I am new for modular synthesizers. The question is what will happen if the mono OSC is connected to the stereo effect. Wet sound at the output will be mono or stereo?
I am new for modular synthesizers. The question is what will happen if the mono OSC is connected to the stereo effect. Wet sound at the output will be mono or stereo?
We uploaded another session on our soundcloud.
This is about an hour long. This one has some wild and epic vibe.
And yeah, I suck at keys, but it was real fun
Date Formats.
I'm not in the USA but date format in the marketplace long listing is USA format: mm/dd/YY.
Only two countries use this!
As the site already automagically senses TZ could it use that to format the date to suit the TZ?
Better still, just use proper ISO8601 format everywhere: YYYY-mm-dd
Oh, that Cizzle does look like a useful module. I was looking for the dual tones for the rack theme. This was just my first patch using the Casor & Pollux, def want to get into some of the dreamy synth lead lines next.
I dread to think what would happen if i picked a guitar up, probably a bar of 'Smoke on the Water' !
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Nice, I ended up selling my Castor & Pollux I think I was/am chasing different sounds, quite fancy the ALM Cizzle.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Cheers @FredFoxtrott
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
A sequencer would be very low on my list to add-on to this synth,
-- ku14
Point taken, thanks for yoir feedback
For me so far it's easily been Mannequins' Just Friends. It's my first Mannequins and man, the thing is amazing. It squirts out all kinds of different sounds depending on how/what you modulate it with, or it can be a flexibile modulator itself. It reminds me a bit of the Joranalogue Orbit and the Mutable Instruments Tides, but I find it way more fun than either of those ... I just always seem to get it to spit out something that sounds cool to me. Looking forward to trying a Mangrove.
Any favorite pick ups from the first half of the year?
Although their claims obviously haven't been verified in a court of law, I'd imagine most of these "intellectual property" snobs have downloaded music or samples and have not paid the artist who made them, but apparently that's different. Typical hypocrites. If they want to overpay for items to seem "cool", bless their hearts. I'll keep the extra money in MY pocket where it belongs :)
-- AlphaGrayWolf
Not overpaying, simply investing in small passionate companies who don't have Behringer's resources but who have actual vision and HQ products, instead of a corporate behemoth that's openly ripping them off. The history of Behringer being a generally amoral and all around sucky company is well documented if you look into them, I wouldn't pay them a dime. Be a corporate simp and buy up their cheap-o knock-offs if that's all you can afford, but Xaoc has my support 100%. Good company, good customer service, quality innovative products. (And yeah btw, downloading music and not paying the artist IS different and a lousy analogy, but that's a whole other tangent/discussion).
A sequencer would be very low on my list to add-on to this synth, I mean how much time have you put in with the Matriarch's onboard sequencer so far? I was originally thinking "brand new to this synth" and the follow-up questions have me thinking "brand new to all this stuff in general." What do you find lacking or hindering when you sequence the Matriarch right now? I wouldn't buy another sequencer without being able to answer that question, and appreciate the fact that you're about to more than triple the total cost of this Moog set-up through filling 300HP of modules, so you should really hesitate to grab $600 or $1000+ modules that you're feeling wishy-washy on. There are a lot of extremely nice external sequencers in this price range that run circles around anything in eurorack.
No experience with the Metropolix. You could use voltage adders and switches to get chords going from a single sequence and quantizers may have this built in. That Sinfonion is built off the Harmonaig, which would be closer to "making sense" with the Matriarch if you must have your chords generated from a racked module and not the keyboard or something else. Just remember that the synth's keyboard isn't going to behave normally while you're sequencing the oscillators. Look at the Behringer 1027 as a much cheaper option.
I would stick with the more basic toolbox modules mentioned above and then see how you feel after a month or two. The Matriarch's magic is coming from the base component modules. You could go nuts with envelopes and mixers and companion VCO's and make it behave polyphonically if you wanted to but you'd be halfway to the price of a moog ONE with 1/4th of the voices. So really imo at this stage it's better to get some time with the synth and see what you keep reaching for while patching rather than to whiteboard it to death if you're submitting things like the Sinfonion as a question.
If I had to come up with a partner 120hp row to permanently sit on the Matriarch it would look something like this. These modules tend to get the most mileage with the synth.
-- ku14
Awesome, thanks for that response....I happen to just order a Matriarch case for mine from Erik Needham Woodworks....it will have three rows of 150 HP....2 x 3U and 1 x 1U....I'll have the Zorx Electronics 1U CV Bus and Bus Expander...as well as their 1U Through module which does what that Back 2 Front module does...I considered adding the ST Modular Toolbox 1U to fill in that 1U row.
Definitely looking at Batumi and considered Triple Sloths (and maybe another cool NLC module).
