this is likely to be a controversial rack as i have a VERY different perspective on synthesis than MOST modular people, maybe because i come at this from a percussionist perspective.

this thought experiment, as i've been trying to learn more about modular synths to improve on my decades old basic understanding of hardwired synth modules & signal chains and have been planning what for me is the "ultimate synth" which would be about tonal variety, textures, controlling both notes AND modulation myself as much as possible with a DAW sequencer, and mangling audio or doing sound design from scratch. it's also, wherever possible, simplified to "1 module, 1 function" which makes things easier to understand than ugly ugly god is it ever ugly maths everyone demands be in everyone else's rack.

i KNOW that perspective is controversial as i just hate both the looks and the multifunctional complexity of that module and in reading the plight of an actual rack owner who's kind of on the same page as me, i got really angry that everyone refused to help him until he caved in and bought a maths he didn't want to appease everyone. if you're "that type", STOP reading right here because i won't argue about it or EVER budge from my contempt for that FUGLY complicated abomination. it IS possible to build a synth without maths... this is a FACT. there... THAT argument should be nipped in the bud, except for hard headed trolls who are incapable of listening.

to get the rest of "my issues" out of the way,

  • i DESPISE sequencers and especially self modulating patches. they're annoying, non-musical, and you can't dance to them. i'd rather sequence my own 2,000ppqn sloppy loosely timed (read funky) beats than ever sound like kraftewerk or techno. i'd rather perform or draw my own modulations too. for me, a modular isn't something to experiment with and make complicated patches just because one can, but is a flexible synthesizer where you can swap VCOs & VCAs for more tonal variety and in particular, choose crazy sounding modules like shapeshifter (oh... it's SOOO complicated! LOL) and morpheus. that, and duophinic style, you can stack sounds on top of each other and get a lot of complexity out of fairly simple signal chains.

  • i DESPISE filter sweeps & resonance. i'm soooo sick of 303 filter sweeping techno i could puke! LOL i like filters for the awesome (mostly static) textures they can add to a tone... chunky, juicy, rubbery, vocal, & maybe a little bit of grunge. but sequenced 130bpm "melodies" & knob twisting? MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!!!

  • not a big fan of LFO effects (except maybe at near audio rates where they add texture) or pads & drones either. i would lean towards percussive sounds, even in melodies, and again, prefer to do my own modulation wherever possible

  • random CV effects get on my nerves... even WORSE than sequencers

  • i DO like dubstep bass wobble, when it's the bouncy variety anyways, if not the bright digital sound of supposed bass notes. i prefer modulation at the note level where sounds boing, whoop, "scratch" & wobble etc. and would rather modulate pitch than a filter. i'd love to learn about modules that are handy for non ADSR/LFO/random modulation, especially if you can trigger it

  • as a beatboxer/percussionist, i imagine i'd REALLY use envelope following a lot. it's a really underrated effect R2D2 notwithstanding

  • when it comes to effects, i'd rather use outboard for more flexibility

with that out of the way, this is my "best guess" as to what to fill a rack with. at least as far as VCAs & VCFs go, all of those modules (except the doepfer moog i was tired of trying to find a "better" 8hp module for) were very carefully chosen for the different sounds each make eg. i love the classy juicy sound of the SEM filter and how it DOESN'T resonate like crazy if i ever did want to do some filter sweeping (most likely on single notes than bars). i tried avoiding complicated modules that do too many things, like maths, hence all of the doepfer utilities, or redundancy where modules do the same things in different combinations.

i like knobs better than jacks.

ModularGrid Rack

some of the doubts i have about the rack include:

  • too many buffered mults or utility mixers? my research seems to indicate "you can never have too many"

  • is an extra triatt (attenuator, attenuverter, mixer, CV mod) overkill in a system based on simpler patches?

  • is the dixie II+ really necessary? i know it's very popular and that there's SUPPOSED to be something special about triangle core oscillators, but i didn't hear anything inspiring in the demo(s) i watched.

