Just wanted to let you know I decided to go ahead and pull the trigger on the entire system as configured in the link (or hopefully pictured if the top picture has updated for you).

I have a 19" rack tower (about 2 meters tall) and have decided to build into that rather than a RackBrute. Lost some space, but building into a rack that can accommodate 13 rows of Eurorack on one side will be years of joy.

I'm a little impulsive, so I wound up going for the Pittsburgh Modular Outs because I couldn't find anywhere in the US that even had the Isolator listed. I'll pick that up whenever it finally comes around.

I dropped down to 3 2hp mixers because I wouldn't have sufficient power connectors. I also got mixed reports on whether or not a buffered mult would be necessary (some people agreed with you, some people said they had problems with splitting), so I went ahead and got two in addition to a passive mult. If the passive mult or stackable cables wind up working for pitch CV purposes, I'll probably swap out the 2nd buffered mult with another 2hp mix.

I totally went for the A-106-1 filter and will have the 2hp comb filter right next to it =D

I also decided I would bypass the MIDI interface and just got a second SQ-1. I also swapped out the Make Noise Function for a Batumi.

So thank you for your advice. It was absolutely influential on my final system and will continue to influence my decisions in the future.

Thoughts, opinions, compatibility issues? Any feedback would be appreciated

Picture did not update for post, please click rack to open updated photo

Your problem is that you have one module that actually generates sound: the Braids. You have two modules that generate control voltages: the uMIDI and the Maths. You have one module that generates both sound and control voltages: the Noise Tools.

You have five modules that process sound from another module: The Warps, Filter, Erbe-Verb, Clouds and Morphagene.

The reason you're not able to create interesting patches is because you don't have the means to create an interesting source sound. You have all this processing horsepower that you're applying TO A SINGLE OSCILLATOR.

Furthermore, you can have your sound follow MIDI, but when it comes to further modulation all you have is the Maths. The Maths is a powerful module, but it's really a "processing" module for CV like all your sound processing modules are for sound. It needs friends to show its true potential.

So you have 26HP open in your rig. I propose you pick up an Intellijel Dixie II+ (8hp) and a Make Noise Contour (8hp) and a Xaoc Batumi. That gets you an additional oscillator, an envelope generator, and four LFOs. This still isn't ideal, but it gets you SIGNIFICANTLY farther ahead than you were before. You have a "standard" oscillator available not just as an audio source, but also as a modulation source. You have an envelope generator for shaping the volume and effect/filter parameters without eating the Maths. You have four LFOs to use all over the place in your system.

I also propose rearranging your rack to have the signal flow generally from left to right, like this (edit: You'll have to click the image to see the rearrangement...the picture doesn't seem to show everything in its place): ModularGrid Rack

I'd suggest unplugging the MIDI for a while, and purposefully making yourself not do what you've been doing... it could even be a good idea, for a short while, to re-mount your modules in the case in a random order, to intentionally bust up the more typical signal path.

Another suggestion, if you haven't seen them already, is the various "three module challenge" videos on YouTube. There's some great, and truly surprising stuff in there. Here's one I recreated today (without even the DLD, which I don't have... with your set-up, you could have a blast with this as a starting point): You have a different filter, but it should work just fine for the purposes of the exercise.

Um, with a module like the Morphagene you can do crazy stuff. Start experimenting!

I've been using this rack for some time and enjoy using most of the modules together. Although, I don't feel like I'm getting the most out of it. My hope was to create a synth that could work as a complex synth lead which can fill out much of the mix.

Currently it feels pretty linear as to how the patches work together: braids to vca -> effects (warps, filter, verb, clouds, etc), modulation via maths, vca, other mod points. The end result is a fairly straightforward lead synth with some effects added. There isn't much spontaneity added either.


  • Midi / sequencing via ableton into u-midi module
  • Stereo mix out via the Manhattan analogue DTM mixers out to the 1u mixout which is attached to 1/4" outs via the case back into ableton.

I'd really appreciate some feedback on what modules could be added / subtracted or patching ideas which can add more depth and complexity to the sound. Thanks!

Thanks! I’m using that long 808-kick on almost everything lately. This is one of the exceptions.