Any thoughts on what might be a good sequencer to throw in there? I was considering Metropolix
Also considered (if I could find one) a Sinfonion...maybe overkill for using with the Matriarch?
If I had to come up with a partner 120hp row to permanently sit on the Matriarch it would look something like this. These modules tend to get the most mileage with the synth.
The rear panel module is very useful and is so cheap that something equivalent should have been included with the synth.
She desperately needs more mults and attenuators/attenuverters.
Chaos/random CV (I use Wogglebug and Sloths).
More LFOs or envelopes and a VCA/mixer or two to help with those.
Ring mod if you like it, imo much better with something external to free up the built-in modules.
A high pass filter so you can run mixer -> hpf -> stereo lpf.
Your favorite stereo effect or a pedal interface module like strymon's AA.1. Patching from the filter -> your effect -> back into the matriarch's delay is a dream for example.
Lots of options for this since the Matriarch feels so "finished" in most ways to me, really depends on what you are doing with it and where you want to go. A Pam's might be an easy suggestion for some people but I don't really sync up that much modulation with the Moog in practice. It does so much work on its own that I find myself mostly using "the more basic stuff" to augment it.
Wondering if anybody else here has a Matriarch that they use with their eurorack and if so, what modules do you feel really go well with it?
Voice Patch Notes
Moog Subharmonicon to Steady State Fate Dipole [with incoming cv from Xaoc Zadar] to Intellijel Quad VCA [to use as pre stereo attenuator] to Qu-Bit Aurora out to Left and Right channels.
Winterbloom Castor & Pollux to Joranalogue Compare 2 to Arcus Audio VCA [with incoming cv from Xaoc Zadar] out to Canter channel.
Guitar into Boredbrain Injectr to Schlappi Engineering 100 Grit toMutable Instruments Clouds to Endorphin.es Milky Way out to Center channel.
Mother 32 out to Center channel.
Here is my new spectral harmonic three tier rack featuring a Subharmonicon, Qu-Bit Aurora, Castor & Pollux, Injectr, and Dipole. I absolutly love it. Please come check out my first sketch using them together. Premiere today at 2PM EST:
Hi everyone,
I have some substantial bills coming up and need to move some gear, wouldn't normaly ask and I hope this is okay, I don't want to be annoying so I will only ask once.
Please take a look at my items for sale, I am open for sensible offers and yes I guess you could take advantage of my vulnerable position if you are that way inclined.
I also have a Roland R70 for sale - recently replaced the internal battery and gave it a good clean - there are one or two spots where the control labels have worn off but otherwise in excellent full working condition - perfect for those early Autechre drum rolls - you know the ones - very siliar to the R8 they used - £350
And a norns clone - Fates - brand new - lovingly built by my own hands to a very high standard - thoroughly tested. Currently has three knobs but has the capacity for a fourth knob for compatibility with other operating systems. Smokey grey acrylic case. Looks super nice! £400
If you are looking for some new music, I have a tryptych on bandcamp. The 3 LPs kel, mettle and scope are a complete work and stand listening from beginning to end if you like this kind of thing. I have had excellent reviews from the few folk who have taken the time to settle down and give them a good listen. It's kinda 'got to be in the mood' music I guess, but it is all live takes of performances on modular synths so 100% at home here. Please check it out, the whole discography is only £13.65 and if you want a discount on that you can get 20% off with the code 'modulargrid' without the quotes.
There is also a hint at future work in the Frozen Fractures release, separate from the 3 LPs.
Despite everything, I will still honour the charity release cash going to the food hub if you just buy that!
Any support is very much appreciated.
If there's nothing for you here then I sincerely wish you well and hope you have a great day
Great trade with @normalledout. Excellent packing job, fast shipping, and good communication.
Most Eurorack sequencers allow for some interaction during live performance - muting and unmuting steps or changing the sequence's length, direction etc. But typically the notes themselves remain fixed.
With the sequencer mode on Doboz's TSNM, you get something closer to live improvisation - almost like a looper.
Patch notes included.
Hello !
If you're not interested in the multi track part, an ES-8 would maybe a better solution, it is smaller and cheaper.
For the midi part, and since you want to go into polyphony, I would choose the FH-2 from Expert sleepers. It is very power full and you can add expanders to your needs for outputs/voices.
Pssst! just a little tip if you plan to stay and want to pay less :
You can buy several years of unicorn account at the actual rate of 19.90.
- When logged, on the main page got to "Like a Pro, About the Unicorn account" next to the "Top Modules" List.
- You have the at the end of the comparison the possibility to buy 1 year via paypal,
- Repeat this several times and each time you add 1 year to your account (each time at the actual rate).
For the first time in 10 years we have to increase the price of the Unicorn account.
From June 7, the Unicorn account will cost € 29.90. Til the end of the week you can still have it for the old price.
Many thanks to all users who are considering continuing to support the ModularGrid!
