humbly request an option to hide the clean up the mess cat or at least fix the CSS so it doesn't make the rack jump down in the viewport when the cat appears. a lot of us use that space as a staging area.
-- scragz

True dat...but I find the function that reorders "staged" modules into a single stack to be more annoying. There are reasons why I scatter 'em in various places while working out a build, especially reworking someone else's design.

As for'd just better hope it didn't hear you complaining about it. You might log in one day to find clawmarks all over your module collection!

a mental track, i guess … some patch info in the video description.. thanks for watching

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

ModularGrid Rack

I would appreciate a few hints or an full on roast concerning the rack from the link.
Could this possibly work as a double voice something something theremin?

Only just signed up and can’t create new posts but looking for advise myself as also new to eurorack.

I have an original ARP2600 and want to get an expert sleepers FH-2 to send CV to it from my DAW.
I do all of my sequencing in Logic and can use the likes of the Expert sleepers / Logic Midi Fx plugins and Cableguys plugins etc to have fun.

Thing is, I believe need a small eurorack just to be able to power up and use an FH-2.
What’s the smallest / cheapest little rack I can buy that would be suitable for an FH-2?
I may add an another module later on if there is space on the rack, but it’s mainly for the FH-2.

I just saw a Doepfer A-100 MC which looks nice and cheap but decent for what I need

humbly request an option to hide the clean up the mess cat or at least fix the CSS so it doesn't make the rack jump down in the viewport when the cat appears. a lot of us use that space as a staging area.

Get a Doepfer 12u or 14 monster case and Doepfer monster base case. Love mine as it has handles, covers and bullet proof power supplies.

This patch, inspired by the french musician and writer Boris Vian: ‘the monkey > the man > the fool’.
So sometimes it’s good to pull the plug.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Now that is some good thinking!!! Excited to hear what they come up with !

NICU on YouTube
NICUmusic on Instagram
For my baby daughter Luna who fought very hard to be here

Appreciate it Lugia. I've had my eye on Case from Lake since before I got into modular, so I've just reached out to them for more info.

And also, ask if they've ever done a case with built-in wheels. If they DO cook up a suitable solution, you'll want to make toting it easier!

Appreciate it Lugia. I've had my eye on Case from Lake since before I got into modular, so I've just reached out to them for more info.

NICU on YouTube
NICUmusic on Instagram
For my baby daughter Luna who fought very hard to be here

Solution simple: Case From Lake. Not only do they do custom builds, you can have them add custom features to their "standard" fare. Power supplies on those are always overspecced, they're super-solid, and you might even wind up working with them to come up with a fully portable solution...yes, even for THAT MANY modules!

Another source for gawdawfully-huge studio cabs is ADDAC...they've long offered cabs that offer 197 hp (ie: 1 meter) rows, plus they share CFL's philosophy about having enough current capacity...and then some. You can even get some 2U 19" rack toppers for those, and there's 2 x 168 of tile rows right there just by adding some tile frames and power connections.

Then for the ultimate in Eurorack case overkill, there's Just click explanation needed there!

A fine, FINE example of specious reasoning. WMD closes shop, people make assumptions.

Let's explain something, shall we? First up, module manufacturers closing up shop is nothing new. We consistently lose several a year, and yes, some of them are big names. And while some of those have more annoying reasons (like Emilie finally getting quitting-grade discouraged after Herr Behringer lifted Plaits and Veils from Mutable's lineup), much of this is simply what you'd expect to find in an overheated field with lots of "churn". There's nothing odd about that...typical capitalism at work.

And yes, the current supply-chain fubar over electronic components is hitting everything, not merely synthesizers. That's the "changing forever" that's far more scary, with acres of cars waiting for chips sitting around idle worldwide being one obvious symptom. And yes, that shortage makes it difficult for synth companies...but it works the same way for any company that uses electronic components.

But when you get down to it, the components needed in a big percentage of modules aren't anything too esoteric. By and large, there's typically a larger amount of passive components (caps, resistors, diodes, etc) than anything VLSI-ish...aside of certain modules that are dependent on Atmel/Atmega, RasPi, etc devices for their engines. Since these passive components don't require any hi-tweak manufacturing methods (like UV litho), they're far less "endangered", and those components have made up the majority of what's on a module board since...well, Bob and Don.

