Oh, boy...well, first up, that version of Maths is very discontinued for a long time now. Next, there's sort of a lack of oscillators here, and you need several to build up drone spectra. Look at some prebuilt drone devices such as the Grendel line...these have at least two VCOs, and while the Benjolin has those, that module is more of a 'random source' device. Drone synths also don't usually need a keyboard controller, either, and losing that will free up a lot of space for stuff you do need.

I'd kinda do this differently...lemme think about this for a hot minute...

(time passes...not much)

OK, now THIS is a serious drone instrument:

ModularGrid Rack

Top, left to right: a set of lo-fi VCOs with a restricted frequency range to build up low end. Then a west-coast-type dual VCO that allows complex cross-modulated timbral textures. A Telharmonic...this gives you the ability to sweep through additive harmonics and a few other nice-and/or-nasty tricks. CVable Fold with subosc divider, and then four VCAs to control different source levels and mix those down to the VCF input.

Bottom: Power supply...I went with an Arturia RackBrute here, because you get 4 more hp per row, a beefy power supply for the size, portability, and it's stoopid-cheap at $359. A dual clock with logic to cause strange rhythmic behavior. Then TWO Maths (current model) because you want lots of complicated modulation for everything in the audio chain, as well as to cascade into each other for somewhat unpredictable modulation behavior. The Doepfer VCF is not only a redux of the Korg MS-20 Sallen-Key pair, it also includes an insert in its resonance path, into which you can add the Chronoblob delay next to it. Or send the audio to the Chronoblob and put the filter in ITS feedback path insert. Either is good! After that, I put in a third-party build of the Clouds module so you can granularly tamper with the audio stream. The output is a Bastl Ciao!, which also allows you to put two different stereo streams in, gives you a headphone amp, and balanced 1/4" outs.

Anyway, that's how I would do this sort of thing...given that I've done a lot with drone techniques, this is sort of a present-day Eurorack build of some of those ideas, but beefed-up with the newer modules Euro has to offer. So it's a decent example to start with, since the overall architecture is pretty proven, but definitely tinker with the idea some more.

(FYI, if the rack looks incomplete, click on it to go to the actual image. MG seems to be beefin' on putting the completed image up at present. Grr...)

Actually, it seems to be MG doing that. I uploaded a properly-cropped image of it and then listed it at the supposed 32 hp width, and it did that in the same way as the image I replaced. I get a feeling that SE might not have the right width in the specs on their site, because if it were 32 hp, it should look just like the crop I did.

It kind of strikes me that if the intent is to avoid duplicating the sound of the other synths, you might want to reconsider that SE 4075 filter. While the Binary Filter does have some non-typical weirdnesses, the 4075 is sort of a rev.3 ARP 2600 filter minus the high-end dullness. Having used a rev.2 for a long time (basically, what the rev.3 was intended to replace after the Moog lawsuit; the sound is similar, but with the high-end mod done to the rev.3, it's very similar to the original 4015 (rev.1 and 2) which I'm familiar with) the sound is...well, it's that old-school LP ladder sound. However, there's ways to get that and a lot more with some other modules, which could give you a lot more timbral options. Or you could rely on the Binary as the 'typical' filter and go off in some stranger directions to replace the 4075; adding something that does CVed formant filtering, for example, gets you into the general zone of things like the Synton Syrinx, a very nifty and rare device.

Don't think that 'basic' is bad...it's actually quite good unless you already have 'basic' on hand and you're trying to push a sonic envelope with the modular...which would be the right move, as modular is often about pushing the envelope. Now, one thing that could be done to get at that might be to drop the Levels and instead swap in...wait for it...FIVE 2hp mixers. WTF?, you say? OK...look at the DixieII+s for a sec. Each of these has multiple simultaneous waveforms, plus a suboctave out. By putting a 2hp 4-in mixer with each, you then get the ability to waveshape by mixing waveforms, resulting in a much greater variety of timbres even before filtering. And you still have two more left, which could be dropped in most anywhere for either audio or CV duty, since they're DC-coupled.

