The name is Camus,

I have worked in the box for most of the last ten years. I had a good year and decided it was worth an investment in modular gear. I fell into the rabbit hole and filled out my starter travel case.

My ambitions are to expand and redesign the classic Roland and Moog sounds within my own rack. The Ripples module has really hit done it for me. MMF from SSF is another, this PING business is interesting.

Now if only I can wrap my head around Gates/Triggers and Unipolar or Bipolar and what it means to my output.
Sometimes, I do appreciate the engineering of a synth like a Juno-106, Moog Minitaur, or even Digital Synths like a D-50.

Hope to get to know all of you better.

Here's some music, pre-modular era.

Mutable Instruments - TipTop Audio - Intellijel - Noise Engineering - Doepfer - WMD-SSF