Hi all, I just discover that modulargrid got a forum! here's my first thread:

AE0N.02 Autogererative Dark Ancient Krell Music


Make Noise Wogglebug
Eowave Zone B.F.
Make Noise STO
Make Noise Optomix
Make Noise Maths
Make Noise Rosie
Arturia Microbrute
VCV Rack (Befaco Rampage, Mutable Instruments Clouds)
Behringer FX2000 Virtualizer 3D

video manufactered by mebitek
Original footage: L'Inferno (1911) by Francesco Bertolini, Adolfo Padovan and Giuseppe de Liguoro

feedbacks welcome

best regards from Sardinia

Electronic music/video producer and composer.
Dark Ambient Cinematic atmospheres from Sardinia.

The modal synthesis makes sense thanks. So then starting it off like this:
ModularGrid Rack

Thread: Heather

Oh, yeah...it's a beautiful sound when you 'ring' things like that. On one thing I've got on Bandcamp (and hopefully elsewhere later this week, finally) entitled "Beneath Puget", I got the theremin on the track to 'ring' its processor chain...and it's the trippiest moment when that final pitch keeps building and getting purer in tone, then rings off into the background layers. I still recall that happening when I was cutting the track about 18 years ago, and going 'wowwww!' when that ring-off happened. Love it when those 'happy accidents' pop up...

You're welcome! I figure that after 40 years of prodding various electronic devices into musical service, it's probably time to start 'paying it forward'. After all, I definitely think that experience squandered = knowledge wasted.

Hmmm...what to do. Well, actually, I'd opt to take the Shared+ out as well, as it's not overly huge and the case makes it very portable, especially compared to some of the modular (and buttloads of other) stuff I've been known to drag out for live work. You can certainly find a sizable case that can house the laptop and skiff, and the Shared+ is in a metal briefcase-ish thing, and I think you'd still be able to drag along the line-lump supplies and a pile of patchcables in the bag with the laptop and skiff. It'll just take some ingenuity.

OK, given that plan and sticking with Mutable stuff, I'd opt for an Elements and a Ripples once the Rosie's in the Shared System+. MakeNoise doesn't have any of its modelling toys in the Shared Systems, such as the Mysteron and Telharmonic, and the Elements' sound would be killer against the other west coast things. And having a multimode filter is still important, because even Don Buchla figured out that some sounds just need subtractive tricks to make them work, ergo he even eventually came out with a multimode VCF, albeit as quirky as you'd expect from Don. As for a Clouds...nah, not in this case, since the Morphagene does a lot of the granular mangling, plus you have the Erbeverb as well. But everything seems fine; you even have the requisite VCAs in the Shared+, in the form of the Optomix (LPG) and the Modemix (you can use that as two DC-coupled VCAs in a pinch by using CVs, etc as the modulator signal). The only thing I kindasorta wish was in the Shared+, tho...a Brains, because then you can also sequence up that Pressure Points with it, and it's a natural combo alongside the Tempi and Rene. Maybe if you use a big enough hammer to try and fit it in there...?

ModularGrid Rack

I'm planning on getting a shared system plus, but want a small skiff for overflow/experiments/mobility. (For example take only my laptop, the skiff, and maths or more from the system.)

  • Dedicated midi input
  • Play with mutable modules, leave room for system modules
  • Cue patches in a live setting

(The Rosie can live in the shared system)

What mutable modules would you add (besides clouds) That pair well with system plus modules?

Also thanks Lugia in advance for all your replies here.

Thread: Heather

Yep...as suspected, high abuse potential. Love the 'irreparably-damaged bouzouki'-type racket the Mysteron's doing there, especially when it hangs up on that higher note in the pattern. The distorted, metal-screechy parts when the sound goes into that overloaded-signal type of distortion is excellent! That's going to be an interesting little rig...
-- Lugia

Thank you, I am very happy with how its turning out so far. I've always been a fan of feedback; when I played Bass I'd use a tube fender bassman through a 4x10 and a GK 1000 watt through a 1x15 to be able to get some controlled feedback. When I turned up the re-generation and it started howling I literally shed a tear.

Thread: Heather

Yep...as suspected, high abuse potential. Love the 'irreparably-damaged bouzouki'-type racket the Mysteron's doing there, especially when it hangs up on that higher note in the pattern. The distorted, metal-screechy parts when the sound goes into that overloaded-signal type of distortion is excellent! That's going to be an interesting little rig...