And speaking of DC...which sucks if you output it from your final outs...you might look at an isolating output. Happy Nerding has this 4 hp thing, the Isolator, which offers balanced stereo outs (TRS 1/4") with transformer isolation and a ganged stereo level control. You'd lose the headphone amp, but given that you pick up ground-loop killswitching plus the nice transformer sound, that'd actually be a plus. It's cheaper, also.

Maybe also drop the mults...the space you're in is a little tight for those to be onboard, plus you don't have enough voltage splitting to warrant buffered mults. Instead, reclaim a little more space and use inline mults or stackable cables like Tiptop's.

As for the MIDI interface that's there (an Intellijel uMIDI), it actually does more than this system needs, such as clocking for a sequencer, which you don't have one of in the build. If you're considering using external conversion with the SQ-1 and/or 0-Coast, may as well boot that out too. Just those two devices alone give you two channels of CV/gate, which is plenty; going for four separate signal flows in this small a space is probably a bit of a stretch.

Last thing I'd do here would be to change up the layout a bit. Try and get your audio chain in one row, the control chain in the other. I can pretty much guarantee it'll make the synth easier to use in the long-term.

Thus far, though, the idea's on the right general track. Now try and see if you can mash things even tighter while at the same time reducing the monetary outlay. I think you'll be able to pull that off pretty easy-like!

This 1U module appears to be improperly cropped.

Hi Guys!
Super excited for my new project.
Please, have a look and share your idea, comments or whatever..
I'm new in the eurorack world, so every suggestion is warmly welcome.
Target of this project is producing interesting drones/music testures.
Effects will be added by guitar pedals.
Thank you!

ModularGrid Rack

I purchased a Make Noise 0-Coast last week (my fourth monosynth), and it pretty much immediately made me start to feel the itch for a full-on modular. My prior experience with modular-style programming was when I previously owned a Nord Modular many years ago.

I'm planning on using an Arturia RackBrute 6U as my case, and at least for the short to mid-term would like to keep everything contained within that case. I have this rack designed with two approaches in mind:

The first approach is to be played as a cohesive whole with a MIDI keyboard or sequenced from my computer with a single set of CV/Gate, creating complex layered sounds and sounds not otherwise possible on my existing synths. Pretty much this would be the "super monosynth" among my other monosynths (a Bass Station 2, a Minitaur and the 0-Coast. I will be selling my MS-20 Mini to make space for this system).

The second approach is to be able to break it down into 3 or 4 small voices and control those voices with my DAW (Reaper). I already have a Korg SQ-1 as a MIDI to CV converter (bought it with the MS-20 Mini) and also have the 0-Coast available to do conversion as well, and include the Doepfer MIDI/CV interface in this rack to get access to a fourth set of CV/Gate. I'm not going into this with the notion of it being a "polysynth", but rather four independent voices that all sound different and work together.

So I wanted to run this design by people with more experience than I to see if there were any glaring design errors in my proposed setup, or see if anybody had any suggestions on possible improvements to this setup.

Thank You.

It's faster, for one thing; trying to jam too much down MIDI can lead to logjams. Plus, as I noted, not everything goes over MIDI, but all of the synth's functions should be on the USB bus. The FH-1 also allows a lot of user-configuration, which will let you change the module's function for different purposes; you might want its internal sequencing on one track, clocked out of the DM12...or at another time, you might want to convert the DM12's signals into something with a lot of extra modulation and the FH-1's internal processor can enable that by adding the modulation per output. Or if you don't feel like using the DM12 with the modular but still need a controller for it, you can get an Arturia Keystep and that'll connect directly to the USB host port as well, without a need to route that thru the computer. Lots of options there...

Did some research and it looks like it would work.
page 113

But you suggest it is better to have midi over USB? You might be right.

Bought a Mutable Instruments Yarn from @audiosphynx, very fast business, everything was ok, fast reply, Thank You!

