

Well consider this, why should I believe those accusations?

There is a burden of proof here. I am in no position to get a clear picture of a dispute here and neither is anyone else. People come in here with a hidden agenda, I don't even know if Im interacting with a person or a script. Hell I could be interacting with Uli Behringer or one of his trolls.

So this is my view on this. I do have a problem with people conducting their buisness this way and if I was a seller, I wouldnt sell to some of those participating in this thread. So mabey this is a good thing after all becourse we get a list here of buyers to avoid.

best regards

Literally the whole point of this thread is for people to post their bad experiences in order to warn others. If you don't want to hear that kind of thing, IDK maybe don't open the thread? Sounds like the one sobbing is you lol.

If you're adult enough to list something for sale online then you should be adult enough to ship it within a few days, and if there's a problem with that then barring extraordinary circumstances you should be able to communicate any issues to the buyer in a timely manner. If that's too much of a burden for you then you shouldn't be listing stuff for sale online to begin with.

That said I will reiterate to everyone reading this - stop using friends and family with PayPal for transactions with people you've never even met. IDK why this needs to be repeated over and over again but apparently it does.

Ever since this migration, my password only works on one device at a time. So if I logged in on my phone and then attempt to log in on my pc, it tells me my username/password is invalid and makes me reset the password. If I then try to log back in on my phone, I get the same error and have to reset the password again. Is anybody else running into this?

I just think there should be other ways to deal with those things. After reading those comments I would seriously consider not selling a module, knowing that in 2 weeks if the module is still on it's way, the buyer is gonna be losing his shit.

It just seems to me that most of those reporting practically a robbery here on this thread, come back soon after and the issue has been resolved.

Robbery does happen but it seems to me people are a litlebit to triggerhappy.

I usually buy stuff, almost never sell but I think people should consider showing some respect to the seller. If you get robbed, I really don't wanna hear your sob story, wellcome to adulthood, contact web admin and have him block the guy and track his info so you can consider your next move.

@GunnarWaage, are you referring to my post ?

-- Slim

I don't think I made reference to anyone in particular.

-- GunnarWaage

You did make a reference to something, so if it's not this one, which one? "This post" refers to a single post in a thread...

-- toodee

I think GunnarWaage was meaning this thread not this post

I have not had much time to jam lately... lots going on. This morning was nice and slow. Not really a go outside kind of day so... I decided to play around a bit and this is what i came up with.

I do stuff and things and whatnot...