Damn...that's nasty sounding! You oughta retitle it 'Ghetto Grit', 'coz it's got that dirty, dusted-out, defective f**ked-up sort of sound to it. Just needs that Miami 808 BOOOOM! and that thing's done! Nice!

Well, there's the Erica Pico Out...that's a 3 hp stereo out module with a headphone amp. But trying to cram both functions into the same remaining 3 hp will be virtually impossible. The other idea would be to use a Erica Pico CV Mix...this is a DC-coupled 3 to 1 mixer, and with that you can mix both audio and control voltages. CV mixers have to be DC-coupled, since you can't pass extremely low frequency signals such as LFOs or DC voltage values via an AC-coupled mixer. Those are for audio only. The reason I'm suggesting that particular mixer is because you can use it for mixing modulation curves out of the Maths when you need to do that, or for an audio mixer when that's called for.

As for using the Moogs as outputs, there are several points into which you can patch on the M32 to put a synth-level signal into it as part of its signal flow. Probably the best points for audio would be one of the VC Mix inputs, probably the HPF patchpoint (Mix 2), as that lets you keep the low-pass engaged for your M32's signal and you can CV the mix between that and the audio signals on the rack. As for CV signal patchpoints...anything that notes that it's a CV function on the M32's patchpanel will take a CV or modulation signal. So for example, to modulate the LFO's speed you'd patch in a signal from one side of the Maths, set that up with the slopes you want, config it to loop, and then your M32's LFO time is sweeping up and down. The DFAM has similarly-usable patchpoints on it also. Not quite sure, however, if the Moogs want to see line-level audio or synth-level at their "Ext Audio" patchpoints, but a bit of experimentation can sort that out.

Best thing I could suggest is: study this site. This pretty much IS the compendium for everything modular on the Internet with the exception of cases, which are one of the few parts of a modular synth that MG doesn't cover. But if it goes IN the case, 99.9 times out of 100, it's here. But read up on what the basic modules do, for starters. Muff Wiggler: also helpful, plus spending some time on Doepfer's website seeing how their modules function (Dieter is good about going into detail) isn't a bad idea at all.

As for taking up space, you will find...sooner or later...that electronic music equipment somehow breeds like rats and overtakes everything. Expect it.

Wow, thanks for the thorough answer here. Extremely helpful. Although, still a bit overwhelmed.

If i were to keep with this set up for awhile, how do you i play them all at once? do you i need to patch each module into an outside mixer. Is there an 3hp or 2hp that would provide me with mixing ability and headphone and stereo out?

I totally agree with you about spending all my time working with the mother 32 and the dfam but i was hoping to keep them all in the same rig to be efficient with space (small apartment). Its definitely my plan to pull the moogs out eventually, but my thought now was to bring them all together in a rack and learn them and store them easily.

Interesting, about what you are saying about using the moogs as audio out for the rackbrute though...

I don't know, kind of lost....

Actually, you should only have 3 hp left, which is actually a bit worse than 4.

I'm looking at a build of what you're describing here, and it seems to me that you may have painted yourself into a corner, so to speak. The problem stems from a couple of things:

1) The Moog synths should probably stay in their own cabs. That way, you have them under their own power supplies, and they have their own audio outs (and can be used for the Rackbrute's audio out, in theory). This would then free up 120 hp in the Arturia cab. Plus, the DFAM + M32 combo in Moog's double-cab stand looks ass-kickin'.

2) You seem to be falling into the 'sexy module trap'. Yeah, some of these might look really killer and seem to pack loads of function if you base that concept on module size. However, this is a real problem, because both assumptions are often pretty wrong. Now, I will note that in the case of the Maths, it's a correct assumption...but maybe not so much with the Chord. While it looks like a must-have, it's actually more of a specialized device. It's also 28 hp, which is a bad idea for inclusion in a limited space rack. If this were something designed specifically for polyphonic use, which is what Qu-bit's quad stuff excels at, that would be a good choice...but then the Moogs would be a lousy choice. Or if you were doing a lot of sequencer-based generative stuff, the Chord would be awesome, but that doesn't seem to be the point of this cab.