And another big source for Eurorack devices is the used market, which apparently wasn't figured into the idea. There's a lot of used Eurorack out there, with a big chunk of that these days from erstwhile synthesists thinking they're ready to step up to modular...followed by a litany of bad choices and sales pitches...which results in plenty of viable modules popping up on eBay, Reverb, et al when these users discover that they got tossed into an infinite gulf of confusion (which this is IF you're not capable of doing some basic research) and not the wading pool. Frankly, I think overheated "analysis" like the above clip does more to HARM Eurorack, inasmuch as it attempts to spread a poorly-reasoned but seemingly-authoritative rationale for some impending implosion of Eurorack, etc. People that are incapable of looking into things themselves have long been self-generated problems in modular, and I (and others) have a bone to pick with "influencers" that use YT as a bully pulpit for nonsense such as that.

This is worse on some levels, though. Instead of being able to explain simple technical issues (such as why you're going to have trouble building a full system in 1 x 84), this hits more on some ontological level which takes advantage of potential users hearing this and then giving Eurorack a wide berth due to the general state of imposed panic these days. Boo. Hiss. NOT GOOD.

There's a big difference between causation and correlation...and there's more of the latter in the YT clip than the former. While I agree that losing WMD and especially Mutable is not a good thing at all, the only "changing forever" that's going on here is the usual constant change that's part of reality in general. And ultimately, that's not an actual change at all.

Hi there,

Looking for recommendations on large rack and case manufacturers for minimum 1600hp/140 modules of full-size modules plus an additional 500hp/40 modules of 1U?

Things I like to hear:
high-quality / durable
well-spec'd power
reasonably affordable but not expecting miracles

Any and all advice is welcome.
Looking for one GIANT case for the studio, and can take out as needed to populate smaller travel / gig cases.

  • Christian at NICU

NICU on YouTube
NICUmusic on Instagram
For my baby daughter Luna who fought very hard to be here

Looking for this Benjolin.
Message me if yours is to sell.

What Lugia said. If this is the size of system you're committed to, you can't fill it up with enormous modules. You can, however, pick one "pet module" and then build up a more workable system around it. In this case, I'd ditch the Starlab... you already have FX in your 1u row. Consider how much more fun and useful this system would be if you replaced the Starlab with the following:

Klavis Twin Waves (8 hp)
XAOC Zadar (10 hp)
Another small VCA module (4 hp)
Any of a variety of other utilities (mixer, attenuator, etc.) (6 hp left)


I got that second Mantis, ignored Jim and got the brackets, didn't like how big and unfocused the whole thing was, realized Jim was right about the brackets, panicked at the flippancy of my approach, returned the second mantis.

Another few months of trial and error and this is what it's looking like:

ModularGrid Rack

Happy to say, it's finally starting to feel coherent!

Nerdseq means I don't have to drag the KSP around anymore if I don't want to -- plus I already have experience with trackers and the extra envelopes and lfos free up the rest of the rack considerably. Vortices streamlines the decentralized mixing I had been doing, plus acts as extra VCAs; Tides gives me access to complex / interrelated envelopes and LFOs when I want them; Select 2 neatly fills a few utility holes in minimal hp (offsetting, switches, "hang" circuits, muting); and those tiny VCAs (most recent pickup) allow me to fit in the Befaco Out, which it turns out I really don't like going without.

I'll be picking up a 3Ux84hp skiff this week as an overflow case and I think that's where I'm gonna park for the long term. I'm loving the main rack, and the overflow will be enough to let me keep OPTX and a few other modules of interest sitting around without being tempted to let it grow out of control. It also seems fun to make portable mini systems every now and then (out of stuff I already have).

Thanks again for the help getting over that hump!

Thread: Little 62

Not pictured is the dual buffered mult above the 1U row on the Intellijel 62HP 4U Palette case.
-- graycat

Easily fixed. Just add another tile row and check under Intellijel's listings for the Palette 62 utility bar. Just remember to pull up the "screenshot" and refresh that, otherwise we'll still all see this layout.

