oh... i thought you were using a metasonix VCF... no idea if it'll emulate the organ, but you'll probably get some funky tones out of your oscillator. you're the first person here i've seen that'd put one of their modules in their rack. i can't abide by the mismatching yellow, so i'd stick to their VCA. i think you'd get more tube sound with a tube filter than oscillator, but then again, you won't get the same "misbehaving sound" as metasonix's S-1000 wretch likes to make some random howls.

pamela's new workout?

it's hard for me to answer. my priority is "as many tones as possible", so i'd be inclined to say wavetable oscillator, which is anti-moog, or maybe an intellijel polaris multimode filter.

cool. thanks for the info.

as to "radical patching", IF i had a modular, most of my patching would just be swapping oscillators & filters in "standard synths" with "power patches" being based on intellijel's cylonix shapeshifter & rossum's morpheus (the absolute sickest filter IMO) & control forge, so using filters as oscillators wouldn't be an issue for me, and you'd NEVER see a maths or rampage in my rack.

BTW, i forgot the doepfer 106-1. i read about it, but when i looked it up here, a different 106 filter clone, must be their code for filter, showed up, so i didn't include it.

as to punk rock, i think that would be the arp odyssey, but nowadays, NOTHING's as punk as the all tube metasonix S-1000 wretch machine.


I have some outboard rackmount effects on my 12 channel mixer rack. It's a heavy unit and I don't want to move it around for live performance......It's funny because I haven't felt the need to use effects yet. I will someday, however I don't think I'll take my mixer rack to a live show. Maybe I'll run it all though my Korg KP3....that is probably what I'll do.
Maybe I'll have to buy a small four channel mixer for a live setup.....Just so I can get the levels right with the KP3 inputs.

My mind is still pushing me toward a clock divider......

Thanks for the input......I did forget about effects.....

I'm still not sure why I want a clock divider...... I guess I have mylarmelodies to thank for that!

Some effects maybe? ... Reverbs/Delay ? ... Those Pico from Erica are pretty cool. or RT-60 from Qu-Bit.

  • i don't dream

Hey Everyone!

  So, I have 10 hp left in my current system........   What am I missing?

At first I was thinking about a Make noise Tempi..... Then I got the Performance buffered mults from Malekko....I really like being able to switch mults with the button on the fly.....

Then I was thinking about a 4ms rotating clock divider and some more mults or a malekko performance unity mixer...

Maybe it's time for a Disting? However, a Disting would give me too many ways to go....

Kind of want to keep it simple-ish..... The Tempi would be a complex module to sort out but I like how it has states to save and recall......

What would you add in 10 HP?

FYI, I do have a make noise 0-coast, Korg SQ-1, Moog Werkstatt, and an Arturia Keystep.



I have the older Korgasmatron, that is a great filter, very gritty but also very versatile because it tracks 1 V/octave and can be used as dual sine oscillator.
I had the dual Borg, which also sounds nice, but I did not like, that you always had to put in a cable if you wanted to use just one of the filters.
I did not use the Befaco filter, but I have several other modules from Befaco and they all have the punkrock approach, so I guess that Sallen-key filter will be cool too.

Befaco midithing is a good choice

the forum's search engine doesn't do the best job of searching for filters by clone type, but using this modular grid & this article about filter clones, i came up with these 5 possible clones, not counting the studio electronics MS-20 boomstar which sounded really interesting and very different from their yamaha CS-80 which got me into it's sort of "nintendo/atari" sound

ModularGrid Rack

Intellijel - Korgasmatron II - seems to be the most popular as far as i can tell

Befaco - Sallen Key Filter BF-22 - according to an online blurb i read, it is a "true clone", down to cloned ICs and can be used as a direct replacement

Analogue Solutions - SY02

Manhattan Analog - MA35 VCF/A - is actually an MS-10 clone... what's the difference between an MS-10 & MS-20?

