live case

This one starts slowly and goes wild :)


20 minutes to make an update?!
Having a huge rack will do nothing for making your music better.
That takes practice.

If you have space in your rack for a semi-modular then why not?
If you have more modules than rackspace, it is a different story.

Would you consider a dual/stereo version? Anyhow this looks like a great option!
-- geusensdriesmusic

Thank you very much for your interest and message. At the moment, we do not have such a plan, but we may consider it in the future sir
Best regards,


Im Octavio, the human behind this ep, and if you have any question about the recording process, go ahead and ask.

Also in the link below you can see the system used for this release.

Thanks in advance!!!

Thread: Out it Came

Patch notes in the youtube link

It would be great if we could filter the Marketplace based on the function of the module
-- andydavies

Actually, you can. On the Marketplace page, click search for all offered modules in the Module Browser . There you can filter and sort the offered modules as you wish.

It would be great if we could filter the Marketplace based on the function of the module

Would you consider a dual/stereo version? Anyhow this looks like a great option!

My music on Bandcamp - Instagram - YouTube

XFMR Euro DI | Output Module with Transformer | Eurorack

XFMR Euro DI | Output Module with Transformer is now available for sale on our website!

As VAEMI, we designed the Euro DI in the Eurorack module format, which can be used for all digital or analog equipment, synthesizers, and drum machines ranging from line level devices to high voltage synthesizer levels. In this way, you can input the unbalanced sound signals of your equipment into your microphone preamp with a balanced XLR connector.

Key features include:

Balanced XLR Output
Neutrik XLR connectors
Enables the transmission of audio signals over long distances
Clean and transparent sound
0 degree phase shift
Accurate isolation from electrical noise in the audio signal
-12dB Pad available for each channel
180 degree phase switch for each channel
GND Lift switch for each channel

nice sound!! šŸ”„thanks for sharing!!

Hi ,

I just launched the label Machine Ouverte, focus on releasing techno live performer artists who play with modular/hardware gear.

Having been playing live for a long time, this project was born out of a desire to discover artists and share releases from live performances, a bit like a declaration of love to the live play.

The 1st release is from Nntblst, a veteran of improvised live sets. He has extracted 5 deep, intense and completely hypnotic tracks from his sessions.

After me, the deluge EP is composed on a small modular case, which Nntblst will tell us about below.

Don't hesitate to get back to us about the EP and the label.

Thanks for listening

Thanks for downloading the EP

Thanks for your support !

Valentin Rocher
Is it a good module to convert mono OSC to stereo
Is it good for some sort of mixing?
-- core

this is it:

Nope. This is just an output module. What do you want to do?

hi, this is my love, my happy patching rack!!!

We created Mudras as an alternitive to the two step process of
1.) Compose CV Sequence
2.) Play CV Sequence

Instead Mudras allows anyone to experience the exhilaration of live improvisation by combining the two parts into one. With traditional instruments this can take years of practicing technique and learning scales, but Mudras allows anyone to do this immediatly by translating hand motion into quantized CV sequences.

Check out the following demonstration video to see what we mean, would you be able to create the same melody using any other sequencer?
Record and loop up to 64 Steps

  • 7 Quantized V/Oct Music Scales
  • Linear CV mode for modulations
  • All steps are input live in real time single steps or entire sequences.
  • Recorded steps are output live in real time as you input the sequence

Analog Style Clock Input

  • Sequence steps forward once for each rising edge trigger/gate on the clock input
  • Lock directly with any trigger/gate sequence, including any swing or completely random sequences
  • Responds to sub microsecond trigger widths

Novel LIDAR Sensor based user interface

  • 700 mm range/ 1 mm resolution
  • CV Output defined by movement of hand through the air as the sequence play
  • Input up to 60 notes per second
  • Sequence play back well into the audio range
  • Can be used as a real time musical interface by holding the record button.

Available only directly from IC Alchemy at

what the fuck

Shame it can't record external CV/envelope/follow, or it would be smaller HP competition for Ephemere.
-- mntbighker

Didn't the EWA expander solve this, as well as adding general CV control?

Nice jam!

How do find the sends on the Cosmix Pro? I'd prefer they were pre-fader sends so I could easily bring just the wet into the mix....

Also, are you using bank of attenuators in front if the Cosmix Pro? Some of my sources just seem to hot, and it would be nice to limit them then get full span on the sliders.


Hello! Hope you are doing well. I made some changes to my case lately. I really needed a good mixer. I got te Cosmix pro by Cosmotronic. It's a great sounding mixer in a small footprint with tons of options. I also went to Superbooth this year, it was my first time. I went with my dear modular friend Estroe and we had such a great time. There is saw the Vostok modules and its maker. I was really impressed. Again in a small footprint you have 4 oscilators, 6 envelopes and VCA's and 4 filters. They sound amazing and alongside my other modules (Plaits, Rings, STO, M-32) I can create the complex melodic structures that I love! Because of the stereo send and return on the cosmix pro I can process different voices through Sealegs in different amounts for depth. Please enjoy this video and do let me know if you like the complex melodic structures in this patch!


