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Sure will do that and just waiting until next major online sale this year. I have the Befaco Hexmixer/Hex VCA combo which is great and love the mutes and options and XAOC Devices Praga in my other case. Eurorack mixers are expensive but I find them super useful for modular performance and submixes.
Let me know once you got the WMD Performance Mixer and if you like it, I am kind of considering that one too, but I am not sure yet. Not the cheapest mixer around there...
Kind regards, Garfield.
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Yeah it is super fast to create lots of variations and chain them together into songs and then instantly punch in a dramatic change for variety on the Metron. Very immediate sequencer once you get the hang of it. The random and probability modes are tons of fun and you can create a lot of unique patterns and save them quickly. I am enjoying my Eloquencer as well and that has even more sequencer modes and features. Probably look at getting the new Erica Synths Black Sequencer and Vector with expander when I get an 18u studio case in few years but have more than enough to keep busy for 2021. I do plan to get mixer expanders and the WMD Performance mixer and the comparator that Lugia advised for my setups and more drum modules hehe.
Yes go on then, minimum 7.5 minutes for dark ambient and 17 minutes for drones ;-) Either way, this is beautifully done and I wouldn't have minded it if it indeed would have been 17 minutes.
I enjoyed every second of it and thanks a lot for sharing this, kind regards, Garfield.
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I'll definitely put it together and let you know. It's been a goal of mine this year to make a modular system so you'll definitely be hearing back from me 😁
No complains here about the rhythm, nicely done :-) I love the sonic discovery tour throughout your track, surprising us with several surprising & interesting sounds!
Thanks a lot for sharing this with us and kind regards, Garfield.
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If you look for a cheaper and simpler clock divider, then why don't look into Doeper A-160-1 or A-160-2? The A-160-5 is a mulitpler by the way. Saves you the DIY part ;-)
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Zucker: Import VAT will be applied on everything above 20 EUR - so you have to add about 20 % to all prices.
May I ask where you get this from? As far as my knowledge goes, there had been made a "Christmas Eve" deal between the EU and the UK meaning that the trading stays under the same conditions, meaning again that there will be no VAT charges between EU countries and the UK.
So I am a bit puzzled by this, has the deal been changed?
Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
It doesn't meet the required 17 minute drone threshold for you folks, so I guess it's just a dark ambient track? :)
I was trying an exercise in restraint and tension. Sound sources are MiniMod VCOs, Recombination Engine, E352, QPAS, Crucible, and a Prophet Rev2. Hope someone might enjoy it. As always, thank you for your time.
Thanks Exposure! It is a very powerful live sequencer and once you get the hang of the workflow, very fast to program and save dozens of patterns and sequences chained together. I do wish idiots would quit down voting my YT channel videos. Not sure why they hate on my channel videos?
Ah, don't know - I think voter turnout was higher than with any british election before and I would also count not voting as not caring and beeing fine with any outcome, especially in this situation. That's what leaves me confident to say that it's what the majority voted for.
As far as I know it was only possible to state if the United Kingdom should remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union. Either or and pretty straight forward. So what else did they thought they voted for?
And it did not seem to be particulary difficult to acquire information about what this actually means if one wanted to. It's not that it was not obvious that nigel farage is a fascist dickhead. And being lied to is not the whole story as everyone had the choice whom they wanted to listen to.
So yes, the majority voted for following nationalism, throwing the Polish out of the country and making Brittania great again. Of course that is terrible for all other people and making this a referendum is a totally stupid if not ethically immoral idea, especially when one does it out of merely tactical considerations. But I guess this is not the place to discuss these things.
Unfortunately for eyeryone a UK category would make sense now. Of course one could still try to build a network with Irish modular freaks to get around this...
-- Zucker
Ah, don't know - I think voter turnout was higher than with any british election before and I would also count not voting as not caring and beeing fine with any outcome, especially in this situation. That's what leaves me confident to say that it's what the majority voted for.