The truth is, you need to be looking at smaller modules if you're going to go for maximum function in a 2 x 88hp cab. And you also want to look at what I call 'boring' modules...because in of themselves, they might be boring, but in tandem with one or two other devices, they open up those devices' potential massively. And again, these same 'boring' modules can also open up the Moog devices' potential.

Case in point: a comparator. Ladik makes one that fits in 4 hp, looks boring. Just emits a gate in a few ways when a voltage threshold gets crossed. Ho-hum.

Now, take that same boring comparator and feed a weird CV curve into it off of the Maths. Send the gate to an EG that treats an incoming gate as indicating a 'hold' state. Now, feed that envelope to a linear VCA that has a CV out from a sequencer passing thru it so that the envelope controls the VCA's passing CV level. Now, send that resulting voltage on to a VCO, but gate the VCO so that audio doesn't pass when the comparator's level is 'low'. OK...now jam all of that activity into only 16 hp.

Impossible? Well, I'm looking at that very thing in this other browser window over here...

Yeah, some modules look dull, some seem like they're too small to do the job, and so on. Not true, though. This is just a basic example of what presumably 'underpowered' modules can do, in conjunction with other sleepy-looking stuff.

My suggestion...like I said, re-cab the Moogs and free up your space. Keep the two modules that you do have, and figure out how to anchor an auxiliary cab around them, one that compliments the functions of the Moogs. But before doing that, spend some (a lot) of time on MG studying others' builds, and spend a lot of time with the Moogs to discover their strengths and weaknesses, and how each could be made better by subsections in the Arturia cab build, keeping your module sizes small to jam maximum function in minimum space. In the end, you'll wind up with a much more powerful system with a lot more complexity and capability.

Thanks @Drazen for the Sub6 mixer. Arrived quickly, and "like new" as described!

Hey Modular World,

So my first rack consists of

6U Rack Brute Arturia case
Arturia power
Moog - Mother 32
Moog - DFAM
Qubit -Chord
Make Noise - Maths

I have 4hp left and need to figure out what to put it.

Do i need a VCA? i think i need some kind of stereo/ headphone module?

Please help!!! thank you!!!

Oh yes! Get a grip, Ghetto Drip.

get a grip

Thread: Heather

Tiny but cool...I'd go with a regular passive mult, though; you don't have enough voltage splitting in here for it, and you can save a little chunk of cash that way.

Definitely post some noisemaking examples with this thing...it looks properly 'abusable'!
-- Lugia

Here's my first patch using this synth. I have the Mysteron being clocked from the DFAM and then out through the DLY, I hopefully will have the Pressure Points tomorrow or (maybe with any luck) today. Having the Mult really came in handy as now I can use the Pitch out on the DFAM to modulate the VFC Decay on the DFAM and the Pitch 2 input of the Mysteron.

Thread: Heather

Updated to 90hp:
The 48hp power supply that came with the case only provided intermittent power, even though it was well under the power consumption levels. I installed them all on the 90hp case with no problems and its working correctly. Which gives me a chance to build this into a more dynamic synth now that I have extra space. Also, lesson learned; I need to be careful where I source modules and cases/power supplies. Its probably better to buy new when possible.

That being said, the Mysteron and the Delay work amazing together. I’m running the Mysteron off the trigger, pitch, VCA, and VCF EG of the DFAM; then out to the DLY. After looking into things a bit more I think I am going to continue this synth build in a "West Coast" direction. Maybe an Elements or Plaits.

WOWZERS. Thank you SO MUCH. You really went above and beyond here. This is an amazing improvement. Thank you so so much! I love this layout. I'll try it out asap.

Ala-pnutbuttersammichez!! KABLAMMO!

ModularGrid Rack

Most of the audio is up top, with the buffered mult for CVs to the far left. Morphagene is last in line to screw around with the results from the Lifeforms, Drums, and thruput from the Rings.

Bottom row is initial clock-in devices, then the Rene. Quantizing and arpeggiation to the right. Then the Maths for screwing around with modulated parameters; this also allows your sequencing and mod patching to go 'up' to the voicing. After that, Disting to mess equally with CVs, modulation, and all of the other stuff it can do. Last 'voice', the Chord Organ, is right next to the Rosie mixer to easily hook it in as a crossfade option, plus it's near the quantizing, Rings, and Morphagene for easy abuse purposes.