Bought an Intellijel Rainmaker from @Vincentttlaw, business was fast and easy, quick response, Thank You!

I think the Intellijel 7U 104 should be able to handle it provided he uses the optional TPS80WMAX supply board. That sucker's rated for 3A on each 12V rail and 1.5A on the +5. While you could theoretically jam that much draw in that case, I think you'd really have to work at it to find modules that can max that amperage. Even so, I like to suggest that the P/S get majorly overspecced in any build; even if the draw is closer to the TPS30's output levels, it's still better to run the 80WMAX so it can stay cooler, loaf and last longer than heavily taxing a smaller supply.

But yeah...just use a flying bus distro cable off of one header, probably would be best for the tile row since there's not going to be significant current draws up there. As long as you can locate a flying bus with 10-pins for the modules and a 16-pin connector for the bus connection, this should be golden.

I only searched for this on the detail page of a module and these options are not there. I wonder why one can only do this in the module list view.
-- mikeleebirds

That is possible now. There should be a button Add to Collection beside the Add to Rack button on the detail page.
Thanks for pointing out.

-- modulargrid

I only searched for this on the detail page of a module and these options are not there. I wonder why one can only do this in the module list view.
-- mikeleebirds

That is possible now. There should be a button Add to Collection beside the Add to Rack button on the detail page.
Thanks for pointing out.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

I reckon this forum only covers track & hold.

We don't have social media functionality on ModularGrid, but we think about at least to add some kind of friend list.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

Get an extra power distribution cable and daisy chain. You checked for your power supply to handle all of these (and then some)?

Lugia, thanks for such amazing help and insights! So much appreciated...

I've finalized my setup here: ModularGrid Rack

The only question I have is this, the Intellijel 7U 104HP case has 28 power points. This case has 32 modules. Is there a way to manage this?


Is this actually a thing? The silver panel?

Having gone through most of the wavetable vco out there (no E352 yet), I have to agree that the Dual Wave is my favorite. The smooth interpolation thing isn't my particular taste but the limited interpolation between two voices with detuning and octave switching allows for more than enough timbral variety, Resolution is great and it definitely holds it down in the lower/higher registers

Thread: Heather

Updated Layout. Hopefully my Mysteron will be here tomorrow (stupid storm), the Mult and DLY are at home. Tomorrow I should be able to order the Pressure Points, and maybe the ARP. Im hoping for some patchy DFAM goodness tomorrow night.

That worked.
Thank you!

I only searched for this on the detail page of a module and these options are not there. I wonder why one can only do this in the module list view.

Thread: Buchla 6U

I’d swap out the 251e for the 223e controller and use the Arpeggiator on one of the oscillators. The 251e is not nearly as fun or immediate as the 223e and is more of a chore to program. In addition to not being as ‘hands-on’, it is a bit of an overkill for a system of this size although not a bad choice. Check out my 10-panel Educational system for inspiration.

Hi, not a biggy:

Log in
Go to the home page
Click modules on the black menu bar
Find your module/s using the search and sort (blue text) features
Each module has four icons: + (i) * and [briefcase]. Click the briefcase to own (lit) or un-own a module (unlit).

Report back on how that worked for you ;-)

On your last remark: You are very very right.

That will only work if the Deepmind 12 can send a clock over MIDI when its sequencer is running. If it has that capability, then yes. However, that's sort of a 'hit or miss' function...some synths do, some don't. However, the Mother32 does have the capability to send a gate pulse from that output point when its sequencer is running, so you can lock the Voltage Block up with that and sync it wit the Moog's sequencer.

As for interfacing the Deepmind with this, though...again, the Expert Sleepers FH-1 will allow the DM12 to directly connect to the modular via USB, since the FH-1 operates as a USB Host, unlike the Doepfer interface which has to connect TO a host, such as a computer, etc. Now, while I can't find a direct reference in Behringer's lit to what gets sent/received via the USB, I'm going to guess that that signal is a lot more comprehensive than the MIDI ports, and likely does include clocking signals so that it can lock up with a computer-hosted sequencer. If this is the case about its USB signal, then not only can you lock the modular to the DM12's clock, you could theoretically clock your entire system via the DM12's clock, and that includes sending sync/start-stop from it to the Mother32's sequencer as well. But you'll need to check on that one spec aspect to make sure.

