Thank you very much fro your kind answers

If you produce industrial rock music (excellent! We can also like ‘country rock music’ but some Skinny Puppy or Front Line Assembly titles are no less interesting than Harvest by Neil Young) I'm surprised not to see Noise Engineering modules in your racks. Basimilus might be more appropriate than Plonk (despite AAS's wonderful technology). And a Loquelic or a Manis might suit you.
-- Sweelinck

Ahah ! I was staring at the noise engineering stuffs, I've just fill the rack with functional modules. The only one that I will buy for sure are the one listed in my first post. For the other stuff, I'm not 100% decided of which module to go to. Noise engineering is probably a better choice for me, you're absolutely right.

I will also double check the power cosumption...
Thank you !

Unless you already have the Rackbrute, my experience with that case wasn't good and I ended up returning it even after they said they had fixed it. It got really really hot for me which wasn't happening with my TipTop uZeus power supply so the only thing I could think was it was the rackbrute power at fault. So hot it smelled like melting plastic all the time stinking the room out.

Now I run 2x TipTop uZeus for my small cases and some nice Konstantlab power for my main case.
-- wishbonebrewery

Oooops... Hopefully your unit was faulty, because i've already ordered the 2 cabinets...
Cheers !

Hi there,

I plan to start my eurorack journey soon. At 50, it's almost time !!!
Making industrial rock music (sorry ;) with regular hardware synths (moog/sequential/korg/waldorf) + Ableton Live and Push, I would like to add something more "raw" and "roots" to my setup, something to experiment with and lots of fun.

After lots of research and youtube videos played, I ended up with this potential (expensive) combos :
Bottom 3U = Arturia RackBrute 3U / Top 6U = Arturia Rackbrute 6U
=> 3x 88hp in total (-10hp for power supplies)

Sputnik V

I wanted to start with: Hel + Odessa (+ Metropolix as sequencer for it) / Zagrzeb/ Blck_Noir (+ Steppy + Dot as sequencers for it) / Zadar / QuadVCA / Mixup / Outs / 8-multi / MixerSplitter. Odessa will bring some west coast vibes to my stuffs :)

Quadrax + Batumi would also be good to add some more modulations, but I'm on a limited budget now...
I plan to upgrade this system little by little.

Also, I'm a little bit confused about the necessity or not to have an audio interface module like those of expert sleepers. In fact, I don't need this modular to be fully controlled by my DAW, sending a clock will be enough for now (the µMidi will do the job ?), to keep this system relatively autonomous. I already own an audio interface with 8 DC-coupled outputs, maybe I could use it later on with the CV_Tools of Ableton Live ?

Could you give me your expert opinion about this setup ? Is it balanced enough ?
Do I miss some important modules, maybe some utilities ?

Thank you very much in advance for your kind help !