P/S got moved to the lower row, since it's movable, and having its power inlet on the lower left with audio outs on the lower right seemed ergonomically sound for cable dressing. And I even added the 1hp MakeNoise blank right next to the Rosie, where it looks perfectly natcheral. Howzat?

Hello everybody,
Can any of yous guys give any advice regarding organizing this case? Its packed full (1hp remaining) and I was wondering about organizing it for best cable management and routing patches in the best way. Thanks all!

I need to spend more time going over the mods I have made and insure they are the correct ones.
If they stand the test of time with no abhorrent behavior I will consider making a DIY kit at which
time I will entertain requests for personal modifications.
Thank you for the interest!

Ghetto dance!

ghetto drip

All of the sounds come from one take of the Make Noise DPO and Roland TR-8S.

Building it up for more connectivity and control of my 3 Arturia MicroBrutes, Moog Mother 32, Roland Torcido/Bitrazer/Demora, Behringer Neutron and 5 panels of Frac modules from Blacet, Metalbox and Wiard.

Started with: Input, Multi , VCA and Switch.

Like a Befaco Rampage on steroids but with a hefty discount on the price. Very good!

Fantastic! If you consider modifying others' Big Sky and TimeLine pedals, add me to the queue please!

That is a wild looking module... definitely something to consider.

Not a bad idea, that...Arturia really hit a home run with this system. Built-in handle, mateable to the new Minibrute 2 versions or another Rackbrute, and the whole mess folds up with the support stand turning into a handle for the whole contraption. But the reason I was thinking that might work is that you can attach the Rackbrute to a Minibrute 2 or 2s, letting it sit on the stand, and then have the Rackbrute on its attachment above the Minibrute. However, I'm not quite sure how the back supports of the Rackbrute stand will work on a typical keyboard stand; my plan is to have it on a flat surface, which is how I'm usually seeing it set up.

It's a great way to mangle CVs...as you'll see, the acronym means Shifting Inverted Signal Mixer. It's just as crazy as the sound of that implies. I'd have to say that as far as CV mixing/modifying devices go, this might be the do-it-all in 12 hp device. Even more twisted is that it can also do offsets and it can be used for audio in some strange ways. Lots of custom configuration jumpers, too.

In the short term, space is finite so I really wouldn't have room to accommodate a Minibrute 2/2S and the Rackbrute on the same stand (I'm probably going to have to do some engineering to secure the Rackbrute to my keyboard stand). In the long term when I finally get around to rearranging my studio I'll probably connect the Rackbrute to another Rackbrute =D

I'll have to check on the SISM (the Quad VCA was already on my short list). Thanks!

That's already a damn interesting compliment of modules...yeah, do the Varigate 4+, for sure. Also, fix the mixer and VCA lack with something like an Intellijel Quad VCA...does both with a lot of configuration options and the price is right on it. That way, you can make the uVCA exclusive for CV use and only use an extra off of the Quad VCA for CV duty when absolutely necessary.

Another sick and twisted mixer idea: a 4ms SISM...? Could be entertaining for scrambling CV signals...

From the examples I've heard, the A-106-1 is every bit as capable as the v.1 MS-20 filter (same as both MS-20s I used from the end of the 1970s to the mid-80s, then from the early 90s until this past year) which is the same as the Mini (and, I'll also note, the Mini sounds like that first MS-20, fresh out of the box in 1979; many people claiming the Mini doesn't sound like a 'real' '20 are not taking component aging into account and probably have never heard one back during its original retail availability)...and those are super capable when prodded the right way. It can boom like a mo'fo in the low end, sound bubbly in the mids, and tear your head off up high. And yes...that's the point behind the A-106-1; Dieter wanted a Sallen-Key pair that was 'more'. The insert point evilness is just the cherry on that cake, but having all of the FM capability already puts it beyond the MS-20's Sallen-Key pair.

One other thing...if you're doing the Rackbrute, have you considered coupling it with something like a Minibrute 2s? The pairing is a natural, plus since your 6u is all voice, linking it with that sequencer + some extra patchpoints for $649 seems like it would make sense. It's definitely on my list to do here.

