Is it a good module to convert mono OSC to stereo
Is it good for some sort of mixing?

Nope. This is just an output module. What do you want to do?
Is it a good module to convert mono OSC to stereo
Is it good for some sort of mixing?
-- core

this is it:

This is not a module to convert mono to stereo. There's plenty of good modules for that: filters (Ikarie), effects (FX Aid, Versios), ...

With this module, you need two signals to start. If you have L+R, then it splits them into the middle (shared) signal and the sides (not shared between left an. right). If you have two mono signals, you can plug one into mid and the other into side. This works well with a signal where you take the unprocessed one into mid and a processed copy (e.g. filtered or passed through a mono delay) into the side. Or vice versa. Make sure to check the LEDs that they're not in the red or it'll sound wonky on speakers.

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