  • are dual ring mods & sample & holds overkill when doepfer makes a 1 each module?

  • would a smaller & simpler "2hp gap filler" random noise generator be adequate instead of the 8hp doepfer space hog?

  • is the A-120 (moog ladder filter) "one trick pony?" really necessary with so many other great filters?

  • would it be better to have two doepfer mixers, or maybe a larger stereo one?

  • is the intellijel VCA really needed with the 3 others? (for "clean sounds"?)

  • does the MIDI expander help?

  • does the erica synths black VCO expander really offer enough flexibility to justify using it, or would something else fill a need better?

  • is there something that could add more synth tone or fill a hole in the system better than the spring reverb, like maybe a dedicated pre-amp for processing audio? as streams is supposed to be a stereo processor & envelope follower, i was considering that as my audio in

it took a lot of learning to sort through issues like learning function generator is just another way to say LFO/ADSR and not some unique module you "absolutely gotta have". as i'm not really into LFO effects, i eventually ditched batumi & its expander as well as the quad clock distributor & before that, erica's wogglebug, & ultra-random analogue for redundancies and really like the sound of pamela's workout for clock & LFO modulation as it's compact, seems more flexible than batumi/QCD and best of all, is programmable, though i still expect i'd do most of my clocking through MIDI.

OK if anyone has any opinions on modules that are redundant, can be replaced by something better sounding or performing (without adding hard to understand complexity), or some essential function i'm overlooking (i'm pretty sure i at least have EVERY ARP 2600 module covered and then some) i'd appreciate the input, but can't guarantee not to argue with you about it.

maths? DON'T START! i just really have it in for that module (& its graphics) and having seen it FORCED on someone else only makes me hate it more

in general conversation about modules, someone mentioned how important logic is, but i really can't see any need for it, like quantizers, as that seems more like a complicated patch/sequencer thing where i should be able to get most of my pitch & modulation from a DAW sequencer and never be bothered with a pointless random voltage generator which does nothing for tone or melody for that matter as far as i'm concerned.

try to think of this more as a "flexible 1980s punk/funk synthesizer" or an ARP with attitude as i call it than the "techno modulars" everyone else has.

thank you for your time & patience if you've done nothing more than read this far dealing with some uppity noob who doesn't respect "your modular culture" more often than not. HOPEFULLY people here have enough LOGIC (pun intended) not to take insults against their favorite modules and techniques PERSONALLY. you are not your rack or the style of music you love! i know i sometimes come off as gruff & offensive because i have an ACTUAL logic based personality where insulting anything other than a person, directly, is both fair game & nothing to get worked up about, but people... irrational, emotional, impossible to understand because they're "so random" (pun intended) people still do.

here... i LOVE early art of noise... say ANYTHING you want about them, or sampling... it's FINE. i have a life, and AON is just a subset of that so PLEASE stop steaming over how much i hate filter sweeps! LOL they aren't your RELIGION or your momma. they are things that people can talk about that have NOTHING to do with you... unless you're easily ruffled which isn't my fault, or as i like to say... they make prozac for that.

i had to learn humor as a social skill in dealing with irrationals. hopefully more people laughed than screamed at their monitor here.

from my totally amateur noob perspective... intellijel's shapeshifter is the craziest, most unique, overflowing with tonal possibilities (even including multiple forms of vocoding!) if REALLY hard to understand, and not analogue, module. that & as mentioned, the equally crazy as far as filters go, morpheus can do tons of stuff traditional analogue can't.

for me... TONE is the absolute highest priority & you couldn't pay to corrupt my rack with too hard to wrap my head around maths (i'd rather break all of its functions down to individual modules myself) or a sequencer & make self modulating patches.

shapeshifter is virtually a synthesizer unto itself it's soooo deep. that... and it would eat up so much rack space you wouldn't be able to fit ugly ugly ugly maths in it. HAHAHAHA!