As far as I know it was only possible to state if the United Kingdom should remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union. Either or and pretty straight forward. So what else did they thought they voted for?
And it did not seem to be particulary difficult to acquire information about what this actually means if one wanted to. It's not that it was not obvious that nigel farage is a fascist dickhead. And being lied to is not the whole story as everyone had the choice whom they wanted to listen to.
So yes, the majority voted for following nationalism, throwing the Polish out of the country and making Brittania great again. Of course that is terrible for all other people and making this a referendum is a totally stupid if not ethically immoral idea, especially when one does it out of merely tactical considerations. But I guess this is not the place to discuss these things.
Unfortunately for eyeryone a UK category would make sense now. Of course one could still try to build a network with Irish modular freaks to get around this...
If I read and understand the news papers correctly (reading in Germany as well as in the Netherlands) then with this Brexit deal both ways (UK to EU and EU to UK) there will no import taxes apply (free good traffic, i.e. as it currently is). But then again with how many pages, 1200 or 1600 pages thick contract, who knows...
I guess time will tell :-)
Kind regards, Garfield.
-- GarfieldModular
Import VAT will be applied on everything above 20 EUR - so you have to add about 20 % to all prices. That will be a problem of course as VAT was already figured in the new price of any modules bought pre Brexit and buying from the UK would now result in basically paying the new price for European citizens. What is the VAT rate for Brittain now? In the US often there is no VAT applied so buying fomr there still makes sense if it is worth the shipping. But from the UK it seems that one would have to pay double VAT - one for the Queen and one for Europe...
Apart from that shipping is still a bit cumbersome. Also the DHL rate has increased from 14 EUR to 28 EUR and custom forms have to be filled in and attached to the parcel - just as with all other Non-European countries.
So I think it would really make sense to give the UK a seperate category. As sad and stupid this shit is. At least it's what the majority of the people did vote for on several occasions.
Well done @Exposure, this is excellent and also some inspiration to keep my bass lines simpler lol. And yes, the switch at about 6 minutes in is awesome. Looking forward to more from you!
This DIY module from yusynth is pretty close to what I''m looking for.
(Found via this thread at Muff's which has a few schematics for making clock dividers.)
I really appreciate all the positive Feedback! I hope 2021 will be a good year for us all, remove the plague and enlighten us with wonderful tracks :)!
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I don't think either of those modules does what I'm looking for.
The Time Wizard does look very cool and is clearly overkill fro what I want. Having peered through the manual I don't see a straight forward way to even get the binary divisions I want. The switchable ratios are 1:1, 1:3, and 1:4. If that 3 was a 2 it would basically work, although it seems ridiculous to use such a large and powerful module for such a small task.
The Fractio Solum looks good also, but I want to be able to instantly change the ratio, which I doubt I can do with an encoder.
I expect that this would be easy to DIY, but otherwise it looks like basic clock divider + switch is the way to go.
Sounds great. I'm impressed with the Minibrute 2s bassline!
I actually just had to unplug my TD3 and hide it because I couldn't stop making acid tracks. Haha
I really enjoyed your track on the best of MG compilation that @troux put together. Well done.
This one was recorded live in one take, the original one lasted something around 20 minutes so I removed the boring parts with less variations and left almost 10 minutes.
The bassline is from the minibrite 2s, drums are drumbrute impact and the rest is from plaits.
Had fun learning my new WMD Metron sequencer and came up with fun creation tonite:
Finally getting the hang of the Metron sequencer it is super fun and powerful and great for on the fly changes to create dozens of variations and patterns on the fly in second! Can save for later recall as well.
I've been adding Noise Engineering's Fractio Solum for this sort of thing in some of the recent builds I've done. Works as desired...but ALSO adds clock multiplication in addition to division so that you could just as easily use it for ratcheting.