Malekko Heavy Industry - Dual Borg - is technically supposed to be a bucchla clone, but is also compared to the MS-20

anyone have any experience with any of these compared to any of the others? considering that at least as far as filter clones go, doepfer isn't the best choice (specifically their SEM clone), i'd expect there to be some sound quality differences between each brand, and something else i read implied that the MS-20 can do some huge bass sounds too which would be nice as i'm just not a fan of moog sound, but if 2 filters more or less sound the same, the one that offers extra tones, like a sweet overdrive, or multi-modes would be preferable. until hearing the MS-20 boomstar, i'd dismissed the synth as irrelevant.

I bought an ornament & crime module from Virgil (who also built it). Overall a very nice and easygoing person. The build quality was terrific as well. Highly recommended!

A easy to use and overall good converter is the Pittsburgh Modular MIDI 2. You can get it for almost nothing from 2. hand now.

Is everything here compatible? I don't want to go big, I just want to try to emulate a Clavioline which was a monophonic tube organ from the 60's. http://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/story-clavioline I want to play it from a midi keyboard.

drop #8, pamela's new workout, and put rossum's AWESOME control forge at #3!!! THAT is how you control voltages as far as i'm concerned! it destroys LFOs, ADSRs, & rigid pattern based sequencers and more as far as i'm concerned. WOW! when not keyboard tracking, i would use a control forge AND expanders for sound design or making complex multi-tone dubstep wobbles.

unlike maths & rampage, which i'm simply not able to wrap my head around, short of breaking their functions down into individual modules, many of which i'd never even use, i watch this video, and i can imagine all kinds of tonal mayhem & sloppy timed funk sequences. i don't mind complexity when it's on the surface where you can see it

OMG! i just learned about the SICKEST CV modulator ever, because it works almost exactly the same way it would if i designed it, and i imagined a module very much like it, only it wasn't step based, though, when you can alter the timing of every step, it's the next best thing to hand drawing, my module would be used to modulate notes, so you can play your "boings, wobbles & scratches" and my modulator would add a second layer for amplitude modulation for extra complex sounds, but i guess if you synced a couple expanders, you could modulate a VCA & a VCF, all with entirely different envelopes than pitch, besides patching your CVs to "whatever it is you modular heads do" said he with an accusatory tone. LOL

anyways, check control forge out. it's only 100 times cooler than maths or rampage and at least 10x cooler than pamela's workout (as far as i understand it anyways)


i just learned about control forge and REALLY dig it! it's my kind of "screw the perfect timing LFO & ADSR straightjacket & let me bend tones with CURVES & wobbles" module! it's VERY MUCH like the dream module i talked about in another thread except you can't use it to track a keyboard so you can play your "boings, whoops, & scratches", and it doesn't have a second envelope generating VCA so you can add even more complexity to a sound's amplitude over time, but i'm guessing you could do THAT with an expander module and the VCA of your choice tracking a voltage envelope.

i would trade 100 (too many unmarked functions in one box to be able to understand it) maths or rampages for 1 "let me draw my own modulations & sequence them, thank you" control forge. it's such an OBVIOUS concept! use digital's ability to make complex modulations analogue can't match, the same way wavetables run circles around "boring old sines, sawtooths, & squares"

i'm so impressed with the sound design possibilities of control forge, i yanked rossum's morpheus out of my imaginary "tone bender" rack, replaced it with an intellijel cv/logic/switcher mixer and created an entire "awesome rossum" rack

