I'd definitely take one as well if you end up doing a panel run. Thanks!!!

Thread: Rack for Ash

This is a pretty cost effective rack. I'm gonna keep hunting for a good combined VCA/Envelope module to save space and a better midi to sync interface. This is bare bones to get you started.

To broadly generalize - there are versatile bread 'n butter synths oscillators that output the typical sine, tri, saw, sqr - eg: Doepfer A-110, Tiptop 3000, Intellijel Dixie etc. Saw-core or tri-core implementations will generate slightly different wave shapes (visible on an oscillator) and sound slightly different. On the other end of the spectrum there's the specialty ones that use custom wavetables or specific sound generation algorithms to evoke a singular personality e.g. The Harvestman Piston Honda or Donut, Noise Engineering Loquelic Iteratus, Make Noise Telharmonic. Of course there are also modules somewhere in the middle - familiar wave outputs, but some extra functionality or features: Synthesis Technology`s E 350, Make Noise DPO etc.

I highly recommend reviewing as many videos & sound demos as you can to get a feel for sound & functionality and in particular would recommend visiting a specialty modular store (even if a trip is required) to try the stuff in person.

Do not panic about making exactly the right choice - it may not be clear what you will eventually settle down with until you acquire some experience with modular - and there is a great market for used gear so it is pretty easy to trade towards what will eventually become part of your own personalized instrument.

Don't know where you're located, but certainly if you're anywhere near NYC, I'd recommend visiting Control in Williamsburg Brooklyn (http://www.ctrl-mod.com). They also do mail-order (including used gear), and from my experience they're the absolute best. Plenty of folks use Analogue Haven too. You won't find much a modular selection from Sweetwater - seems mostly Pittsburgh make, and while I've ordered plenty of studio stuff from them, I doubt they have the expertise to guide you towards your first rack.

Be sure to do your research BEFORE you buy - there's also tons of great info on Muffwigglers.com In particular it's good to check on a module maker's track record re: build quality, customer service and general customer satisfaction. Can't speak to buying used gear here, but have done well on Muff's b/s/t section (buy/sell/trade).

Good luck!

I've been lurking here, Muffs and on Electro-Music for a while now, tempting myself with a modular synth purchase. After getting a tidy sum back from the government for tax season, I think I'm ready to finally pull the trigger.

Question is: Where should I purchase from?

I've mostly been an in-the-box guy up until now, so most of my purchases have been from Sweetwater. I found this shop when searching for "modular synth", but haven't purchased from them before. From what I could find, it seems like they're a pretty legit place. Another one that comes up a lot in my searching is Analogue Haven.

What do you guys recommend? Also, is buying used a good idea?

That Shiny Beast makes me feel like Making love to a vampire with a vactrol on my knee.
Along those lines.

That 'Trout Mask Replicant' looks more like 'Eeeheelahacktriacity' to me ;-))

-- wiggler55550

That comment is Safe as Milk :-)

That 'Trout Mask Replicant' looks more like 'Eeeheelahacktriacity' to me ;-))

Thank you Tazio and easyskywalker : )

I want to use speakers for the synth so, as Tazio mentioned, I will add the Intellijel's μJack. Removing Grids will add some room for that. I'm looking for evolving percussive sounds and I think Elements will work great on this. Rings strumming is awesome, though.

Thanks CitizenKlaus. I have modified the kit based on your feedback.

@jdev & @tylrprtr are great buyers! Thnx!

Hi, I would really appreciate some feedback on this potential rack. I want to get the Atlantis + Metropolis action going with the possibility to add some effects and additional synth voice. Anything missing? Any module that should be replaced by some other?

I want to use this together with my Elektron gear.
-- Studioman

Metropolis and the µMIDI both have quantizers built in. How do you anticipate using the µScale?

Is anyone here using Ladik's C-214 envelope with retrigger?

Anyone ever try to power a Beatstep Pro with one of these?

For DIY drum kits consider Ginko Synthese Grains. Cheap, can do drumsounds as well as Grids-style triggering (not at the same time)...

You don't need Grids to trigger, you can use the burst-out or clock-out from the wogglebug. Or use Maths for both.
Elements is awesome, together with wogglebug you have a nice starting point (if you're into weird sounds).

What I meant is how are you going to monitor your synth? Headphones/Speakers?
You might want to look into something like Intellijel's μJack or other similar products ;)

The questions as always is what do you want to do with it?

Also Elements is taking almost half of your rig. Have you seen MI's Rings? You might be happy with that and use the free space for other things.

Hi, Tazio : ) Elements has stereo output, do I also need a mixer?

How are you getting the sound out of your rack?!

Hi, I've just sketched a patch. I'm new into modular synths, but I think this could work well. Any comments or suggestions will be pretty much appreciated.



Also I would like to see a tag / attribute "is an expander for [link to module]"
-- wiggler55550

I am always in for "flat" solutions. People could just write it to the module description and place the link there?
I mean, that is not a property we need to search for e.g. does someone need a "show all expander modules" function?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

Apparently, the trend for custom panels is here to stay and expand, which is fine in itself, and not a problem at all, quite the contrary.

most have no manufacturer attached and can be filtered out by unchecking "show exotic modules".

Another branch out of mainstream is the 1U high modules.
Now regarding Modulargrid's database, it's getting difficult and annoying to sort out all of these.

I suggest that alternative panels or modules are categorized as such.
I mean all variations of the "base" reference module.

On the search tool page, there would be a check box for alternative panels to be included in the search.
Another check box would allow 1U panels to be included in the search; right now you can search for the 1U but not exclude them from a search.