i don't have a synth, but lately, i've been trying to deepen my understanding beyond the basic modules in a hard wired analogue synths and am building an imaginary "tone bender" system designed for sound design & "live performance" (DAW sequenced & modulated). i'm not at all a fan of quantization (read analogue sequencers, which IRONICALLY sound more rigid & digital whereas you can get looser analogue sounding timing out of digital sequencers at high quantize rates), self modulating patches, pretty much despise filter sweeps and resonance, and don't have a lot of love for LFO effects or slow evolving pads & drones, BUT i love "bouncy" ahhh-whooop, boing boing, back & forth "scratching" & echo etc. type sounds along with dubstep bass wobble but not so much the gritty HF digital fizz though. wobble would sound better with pulse width modulation, a thick filter and maybe even some tubes to my ears.

i can't seem to find modules that'd do the kind of modulations i'm looking for, namely triggered non ADSR envelopes and more important, pitch modulation. i'm THINKING, that it would be easy to do that kind of modulation in a DAW sequencer by capturing mod wheel (or better yet... faster ribbon controller) performances and copying and pasting them to notes & patterns along with hand drawing modulations and in the case of amplitude, modulate a VCA to go beyond boring attack sustain release modulation & do down & up whoops, volume & tone dropping repeats & "dub echoes" or "LFO speed up & slow down" wobble type effects.

the other ways i've imagined trying to break out of the ADSR straight jacket and create pitch envelopes were using an advanced digital LFO like erica's workout and sync it to the beat and figure out how to patch the modulation, probably using an on/off gate, right? but that would create an even more annoying quantized straightjacket forcing kraftwerk/techno beats where i'm looking for sloppy funk syncopation, and the other possibility was using an envelope follower, maybe tracking samples with the envelopes i'd want to use, but in the one demo i saw on youtube, they don't track very well at all.

if i had my way, there'd be a digital hybrid envelope generator/trigger where you could hand draw per-note pitch modulations as well as chose from a selection of "wavetables" for effects like scratching, trigger short sequences for dubstep wobbles and match or contrast amplitudes the same way digitally modulating a VCA so you're creating both trigger and envelope modulations from the same source. oh... and when i say "hand drawing"... i don't mean "connect the dots" sawtooth junk, but smooth linear & exponential curves & sines, though if someone wanted to pitch bend a sawtooth or squarewave, they could do that too.

MAYBE one could could do SOME of this stuff (triggered LFO) with crazy cool intellijel shapeshifter, but other than the cool sounds it's capable of in demos, a lot of its technical description is like the wah wah wah wuh wah wah muted trumpet sound of adults talking in peanuts cartoons... but kind of the sound i'm looking for.

BTW... it really annoyed me when i learned envelope generators are at the END of the signal chain and i DESPISED the impossible to get funky to click track on what became my useless alesis HR16 drum machine. i could not ever do a funky beat with it even with 256ppq because that ANNOYING click track made everything i played (a challenge in itself when you can't just freestyle or at least follow a funky beat) sounded like kraftwerk, even WITH claps & cowbells! LOL (quantizing MIDI after the fact tape recorder style is another issue)

so... am i right? is the best way to modulate pitch & amplitude "mod wheel" style with a DAW & drawing the fast stuff by hand using a MIDI to CV converter at the sequencer level and substituting a VCA for an envelope generator?

it'd be handy if someone thought to AUTOMATE that kind of modulation in a module... throw in sampled transients of everything from plucked and bowed strings to bashed woodblocks, pieces of metal, drums & even balloons etc. etc. etc. to give sounds specific percussive textures... and then you'd REALLY have something. that's my "non-modular" percussionist leaning perspective.

take the soft attack of a balloon, modulate it with a "boo-ah boo-ah" pitch & amplitude envelope and run it through a "rubbery filter" and you have something 100x cooler than more 303 filter sweeps. god do i ever hate those! LOL

for what it's worth... this is my idea of "the perfect synth"... lots of VCOs & VCFs and audio mangling, simple modules that do only 1 thing and that are easier to understand than that dreaded maths everyone considers "essential", absolutely NO complicated patching or self modulating rhythms or tones, and at least one tube to tame those digital oscillators.
ModularGrid Rack

This is everything I have, plus a Morpheus, minus a few items in a separate lunchbox for autonomy.