ModularGrid Rack

THAT's how you make analogue do dubstep wobbles! i would take complex pitch bends over "gag me with a spoon i'm soooooo sick of 303 filter sweeps" ANY DAY, but, sigh, i guess you can do those TOO with a control forge, not that i can figure out why anyone would want to. LOL

anyways, here's what it does... YOU decide how cool or not it would be making YOUR kinds of sounds

i can tell you this, if i made a demo for the module, i'd R2D2 the eff out of it, do some bass wobble, scratch over it... and go boing boing boing and figure out how to make it talk. yeah! so far, the ONLY synthesis i've ever done was playing with a softsynth i was able to use without a VST host that i had to manually trigger, one note at a time, making sound design a slow process, but over the course of two grueling days, slowly learning the basics using BASIC ADSRs, i was able to make it say "YO!" & "WOW!" with sawtooths or square waves... control forge can do that soooo much better, i'm sure, especially when you add a vocal sounding filter. granular steps? crossfade steps? WOBBLE steps?! WOW! i never imagined THOSE!

it would be about the ONLY sequencer i'd ever put in a rack too because you can REALLY slop up the timing with it instead of having to fit everything in those perfectly timed, soulless, perfectly quantized steps that make me despise most techno. when you can slide timing around, you can make beats that have some hop & skip to them. that's another reason i really relate to this module. it lets ME take control of timing and lag to a high hat or rush a kick riff 'till the cows come home. i couldn't do that, even with 256ppqn on my alesis HR16 because of that EVIL click track that made everything i played sound like kraftwerk. i hated being confined to patterns so much, i eventually wanted to smash my drum machine with a sledge hammer, and only got funky with it 4 tracking on a cassette... try editing that!

golly i wish i had a modular now! they're STARTING to get more interesting than sampling to me between this, wavetable & FM oscillators, & z-plane filters that go where analogue can't

I wonder why so many people have been putting their SMRF (ahahah) on the market :S
I don't own one but it seems lots of fun!
-- Tazio

i originally put one in my imaginary system. it's an interesting effect, but really one dimensional. it really only makes one kind of "ringing tone" compared to the SICK cylonix shapeshifter wavetable voice by intellijel or rossum's equally sick morpheus z-plane filter which can do a lot more, tonally, than SMR as far as filters go.

sure... "toy xylophone" is an interesting sound, but would you want to use it on EVERY SONG? LOL

rossum just blew my mind again, inventing ALMOST the same exact module i would, then adding a bunch of stuff i would have never thought of. the biggest differences are that i'd add pitch tracking to it so you could play notes with "tone envelopes" and that it's have a second layer where you could draw amplitude envelopes, which, maybe you can, as i understand it, with an expander module and modulating a VCA to act as an envelope generator.

regardless... check this awesome rack hog out!

control forge

i yanked morpheus out of my tone bender 4x104 play rack, replaced it with an intellijel mixer, and created an entire "awesome rossum" 1x104 rack out of control forge, 4 expanders, morpheus and their evolution filter because the kind of modulations you can do with control forge are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than lame LFOs & ADSRs! you can even sequence & trigger with it. there might be a learning curve with it, but i think i'd use it a lot creating bass wobbles,
scratches" & boings etc. i honestly don't know what took someone so long to let digital do what it does best... "complex modulations" like wavetables & apply it do control voltages.

your mileage may vary, but i'd trade 100 maths & rampages for one control forge.. i mean, it even lets you draw CURVES... how cool is that?! but "granular, crossfade & wobble" steps? WOW!!! seriously cool sound design potential there. THAT's how you make sounds skip & bounce, even if you can only do it one sound at a time, BUT i bet using the quantize feature, you can transpose a "sequence" (note, for me) up or down and trigger it from an expander. i'm seriously jazzed about control forge

Thread: The Isms

Could swap Quadra with:

  • O/A/x2 and O'Tool+
  • Ansible and Shades
  • Double Ansibles for Grid + Arc action

Would miss things like Batumi, Chance, Basimilus, Belgrad, Granular/Sampling modules
But this is incredibly focused, versatile, dense. If only I could buy an Isms case + Spring tank.

I've just bought a CV.OCD box from tindie.... https://www.tindie.com/products/hotchk155/cvocd-a-super-flexible-midi-to-cv-box/
Could be just what you are looking for. And 0hp!!!!