The more obvious problem has to do with the Intellijel stereo mixer tile. That's usable in that position...but it can also connect directly to the cab's 1/4" jacks, which then lets you fly a second signal (such as effects) over the main mix to parallel it into the final stereo output. If there's no earth-shaking need for the connecting modules at the left end of the tile bar, I'd suggest tossing those and then adding Intellijel's stereo VCA tile to have CV over one or the other signals to mix. And adding a DuATT would also be a VERY good idea, as you don't have any way to add offsets, mix CVs and modulation signals (the stereo mixer is AC-coupled...won't pass anything below audible range!), or do inversion/polarization of your modulation.

ModularGrid Rack
...sort of like that. Also, I ejected the speaker...yeah, I know it sounded cool and all, but by tossing it and the Ochd, I was able to put the NANO Quart in instead. That module has four AD envelope generators which can be looped to serve as variable-waveform LFOs where needed. And that was 100% needed...otherwise, all you had was the Ochd as a modulation source, with NO envelope generation. It even rocks the same look as the Qu-bit black panels!

With ornament and crimes on sequencing duty is there enough audio oscillation?
-- emergencypeanut

I think you might have some bigger problems than enough oscillators. For one thing, you DO realize there's only 104 hp for those honkin' big modules in the 3U row, right? By having those there like that, you're causing them to monopolize the build, and the end result is that you've got some really cool modules...but very little in the way of getting them to work together as an instrument. Part of the problem, of course, is the cab itself; while it's possible to cram a decent build into a Palette 104, this majorly involves reducing the module sizes so that everything that should be there CAN be there. Instead, three of those modules take over half of the 3U row, which is forcing you to jam things in as afterthoughts, where space allows. This isn't a good thing, especially given that the Panharmonium is sort of the only nonreplaceable that's there. And I say "sort of" because there's likely ways to do what it does with certain combinations of modules. Although in this case, you don't really have any audio sources to feed it (hence the stereo inputs as well as Dave noting that the module is a "mutating spectral resynthesizer"...and resynthesis tends to need some sort of incoming audio to...well, resynthesize.

Thread: Little 62

Continuing my endless goal for the perfect little standalone system, which also combines nicely with my larger system. Currently focused around the beautiful lofi but somehow amazing quality Speak To Me speaker module from the lovely Winterbloom. Not pictured is the dual buffered mult above the 1U row on the Intellijel 62HP 4U Palette case.

With ornament and crimes on sequencing duty is there enough audio oscillation?

Deckerd's? Mmm...OK, having a CS-80 laying around the house gives me a bit of an insight there. Basically, you've got the basic voicing of a single CS-80 card there...but that's not the only aspect to that sound. Adding the Rachael "expander" would do a lot to remedy this, but then you're talking about 46 hp in cab space and a tab of $1048 for a monosynth that still won't approach the "playability" of the OG. TBH, given the prices I'm seeing on vintage Yamaha's CS-01 as of late, you could get TWO of the little Yammys for that and still have beer money left over. Things are changing, to be sure...

It would honestly be a better choice to get a patchable synth and then use that with the modular, then use the space gained from removing the Deckerd's for more modules. In fact, one combo I'm liking is a pairing with my other modular/patchable devices with one of Uli's 2600 "Xmas tree" clones. It's...well, it's an ARP 2600, a synth I've used off and on for some 40+ years now, made more compact (without becoming difficult to play!) and including the 3620 circuits, which Korg left off of their 2600M. Ergo, I look at Korg's available-to-everyone version as literal "crippleware", and the snarky SOB in Penang gets the win for creating the real Version 5. Plus, unlike the Deckard's, it's 100% can even cram it into an 8U road case (plus, you can even find 3rd party cases out there that emulate the original's form factor). And the fact that you can "break out" the modules via the patchpoints for full-on modular integration is the cherry on the cake.

And Jim's 100% on about that larger case. It's possible to do a build in 104 hp, sure...but 2 x 104 hp means more room for utilities and other "helpers" that make the spendy ones do what they oughta.

