Thread: My gross MU

BP 1/2 yusynth sequential router
BP 3 hexinverter battery acid
BP 4 yusynth FFB
BP 5 yusynth CV standards

Thread: 3 rails

thanks. i was batting around the P workout. and will start checking out the Quadra expander. still on the fence with the dixie and the z3000. but I figured theyd be the last to be added.
also still thinking about a noise gen. kinda haveing trouble cause up until recently most of my stuff is all subtractive. so Im trying to realy focus on kinda west coast ideas

current composing rig
V synth
kurz K2000 (Cant help it I like this it adds normal)
nord modular
nord lead 2x
Moog Rogue
Moog Prodigy
Roland SH 101

Thread: 3 rails

No worries about filters. If you're doing complex fm and waveshaping, you hardly need it.

I'd say you need the Quadra expander. It's cheap and really a necessity. Also, you might want a master clock still or divider. Pamelas Workout for instance.

Thread: 3 rails

ok so this is going to be the map of my first trip into the rabbit hole. its pretty much a makenoise shared system with extras.
its not geting bought all at once so i'm sure itll change but any comments would be appreciated. ps yes i know I have no filters at the moment.

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oh you "really" cut 1 hp off each module - that is hard core -- cheers
i thought you were just randomly editing doepfer units that would be sort of messed up

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How do one cut off 1 HP? You have great tools for sure!

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For adding 3hp of space. I don't care about resale value, these are too awesome to part with, but having 2 row of eurorack is very limiting...

Don't worry, they are private.

Thread: current

?? why ? ---- i hope all these doepfer units you cut 1hp off are private

Thread: current

had cut 1 HP off from some doepfers. more free space

That was it! I had "Assembled Only" selected somehow! I couldn't even search the double that I had uploaded!! :) Cheers

oh! I am craving this! how is rev.2 coming along?

Hey Ginko,
ModularGrid has an advanced search now where you can define to exclude DIY modules. Probably somethings wrong with your default settings. Try to click reset or click on the Show advanced search options link in the search form.

I can follow your link to the Mikrophonie but not having a lot of luck otherwise, I have had the problem with a couple of other modules like the Nonlinearcircuits bits, they are mostly on but I can only get to them by google searching...

Those are in fact the exact ones I was thinking about. Good on you for getting them on here so I can dream! I thought you might be involved in Ciat-Lonbarde somehow. Sorry for the confusion on my part.

They aren't mine - I'm guessing you mean the Fourses, Sprott, Swoops and Denum? They are Ciat-Lonbarde modules!! I uploaded them because no one else did :) They are a bit overdue now though right!!

Weird. I just searched and it came up, and it's listed under Thonk too. Wish I could do more to help you out Ginko. And, I'm really excited for your euro modules to be released!

In fact, when I search it, it still doesn't appear for me, and it doesn't appear under Thonk as a manufacturer. Any idea why that is?

Woops, sorry I searched a number of times for the Mikrophonie but somehow missed it, so I just uploaded it myself. Can I delete it?

the 3 expanders are listed under pulplogic
- this way you can choose what expanders you want to add to your volca beats -

Yes, flagged as private.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Isn't this a duplicate of this entry in the DB: ?

Thanks solitud! :) Didn't think as far as to look in my user prefs for this, doh.

A Eurocrack Pusher: "The first time is for free" ;)

I am planning a first basic Rack to get into the usage of a eurorack step by step. I want to send voltage from a microbrute and use this first setting to get into patchings etc. So the first modules should not be too complicated, but they should be of good quality to work with them as a basic later on as well, when I add other modules step by step. Do these modules fit their purpose or should I replace any of them by a module from another Company? Fell free to give suggestions.

We have sorted this out. The module didn't show up in the search results but on papernoises profile page.
That was not a bug but an intended behavior, because private and duplicate modules historically share the same tag.
Nevertheless I have uploaded a patch where private/duplicate modules are hidden on users profile pages now.
Also private module pages have received a robot noindex meta tag to exclude them from search engines.

As long as private modules are not assigned to public racks they should be pretty much stealthy now.
You can still link to them so we are not talking about bulletproof protection, though.