Hello friends..
i'm starting to build my modular, it's a very deep world and i love it!
At the moment i have two elektron octatrack.. i think i can use they to sequence my modular synth for first weeks before upgrade to a modular sequencer..
Can someone recommend me a good quality midi to cv converter module?
if is possible dual channel operation.. 2 cv and 2 gate outs will be perfect
i'm scared about lag, bad pitch tracking..
Thanks a lot

Hello~ Can I ask you some questions about the Lora module of SX1278? ( the datasheet of SX1278 is given below: http://www.kynix.com/uploadfiles/pdf65976/SX1278IMLTRT.pdf )
I don’t know why the Lora module always failed to send. This is my sending function:
[code]uint8_t SpiInOut( uint8_t outData )
        uint8_t lmGET_data;

        HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(&hspi1, &outData, &lmGET_data, 1, SPI_TIMEOUT);

        return lmGET_data;
}      [/code]
However, the DIO0 here cannot be set ! ! ! Please give me some feasible advice! Thanks a lot! ! !
        if( DIO0 == 1 ) // TxDone
            // Clear Irq
            RFLRState = RFLR_STATE_TX_DONE;   

I wonder why so many people have been putting their SMRF (ahahah) on the market :S
I don't own one but it seems lots of fun!
-- Tazio

There is now a software version available for 1/5 th of the price at softube.com

-- gbraakman

All things being equal, there is a software version of everything, everywhere. That is not the point, if we wanted to be software jockey's, we would not be here. If you want to play with software, download Audulus -- it does everything and everything well.

Regardless, I had one for a brief period and it's a neat module. However I like Verbos stuff and have a BARK filter which does more or less the same thing, minus the internal features of the SMR. The reason I sold mine was because I found it to be a bit cumbersome to work with. I personally am not a huge fan of 4ms, which is not to say that they don't make great stuff, just not my type of stuff.

I wonder why so many people have been putting their SMRF (ahahah) on the market :S
I don't own one but it seems lots of fun!
-- Tazio

There is now a software version available for 1/5 th of the price at softube.com

Thread: Old Soul Mod

Ok I made some tweaks. What do you guys think? Is this playable?
alt text

Thread: Marketplace


Could you please advice sellers to name the location a little more detailed. Maybe in the default classified description text as a default header (like condition and shipping).

good idea, I have added that.

The good traders thread is well intended but do you really expect people to go thru all the posts to find the one guy?

You can search the thread, search input field top right.

If you are serious about that, you need a feedback form on each member profile and a way to determine if a member is a allowed to review the other. Maybe if you add a field for buyers name when the seller clicks the "sold" button?
-- lpzw_modules

I know it's not very good like it is and needs improvment. The rating can not be only done by the seller, it has to work in both directions. Maybe something like a friend system where you can see if a guy is connected to others? I know some people have a strong dislike for everything facebookish so it has to be thought out well ;)

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

hi bubblefunk, thanks again for taking the time to reply even when you had to do it three times.

i have already used this technique for polyphony with my moog minitaur. it ended up sounding really well, so it will not be a problem to do it again. the whole thing was about trying to fit all that stuff that i'm looking for into a 6u 104 hp, so i guess i'll have to dig some more and that's also why i was interested in modules that could do different functions even if they are pretty complicated. i see how convenient can be to have the ability to send audio and voltage from the daw, so i guess i'm also going for an expert sleepers module. i have been happily making music for years on the box and wouldn't mind doing it so, but i was looking to expand and have a box full of knobs seeking a different experience. thanks for pointing out the envelope follower, i'm also definitely looking more into those.

i just started to use the api hear on modular grid to start arranging some modules, let's see how it comes out (i'm not sure if i'll be able to mix the black panels also hahaha)

have a great weekend

What's with the extra knobs on this picture?

I just got a Mother 32 yesterday as a way to dip my foot into the Eurorack pool. I also have a Microbrute with CV in/out so I'm sure that can prove useful. So I'm going to pick up the M32 two tier rack system and a 60HP case to go with it along with a power supply.

