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The ModularGrid Forum uses Markdown for formatting purposes.
It's like HTML but feels more natural to write because in general you don't need closing tags.
Additionally you can read Markdown even if it's not formatted.
Below the Markdown Editor Form is an inline link Markdown Syntax which lists most of the useful formatter options.
This is heading 1
A hashtag before a text block creates a heading #This is heading 1
This is heading 2
Two hashtags before a text block create a heading in hierachy 2 ##This is heading 2
Text Decoration
Emphase *Yeay*. This results isYeay.
Strong **Yeay**. This results in Yeay
Just prefix * or a textline and create numbered or bullet lists.
Sketch a Patch is very basic idea to quickly write down a patch you have created to use it later or share it with other users.
Create a new Sketch
To start with a sketch you first have to build a rack with your modules in the planner. After you have added all relevant modules open the Sketch a Patch Drop Down Menu in the secondary navigation of the planner and click on New Patch.
A screenshot of your rack will be generated and you will be redirected to the Sketch a Patch editor.
Draw and remove Cables
Now you simply can double click anywhere on the screenshot to create a new cable. Drag and Drop the jacks of the cable to the desired positions (that's probably over the socket of a module).
Jacks will NOT snap to sockets, Sketch a Patch is really just a kind of a freehand drawing board.
Double Click on a cable to remove it from the sketch.
Don't forget to save your sketch! (Click on Save Patch)
Add Knob Markers
To mark knob positionsswitch to Knob Marker Mode via the top left button menu.
If you double click on your sketch a white circle appears you can use to mark knob positions or enabled buttons or anything else you want to point out.
You can freely move the marker via Drag and Drop. Double click a marker to remove it.
Patch Options
Cable Color System
You can select two available Color Systems for your cables
On Eurorack modulars the color of the patch cable will change in relation to the length of the cable depending on the chosen cable system.
Just for fun. Try it out.
You can save your Patch Optionssettings
What if my Rack changed?
If you have added or removed a new module to your rack you have to generate a new screenshot for Sketch a Patch in the planner. Else you will alwayssee the old rack screenshot.
To create a new screenshot click on Show->Screenshot in the planner. After that got to the Sketch a Patch Editor and if you still see the old screenshot hit the browser refresh button hard (while holding SHIFT).
Be aware that if you move a lot of modules your older sketches will be all over the place.
TrueGrid is an experimental modular web synthesizer which let's you create, listen and share modular synth patches.
How to use it
TrueGrid works like a real modular synth in a way that you have to wire up different modules to generate useful or not so useful sounds.
It needssome experience to get something predictable out of thissynth, but thats where the whole fun starts: Discover what is possible
Start from Scratch, find playable modules
Create a new empty rack and name it "My awesome Truegrid Synth". More creative naming options will work, too.
With the search function of the module browser you can enable a checkbox Playable in TrueGrid.
This lists all available playable modules for TrueGrid.
Add some modules to your rack. As a start you should add an Oscillator, VCA, LFO and VCF to create basic subtractive building blocks.
... or copy an existing Synth
If you have found a cool TrueGrid Patch from an other user you can copy the Patch and alter it as you please. Just click Save as a new Patch in TrueGridssecondary navigation.
Wire up
Sockets of the modules are color coded.
green for outputs
blue for inputs
no color == not implemented
To connect two sockets:
Drag a cable from an output to an input till the cable snaps.
To disconnect:
Drag the cable away from one socket or simply double click on the cable.
To turn the knobs, hover over a knob, click and hold the mouse and do a vertical movement. ProTip: if you hover over a jack the corresponding jack on the other side of the cable will light up.
Authentic modules?
No, they are not. The modules are carefully modeled after their originals but since all coding is done in JavaScript they can not achieve the sound of their originals. Sorry, you still have to buy the real ones.
The intention is that you can experiment with the settings of a module and get somewhat familiar with the interface.
Record Audio
Click on the red record button of the small tape recorder right hand side. Your patch will be recorded
You can even twist knobs and record a whole performance
Click again on the record button and recording stops
Scroll down the page and you should see a web player with the option to download a .wav file of your recording
MIDI Implementation
This is even more experimental. You can play TrueGrid via MIDI!