Exclusion of 1U should be easy to do.
The thing with different faceplates and related base modules is more complicated.
There are problems to solve like "User X uploaded the base module, User Y uploaded a different faceplate. What happens if X deletes the base module."
But I see that something has to happen in this area.

Another aspect to manage is the actual availability of modules.

Yes, this should have been there from the beginning.

What do you think?

That are all good points. Most of them are already on the to do list. Time is just the factor.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

Good deal with @bark. Thanks.

Also I would like to see a tag / attribute "is an expander for [link to module]"
-- wiggler55550

Yep! Add that very useful feature too please.

I suggest that alternative panels or modules are categorized as such.
I mean all variations of the "base" reference module.
-- Zentek

I second this.
Also I would like to see a tag / attribute "is an expander for [link to module]"


Apparently, the trend for custom panels is here to stay and expand, which is fine in itself, and not a problem at all, quite the contrary.
Another branch out of mainstream is the 1U high modules.
Now regarding Modulargrid's database, it's getting difficult and annoying to sort out all of these.

I suggest that alternative panels or modules are categorized as such.
I mean all variations of the "base" reference module.

On the search tool page, there would be a check box for alternative panels to be included in the search.
Another check box would allow 1U panels to be included in the search; right now you can search for the 1U but not exclude them from a search.

Another aspect to manage is the actual availability of modules.
It would be nice to know when a module is not produced anymore and only available on the second-hand market.
The manufacturer who provided his seal for a given module does know if he intends stopping the production.
Brands that have disappeared could also be easily identified.
Therefore, with this information, we would get:
- officially available
- officially discontinued
- availability unknown

What do you think?
Other improvements?

How about: hover over a blank spot in your rack ...and a popup tells you how many blank HP are there. ..
-- pescatore

Also, in the summary at the bottom of your rack,
- show the width in hp
- show the name of the deepest module

For me using a rather shallow skiff it's a constant nuisance when planning on using a module,
learning late in the decision process, it's too deep for my case.
Speaking of which it would be helpful in the process of 'manufacturer approving' to make sure
power requirements and depth of the module is given.

I've enjoyed modulargrid for a few years, mainly for Eurorack.

How about also supporting Pedals? Pedals have been an integral part of my overall creative sound stack since I can remember. Would be incredible to have that support here. Thanks, for listening!

This soundscape is completely made with my modular synthesizer. No samples. No field recordings. Just VCOs, LFOs, filters, step sequencers, analog delay and spring reverb. Year of production: 2012
-- MRau
Nice! Brings back memories of Ummagumma :-)
Care to share some patching notes?

Thread: Whatever

I have added Motovilo to the list.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

To administrator:
Motovilo Modular is a legitimate new Russian brand and for now 5 modules were already manufactured under this brand. As partner of the company, I ask to add "Motovilo Modular" to brand list. Thank you.

Best regards,
SSSR Labs.

This soundscape is completely made with my modular synthesizer. No samples. No field recordings. Just VCOs, LFOs, filters, step sequencers, analog delay and spring reverb. Year of production: 2012

Thread: Acid Case

using BSP for sequencing most of the time, but clock it with the various clock sources/modifiers in my main case sometimes as well. the romplay is currently a bunch of random percussion sounds, but planning on replacing that with a bunch of claps sounds instead

That's interesting! Anyone know if the frap modules can handle line signal? Those the module can amplify the signal?

Wow you don't mess around with mixing! What made you choose multiple frap mixers vs something else?

Thread: Acid Case

Nice I have tiny case I'm exploring trying to clock internally to keep it all inclusive but it's pretty limiting. But still fun! What do you use to seq this and what samples are in your romplay?

Hi and welcome, bkraco!
What else do you need to fit in that case?
Did you look at the Doepfer cases (http://www.doepfer.de/home_e.htm) ?
Both plain wooden and very solid flight case types in several sizes.

I play in a semi-frequently touring grindcore band, and 2016 is looking to be very busy for us. I'm looking for recommendations for a portable and durable case to fit a 60mm depth Doepfer VCO module, with at least 44HP. Since it's non-studio, the more portable the better, as we'll probably have to fly at least once next year.

If this is the wrong section, I apologize, this is my first post.

-- bkraco

Probably a 3U 84HP would be enough, something from the likes of Pittsburgh Modular, although not sure of the depth of those cases. It's really limited when you get into something for portability and durability, they often come with a hefty price tag too.

They are all different, due to their differing circuits and components. However it's very subjective to what makes them pleasing to someone. What makes them differ is their individual features, eg. FM (linear, Exp), PWM, Sync (various types), wavefolding, Sub OSC, number of different waveforms, etc. Then you have digital oscillators, they can sound like anything.

Thread: I am jinxed.

Sounds like you are jinxed as I've never had this problem. I would have thought quality control is paramount for manufacturers, especially the smaller ones. The only modules I've had build issues with are the ones I've built myself, but that's just my cack-handed soldering.

Very good experiences with vytis, joost, ludo, bark and f33d. All fabolous guys and fast shipping. BIG WARNING about tobi sells broken stuff doesn't mind to respond.

Very hungry to see this module on the market!

Not too many vcas here, according to conventional wisdom.
Now let's hear a patch.

I heard you can never have too many.
My zero-input modular

Just bought an LxD from @penrose_riots. Fast shipping, quick response to email, nice communication, all good : ) Danke schön!

Still high resolution for me.

It is back to the old smaller pic now?


Today I come here and found all the module images have become bigger and lovely.
I totally love this update.
Great work!!!!!