Given the amount of sheer unadulterated BASS that you can get out of a modular without even trying hard, I would suggest that you go with monitors that have at the very least 8" drivers for the low end. I use a pair of SF-era KRKs, "critical nearfields" with a Crest FA601 amp. However, be careful that what you get is actually rather flat; one monitor that I've learned to DREAD are the horrid Yamaha NS10Ms and the various descendants of those...they make everything sound like refried ass when you check your mix on more typical monitors. Some people swear by them; much of my time with them over the years found me swearing AT them. Just. Say. No.

Try and find something that's more "point source-ish", actually. Uli's reissued some of the Tannoy single-point ones for decent prices, but my money would be on the more-spendy powered Presonus Scepter 8s. But get the best thing you can afford...monitoring is 100% NOT the part you skimp on, as that subsystem of your studio is how you know what you're doing!

I wouldn't suggest that you sell off the current 1 x 84 skiff. You WILL want it for adding more modules later on. If you doubt this, contact me in a year's time and tell me about what you repurposed it for.

But instead of trying to build an entire synth in a 1 x 84 skiff (always a bad WILL wind up compromising subsystems in this build if you do!), I would suggest that you check out a Tiptop Mantis. We say that loads on here...and it's not JUST because of the 208 hp of space you get, but because the Mantis is a sensible size, has really good power specs, is lightweight and portable enough that Tiptop sells a custom gig bag for it, AND you can stack a second one with its special stacking brackets to double your space.

As for the really good idea might be to repurpose it as a controller/sequencer cab. You could put a Tempi/Rene mkii pair in there for sequencing and touchplate control, then maybe jam your performance mixing in the other half-ish, maybe with space to add a couple of CV faders for "remote" control of other modules. That would get two types of potentially chunky modules OUT of the Mantis...which, in the end, gets you still MORE space in that new cab. People don't seem to think a lot about the case implementations, and in the end that should actually be one of the FIRST considerations because that's one that depends on both you AND your available studio space. And you'll also hear it said that you should always make your case(s) too large...because, eventually they won't be!

Given that it's usually a PITA to cram a full-on synth into a tiny cab, and also since you've got two "noisemakers" already, you might consider doing the more sensible task of making this into something designed as a "helper" for the two Moogs. Otherwise, no, it doesn't make sense. So... [wait for it]
ModularGrid Rack audio sources, first off. This is all about playing around with modulation (to a degree that neither Moog is designed for) and some sequencer timing tricks to beef up the DFAM. You'll note right off that I used a different case here, an Intellijel Palette 62. Most times, tile rows are just basic utilities; in this case, there's a Steppy there, along with a MIDI interface which uses the case's USB MIDI. It's also got a DuATT for extra mixing/inversion/offsets and a ring modulator for either audio or modulation alterations.

The row here starts with a Doepfer A-118-2 for noise, random voltages and sample and hold. Then there's an Ornament and Crime multimodule for various modulation tasks along with a bunch of other stuff. Another Doepfer module next, a quad "free-run" LFO.

Now, you'd expect to find a Maths here. But in 62 hp, that'd have about 1/3rd of the 3U row taken up with one module. Instead, I dropped in Toppobrillo's (relatively) new redux of their Sport Modulator, which is sort of like a little more than half of a Maths. Now, that would imply that this won't be as capable as Maths...but that would be true only if you didn't have the next modules. Instead, you'll find an Antumbra dual VCA (based on the Veils VCA) and a Frap 321, and those two together can do A LOT to generate even more modulation signals from the sources in the cab. Then, Paratek's dual Peaks clone gives you two envelope generators, and a Disting mkiv sits between the clocking and modulation because...well, try it on both!

The ANA gives you comparator functions, along with some logic and arithmetical operations on CVs. Then the NE Fractio Solum is a CVable clock divide/multiplier, positioned conveniently so that it can take the clock off of the MIDI interface. And last but not least, a sequential switch which will allow you to use the DFAM's sequencer in a 1 x 16 configuration.

This sort of thing is what these little cases excel at. In this case, the "mission" that the build is "specific" to involves bridging the two Moogs with some additional trickery, as well as massively upping the modulation capabilities...among other things! For example, just look at what the O_&c and Disting are capable of, and it'll be very clear as to why they're there. In short, it "integrates" the Moogs, letting them do MUCH more together with this build than if you either had the Moogs alone, or if you'd tried to build a synth voice with a little cab.