Two modules showed up in my owned-list, but I never added them (as far as I can remember). How can I edit „my“ modules?
This question was asked in a previous thread, but the answer is not helping. Something about a tool icon next to the rating-stars, but I see no such thing.
I‘d be more than happy to go to unicorn level if only MG had some more funtionality, such as following (and easily finding) others and their racks and such things.

Other than that: this is an awesome platform that will make me spend a lot of money on modules..

Is there a way to look for users other than already knowing their user name?
And if I find an intersting user, how can I keep following them so their names show up in a „favourites“ list where I can just click on it?
And how can I follow specific racks? Copying the to my own racks is a great function, but checking racks to see how they change and evolve over time is very interesting, too.
If such functionalities do not yet exist, is it difficult to add them? It‘d be great to be able to star or like a user and/or rack and be able to find them again easily.

I really tried to find such functionality here, but couldn‘t.

Hi Lugia,

Thank you very much, very helpful, really appreciate the many tips you gave!
I looked into all your suggestions.
Maybe I fogot to menition that I allready have a Mother32 and a NYX and a Deepmind. I was trying to expand the mother and the NYX with the multiple and a-118, and one led to the other. I bought the mixer, the pll and the three sisters. But I found out that I really need an extra vco to have more voices, and then you need a envelope and a vca. So basicly a stand alone modular synth. The midi to connect a keyboard (deepmind12)
So, my only question is: when I buy the voltage block and the midi, then I can clock it, and add the steps with midi keyboard, no? And it seems that the voltage block has more steps, more outputs, random, so more options. Or am I missing something?

A few things here are very missing...first of all, there's nothing that can function as an LFO-type modulation source. Given that the space in this rig is fairly tight, I'd suggest looking into something smaller than the typical 'hits', such as Maths, etc. Instead, look at something such as an Intellijel Quadra. At 12 hp, you get four AD envelopes that can be switched into a 'cycle' mode that allows them to function as definable-waveshape LFOs, so you knock out two things in one shot...a few more EGs, plus your LFO needs.

You have a noise source...that's good. But you have no S&H...that's bad. Sample and hold would allow you to sample the random sources from the A-118 and create random CV patterns when clocking it from the....ohhhh, yeahhh...that's absent, too. So not only can't you clock a sample and hold, the Voltage Block has no clock, which kind of makes it useless. Go and have a look at the matching Malekko Varigate 4+; you're going to need that to do timing duties for everything that needs a clock on here, in addition to the other bits of magic it can do for the Voltage Block itself.

Buffered multiple: lose it. This rig is too small to require it; two VCO destinations won't cause nearly enough CV sag to throw them out of tune/track. Given the size of this build, I'd suggest going with inline passive mult devices or stackable 3.5mm cables such as Tiptop's to split outputs to multiple destinations.

Filters...you went with the 'sexy' options here, and in this case, that's a mistake. While the Three Sisters and the Rings are excellent in of themselves, relying on only those for filtering is rather akin to having too much of the same thing. One of these needs to go so you can replace it with a not-as-sexy-but-necessary resonant-type VCF of some sort. Lots of possibilities there, ranging from basic to really nutzoid, such as Intellijel's new Morgasmatron or the Rossum Morpheus. But even boring-looking things contain surprises, like Doepfer's A-106-6, which is a version of the Oberheim Xpander filter setup...put a small mixer after that to combine different response outputs, and you've got something weird going on!

You also need an output stage; the Doepfer A-138s will still be at synth-level at its outputs, and it's necessary to get that down to normal line-level. Plenty of options exist, some of which also have headphone monitoring, balanced 1/4" outs, stereo ganged master level controls, and so forth.