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
Yes, it is now possible to hide the cat to appear to tell you to Clean up the mess!
Find it in your user settings.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
I got no time. For music. And for selling single modules.
Here is a complete listing:
Most modules are in pristine condition, about 50% with original packaging and always used with Knurlies.
Contact me on Whatsapp +43 650 8500050.
I would LOVE to sell in bulk. I can Package and send. There is other stuff too: Casio CZ101 for Example. Or a Roland BX 800.
PLEASE for the love of God - don't make me sell the single modules
Thanks @Sweelinck Its probably more acid trance than Techno but thats how techno was back then before Trance got all light and fluffy and more minimalist Detroit techno took over and made music just a touch more boring.
The bit at the end is another patch and uses the Error Instruments Soundscaper through a couple of Delays.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
It's got good features for it's size, and I would recommend it for a small case (like a 104HP 4U, for example, that's where I use mine). However, I'd recommend something larger with a more friendly user interface and more features if you have more space available.
Still an issue. Doing my head in lately...
Impeccable. Bass line, structure, kick raises, etc. Everything seems perfect to me and in good timing.
I also really like what I would call the... 'little concert of car alarms and horns' at the end :)
I would add that despite the title, there is a British touch in this techno: Das ist great House-Musik :))
'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).
it is just an ok sequencer and lacks the features I needed for complex sequencing. Need to sell mine as I have an Eloquencer and better sequencers now.
Probably just coincidence. I had one for a little while and it was a fun sequencer. The sliders were a little fiddly and using the same sliders for multiple functions got kind of confusing, but it's definitely a powerful sequencer for a smaller rack. Very hands-on, low hp, and inexpensive. I'd say if you find a good deal on one in good shape, you will probably enjoy it.
Have fun and good luck!
I really like the Xaoc Devices Sewastopol, envelope follower and trigger/gate generator!
It tale a little bit to dial it in to suit your playing style and I have never tried it with a wind instriment, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.
You can also use more than one input module at the same time for multiple signal processing options.
Other than that, I would want some way to loop audio so I could layer up in a more traditional manner than the Morphagene. This may be better done in a foot pedal?
I like that you have plenty of VCA and Mixer options, but it seems you need more modulation sources perhaps?
I don't ever feel like a modular system is complete without a robust clock source. Pam's New Workout can be had for a song these days or Pro if you have the cash, both are excellent!
It seems like a fun project, I would like to hear how this sounds one day!
Sounds good - I like the sutble noises in the background, looks really nice and fun to play!
When you say you made the synths, what did you make?
I have been interested in the Varigate 4+ for a while now and recently quite a few of them have appeared for sale. I am wondering if there is a reason for that (a new module maybe?) or if it's just plain coincidence. I am looking for a simple (no screen) yet powerful melodic sequencer and it seems like it fits the bill but I'm still a bit hesitant.
A tweaked sequence which is pretty similar to the classic https://www.discogs.com/master/114137-Emmanuel-Top-Tone
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
love Shakmat modules! So easy and fun to use. I have the Time Wizard that is a great clock generator.
A fine random note generator to stimulate your creativity.
VERY easy to build. This would be an ideal first build, quick to make and useful when you’re done.
Only quibble I have is not being able to reset the sequence (as far as I can tell) with CV. But that’s no reason not to get it.
also consider Squarp hapax as it can both MIDI and CV and external portable. Love this one the best such a nicer user interface and great for live performance with touch pads and great options. This is my main sequencer for modular and hardware synths if I am not using a in rack modular sequencer. Cirklon another consideration but the 2 year wait list is tough.
I don't know if it has been proposed but I wish I could rotate the 3U modules 90° (not only 180°) to fit in 3U to 1U adapters
The Hermod+ comes to mind. Or NerdSeq.
Oxi One is very powerful, but indeed a standalone device.
It would be helpful to be able to tag "My Modules" with "Owned + quantity" or "Wishlist + quantity" and a list showing the current racks you've used them in.
anyone having trouble with power?
as soon as I plug it in many modules stop working correctly.
2 mantis cases, 2 super power blue power supplies, regardless where I put it, it happens.
Yes, same here. Pull out the Graphic VCO and the problem ceases to exist.
I struggle a bit.
Thank you for your advices
Right now I see no approach to decide yet.
Maybe you could help me to thin things out?
(Writing this also helps me to recap on it)
I want something to keep things easier and play live.
I want to be able to play tracks / projects I did prepare before and mangle them live.
My goal is to play recognizable tracks, that I can fire of and do live variations.
Reduction and simplicity is also something I have in mind.
(Before I did more complex stuff, that is harder to recreate and to focus on on live situations.)
black sequencer -
has 4 channels + mod lane each
(Could be enough, if I focus on main parts and reduction)
Eloquencer -
looks very nice to me. Very simple to access and straight forward.
it reminds me on the oxi one but without odd magic features.