Confirming that mine won't fit into my Mantis unless I tug the rails apart, in which case it puts too much pressure on the pcb to be safe in the long term. It's pretty disappointing to run into such an avoidable issue - and it's not a board you could sand down either, so I don't think there's a workaround.

Other than that it's a great module though. The design itself is really good; the sound is quality (most important); it does what you'd expect it to do; you won't find any other options at 6hp with anything close to this feature set; and I actually really like the distortion from the ACAB circuit. For those with skiffs that fit it better I think it's a no brainer!

start with a bigger case - get a tiptop mantis!!!

make sure you leave most of it free though - no plan survives contact with the enemy

not a lot I would call 'utilities' there - see my signature for advice on that

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I was thinking of getting a Grandmother and wanted to theorycraft a boy-toy for her: effects, utilities, another voice to harmonize with. This build is at least a year off, so feel free to make suggestions/recommendations or tell me i'm way off the mark.

It's fixed! Cheers!

Hi, just to express a feature request (already mentioned here ): would be VERY helpful to have a global view of his own modules used (and how many) for all the racks. I'm talking about the modules in "My modules" tab.
To illustrate :
Before, I had a 15U monster case, but I was used to split it into several racks in Modulargrid - more manageable. And so it was difficult to know if I had put a module in several cases or conversely if I had forgotten one.
Now I decided to redistribute this big case in several smaller cases, and same issue : easy to lost track of modules.

I can see that this feature is not necessarily obvious to implement, but I'm sure there a way to address this need - even partially.

And of course I'm interested in possible workarounds used

Weird stuff is... going on 'round here. Like when I zoom in on the Afterneath module, it turns into the silver version! Now that is spooky! I suspect whichever panel was uploaded last becomes the "main" panel.
-- catwavez

Zoom now always shows the selected version. Zoom bug is fixed.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I use the pair of joranalogue modules for anything out just to be safe. Would they serve the purpose well? I just wasn't sure how much limiting was going on.
-- EatTrumpet

I'm using the Joranalogue Transmit and Receive. There's no limiting in those modules, but there's good built-in metering and headphones out on the Transmit with volume control .

I also have a pair of Bubblesound Booster and Reducer to give me extra in/out when needed. Not as hifi as the Joranalogues, but they do what they're supposed to do and can give some extra drive when you want that.

I'm always recording in my DAW at 24 bit. It's good practice to set your peaks at -6 dB in your DAW and - when needed - add some gain, EQ and compression/limiter in the mixing or mastering stage of your tracks. I never use a limiter on my tracks when recording : better reduce your gain so it's not clipping when recording. If you work in 24 bit, there's more than enough room to add gain after recording.

My music on Bandcamp - Instagram - YouTube

-bombo, platos 2 (a semicorcheas), perc1, perc2, midi control para DFAM, midi control para BASS (erica synth)
(midi control, implica el triger y la nota)

recibe el midi triger/notas de dfam y bass.
Manda su clock out a la mitad de tempo (esta medida es necesaria para que el clock out, de la malekko, envie clock a corcheas y que van a parar al Beh 182, así tengo el Beh 182 con una sensación de 2 compases)

-LFO lento para dfam
-LFO (rapido) para bass
-gate y notas para Plonk
-LFO lento para el pico dsp (controlando el sonido de radio)

RADIO: (sampler)
es trigado y cv desde el behringer 182.
El cv va pasando por distintos starts de un mismo sample
está configurado para que no comience el sample, cuando llegue a su final

"espero" que una señal de cv (con un gate corto) sirva también para trigar
Iría a corcheas (clock divided desde la yarns a malekko y su salida, a la beh)
Selecciono la opción 16 steps
Pondría 2 o 3 steps (p.ej.) de los 16 steps, girados (en algun punto) a la derecha para hacer que salte un triger, y su cv, indicaría el start del sample
el resto de steps están a la izquierda, apagados

La salida de radio, va a pico dsp, y para darle modulación, hay un lfo lento que viene desde malekko
La salida va a un atenuador (dreadbox) y de ahí para afuera
(está por ver que tipo de efectos usaría, y cual parametro le pondría el lfo)

está trigado por ladik

mutea a plonk, radio y plato1

MIXER doepfer:
Ahí tenemos la dfam, plato1, plonk, y bass
La salida va para FX AID, y de ahí para afuera

I use the pair of joranalogue modules for anything out just to be safe. Would they serve the purpose well? I just wasn't sure how much limiting was going on.
-- EatTrumpet

I assume you mean the Joranalogue Transmit and Receive. Yes, perfect. I chose the Ladik's I mentioned for their cost-effectiveness (and they use 30% less power than the Joranalogue). I also didn't need the XLR connections as my board accepts balanced TRS.