I'm not looking to get a huge system.. just something small and compact that will compliment the M32. Maybe another oscillator (wavetable) and some effect/modulation modules (delay, verb. phaser, LFO). I know my space is limited but I'm looking for advice on what I might consider to compliment the M32 and have some fun.

My goal is to get a sequence going on the M32 and then run the audio through effects and modulators to get some interesting timbres and patterns... i guess you could say I'm looking for a small sound design configuration. I know this stuff can get expensive but let's assume $$ is no object for my little rack.

I was considering getting multiple ExpertSleepers Dister because they seem so versatile.. maybe even a few Erica Picos or some stuff from 2HP... but I'm open to any suggestions. THANKS!!!!

That info used to be posted on the website, but now that they are selling a power supply with the CV.ocd, it's gone.
There's no max rating. The CV.ocd will only draw as much power as it needs. So just make sure your power supply is rated for at least 150 mA.

On what? Get some actual Modules first, i have a 116U rack on here too.
-- BasariStudios

Thanks for the positive input. I have modules. I'm about to move from a 168hp skiff to this case. The modules I do have are:

• 2hp - Mix
• 4MS - RCD + DIY Breakout
• Doepfer - A-151
• Erica Synths - PICO DRUMS (2)
• Erica Synths - PICO MIX
• Erica Synths - PICO EG
• Erica Synths - PICO SCALE (not putting in this rack)
• Erogenous Tones - RADAR
• Erogenous Tones - Mother's Little Helper (not putting in this rack)
• Expert Sleepers - Disting MK3
• Expert Sleepers - FH-1
• Intellijel - Atlantis
• Intellijel - Buffered Mult.
• Intellijel - Plonk
• Intellijel - Rainmaker
• Make Noise - Maths
• Moog - Mother-32 (2 but not putting in this rack)
• Mutable Instruments - Braids
• Mutable Instruments - Rings
• Mutable Instruments - Warps
• Mutable Instruments - Clouds (not putting in this rack)
• Steady State Fate - Entity Bass Drum Synthesizer
• Steady State Fate - Ultra Random
• Synthesis Technology - E370 Black (pre-ordered)
• Synthesis Technology - E440
• Studio Electronics - Quadnic (not going to keep me thinks)
• The Harvestman - English Tear (not putting in this rack)
• TipTop Audio - Circadian Rhythm
• TipTop Audio - Z-DSP (Valhalla Reverb & Dragonfly Delay)
• Winter Modular - Eloquencer
• WM Devices - Performance Mixer
• Xaoc Devices - Belgrad

I appreciate any feedback on this. Thanks.

Thread: Marketplace


Could you please advice sellers to name the location a little more detailed. Maybe in the default classified description text as a default header (like condition and shipping).
There is still a difference for me to buy from Paris vs. Hamburg, price & time etc.
It is cool to know in advance, maybe even saves a message.

The good traders thread is well intended but do you really expect people to go thru all the posts to find the one guy?
If you are serious about that, you need a feedback form on each member profile and a way to determine if a member is a allowed to review the other. Maybe if you add a field for buyers name when the seller clicks the "sold" button?

Thanks for this awesome website!


Where'd you read the 150mA minimum requirement? Is there a maximum?

On what? Get some actual Modules first, i have a 116U rack on here too.

i could see how control to readout lag could be annoying. yeah... it drives me crazy when a browser lags and you can't frame text that's always jumping up or hiding under the table when think you got it. this is handy stuff to learn for sure.

along similar lines though, it drove me crazy having to wait for either the "strings to settle" or the tuner to lock on tuning a guitar and if memory serves me right, it took 2-3 seconds for the (cheap) analogue metered tuner to settle on each note, but i got used to the play... wait for it... then adjust game. external tuners can be very cheap.


i just made a REALLY LONG reply and got logged out before i was done and it got eaten when i logged back in! i hate that!!!