ModularGrid Rack

I might leave the Rene, Tempi and Echophon in a separate skiff, or put all of it into a 9U as shown here. Any recommendations on which case(s) to get?

user18081971 at 0

forgot to say how the modular bit is working, have 10 outputs from the modular into the Midas 160 and 7 outputs from the midas160 into the modular. Midas is really good for this as, I use the group out sliders and the aux out sliders, which are really nice and fast to set on the fly, can play them as opposed to turning a knob which is a slower to do in live situ. Do a little bit of patching on the go but automate a few different routings with the WMDmatrix, I used to use the Alyseum matrix for that but ran out of room, need a bigger always…still its great trying to work with a limited set of modules, wish there was a eurorack matrix module with built in attenuverters per routing like the totally awesome Buchla 210e.

Thread: First Rack

This is my first attempt at building a speculative Euorack. Any comments would be appreciated. I'm sure I've left something out.

Thread: Pedalgrid

What are the specs for the image you'd need? I might be able to provide one at some point.

Just a big jpg > 1500px

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Pedalgrid

it is now possible to just not select any pedalboard and drop the pedals direct on the floor. We have the neutral and concrete floor. Is that enough? Else you have to provide a "black power coated metal" royalty free hires background :)

Cool, that should be good enough for now . . . but I think my knees and back will get sore after a while working on the floor!

What are the specs for the image you'd need? I might be able to provide one at some point.

Thread: Pedalgrid


It WOULD be great though if you could just add a "DIY Black" option, or add a color option to the DIY Plywood one, which ever is easier.
-- JohnLRice

it is now possible to just not select any pedalboard and drop the pedals direct on the floor. We have the neutral and concrete floor. Is that enough? Else you have to provide a "black power coated metal" royalty free hires background :)

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I love pedalgrid! Only thing that bothers me is I don't want to choose a pedal board (or even DIY plywood) - just put them directly on a floor of choice. Still would like to choose the size for the surface I put them on (like the DIY option).

We have that now!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Pedalgrid


I couldn't find where I had suggested a "rack mount pedalboard" option but looking closer at the DIY Plywood option it is actually almost perfect since the user can specify the size, very nice! So, probably never mind about a sliding rack shelf/tray/drawer option! ;-)

It WOULD be great though if you could just add a "DIY Black" option, or add a color option to the DIY Plywood one, which ever is easier. All of my pedal setups are mounted to black power coated metal and other people may be using black laminated or stained wood, so it would take care of a lot of folks to have a black DIY option.

Thanks! :-)

  1. allow the addition of "outside modules" i found the planner to be TOTALLY useless because it didn't include modules i'm interested in

You can upload modules yourself

particularly the metasonix rk2 xs-vca (tube VCA) which i consider essential.

That module is listed here

  1. add HP as a search term. when building racks, it gets harder & harder to finish them, especially when there's an odd number of HP available. searching for 1hp yields SOME results, but i'm positive not ALL. it should not only be a search term that helps people fill all available space, but it should be linkable to module types eg. 9hp filter (if any exist)

It already works that way. You can search for 9HP filters.

  1. you need more categories.[...]

It has it's pro and cons. We try to keep the function list lean. That is more useful for beginners

  1. offer module color as a search filter. i can't stand the look of mismatched racks and would add a row just for black modules and fill that up with whatever before building a mismatched

that is a good point. But it's one thing to provide a search filter and an other thing to set the color value in the 4000+ modules. Still I put this on my dev list.