That's really kind of you.

Yeah, I think CV could be pretty easily done. It could also function as an 8 step sequencer.

Will keep you posted on the Unsung Machine album!

I think i tried when i had one and i could not get M3 sliding nuts in.

I used to run things through my SSL2+ but for now I wanted to just be able to mess with things off the computer. I have it going into a knockoff auratone, so its destruction, while not ideal, wouldn't be horrible. They are still floating around, beware!

I use the ES-9 outs to the inputs of a Motu M4 audio interface that is connected to my monitors. The ES-9 outs come from an iPad where I control all levels. The Motu isn't connected to the iPad (iOS can only do one audio interface at a time) -just straight in & out. So it's a pretty robust chain. If I want to, I connect the Motu to my mac for more fun.

Modular playlist on SoundCloud

I use the pair of joranalogue modules for anything out just to be safe. Would they serve the purpose well? I just wasn't sure how much limiting was going on.

What a lovely module..
This time let's get out of our confort zone with 5 very creative uses of the super dope Sample Drum of Erica Synths

This is all very good input, it ultimately is my goal to move into a bigger case sooner rather than later.

I already own Forbidden Planet so it'll inevitably be incorperated but I'm always open to more filters. I've been playing around with getting them to self oscillate with resonance in a pinch when I want a basic voice, love all the stuff filters can do. I had another comment about FxAid on here, that would work nicely with disting and give me good FX options so that's a definite bookmark. I'm all for Veils, that seems like a good replacement for the bulky quad VCA, as someone above mentioned that it's a little overkill for a system this small.

Pico Drums sounds like a good call for a slightly larger system, and I can swap out the 2hp modules in the meatime. Having a dedicated trig and clock source sounds good, as it opens up Varigate and uOC for melodic sequencing.

My reason for running with the idea of Knit is that I've used Braids in the past and really liked it. I am however opening to aquiring more sound sources. I think Maths is on the whishlist but Quadrax being able to do so many things is pretty cool. I might spring for that solely because of it's smaller footprint.

All in all these are all super useful suggestions and now I have some really good modules on my radar. Man, now I just want ALL the things!

Yes, that was also my plan, to get some Knurlies! I took a better look yesterday evening at the Skiff, and the spacing of the rail is so tight, a M3 screw won't fit.

Building a small rack to compliment my M32 and DFAM. Also hoping it would be functional as a stand-alone unit. So far I already have Clouds and Dixie. I like recording at home with Ableton so I am thinking I might need a mixer and midi to cv utilities. I thought the varigate 4+ would add color and polyrhythms to Moog sequencers. And I just flat out like the sounds you can dig out with the Basimilus. Trying to get a lot out of this limited space. Does any of this make sense? Open to suggestions

You'll probably have a lot less hassle if you just buy a pack of M2.5 Befaco knurlies, and don't worry about switching out the actual sliding nuts from the case.

Hi Wavne,

Thank you very much for the additional background information. I am still stunned about the beautiful look of this "machine" :-)

Is there any hope that in the future you would "extend" this Unsong Machine with CV out? That would be perfect for a modular system! :-)

I look forward in hearing your new album made with/by this Unsong Machine, kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

I'm not going to say it's my "favorite" but the Funkstill Filter Threek is definitely the most versatile filter I own. It can take a little more work to get where you want to go, but that's because there are a lot of ways to tweak the sound. If you like options it's got 'em. You'll probably want to keep the manual handy though if you're new to it or haven't used it in awhile.