The bottom row is a 48hp skiff that i have placed my least used modules for now. I have everything else except the Disting Mk4 (it is in the mail though). Added a Wogglebug and a2hp Malekko unity mixer Also on the way). I have everything i need for a while now and i'm having a blast with this setup. Thanks for the suggestions.

My first foray back into modulars, after selling off a 15U Doepfer system about 12 years ago. Things have changed wildly since then!

Anyway, curious about what might be good additions to my current system. The only module here that I don't already own is the Varigate 4+, which I'm definitely planning on adding. Also fairly certain I'm adding a Basimilus Iteritas Alter. And I'd like to get some reverb/delay/DSP in here.

Anyway, what's missing? I feel like I'm light on things like mixers and utilities, but the options out there now are just so staggering compared to "back in the day."

I should say that I pretty much just noodle around for my own amusement, in the ambient/experimental range... this is my only instrument currently, and is likely to stay that way, at least for a good couple of years. Thanks for your thoughts.

ModularGrid Rack

Good call on the A-106-1. I'm actually probably going to sell my MS-20 Mini so I can have room on my keyboard stand to set up this rack (It's a pretty sturdy stand which will hold a RackBrute 6U without issue). If I'm satisfied with the Binary as a "bread and butter" filter, I'll go for the A-106-1.

I've actually had a love-hate relationship with the MS-20. I can get interesting sounds out of it, but it has always left me wanting more options (the filter just begs to be fed oscillator sync, just as one example). This seems like a great way to have my cake and eat it too.

Below will be my first wave of purchases

ModularGrid Rack

Thread: Heather

Progress Update:
I installed the Mysteron which will provide the main voice for this synth build, as well as the DLY. I quickly realized that I will have to reorder the modules due to the power board location. Later today I’ll get to hear her for the first time ❤️

Schneider's Buro shows the Happy Nerding Isolator on their site, but lists it as 'coming soon' in its status bar. My guess is that we'll see it available right after Musik Messe, which should be in mid-April. IMHO, something like that might be worth the wait, plus if it's in your second buy, it should be on the street by then.

Buffered mults...well, when you need them depends on what you're splitting up the voltage TO. Some modules drop the voltage worse than others, depending on the impedance loading at the CV input. But since we're dealing with three Intellijel VCOs and a MakeNoise Mysteron, I'm not inclined to think that either David Dixon or Tony Rolando would design something with crap loading on the inputs. Generally, the rule of thumb should be that once you pass six splits, then you need to regenerate voltages, but some VCOs...not these, though, I'm sure...can be problematic in a split between just 3-4. If you're still concerned, just drop one of the buffered mults; this leaves plenty of regenerated signal off of just the one remaining. Mind you, the critical need for buffered mults only really comes into play when you MUST have the same exact voltage scaling between the splits; if you're splitting gates, triggers, or non-critical signals like LFOs or other modulation CVs, they're not all that necessary.

ooooo...comb filter! Have I got a filter idea for you: a Doepfer A-106-1. Sallen-Key pair, like in the Korg MS-20, but with a sick little twist: an insert point in the resonance circuit! Now that little detail opens up a lot of weird stuff, especially when you drop a short delay into it like...well, a 2hp Comb. What would be happening in such a configuration is that the regeneration for resonance is being delayed by a teensy bit, causing the whole filter setup to 'whunnnngggggg' very strangely, creating (in theory) another resonance structure in the path. I like this filter...I've loved the nasty, alternately fat and yowling character of the MS-20 for decades (and Dieter claims his version is even grittier and nastier than the original!), and having something utterly insane like that insert is a bunch of plusses. Another bit of filtering bad craziness is the Mannequins THREE SISTERS...formant-structured, but with this odd 'centre' input that causes the formant spacing control ('span') to go into warped FM-type behavior in the filter circuit. Consider: mult your input signal to that, and split one feed off to the Comb, then send it from that into the 'centre' input. Wooooooooo.... Happy Nerding, also, has an unwell filter, the MMM VCF, that allows you to either use it as two ganged state-variables (that also happen to have a 4-pole LP out, atypically)...which you can also feed into each other in various configurations to create some very weird filter behavior, plus the Comb can be linked into that sort of a signal tangle to make things even more unreal. Basically, anything that lets you subvert the normal filter behavior in some weird way or another, like those three examples, might be the sort of thing you're looking for. Loads of abuse potential...just like adding those 2 hp mixers; a little alteration in the way of thinking about the signal flow can yield amazing results, very unlike the things you find in a typical analog modeller.