Last thing I'd kick out would be the MIDI interface. It's...okay...but if you want USB interfacing, there's more capable options. Plus, that Doepfer interface isn't host-capable, so if you wanted to hook a USB controller directly to it, you'd be out of luck as nothing would happen. Instead, have a look at Expert Sleepers' FH-1...host-capable, fully-programmable, expandable (up to 64 outputs!), and has lots of tricks hidden in its firmware. Doepfer's great for a lot of things, but I've never been jazzed about their MIDI devices. On the other hand, Expert Sleepers are kind of control I/O specialists...this is very much their lane.

This is a decent start, but it needs some refinement. Best advice there is to avoid piling the cab up with 'cool sh*t'; instead, think more about 'boring' things that actually jack up the capabilities of the 'cool' modules. Those are the devices that really do a lot of the heavy lifting in a modular build.

So what do you think?
Any sugestions of what to do or what not to do are welcome

It should...but there's a few things you might consider:

First of all, given that the M32 and the Circadian Rhythms are very 'controller-esque', I would suggest putting those in the bottom row to make them easier to work with in that way. The other thing you'll probably want down there would be some type of performance mixer; consider something that gives you VCA control over level, pan, AND fx sends, because you've got some things here that really scream for that sort of fx send-return type of mixer architecture.

Second, use the hell out of your 1U rows. If these aren't Intellijel-format (which I'm betting they're not, given the width of the cab), seriously consider stacking those up with all sorts of 'unsexy' modules, such as VCAs, attenuverters, mults, S&Hs, audio and CV mixers, etc etc etc. Go nuts on those. The more of these basic functions you can add in 1U will result in more complex functionality for your 'sexy' 3U modules, ergo you can stack more of that in for weirder functionalities.

Last, modulation sources...you have the space to get really crazy with that. It wouldn't be too nuts to drop in a Maths, Tides, and something else altogether to give you a really open-ended set of modulation possibilities.

This has some real potential to it...and no, starting with a patchable like the Mother32 isn't a bad idea at all. In fact, I'm currently mulling over a semi-portable Eurorack rig based around the two new Arturia Minibrutes + two of the Rackbrutes...and I've been doing this sort of craziness for abot 40 years now! So if it works...it works!

Great! Thanks!

None in particular...this looks like it'll do what you're intending, even in that tiny a space. As for 'noisy ambient', that's where some creative Morphagene abuse via the Turing Machine and Maths comes in. I think you've got it!

Yeah, I'll give you that on the envelope issue...however, since you've already got some 2hp in there, why not pull the Dual ADSR and drop in seven 2hp modules...say, 4 ADSRs and 3 EGs? Now THAT would take care of any questions about envelopes for quite a while! The EGs also give you CVable attack and decay, plus a choice of exponential or linear response, so they'd be great for controlling either audio or CV, and having the exponential AD with an exponential VCA would give you some sharp, percussive envelopes. It's definitely a control-dense option, but envelope controls aren't ones you'd often be constantly tweaking, plus the EG's parameters are voltage-controllable, so you don't need to get at them, necessarily.

That's one thing I love about the form factor on those itty-bitty modules...if you have a tight cab but need major functionality, you can go with those as long as they're dealing with functions that're more 'set-n-forget'. The only other thing that comes to mind, looking at this, is you might consider swapping the TRIM out for an AVert...both do attenuation, but the AVert also lets you do inversion, which is super-nice for envelopes and odd VCO/VCF modulations. Beyond that...nothing comes to mind, so I'd say consider those swaps and then get ready to button it up.

Thread: HappyFamily

Wow thanks a million. This is pretty much the complete layout! Great I will definitely check out the modules you recommended. As a matter of fact I was planing to put the empty cab between the mother (bottom) and the dfam (upper row), so that the additional modules can be reached easily from both sides. To get the thing going I might start with the Quantiziser, this seems to be a very interesting idea. I will keep you informed on my progress, Thanks again.