ModularGrid Rack

There. Probably need to sacrifice the OXI Pipe. Will put in the hours to jam and see which next module makes sense to add first. Surely not going to buy everything at once but let this be a blueprint for the journey that lies ahead.

I actually didn't plan to fill the third row, yet, and thought about a drum rack if I would.

However, I'm more inclined to keep the Rytm on foundational drum duty and let the rack focus on grooves and other voices.

More than anything else, moving voices and sounds around freely and uniquely with modulation is what makes modular sound special relative to regular complete synths and grooveboxes.
-- Zacksname

Well said. This is exactly what Im discovering lately. There are so many ways to modulate and I've probably just scratched to surface.

Will try to use freerunning LFOs from my DAW (controlled via MIDI controllers) for now. This will save HP and money so I can focus on live performance oriented utilties. Not sure how that's going to fit in 6U though :)

Thank you for your insights!

Are you still doing a third row?

If you do a third row, it should be entirely utilities/modulation/VCAs/attenuverting. Maths is a good one (though it's not a VCA). Free-running LFOs, envelope generators, sample and holds, random modules, and more will give you interesting freeform contrast to the more steady rhythms from the sequencers. These are all cool sound sources, and if you perform with an Analog Rytm and/or Syntakt as well, this should just about work, but you need more stuff to make it all move. More than anything else, moving voices and sounds around freely and uniquely with modulation is what makes modular sound special relative to regular complete synths and grooveboxes.

I would also take a look at bigger, more playable filters. Big cutoff knobs. Or at least put those near the ends so they're easily accessible.

You don't need dedicated drum modules unless there's a specific one that does something you love and can't do any other way. The BIA is actually a good one for a tightly packed case like this since it basically operates standalone and is very flexible, doing way more than just standard drum sounds. Generally, though, it is just as easy to make drums from a basic synth setup (oscillator into VCA/filter opened and closed by an envelop or other CV) as it is to make a synth sound with them, and modulation/clever patching can help you blur the line in unique ways. You can even get a matrix mixer to help you smoothly move and combine modulation in your rack to change stuff from melodic to percussive.

Quickly made a few updates. Going to research a few more interesting VCA options to replace Victor and uRipples with. Or maybe just Maths. Guess I need to get some try it out first to see what I'm missing.

ModularGrid Rack

I have the 6U Rackbrute and like it for its design and expand options. Also noticed the power was a bit meh but figured I'd swap the power supply if I ever run out of juice.


IIRC it works with the installed bussboard.

Thats way too kind of you @sweelinck


Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Forgive me if this is too obvious or you're already doing this, but with the ES9 you can do a ton with VCV rack. There are many copies of existing hardware modules available in VCV rack for free, which can help you get to know the workflow and determine what types of things you gravitate toward to decide what you want to invest in on the hardware side. Cheers!
-- Progspiration

I was just about to look into VCV too. Will definately do that, thanks for the tip!

Im not quiet familiar with the Oxi. (Im testing one at the moment for the first time)
But I guess you can do much like lfos, envelopes + logic gates and stuff with the oxi.
So its just a question of taste and workflow.
But in general, maybe you could focus on a more modular experience instead of just dropping voices to control it with the oxi. (Which is also fine, if this is what you want)

Your rack looks a bit shuffeled and incoherent to me. Seems to be a approach to become a groovebox rack .
A few good standard picks, almost everybody does like (BIA+Mimetic Digitalis+Lapsus Os) but not much coherence and context.

Maybe think about, which exact role your rack should take.
What does it need, what should it do?
If you go hybrid or with semi-modular stuff, a rack focused on utility could be useful.
If you use it with a analog rhytm - do you need a dedicated kickdrum?
So maybe focus on more standard building blocks.

Do you just want to replace the elektron stuff with a groovebox rack you patched once and set and forget?
Do you want to do complex patches and discover modular?
Do you really need the modular for generative stuff or is your oxi + elektron gear enough?

If you just do the same stuff with you modular as you do with the other gear, it could be a expensive toy at the end.


Solid words here too. Indeed, Iā€™ve tried to create an extensive techno grooveboxā€”something that can create sequences with controlled randomness that come to life with modulation and 'minimal' changes over time. Iā€™d say my style is not too experimental, and I enjoy putting in a simple lead or melody hook. That said, I want to explore ā€˜complexā€™ patching, but the rack should be playable with many sweet spots since I plan to take it on stage and perform with it rather than noodling in my studio at home.