Hm, the private tagging was always one of the more reliable features on MG and I can not see a problem now.
When I am searching for the modules name I can not find anything. As expected.
Also nothing leaked to Google.

Be careful: if people visit your public rack with the private module assigned they can see the private module. This is intended and not a bug.
So for now there is not much I can do else than keep an eye on the issue. And to recommend not to upload top secret modules. Sorry.

Darn! You mean we almost saw a couple of the new Mutable designs!?

I think I've found a bug. I had uploaded a module I wanted to be secret but then a friend wrote me telling me that it had shown up in his search results.
I've then changed the name and panel image, but here's the links:

Thread: Change Log

SSL/Https Encoding

I implemented https a while ago and wanted to test the site in deep before announcing it. But Google was faster and redirects directly to https if you coming from their search.
So, yeah, it should work in general.
Your browser will show the "broken lock" on some pages where content is included from the non-secure CDN server, though.
Regardless, you are save to login with your password from dubious Bangkok WLAN spots when in urge to check for latest modules on your holiday vacation.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

The text input field of the module browser formerly only searched in the module name and description.
Now it also searches for manufacturer names.
This should help to prevent the upload of duplicates because several users reported "module didn't show up in the search".

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Only private modules you uploaded yourself will show up in YOUR search result.
If you see private modules of other users in your search result you have found a bug. Please report.

Click Me: your_username in top navigation.
Under the list of your racks is the list of your uploaded modules. Click the delete button.
This works only if the module is not assigned to other racks...

It did work now!
BTW. how come that modules set to "private" still show up in search results? What's the point in setting them to "private" if they are still public?

Try again, it should work now, if not check back, I will delete it.

yep found it thanks! But it tells me the module is used on some racks...

How come this module doesn't show up when searching for it?

The new search options hide other/unknown modules by default.
Click Hide advanced search options -> Show exotic modules a.k.a. "other/unknowns"

Maybe there is some tweaking necessary...
-- solitud

Hadn't noticed that - thanks.

Click *Me: papernoise" in top navigation.
Under the list of your racks is the list of your uploaded modules. Click delete.

Actually I had added this because I had searched for it and it didn't show up... weird. Ok I'll delete it. Thanks for reporting it.

Thank you, solitud!

I have added SSSR Labs to the manufacturer list. So it will show up in the standard search.

How come this module doesn't show up when searching for it?

The new search options hide other/unknown modules by default.
Click Hide advanced search options -> Show exotic modules a.k.a. "other/unknowns"

Maybe there is some tweaking necessary...

How come this module doesn't show up when searching for it?

When searching it would be nice for more sorting criteria, results count
-- heartcore

It's online now.

Thread: Change Log

ModularGrid has some new advanced module search features!

  • Show/hide "other/unknown" manufacturers
  • Filter by Build Type for DIY or assembled modules
  • Find a module with two function properties like dual AND VCA

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I agree with that comment "Knobs for mode should be stepped"
But its most excellent and a very easy build that I would recommend to a detail oriented nube

Great! Thanks for the quick reply. Been using my CSQ-600 for a long time but probably going to grab one of these very soon then.

Well, you have to put this thing together by yourself, so build quality depends :)
No knob wobble, face plate is metalic, overal good parts, superb PCB.
Minor things to improve (for me):

  • No highlight of set sequencer steps
  • Knobs for mode should be stepped
  • When sequencer lines are slaved CLK OUT 2 should output the same clock as CLK OUT 1. But it still outputs the individual tempo which is set on line 2. No biggie.

Definitely a cool Euro sequencer.

So hows the build quality? Any serious knob wobble? Plastic or metal face plate? I want to grab one of these but am curious about this stuff first.

When searching it would be nice for more sorting criteria, results count

Overall I am glad modulargrid exists, but for a newbie like me it's a bit overwhelming to find my way through all this information
-- heartcore

There will be more search options soon, but I doubt that this will fix the overwhelming info problem.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Hi all, magnificent site

When searching it would be nice for more sorting criteria, results count

Overall I am glad modulargrid exists, but for a newbie like me it's a bit overwhelming to find my way through all this information