I'm still refining this rack here:
ModularGrid Rack

I'm a bit confused about envelopes. I know the Maths can function in that way, but aren't I light in terms of ADSR envelopes?

I've been looking at several modules where the Omnimod is currently:

1) The Omnimod https://www.modulargrid.net/e/macro-machines-omnimod- seems promising but there's not much info out there on it yet. Seems like it could be great for envelopes, but not sure how easy it will be to navigate screen menus on the fly.
2) Doepfer A-141-4 (not out yet) https://www.modulargrid.net/e/doepfer-a-141-4 Also looks promising, but not sure when it will be out.
3) Intellijel Dual ADSR https://www.modulargrid.net/e/intellijel-dual-adsr Now that I have their MIDI 1U they would work well together, although I'd love 4 full ADSRs

I was also looking at that space for a Mannequins Just Friends and Tides was suggested instead.

I've also added in the 2HP Mix & Verb modules.

I also had to flip the 1U back up to the top b/c I don't think the Intellijel case can be used with the 1U at the bottom.

I'd love input on this current setup, changes you'd make or refinements!!!

Thanks & cheers...

Is this a good start into modular? Im pretty knowledgeable of this gear. Iv got a mother 32 already and i know its maybe not the best place to start but its where i have started to learn about modular. So will this setup play well?

Thread: HappyFamily

Maths is like bacon...it goes great on everything!

Seriously, tho...Maths is probably the best-featured complex modulation source for its price. Yes, it'll work with the DFAM as well as most anything else you might use some type of modulation on. Looking at the setup above, though, I'd suggest that the M32 go on the bottom tier, since it has its 'chiclet' keyboard for input, step sequencer work, etc and it just makes sense to have that in a position where it's easiest to use. That would actually put the open-ended 60 hp cab in either the middle (where I would put it to easily work with both the DFAM and M32) or the top.

So...20 hp for the Maths, 3 for the Pico, 4 for the P/S...puts us at 27, 33 to fill. My instinct here would be to fill that remaining space with modules that can up the Moog modules' game, so...lessee...

Right off the bat, we can open up a new set of possibilities for the DFAM's sequencer by dropping in a quantizer. Since the DFAM was designed for 'drum' sounds, apparently it doesn't have an internal quantizer to properly scale pitches. Which makes sense; if you're creating not-exactly-pitched noises in the first place, you don't need a quantizer. But if you ADD a quantizer in that third cab, then you can use BOTH DFAM sequencer rows as proper pitched sequential sources. And even more twisty, if you also drop in something that can send a trigger on counting specific steps, you can vary the DFAM sequencer's row lengths. Quantizer-wise, the Doepfer A-156 offers a pair of basic quantizers in 8 hp, then for the row-count/switch voodoo, a Doepfer A-160-2 can handle a lot of clock-division counting duties while their A-151 offers up to four inputs switched to a single out. Why four? Well, that also allows the M32's sequencer to play into this craziness! Why not, right?

Hokay...16 more hp down, 17 to go. So...why not mix down both Moogs via the 3rd cab? And in stereo, since you've got that Pico DSP. Again, Doepfer...their new A-138s is an 8 hp stereo mixer, with manual level and pan controls. But then, feeding the Pico DSP's mono input is a little dicey there, so fix this with a Ladik A-410 panner/mixer. With that, you can use the module as either a mono aux-like tap in one signal line to feed the DSP, or you can mix down the DSP's output to pannable mono, and all of this can be put under CV control as well as used manually. And then button up that with a Bastl Hendrikson, which also allows for an FX-send-type stereo tap to insert the Pico DSP in post-mixer, and provides balanced stereo outs plus a headphone amp. That kills the space in that case, and provides both Moogs with some interesting sequential capabilities and a killer modulation source, plus a final stereo mix with FX send and/or returns. Pretty neat, I think!