Oxi -
seems to be a good everything device. (Maybe also as a daw sequencer)
But I dont like to have much stuff in front of me outside the rack)
Im temped to try it for some magic in daw production.
A plus could be its versetility - to use it for computer, eurorack and hardware synths. - I think of it more as a playable sketchbook and producion helper
Im also temped to use a Acid Rain Constellation for drums.
In fact, I have much generative and random stuff and I think I need really something to give more of a leading structure.
Hi Rackbrute wigglers (and everyone else)!
I'm writing this in hopes that it is useful to new modular users, but maybe more experienced users can chime in with alternative suggestions, as well. When I started my modular journey, it was with a Minibrute 2s and a 6u Rackbrute. My goal was to create a versatile, semi-generative synth that could pretty much do it all. Foolishly, I thought that a Rackbrute would satisfy my GAS... Several years and a few Mantis cases later... yeah...
Anyways, a little while ago I was invited to spend a weekend hiking and chilling in a mountainside cabin, and my friend specifically requested that I bring a small synth! I ended up with my trusty Minibrute and Rackbrute. You can see what I actually did in my public racks (called "C. Travel Set - Old Rag Feb 24"), but I've since refined it to the current version. Since this satisfies my original goal, and since I know I'm not the only Rackbrute owner on here, I figured I'd share my thinking.
Note, this is a real rack, so I am only listing modules I actually own. However, there are a thousand other modules that can get you to this place, so beginners shouldn't go out and buy something just because I list it. Similarly, just because I have my way of thinking about building a synth, it doesn't mean it has to be your way.
When I build a rack, I like to keep in mind the signal path, and I tend to visualize it moving left to right. I also tend to think in blocks or chunks of functions (I like my modulators together, my sound sources together...). However, in a small rack, you compromise.
So...I start in the top left with my clocking. Pam's is my main clock. It is also extremely versatile and can provide plenty of randomness and finesse as needed. Clocking is further helped with the 4ms QCD, which is a damn fun module and allows Pam's to do more interesting euclidean rhythms. Bottom left, I have my modulators. Since I tend towards generative music, I like the movement of my lfos and random voltages to be front and center and driving the music. Therefore, I have the delightful OCHD and expander, giving a refreshing motion and more random possibilities. Finally, since my friend requested some rhythmic music, I have a uGrids to finish out my triggering and gating (not to mention the massive sequencing power of the Minibrute 2s).
Utilities break! I sprinkle utilties in wherever they functionally seem to make sense. On top, the Link 2. Below is one of my favorite little utility modules, the After Later SHTH. Sample and hold AND track and hold (they're not the same!) are a wonderful pairing with LFOs and random voltages. Of course modulators and random voltages need taming, so the ever handy Happy Nerding 3xMIA does that work. Ok, random voltages, cool, now what? Well, I like to control them with the O_C's very handy quantizers (everything about the O_C is handy). And then another absolute favorite utility, vpme.de's T43, a musically informed voltage adder. I didn't know I needed a voltage adder until I needed one, and this one is amazingly fun to play and jam with. And then of course, Veils and a deep function generator in the Contour 1.
Phew, ok, all that and we haven't even gotten to the sound sources yet! Well, we start with the handy (and usefully 3 hp) Erica Pico drums and the BIA above. Yes, yes, the BIA rules for kicks, but I actually prefer it as a gnarly oscillator. So now, given that the Minibrute has 2 oscillators, we have three sound sources and a sampler. But wait, there's more! We have the almost cheat-code strenth combo of Rings and Beads. Below that, we have the Ikarie on wacky vcf duties. As fun as filters are, I find that I don't really need them if the oscillator is interesting enough. Finally for the audio path, the delay of the Nautilus and the fx of the FXAid XL. All together, that's 5 voices and a sampler and multiple fx (don't forget the onboard reverb on Beads, as well).
My final block is the output block. One more quad vca to reduce my voices and then a 4 channel stereo mixer in the Stmix because that's right, this little rackbrute is in stereo. Then the ES-9 because I have one and why not record multitrack if you can. Plus, you can connect to the computer.
The end result is that I have an instrument that can: be generative, be arhythmic or rhytmic, be playable/programmable, be multi-voiced, be stereo, be connected to the computer, and be multitrack recorded. All in a Rackbrute and Minibrute. And it only cost... ok, well, let's not look at that part.
Shit, this was long-winded. But hopefully someone finds it useful to see how another person plans when constructing a rack. I know I would have when I started. Best of luck!
I like my Black Sequencer... patched into my sinfonion with a beatstep pro for changing patterns on that... I also have a few other sequencers, to change thing up... I'd keep whatever simple sequencers you have - they're very useful for modulation, for example!
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
Frap Tools Usta