OK...I did a little detective work as well. They have a link to what I presume is a NAMM demo (?) image with the Toolbar mounted in the entire 1U row in a Synthrotek Power Lunch case. I was able to sort that out with some closer examination of the case fitments, plus the case's orange color in their pic is a bit of a giveaway. It's definitely 42 hp. The Tonestar 8106 below it is definitely 32 hp, which gives the lie to the spec on SE's website.

...and sure enough, after setting the width to 42 hp, the module now crops out perfectly. Just goes to show, not even the manufacturers themselves are always 100% right!

It kind of strikes me that if the intent is to avoid duplicating the sound of the other synths, you might want to reconsider that SE 4075 filter.....
-- Lugia

So I read over your advice. Thank you very much for taking the time to look at my rack.

I did some looking around, but I really couldn't find a filter that struck my fancy in a way that would make me say "I'd totally ditch the 4075 for this". I'll do some more looking and hopefully come across something. I have plenty of time to shop, as my plan is to purchase one row worth of modules first and then a second wave later, and the 4075 or whatever I get will be part of the second wave of modules. The Lifeforms Binary Filter will be in the first wave, so I'll have that to play with.

The 2hp mixers....holy shit, that's good advice. I did exactly as you said and put five of them in the system in place of the Studio Electronics mixer (I spread them out so one's adjacent to the oscs and the disting with a final one after the wavefolder). I also decided while I was at it to drop one of the Dixie II+s to just a Dixie II and added a 2hp comb filter as well.

Where do I get the Happy Nerding Isolator? I didn't see it listed on Analogue Haven, and I also didn't see anything from Happy Nerding on Perfect Circuit Audio. Searching it on Google yielded a lot of pages in German. I'm keeping the Lifeforms Outs there just as a planning placeholder until I figure out how to secure an Isolator.

At what point does a CV signal get so spread out that a buffered mult becomes necessary? I've been building with buffered mults because I really have no idea how many times you can split before you need to use a buffered mult.

I did contemplate ditching the MIDI interface, but decided that I'll hang onto it. Reason one is that it offers much more control from a single channel of MIDI than my other converters. Reason two is that I'm sure I will eventually get around to getting modules that call for clock signals. I do have a 7' tall 19" rack in my room that will eventually become home to a few rows. I'm just opting to use the RackBrute so I can have this first system set up on my desk.

Finally, I did some rearranging after all of the above. My audio train is longer than my control train so some of the audio modules had to be left on the top (specifically the Quad VCA and the Reverb), but everything else in the audio train is on the bottom and the entire control train is on the top.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to look at my rack.

I emailed them about it a couple of months back, no response. From images on their website where it's next to other modules, it definitely appears to be more like 42hp than 32hp.

Oh, boy...well, first up, that version of Maths is very discontinued for a long time now. Next, there's sort of a lack of oscillators here, and you need several to build up drone spectra. Look at some prebuilt drone devices such as the Grendel line...these have at least two VCOs, and while the Benjolin has those, that module is more of a 'random source' device. Drone synths also don't usually need a keyboard controller, either, and losing that will free up a lot of space for stuff you do need.

I'd kinda do this differently...lemme think about this for a hot minute...

(time passes...not much)

OK, now THIS is a serious drone instrument:

ModularGrid Rack

Top, left to right: a set of lo-fi VCOs with a restricted frequency range to build up low end. Then a west-coast-type dual VCO that allows complex cross-modulated timbral textures. A Telharmonic...this gives you the ability to sweep through additive harmonics and a few other nice-and/or-nasty tricks. CVable Fold with subosc divider, and then four VCAs to control different source levels and mix those down to the VCF input.