To make this work you have to take care that your MIDI interface is connected and switched on before you start your browser.
More detailed information can be found here.
You need a reasonable fast computer and as of today TrueGrid works best in Chrome. Safari should also work, and since more and more Browsers implement the required WebAudio API it should be widely supported in near future.
Using the planner should be self-explanatory. Just some things to point out which might be not obvious:
Keyboard shortcuts
You can use keyboard shortcuts to edit your rack.
First you have to hover with your mouse over a module until the info icon appears.
This activatesModule Select Mode.
Cursor: cycle through module selection
d: duplicate module
DEL: delete module
ENTER: enter Module Move Mode
ESC: leave keyboard mode and hide edit buttons
c: copy
v: paste
x: cut.
You can copy/paste in different browser windows!
In Module Move Mode:
Cursor: move module
ESC: Cancel module move, back to Module Select Mode
ENTER: drop module on new position
Power Ratings
The power consumption per rack is calculated by the values users add to the module data.
Those ratings are error prone. Don't rely exclusively on the values when choosing your power supply! Always check manufacturesspecs from the manuals.
Hide Price Display
You can disable the display of your accumulated rack prices in the user settings.
I see no link to edit or upload modules
If you can not edit modules or reply to discussions or threads in this forum you most likely missed to click on the link on the confirmation email you received when you registered to MG. Probably this email is hiding somewhere in your spam folder.
You can request this confirmation email again in your user settings.
I can not write replies to discussions or threads!
See above
You can zoom in and out with your standard browser zoom function.
big readable responsive Typography for the Generation Ponytail 40+
The size of the Typo adapts to your monitor/device
You can always zoom in/out with your appropriate Browser command
Optimized for Mobile Devices
You will see a significant improvement to table based forums.
From the Editor to Video Embeds, everything is fully HTML5
No "pinching" and "doubletapping" neccessary to resize the posts.
No "Apps" required
Advanced search without Advanced Settings
no panels, checkboxes, additional searchoptions
just type in the searchterm in the searchfield on any Forum page and the search engine will try to get the best results
It's kind of context sensitive, so if you are on the Thread Index Page of a specific Forum the search will only return results from that Forum. If you want to search all Forums go to the Forums index page first.
The entries in the search fields are preserved. If you enter a search term and you click through the forums you will alwayssee only threads which include the search term on the index page until you reset the search field.
Markdown Syntax
The Forum uses Markdown Syntax to format text. This keeps the Database very lightweight and allowssemantic representation of text.
A link Markdown Syntax below the Editor explains the most common used syntax.
If you don't care about it, just ignore and start typing right away.
Inline Preview
Before you submit your post click the Preview button below the Markdown Editor and it will render your post inline.
Find them below the Markdown Editor
Emoticons are categorized by feel and labeled assuch for the autistic audience, so if you are feeling happy, click on Happy-Happy
There is a Freddy Mercury Emoticon
Sorry, double post!
No, you can always delete your last post if there is no reply to it.
Automatic Timezone Detection
Regardless where you are in the world, publication times of postingsshould adapt to your current timezone. No manual settings necessary. Daylight Saving settings might not work though.
Embed Media
You can embed Media like
Modulargrid Racks
by simply pasting their URLs into the form.
No need to fiddle with sharing options, no embed code necessary.
The exception are album embeds from Bandcamp. You have to copy the code from the Bandcamp share options and paste that in the form.
Easy Quoting
Click on the Quote Button to quote an author, you don't have to mess with any HTML or proprietary Markup code. Those missing closing tagsshould be a thing of the past.
You can also quote multiple authors at once if their posts are on the same page! Just click and click and click on those Quote buttons.
Reference users
To highlight a user prepend an @ to the username. A link to the users profile page will be generated.
Like in @solitud.
Upload your Avatar in your general ModularGrid user settings. No animated gifs, sorry.
If you do not upload an Avatar your Avatar from Gravatar will be used.
If you do not have an Avatar at Gravatar a unique Retro Image will be used.
... and Signature
Also in the general ModularGrid user settings. Links will be parsed, no Media Embed like Soundcloud is allowed in the Signature.
Miscellaneous a.k.a Pro Tips
On the Thread Index Page you can click the entire row to get to a post.