i guess it's lucky for you as you won't have to read me rambling on and taking 100 tangents, so i'll just summarize...

maths & similar rampage are VERY popular, powerful & handy. they're just too complicated for ME to be able to understand as they "HIDE" their features below the surface and expect you to be able to remember the 1,001 things a single jack can do. it gave me a headache watching a rampage demo where the OP just kept plugging & unplugging stuff constantly, naming the "new functions" and for all practical purposes might as well have been speaking chinese. i'm a "one thing at a time" thinker & have to understand each thing before going to the next one. i get lost trying to understand maths. besides, i have NO INTEREST in making big complicated patches. i see a MY imaginary modular as one big synthesizer that i can swap & stack oscillators & filters with, hence the name "tone bender" while sticking to the basic MIDI/control > clock > LFO > voltage control > VCO > VCF > ADSR > effects > mixer > VCA signal chain.

in this summary, i'll use that to jump to the topic of planning and start at what was the end... don't forget the site's rack planner. i use it to TRY and organize rack rows by that basic concept from top to bottom & left to right until aesthetics get in the way and i group modules by maker or just HAVE TO put the Z3000 smart filter in the center because all of that black trim bothers me when it's asymmetrical. DON'T get me started on mismatching all black modules... i need a row dedicated to just them to be happy. besides, the rack is imaginary, so looking at it is all i can do with it.

before that, i was talking about writing things down, agreeing with you. it really helps keep track of things. i keep TWO lists, one is a module by module list of each row in the rack including basic functions with a second list that breaks everything down by FUNCTION: control, CV, MIDI, clock, osc, filter, envelope, LFO, VCA, mixer, effect etc. so i can keep track that all bases are covered as well as where functions overlap when so many modules do so many things. i tend to overlook utilities as they aren't as fun as oscillators, filters & effects, and in the case of maths, in particular, as easy to understand.

if you have a rack, you can "cheat polyphony" by just multitracking your chords. you can't do it live, but you can do it with a DAW. let's ay all you're doing is an A/C/E chord. just record one pass of all you As, another for your Cs and another for your Es. now your mono is poly and it only cost you TIME, and all of your voices are perfectly synced. me? i'd take that one step further and record each note in stereo (binaurally) playing through a speaker, then move the speaker for each new pass so when you listen on headphones, the chords get spread out like a chorus. it'd also require 3x the channels... 3 channels for the direct sounds, plus another 2 each for stereo, but hey, that's what DAWs are for, right? they ALSO make life simple letting you sequence and fine tune modulations while ALSO making them complicated making you learn how to use them... again, with HIDDEN features, like maths & rampage... ARRRRGH! they CAN be learned though.

finally, back to your sequencer & drums, don't forget that you can use your modular to process audio in so many filtered & distorted ways! i think i'd use envelope following A LOT, human beatboxing triggers & envelopes instead of letting some heartless perfect timing (analogue) sequencer do it for me. you can fit an entire warehouse full of FREEWATRE synthesizers along with an entire recording studio in your DAW sequencer as VSTs, but digital will never sound as good as analogue, especially with synths & compressors. you could do all of your polyphonic stuff with VSTs (and even some freeware ones sound pretty good!) and then fatten them up externally with filters and TUBES. that's why my "tone bender" play rack has a metsonix tube VCA... for thickening samples, digital VCOs & the morpheus digital VCF (sick filter BTW!!!) and VSTs. tubes are great for warming digital up.

well... this reply is kind of long too, but i think i did MORE babbling last time. this time though, i'm copying & saving the text because i do not want to do this a third time, like turning your rack into a chord monster.