Just tried setting up a pedalboard build for my tandem string rig (1952 National Dual-8 lap steel, Suzuki Ran Alto taishogoto) and...uhhhhhhh...
-- Lugia

I know it's bad. We tried to delete everything that is not a pedal but users reupload them again and again.
So that brought me to rethink the usecase. In the meantime I think all the desktop devices like the small synths make kind of sense and we think we should keep the modular user in focus with all his gear. That user does not stomp on the pedals but has them sitting on the table next to his sequencer and drum machine.
Still I know it is a mess and i hope we will find the time to improve it. You think it should be strictly pedals and everything else private/hidden uploads?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I'm new to the modular world and for my first system I bought a second hand Make Noise Skiff (powered), and started populating it with some modules (tbh I wanted a smaller case, but I don't regret the buy).

I have a question about it (more out my curiosity): its sliding nuts are M2.5, but from what I see most racks/cases uses M3 screws (and all the modules I bought were supplied with a set of M3 screws).

Can I replace the sliding nut from M2.5 to M3, will they fit into the Skiff's grooves?
Did anybody else tried this mod before?

For anybody wondering how the Skiff is looking out now (still pleanty of room available, but as a starter I'm super happy like this, no need for anything else at the moment, and pleanty of possibilites. If you wonder: I have also a Korg SQ1 and Arturia Keystep to trigger sequences and sounds):
ModularGrid Rack

Thanks for your kind words Garfield. Yeah, I guess I'm describing it as controller because it doesn't actually generate sounds, well not in this current incarnation. I figured CC was a better route to go down as it would be more a more versatile device connecting to modular systems and other synths. For example, I'm currently feeding the CC from the wheels into a Polyend Tracker to make generative sequences, but also using the the same CC to shape and morph the sounds of the synths the Tracker is sequencing. It just seemed like a more powerful way of doing it, given how well designed almost all music gear is this modern golden age. It also meant the entire device could run pretty comfortable on a single Arduino. I've been using the Polyend Poly 2 to convert CC to CV for the modular system. The 'record' and 'play' wheel work really well at reading and then blending all the CCs. I always wished the crossfader on the Octatrack could be assigned to control multiple CCs but for some reason it can't, so that's why I added that functionality.

I made it from scratch and I'll be posting a 'making of' video in the next couple of weeks. I've also started uploading videos of the musical results here:

I'd be open to commissions down the line but would like to concentrate on making an album with it for now.

Thanks again for your interest...and for remembering the turntable sequencer!

Controversial I know but, whilst lots of people love maths, but is it worth 25% of your rack...?

I had a quick look as to what I'd change (for me) The preview is cached, so doesnt match what I ended up, so you may need to click through here: ModularGrid Rack

In a rack this size I'd suggest looking at the Quadrax as an alternative to maths, smaller and very flexible, can act as a vco, envelope, LFO and a "drunken walk" style variable voltage output option, and has some very clever patching / internal routing.

For glitchy fx the 2hp freez is a lot of fun, so I added that, and the FX Aid for more flexible effects (including newish drum modes, but I think you'd want to keep that separate).

I've kept the VU meter because you are clear as to why you want it... but I've swapped out the intellijel quad vca for Veils to make space for it.

I've replaced the other 2hp drum modules with the 3hp Pico drums, it comes with good drum samples and you can also load your own samples into it, it has some drawbacks (one audio out) but its compact and flexible. Then maybe consider another Pico module to even out the HP... I've gone with pico trig which can be used as a master clock, a clock divider or for drum patterns.

I've added the squawk dirty for more variety of filtering options, it also includes its own vca and I've generally found it interesting to use post stereo mix, but it gives you a lot of different flavours in a small space.

My first sound sources were plaits and twin waves... I've definitely used the twin waves a lot more than plaits... but I'm sure you have a better idea of the kind of sounds you want to play with so I've left it as Knit. For the same 6u and bassline however, I'd take a look at the godspeed, it also has a built in wavefolder.

It feels like forbidden planet could be a little redundant in this build now, but filters are great for adding character. Or swap it out for something weird or interesting: Pizza, Twin waves, Compare 2, triple sloths, tilt or ochd + links (I went with the latter)

Hi Garfield, thanks for such a nice compliment. Highly appreciated! Dries

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