  1. fix your forum tex editor that can only count to 2. this is idea #6 even if the text editor hides it. apparently, when you create a second paragraph in a numbered item, the forum IGNORES YOUR numbering and resets the list to 0. i had to merge paragraphs to fix what your text editor broke

I see, but it is not easy to fix. This is a Markdown editor, similar as on Reddit or Github. I am using a 3rd party PHP module for the parsing. For (PARAGRAPH) hit enter twice or add two spaces at the end of the line.

  1. speaking of hiding... DON'T HIDE MODULE REVIEWS!!! i look at a module that supposedly has 47 reviews, but go to the page... nope... no reviews. i haven't tried it since joining, but it should be public info seeing you advertise it. i despise such bait and switching

That is a misunderstanding. You can rate a module with 1 to 5 stars. Those 47 reviews are actual user votes for the specific module.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

just put them directly on a floor of choice. Still would like to choose the size for the surface I put them on (like the DIY option).

Good idea, this will come.

Please increase the max. allowed eurorack case hp width. I have a case that's two rows of 200hp each and can't add it because the max. width seems to be 168hp atm ;)
-- BigElbowski

Let me introduce the premium account to you: Unicorn Account

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Please increase the max. allowed eurorack case hp width. I have a case that's two rows of 200hp each and can't add it because the max. width seems to be 168hp atm ;)

Just released a new album on cassette (1st tape ever. love the format!)
using the current 12u tour rig. All modular. No computers were pinged in the making.
Flux genre, hybrid orchestral glitch transmissions and idm oddities.

Thread: Pedalgrid

A bug indeed. That should be fixed now.
Thanks for reporting, John!

-- modulargrid

Verified, works great now, thanks for the quick fix! :-)

Thread: Pedalgrid

I noticed a bit of a bug.

A bug indeed. That should be fixed now.
Thanks for reporting, John!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Sorry for the late reply, thanks for your thoughtful support! :-) Things worked out as expected but I've recovered financially and even emotionally some.

Thread: Pedalgrid


PedalGrid is sweet!

I noticed a bit of a bug. If I'm in my Command Center screen and if I move my mouse/cursor over the modular racks and pedal boards so that the small pop up tool bar appears, if I click the edit tool for a pedal board it loads it into the modular editing screen. Obviously not good! ;-) Even if you just want to change the title (which does get loaded correctly) you can't because required modular values are missing. Selecting a pedal board to look at and then selecting Edit Pedalboard from the Edit menu works correctly.

Thanks for all the hard work! :-)
John L Rice

I love pedalgrid! Only thing that bothers me is I don't want to choose a pedal board (or even DIY plywood) - just put them directly on a floor of choice. Still would like to choose the size for the surface I put them on (like the DIY option).


I'm just getting into modular after spending time with software based synths then a mixture of keyboard (normalised) synths and grooveboxes. I have purchased an 0-Coast and a Korg SQ-1 to get me started but currrently thinking of getting the Make Noise Skiff to start my modular journey properly!

I think this would get me started but I'm open to any suggestions!

No comments on the rack at this moment. However, I have a Dave Smith Pro-2 which works very well with modular. Kinda was built that way. Have you considered looking at the Pro-2 with a 0-Coast? Or Pro-2 with a Mother-32? Also, Erica Synths (one of my favorites) has some great system options including DIY. I love the Mutable Instruments stuff. MATHS just kinda needs to be there. I recently turned a corner with MATHS and it has become so much more useful to me. It's a lot to absorb and I have a small head :-)

Yesterday I received Erica Synths' Monster Case, new Black VCO and Expander, and the Fusion Mixer V3. Excited to hear the new VCO I patched it to the mixer along with the sub mix, twiddled the knobs and had a great time. (All while I should have been doing other things.) The VCO sounds amazing. Clear and crisp. And a lot of grit if you want to dial it in. Then I ran the output through Erbe-verb just for giggles. Holy Cow! I have never heard Erbe-verb sound so good. I've since played with the Black VCO more and the expander. Love it. Top quality build and the sound is amazing. Finally, the VCO also sounds great through Rossum's Evolution filter. I wonder how Evolution compares with Erica Synths' Fusion VCF.