OK... this reply is a lot shorter and one more point... just because i hate maths & rampage doesn't mean you have to. there's a reason they're both so popular, but TYPICAL modular peeps LIVE to plug shee into other shee. not me. i just want a synthesizer that can make as many different sounds as possible along with mangle audio in as many ways as possible without sounding digital. otherwise, i'd do EVERYTHING in VSTs and save $9,000+ in imaginary money. LOL

This is a great idea!!!

hi bubblefunk and thanks a lot for your answer.

there are so many possibilities available that it really is a journey, quite a nice one.

i've been considering several options since i wrote the post and i guess it really helps to write things down sometimes. by now i haven't quite think about connectivity with ableton, sequencing and modulation well enough. also, if you add polyphony is easy to see that i would need much more rack space available and that would turn my "make music anywhere" idea down. that's why i decided to start with this approach; i got me a volca kick and a volca sampler, so this will allow me to start experimenting with some drums and also use it as a sampler outside ableton. Also, i will try to use them as a clock for my system later, since i already saw some people doing it. although, i really don't know if i could use the volca sequencer to trigger the modular. i'll see with more time and calm. i guess this first approach will bring some useful insights to keep growing based on a solid idea. i also will try not to burn the cash and that's why i'm limiting myself from the start.

by the way, i could demo the oberheim ob6 and in my opinion it really sounds amazing. the poly korg you are referring too is the minilogue? i guess i could also try first with a second hand volca keys to get an idea if that's really the approach i'm looking for and then try to implement it into the modular if possible somehow.

also, thanks for your opinion on maths. it's nice to hear that you simply like more a different way to work. i'm not sure if it is a must for me, but i had the feeling that i was getting two modules on one, since it has two channels and can work as an attack decay envelope and also as an lfo. i'll do some more research on it and decide.

i also want to thank you for suggesting the new pamela. i know nothing about it, so i'll also do some research on that against batumi and quad clock.

thanks again for your input

On MG it reads "processor that analyzes the frequency once per second". That is what I am experiencing, too. It's not easy to fine tune with a 1sec delay. It might be still useful but what I am saying is, there are better alternatives if you just want a tuner.Ymmv.
Other than that, sound is ace.

Bottom row is for unused (left) and unpowered but used (right) modules.

well, it's probably be good idea to buy a larger case than you need, eg. a 2 shelf, so you have room to] expand into instead of buying more cases.

huh... it must have been a different oscillator that i'm thinking of then as i read something about an oscillator latching onto simple waves in just 1 cycle. if you're just tuning, i wouldn't consider speed as critical as accuracy.

Give me some feedback or suggestions, please.

the measure & sync features are pretty handy, but you have to know your frequency to notes conversions, or at least 440Hz = A4

You can also display note values. Z3000 is a cool oscillator, but the tuner section is not very good. Too slow and not very precise, especially in the lower end.

This is the one I bought. It has the 150 mA minimum requirement. I've been using it for a couple months with no problems.


I added the L-1 tuner to my rack a couple weeks ago and can't believe I lived this long without it. Really helps that I can keep two different oscillators connected to it while I pass their signal on. I find it really useful to monitor my analog oscillators with the flip of a switch and confirm whether they are still in tune or need a little adjustment.
It's also nice that it offers different types of tuning so you can also tune external signals with it too, which is a big part of my setup.
I was using a tuner app on my phone before this, and the mic on my phone just made it really unreliable.

Hi bubblefunk, thanks for your answer! I could also put the m32 in it's case and keep the space for future modules. At the moment I just can afford the case, clouds, and an output module: Rings will be my future next module.

there's nothing wrong at all with the system as the mother 32 is pretty much a complete voice, clouds is probably "the most ambient" sounding module and you don't have much rack space to work with. if you had a larger rack, i'd say you might like rings too for "new age" pad textures but there's no room for it. huh... bummer, taking a closer look at the 32, it looks like it wasn't built for hosting outside modules as i didn't see a mixer.

now, you have a more flexible moog. besides, it's noth the tools you hav, but what you do with them. tracks have been made with less.

then how about changing the title if you can't delete it?

Thread: Reality

i'd dare say a little more than with a pure analogue