Thread: HappyFamily

Okay, I have a Mother 32 and I ordered a DFAM plus a Moog 60 HP case and a 3 tier rack stand (which should arrive any day now). To fill the case, my idea is to find modules which complement both the mother and the dfam. I was thinking maybe of effects in the first place, but then everybody tells me I should have a "maths" to go with my mother, but then will this also work with the dfam? Mmmmh, very difficult! I am a singer songwriter who started out the usual way with acoustic guitar and voice , recently I started my journey into modular synths, understanding that songwriting not only consists of lyrics and music but also sound. Any suggestions are welcome.

Thanks Lugia - much appreciated. I'll be taking the plunge in the next few weeks. Looking forward to letting you know how I get on!

What does everyone think of this guy? I'm running midi from a keyboard for random Arpeggios to make some polyphonic results, but I really wanna make some more noisey, ambient slowly evolving pieces. Thoughts?

Thread: Heather

Except for one little issue: the 'power-on' draw issue. Most Eurorack modules don't have this to a major degree, but there's some major offenders out there. The Roland Aira modules are one example that're particularly egregious, and the vast majority of tube modules (not all, tho) have a big power-on draw, sometimes over twice the normal operating draw.

Even so, a multitude of little power-on issues can accumulate into a big one. My rule of thumb, drawing from amateur radio experience (where current draws can change quite a bit during basic operation) is to exceed a specified draw by at least 1/3rd. So, for example, if your totalled operating spec is 500 mA, make sure you can supply at least 750 mA. The extra amperage won't be a problem (it's a measure of capacity, unlike voltage) and having the reserve will not only avoid power-up problems, it'll also let the P/S loaf along with less heat and component strain, making that part of the system last longer.
-- Lugia

Thanks for the advice

Thread: Heather

Except for one little issue: the 'power-on' draw issue. Most Eurorack modules don't have this to a major degree, but there's some major offenders out there. The Roland Aira modules are one example that're particularly egregious, and the vast majority of tube modules (not all, tho) have a big power-on draw, sometimes over twice the normal operating draw.

Even so, a multitude of little power-on issues can accumulate into a big one. My rule of thumb, drawing from amateur radio experience (where current draws can change quite a bit during basic operation) is to exceed a specified draw by at least 1/3rd. So, for example, if your totalled operating spec is 500 mA, make sure you can supply at least 750 mA. The extra amperage won't be a problem (it's a measure of capacity, unlike voltage) and having the reserve will not only avoid power-up problems, it'll also let the P/S loaf along with less heat and component strain, making that part of the system last longer.

Actually, the Dixie II+ is an excellent choice, it packs a lot of capability into that space. The only thing I might ding it for is cost, but considering the functionality jammed into it, you do get your money's worth. However, you might check and see if the Dixie II+ has the same backplane connectivity that the Dixie II has (see that module's listing for an explanation). If so, then I'd suggest running the Dixie II+ as a 'master VCO' for a Dixie II, sort of like the Moog 901 driver/oscillator arrangemen except that both can output signal since both are proper VCOs.

Thread: Heather

Modulargrid tells you how much current from each rail you will be drawing, but don't rely 100% on that. In any case, it's a maximum draw number, IE with everything on there pulling it's max.
In any case, it's pretty helpful. The manuals for most modules, or at least their webpage from the manufacturer, should also tell you how much current it will draw.

Thread: Heather

Updated to passive multi

Thread: Heather

Ooo, this looks fun
-- vmb1321

I’m hoping for a bit of that

Thread: Heather

Tiny but cool...I'd go with a regular passive mult, though; you don't have enough voltage splitting in here for it, and you can save a little chunk of cash that way.

Definitely post some noisemaking examples with this thing...it looks properly 'abusable'!
-- Lugia

Thanks! I’ll look into passive multi, I just now learning about these things. I was looking to make things as “bomb proof” as possible; but without realizing the implications of that. Knowing now that I have to further consider power consumption really helps!

One question Lugia - you suggest a 2nd VCO. Do you think an additional Dixie or would there be benefit in an alternative (what would pair nicely)?

Lugia - thank you so much for your words and advice. Plenty to think about and consider. I'll let you know how I get on!