Played a friend's ARP 2600 way back in the 70s. First purchase was a Chroma Polaris in the 80s. Been through Roland D110, TX7, K2000, Kronos, Electribe and various others along the way, with several diversions into guitar land.... Only now, after recent purchases of a System 1m (that's why it's in this rack, at least at the start) and a 0-Coast (wish it fit!) have I been bitten by the modular bug, and I'm finding all that history isn't quite enough. Thank providence for YouTube, Muffwiggler and this forum.

I'd appreciate it greatly if a few of you folks could have a look at this system and alert me to any mistakes or oversights you might see. I'd like a versatile system, but my primary interests will probably be about evenly divided between noodling with interesting (to me anyway) evolving soundscapes, and rhythmic integration in live-jam-type situations with my other equipment -- Midi sync will be important, but I think I can get that via one of my Arturia keysteps? I also have an SQ1 and the Electribe and a bunch of other potential controllers out of rack...

ModularGrid Rack

Expert Sleepers disting mk4
Intellijel Dixie II
Mutable instruments Braids
Maths v2
Intellijel Buff Mult
Intellijel Polaris
Intellijel Dubmix
Mutable instruments Clouds
Roland SYSTEM-1m

Thanks very much for any help or insight you might offer!

This is my current Eurorack system.

Thanks @Bobje for excelent trading!

from what i can see here, everybody is doing good trades. nah, i don't believe there are rogue traders in this community. peoples faith is the real currency traded in these modular transactions right? what effect does a rogue trader, if there is one and i'm not saying there is, have on the community as a whole or your supporting the community by buying and selling kit ? how many wigglers use friends and family to pay for kit, taking a leap of faith with the wiggler in the community selling stuff they don't want anymore.

Great sell to @bobje. Very good communication.

this user has left ModularGrid

great transaction with @mexicane , thanks!

this user has left ModularGrid

great transaction with @yrn1, thanks!

this user has left ModularGrid

Great transaction with @asdfqwer , thanks!

Thanks @Klavis


i'm an electronic musician releasing my own music and also doing music for theater and commercials. last week i finally bought a powered portable case and began my journey into eurorack modular. i'm having some trouble defining where i wanna go. i would like to be able to detach from computer if possible and to play freely wherever there is a power socket. i already own a moog minitaur and would be glad to integrate it into the system. the case is 6u 104 hp.

i was thinking to start with maths, since i will be buying modules very slowly and with maths i could already start exploring minitaur cv capabilities. i'm not quite sure, but it would be nice to be able to integrate ableton live into the system, so i guess i would also need a midi or usb to cv, maybe polyphonic. i guess i would also need some kind of headphone amp... i don't know if i can use a mixer for that. recently i saw this video from tobi neumann which inspired me. i would like to have a kick and hat.

as you can see, i just have some rough ideas but i'm not able to decide where to go, what to buy and in which order. i would like to thank you in advance and wish you a great day.

Thanks for the link. I know of many well-reviewed stand-alone tuners already though and am set on a racked one. It's one less thing to forget to have to lug around for. I hear ya, just personal preference.

I mean 2HP (in the case of the CED) isn't gonna kill me. Just would like to hear how some people like it before dropping $ on it, if possible.

First 'meh' is why take up rack space with a tuner? I use a Korg OT-120 Orchestral tuner and it's been absolutely great (no endorsement of Sweetwater implied):

So I realized I need a tuner and would rather have one that goes in my (euro)rack.