Oh, yeah...this is coming along. BTW, as for oscillators...there's actually the dual output from the Cloud Terrarium and the duo of dual crossmod-capable VCOs from Noise Reap. And in this build, the gap between the Noise Reaps is meant to have a Happy Nerding FM Aid, which can then tandem those into one OBSCENELY massive single, complex FM tonescaper. Yep, this is one of my designs, actually.
The point about adding another "relatively normal" VCF makes sense, though...hence the expansion space on the left end. MY vote there would be for something else complex...I was thinking about Doepfer's Xpander VCF, but mated with another of their little 4-in mixers so that it's possible to create "composite" filter responses. Best spot: between the Morgasmatron and Veils. The build's sort of a "every coast" design, so having things like that are an excellent fit...Buchla on the cheap!'s a suggestion: feed just one VCO from one of the Noise Reaps into the Fold Processor, then instead of using a filter to mess with the timbre, feed the Fold's CV controls with some modulation sources (envelopes especially) so that you get a very in-your-face sound that has a shifting timbral "punctuation" at the attack of each note. Then send that right into one of the VCAs, no filtering, toneshaping purely done West Coast style with the Fold. There's a lot of that sort of thing lurking in there...explore and find MORE! Just don't connect outputs to outputs...but everything else is fair game.
You can also push the resonator filters into near-oscillation with some of these, which lets you emulate resonant spaces...not just the resonances inherent in an instrument. Another fun thing: use a very short delay after the resonator's output...and CAREFULLY feed this back to the input. If the delay is short enough, it'll do "comb filtering", then you can "play" that with the resonator itself.
You said: I am trying to get more and more into the calm waters of sounds and music.
I think we all should :-) That's the best advice I heard so far in 2021 :-)
Thanks a lot for sharing your patch notes too, it's (at least for me) always interesting to hear/read how people setup their modular synth, the way it's used, etcetera.
Can't wait for your next track! Kind regards, Garfield.
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Wow, that's a cool sound! Amazing how you managed to get that done like that. It sounds to me more like a real instrument than that it would have been done by a modular synth :-) Especially the first one and a half minute.
Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
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I can recommend the Time Wizard as well, very lovely tool and in every patch where I use a clock, I use it in combination with Time Wizard. I use it in combination with Tempo (from Make Noise) but you can use it with any other clock module as well, of course.
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
You certainly got a rack with a few very interesting modules, the Hermod for example and in combination with the Hermod and a few oscillators you should be able to get some melody out of this rack :-)
If this would be my own rack, I would add one or two more oscillators, for example an STO from Make Noise or the Dixie 2+ from Intellijel.
I do see the Morgasmatron but is that the only filter you have in your rack? I feel you are lacking a bit on filters, try to consider one or two filters that have a different characteristic than what you can do with the Morgasmatron (I don't have experience with this module so it's a bit difficult to advice you here).
Having oscillators and filters added, you should be able to get some melodic results! Actually with this setup already but adding a few more oscillators makes it even better :-)
Have fun and kind regards, Garfield Modular.
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Yeah WMD percussion modules are crazy fun and do way more than traditional 808/909 drum beats that is why I love them so much like BIA does weird stuff as well. Making a drum machine on modular is too expensive if you just want regular dance beats get an Elektron Rytm for that way less expensive easier to program. But for experimental beats ah that to me is the sweet spot of nirvana for modular! I would never be able to get these weird sounds that easily otherwise and also the modulation madness.
It sort of mimics the physics of string or bell resonance. Like when you pluck a guitar string or hit a cymbal, the note rings out with overtones and resonates.
Does anyone make a clock divider whose ratio is set by a switch or buttons? I'm thinking of something very simple : 1 input, 1 output, and the choice between clock ratios of 2, 4, 8, or 16 at the output.
I have had look through the MG database but I don't see anything like this. There are a few modules (2hp, SSSR) which are quite similar but use pots to change the ratio, and obviously lots of clock dividers with those ratios on different outputs. The effect I want could be achieved by combing such a classic clock divider with a 4-position switch but I was hoping to find it in a single module.