I understand lots of practice is required to find those sweet spots, but I also think certain modules are more playable and encourage trying new things while still creating solid grooves.

Regarding the OXI and generating stuff, yes, the OXI can definitely do a lot by itself. However, I want to switch up the workflow of sequencing or maybe even combine methods now and then. The new Gamut Repetitor from Noise Engineering might do the trick and could be a better fit than the Turing Machine and its expanders.

From all the advice so far, Iā€™ll probably drop the Bassline and Victor for now and replace them with utilities. Slim posted good advice before, which Iā€™ll gladly take into account.

Lastly, please disregard the bottom row. I might replace the Rytm with dedicated drum modules at some point, but for now, Iā€™d like to focus on a hybrid setup with the Rytm for drums, the rack as a modular groovebox, and a DAW. I mentioned it in my post, but itā€™s a long one, so I understand if you missed it.

With some subtle modulation you can get some wow & flutter out of the Make Noise Mimeophon but without much signal degredation.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

It's excellent. You have acquired over time a great maturity and an ease which allows you ever more creativity. This piece, with its reverberated arpeggios, at the beginning and at the end, brings colors which made me think of Blade Runner (everyone can project their own vision, right?) So, welcome to LA in 2019, in Zhora's club. You can drink a very good beer there with Deckard :)

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

I've had the Wear & Tear for a couple weeks and highly recommend

I recently added a new module to the database (Delta Quadrant). I uploaded the creator's not exactly MG clean photo. Today someone added a cleaned up, much better picture. Is there a way to delete the old panel photos and keep only the latest one?

A narrow dual VCO, would be very handy in a small rack. And each VCO allows you to pull a square, triangle, and sine wave at the same time for various blending experiments.

Lots of parts to the build, though itā€™s not difficult. Maybe a third kit.

Sounds interesting worth it.


Patch notes in the Youtube link

Forgive me if this is too obvious or you're already doing this, but with the ES9 you can do a ton with VCV rack. There are many copies of existing hardware modules available in VCV rack for free, which can help you get to know the workflow and determine what types of things you gravitate toward to decide what you want to invest in on the hardware side. Cheers!

Im not quiet familiar with the Oxi. (Im testing one at the moment for the first time)
But I guess you can do much like lfos, envelopes + logic gates and stuff with the oxi.
So its just a question of taste and workflow.
But in general, maybe you could focus on a more modular experience instead of just dropping voices to control it with the oxi. (Which is also fine, if this is what you want)

Your rack looks a bit shuffeled and incoherent to me. Seems to be a approach to become a groovebox rack .
A few good standard picks, almost everybody does like (BIA+Mimetic Digitalis+Lapsus Os) but not much coherence and context.

Maybe think about, which exact role your rack should take.
What does it need, what should it do?
If you go hybrid or with semi-modular stuff, a rack focused on utility could be useful.
If you use it with a analog rhytm - do you need a dedicated kickdrum?
So maybe focus on more standard building blocks.

Do you just want to replace the elektron stuff with a groovebox rack you patched once and set and forget?
Do you want to do complex patches and discover modular?
Do you really need the modular for generative stuff or is your oxi + elektron gear enough?

If you just do the same stuff with you modular as you do with the other gear, it could be a expensive toy at the end.



if you are building your own case and adding power I recommend the befaco excalibus power supplies as very good - 1 per 6u works well and they are very quiet - no noticable ripple up into video rates (MHz, not just KHz for audio), no rackwart, equal -ve and +ve rails and available DIY - a simple if tedious build (due to the number of headers that need soldering) - & low form factor - all headers are on the edges, not upright

Steppermotor provides a variety of different types of gear reducers including planetary reducers, parallel shaft reducers, and worm reducers.

Well I guess that LFO with knobs are much more performative, but this is a matter of taste.
I have a Doepfer A-145-4 in each rack.

Also, for you system, considering a simple VCO to be used for audio rate modulation duties would open many possibilities. I suggest very simple modules such as a Doepfer A-111-3 or an Intellijel Dixie 2+

This rack yeah?
ModularGrid Rack
Just paste in the browser link ;-)
-- wishbonebrewery

Oops thanks for the tip, edited the post and updated the link.

i think that you planned too many voices and effects, and thatbyou are seriously missing utilities.

you want to add vcas.
and adding other utilities will make your rack performative. i would add a quad lfo (doepfer ?), a clock divider, many vcas, a good filter (maybe two depending on the amount of voices that you keep in) and envelopes. maybe a math or rampage.

i wouod advise that you do not purchase all voices, to build slow and learn the process first.

-- Slim

Gotcha. Thanks for this!

It's so tempting to simply stick all those voices in there.

Got my eye on a Javelin and the clock divider from Noise Engineering. Will prioritise that and Clep over a few voices.