I'm looking at the L-1 Digital tuner as well as the Audiothingies CED, and am leaning toward the CED due to it's impressive demo video and tiny footprint. However the L-1 seems slightly cheaper.

Anyhow, I'm just wondering if anyone can shed some light on why both of these are rated pretty "meh" on MG? The video of the CED going head to head with an Electro Harmonix tuner and being spot on makes me wonder if it doesn't deserve more than a 3.5ish rating?

Or can anyone suggest a different rack mount tuner they really like? Again, I'm looking for cheap and small.


Thread: Change Log


Added pedals and stompboxes to the supported ModularGrid formats. The planner is very basic but may work good enough.
There are nearly 500 pedals already, I hope it will grow.

Advanced Pedal Uploader

The pedal uploader is capable to cut white background out of JPGs and convert them to transparent PNGs.

Support for transparent PNGs

Transparency of modules and pedals is preserved after upload.

Cleaned up CSS

Cleaned up the CSS files which were cluttered with hacks to make old browsers work. No support anymore for legacy browsers, it's not worth it.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Sorry for the noob question but how is it twice the power?
-- mentalu
Likely related to the fact that it offers two independent oscillators in a single module.

Inspiration technology to let you create the difference

Got a Unicorn account so I could keep track of everything in my current rack here, and do some tweaks to my future (HUGE) rack that I'm building.

Rows 1 & 2 are my current system, and rows 3 & 4 are going to be a mix of Intellijel 1U (row 3) and Erthenvar/Pulp Logic (row 4)

Row 5 is the growing collection of modules that don't currently have a home. Considering putting together another Rast and fitting it with a couple HEK's for rails and another Synthrotek passive buss board.

Row 6 is the backlog of SDIY projects I have yet to assemble. Yes, I have 4 Ripples PCB's, as I am a total
noob to SMD work.

A half year after discovering the low-budget-modules of fellow ladik, then spending the second quater of the year with a new pair of subracks incl. power-supply, now another different kind of filter comes to my hands, the SEM-filter, manufactured by Doepfer-factory. Thanks to Peter Musebrink.

Sorry for the noob question but how is it twice the power?

Hey all, would greatly appreciate any suggestions to my revision of the system I would like to build. I already have a Mother 32 (was on sale during Memorial Day weekend, lol) so I would like to integrate that into the system as well. Thank you!


takes half the space of the Braids for twice the power.

Thread: First system

Yes I do know about Muffwiggler and manytimes when I google something about sythesizers I find link to this page onto some forum about the stuff Im looking for, I read it from time to time, but havent had time to dig too deep really.

And what do I know about modular synthesis, well lets see haha. CV stands for control voltage and the difference between CV and LFO (low frequency oscillator) is that CV is more of an umbrella term for all voltage that is generated to modulate (or control, hence the name control voltage) some parameter of certain modules, usually via LFO or an EG (envelope generator). So all LFO can be used as CV (and also if the LFO reaches audio rates, it can be used as VCO - voltage controlled oscillator, OR as wicked FM - frequency modulator for different VCO), but not all CV is always an LFO. 2 of the different EGs are AD, ADSR, (there are some other ones too ofcourse but I dont remember all of them from top of my head, Maths module can be used as complex envelope too) from with the AD is more suitable for pecussive sounds, atleast Id think so. The EG usually modulates the VCA volume levels to create different attack, decay, sustain and release times to really shape the sound character from short attack plucky bass sounds to more ambient slow attack strings. LFO can also be controlling the volume levels of VCA to create kinda tremolor effect to the sound. Theres 2 main types of VCAs, linear and exponential, linear is more suitable for CV and exponential is more suitable for audio. I havent yeat talked about Filters (VCF), which is as the name suggests, a filter, its purpose is to let certain range of frequencies through to create either more dark bassy sound or more bright with lots of high end. Theres multiple different kinds of filters such as LP (lowpass), HP (highpass), BP (bandpass), Notch. I dont really know what exactly bandpass and notch do, but I think Bandpass takes the cutoff point and lets everything around that through and notch only lets through whats on the set cutoff point. I also dont know what exactly resonance does to the voice but it can make your filter scream, with or without a sound source (self oscillate, sine wave). Fast LFO modutlating filter cutoff with full or almost full resonance has to be one of my favorite sounds Ive made on any synthesizer so far.