Bottom: Power supply...I went with an Arturia RackBrute here, because you get 4 more hp per row, a beefy power supply for the size, portability, and it's stoopid-cheap at $359. A dual clock with logic to cause strange rhythmic behavior. Then TWO Maths (current model) because you want lots of complicated modulation for everything in the audio chain, as well as to cascade into each other for somewhat unpredictable modulation behavior. The Doepfer VCF is not only a redux of the Korg MS-20 Sallen-Key pair, it also includes an insert in its resonance path, into which you can add the Chronoblob delay next to it. Or send the audio to the Chronoblob and put the filter in ITS feedback path insert. Either is good! After that, I put in a third-party build of the Clouds module so you can granularly tamper with the audio stream. The output is a Bastl Ciao!, which also allows you to put two different stereo streams in, gives you a headphone amp, and balanced 1/4" outs.

Anyway, that's how I would do this sort of thing...given that I've done a lot with drone techniques, this is sort of a present-day Eurorack build of some of those ideas, but beefed-up with the newer modules Euro has to offer. So it's a decent example to start with, since the overall architecture is pretty proven, but definitely tinker with the idea some more.

(FYI, if the rack looks incomplete, click on it to go to the actual image. MG seems to be beefin' on putting the completed image up at present. Grr...)

Actually, it seems to be MG doing that. I uploaded a properly-cropped image of it and then listed it at the supposed 32 hp width, and it did that in the same way as the image I replaced. I get a feeling that SE might not have the right width in the specs on their site, because if it were 32 hp, it should look just like the crop I did.

It kind of strikes me that if the intent is to avoid duplicating the sound of the other synths, you might want to reconsider that SE 4075 filter. While the Binary Filter does have some non-typical weirdnesses, the 4075 is sort of a rev.3 ARP 2600 filter minus the high-end dullness. Having used a rev.2 for a long time (basically, what the rev.3 was intended to replace after the Moog lawsuit; the sound is similar, but with the high-end mod done to the rev.3, it's very similar to the original 4015 (rev.1 and 2) which I'm familiar with) the sound is...well, it's that old-school LP ladder sound. However, there's ways to get that and a lot more with some other modules, which could give you a lot more timbral options. Or you could rely on the Binary as the 'typical' filter and go off in some stranger directions to replace the 4075; adding something that does CVed formant filtering, for example, gets you into the general zone of things like the Synton Syrinx, a very nifty and rare device.

Don't think that 'basic' is bad...it's actually quite good unless you already have 'basic' on hand and you're trying to push a sonic envelope with the modular...which would be the right move, as modular is often about pushing the envelope. Now, one thing that could be done to get at that might be to drop the Levels and instead swap in...wait for it...FIVE 2hp mixers. WTF?, you say? OK...look at the DixieII+s for a sec. Each of these has multiple simultaneous waveforms, plus a suboctave out. By putting a 2hp 4-in mixer with each, you then get the ability to waveshape by mixing waveforms, resulting in a much greater variety of timbres even before filtering. And you still have two more left, which could be dropped in most anywhere for either audio or CV duty, since they're DC-coupled.

And speaking of DC...which sucks if you output it from your final outs...you might look at an isolating output. Happy Nerding has this 4 hp thing, the Isolator, which offers balanced stereo outs (TRS 1/4") with transformer isolation and a ganged stereo level control. You'd lose the headphone amp, but given that you pick up ground-loop killswitching plus the nice transformer sound, that'd actually be a plus. It's cheaper, also.

Maybe also drop the mults...the space you're in is a little tight for those to be onboard, plus you don't have enough voltage splitting to warrant buffered mults. Instead, reclaim a little more space and use inline mults or stackable cables like Tiptop's.

As for the MIDI interface that's there (an Intellijel uMIDI), it actually does more than this system needs, such as clocking for a sequencer, which you don't have one of in the build. If you're considering using external conversion with the SQ-1 and/or 0-Coast, may as well boot that out too. Just those two devices alone give you two channels of CV/gate, which is plenty; going for four separate signal flows in this small a space is probably a bit of a stretch.

Last thing I'd do here would be to change up the layout a bit. Try and get your audio chain in one row, the control chain in the other. I can pretty much guarantee it'll make the synth easier to use in the long-term.

Thus far, though, the idea's on the right general track. Now try and see if you can mash things even tighter while at the same time reducing the monetary outlay. I think you'll be able to pull that off pretty easy-like!

This 1U module appears to be improperly cropped.