Currently, I have multiple LFOs in my DAW that are patched through the ES-9 and also a few from the Oxi One. figured that was enough or am I missing on something by not getting a dedicated module for it?

Bought a Tiptop Echoz from @ezra, very fast shipment and super nice communication. Recommended seller!

i think that you planned too many voices and effects, and thatbyou are seriously missing utilities.

you want to add vcas.
and adding other utilities will make your rack performative. i would add a quad lfo (doepfer ?), a clock divider, many vcas, a good filter (maybe two depending on the amount of voices that you keep in) and envelopes. maybe a math or rampage.

i wouod advise that you do not purchase all voices, to build slow and learn the process first.

This rack yeah?
ModularGrid Rack
Just paste in the browser link ;-)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

I started my modular journey by way of Korg DS-10 on the DS and Korg DSN-12 on the 3DS. I was in grad school and had packed up my old MIDI-based Groovebox/patch bay/DSP multi-effects studio so that music wouldn't be a big distraction. However, I picked up Korg's DS-10 MS-10/KAOSS game/app/DAW for the DS and was introduced to the almighty patch cable. Everyday I would experiment with it and make simple tracks, some of which I've released and have become some of my most popular tracks.

Fast forward to a few years ago and a producer friend of mine sent me a video of someone making dub techno with a modular setup and told me that we would both probably be using it soon. I was always a little afraid of the cost and of GAS, however, so I would look at it and then ignore it while looking for the next VST modulation/sequencer/effect. Then another friend of mine who is very much into modular told me I should get into it when we met up in San Francisco and went to check out ROBOTSPEAK. For me, it was practically a religious experience! I had never been to a gear store entirely aimed at someone like me.

I came up with a plan to build a modular that I could use as a signal path for two dub techno chord channels at the same time (I already have a Microfreak, a JP08, and my crunchy old DW6000) in my current productions, a bunch of modulation sources of increasing complexity, and two oscillators so that each row could conceivably be a stand-alone monosynth for a live modular-only kind of thing (using my Korg SQ-1 and the Euclidean Circles).

I finally finished it and I am having a blast playing with it standalone (well, almost standalone - Korg SQ-1) and running various signals through it.

Take a look at brand new module, Wear and Tear:
-- Toccata

Thanks, i will check it out.

This one looks pretty neat:
-- farkas

Thankyou, it's always good to see alternatives, especially if you have not seen the module before.

All jokes aside, Iā€™d love to have feedback from senior modular producers and performers. Iā€™ve been producing with DAWs mostly and recently committed to modular after getting hooked on the OXI One and learning about its CV modulation features.

Iā€™ve always wanted to build a live set that relies on ad hoc creation of sequences, focusing on the more ā€œgenerativeā€ side of techno. The OXI One helps me do that, and Iā€™ve built a setup with an Analog Rytm for the drums, a Syntakt, and an Analog Four for other sounds like textures, drones, pads, and leads. It all routes to an Octatrack (yes, big Elektron fanboy), which I use mainly for master effects. Initially, I thought about using the Octatrackā€™s looping feature but havenā€™t needed it (yet).

Now that Iā€™ve caught the modular bug, Iā€™m moving many of my Elektron duties to my rack and wouldnā€™t be surprised if I eventually ditch most of my Elektron gear in this setup. I recently started using a DAW again with the ES-9. The Analog Four got replaced by a BIA and Coral, and Iā€™ve significantly reduced the number of voices coming from the Syntakt. I still love it, but the sounds Iā€™m getting from the BIA are incredible and the patching is too much fun currently. The mix is now done in the DAW so I got rid of the Octa too. Surely saved a lot of space.

What do you think of this rack? Iā€™ve already own the BIA, Coral, Ghost, ES-9, and an attenuator. I plan to use this rack to generate loops on the fly while also using the OXI One to send gate and pitch for certain voices (and maybe swap between auto generated stuff and user generated). Since it's quite voice heavy, I might drop the Bassline and replace it with a pair of Clep Diaz's or such.

Ultimately, it should be performative, allowing me to create cool sounds through trial and error while minimizing menu diving.

ModularGrid Rack

p.s. Disregard the bottom row for now. At some point, I might also move drum duty from the Rytm to the rack but I love the Rytm for that. The sound from the Battering Ram did surprise me last time I played with it in my friends studio.

Appreciate the effort and thanks for reading :)

Made some werird noises, thought I'd share them. Starts weird, and ends weird with a dancy bit in the middle ;-)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Take a look at brand new module, Wear and Tear:

Hi, where can I find a tutorial of the squarp hermod mk1?
I need everything...
Iā€™want to use it with my modular and my Desktop gear, too!
happy patching
best regards from germany
sebastian Sch.

This one looks pretty neat:
I was very close to getting one of these but went with a Strymon Volante instead. The pedal suited my needs a little better.
Let us know what you choose. Have fun and good luck!