I think I could go on for long time about what I think I know about modular synthesis and synthesis at all, but I think thats enough for today... Also this is what I remember from top off my head so Im not 100% confident its all correct so please correct my mistakes so I will learn! : D

Ill go read more Muffwiggler now!


Please let me know what you think, and if I'm missing anything.

  1. allow the addition of "outside modules" i found the planner to be TOTALLY useless because it didn't include modules i'm interested in, particularly the metasonix rk2 xs-vca (tube VCA) which i consider essential. there were 1 or 2 other modules i wanted to add that weren't in your database as well. (PARAGRAPH) i had to do all of my planning in photoshop after resizing every module to 400 pixels height so i could drag & drop them into "blank rack" documents so i could include the metasonix filter and whatever else isn't in your database

  2. add HP as a search term. when building racks, it gets harder & harder to finish them, especially when there's an odd number of HP available. searching for 1hp yields SOME results, but i'm positive not ALL. it should not only be a search term that helps people fill all available space, but it should be linkable to module types eg. 9hp filter (if any exist)

  3. you need more categories. i'm new to all this and just trying to educate myself, but there have been several instances where i'm looking for a specific type of module or feature that isn't offered eg. FM. there aren't a lot of FM VCOs, but it would be nice to be able to zoom in on those as well as more common types of modules that shouldn't be crammed into utilities but have their own categories like voltage modulators. (PARAGRAPH) i think i tried looking for that "special" triangle type VCO (dixie II etc.) and found nothing along with "hot topic" vactrols. again... when finishing a rack, one might be looking for a specific type of VCA etc. that compliments the other types already slotted

  4. offer filter (& other module types) clone types as a filter SEM, ARP, moog, MS20, WASP, polivoks etc.

  5. offer module color as a search filter. i can't stand the look of mismatched racks and would add a row just for black modules and fill that up with whatever before building a mismatched

  6. fix your forum tex editor that can only count to 2. this is idea #6 even if the text editor hides it. apparently, when you create a second paragraph in a numbered item, the forum IGNORES YOUR numbering and resets the list to 0. i had to merge paragraphs to fix what your text editor broke

  7. speaking of hiding... DON'T HIDE MODULE REVIEWS!!! i look at a module that supposedly has 47 reviews, but go to the page... nope... no reviews. i haven't tried it since joining, but it should be public info seeing you advertise it. i despise such bait and switching


I've bought me some new modules, and in total i have 12 now. I've noticed that the PSU from the A100 gets abnormally hot (as in, cant touch the heatsink anymore).

I've calculated my current draw on modulargrid here, and i draw the following:
742 mA +12V | 286 mA -12V | 41 mA 5V

The Doepfer PSU can take 1200mA +12V and 1200mA -12V, so room to spare there. I dont know what the deal is with the +5v, could that be something i'm missing?


Thread: First system

Okay, Doc. Here is the deal: I don't have a lot of time to write this but I really want to get some information out there. You might already know about If not, check it out.

  1. There is a tutorial/introduction on modular synthesis that you might find helpful. I think it is poorly thought out, but it is a place to start. The link is here.

  2. There is another thread on Muffwiggler about DIY cases. Lots of pictures. Some I want to point out to you are the ones with no rails. The modules are being screwed directly into wood! Hey. It works. Just a thought. The link is here.

  3. Tell me a bit about what you DO know about modular synthesis. For example, do you know what CV is? Do you know the difference between CV and an LFO? Does modulation make sense? Does audio rate modulation make sense? That sort of thing.

More in a few days...