Hi there, any news / updates / advices ? Got the same issue with a Knit with calibration through ES-9 and CV tools
Hi there, any news / updates / advices ? Got the same issue with a Knit with calibration through ES-9 and CV tools
Many thanks to both of you. I need to search for mults, utilities & VCAs.
I forgot to mention that I have Batumi and planned to buy Ochd for LFOs, when I get rid of the Hermod currently getting in the way. I also have a Verbos Pan & Scan but I'm not sure about it, and a Twiigs for random probability of triggering evnts with my kick / live perf.
--> " Since your plan is to integrate with your DAW pretty much the whole time, you have quite a lot of flexibility and can probably hold off on filling your hp until you have a better sense of how the instrument works for you and your flow."
you couldn't be more right, I'm still exploring ! For now, I'm still doing this in my matrix :
Since I use a 4x4 Matrix Mixer for audio inputs (maybe I'll try 3 audio sources and 1 modulation) I still hesitate between BearModules's Stereo Mix 1U or your Befaco Stmix as a final auudio output but maybe I'm missing a cool opportunity for an end-of-chain mixer with 4 stereo inputs)
For the past few days I tried to get a grasp on Route 4 and Switch 4, but that could be overkill with the Matrix Mixer in the way I want to use layers of sounds and designated fxs chains that are often stereo ? or maybe the videos I watched weren't showing enough/the right approach. What I feel I need is definitely 'hands-on' modules like these though, glad I leaerned about them!
I will write some more as I explore :)
Thank you,
Again, thank you for your input, much appreciated, you are TOP.
I mean to use this mainly with external inputs, i don't see myself NOT use Ableton actually, (or if I could use Rample as a backing track machine, and play the (real) drums over that with a knee mic and enveloppe following -> plaits or just triggers, use Hermod modulations and sequences again like [Maysun ](
it revolves around randomness of kick hits with Twiigs, through fxs and Arbhar, playing samples with Rample that arer ein the same key as the backing track
I feel lik using multitracking with ES-9, using EQs and sequences from Ableton is my thing.
I am still a beginner experimenting so I could use some advice on VCAs and modulators as you said to make it really interersting, take me somewhere I don't know! I can sense the potential but I miss that extra knowledge in patching for now !
So yes I intend to use live drums too, but not regular beats, I mean free performance.
And what 1U modules could enhance all that ?
Thanks for the quick fb !
So I don't have :
- Disting EX
- nRings
And priorities goto ES-8/9 cause I'll def need it whatever I decide.to do
The rest are just options, but IDUM looksfun with Rample?
Hello there, first post, first rack, at least one I want to talk about and ask for some advice on what could be improved / replaced.
I have an Intellijel 7u performance case and I want to do live (Ambient, glitchy, experimental, noise) around textures, use of samples, or even backing tracks, CC/EQ from Ableton with Es-8, maybe ES-9 ; and use eurorack for live sampling / fxs / treatment, live acoustic instruments with mics.
Got a Blofeld for pads, atmos etc... Doepfer Black Energy II for drones/basses (sequenced via Ableton) and I was thinking about using a turntable with external mobile preamp (Phono In/line Out) to use some concrete noises from vinyls I have through Arbhar. I also have Data Bender ,Monsoon, 100 Grit, Melotous Versio, Faille Temporelle.
I wanted a matrix mixer for maximum versatility, experiments and I think it's a + for live perfs.
As a drummer, I also wanted to implement triggers from hits on a acoustic Low Tom, cymbals, maybe a kick. Or trigger Plaits as a voice or Rample as a sample trigger (in the same key as the backing track or a 808 quantized through Ableton and ES-8).
IDUM is a possibility I though about for the Rample channels unused, that could do idm types of bleeps/bloops/bursts/ratchets.
I want it to be a case for collaborations with any type of (acoustic) musicians too and I feel the Endless Processor is a cool bridge between acoustic sounds and eurorack world.
I feel I may lack modulations/utilities ? I have rooms for 1U as well. (I already have a Line In from Mosaic for turntable/Blofeld)
right now I have a Hermod instead of ES-8 so I still have lfos and other modulation sources but it's overkill with the idea of using Ableton anyways.
I don't have the disting EX yet. Is that a good idea ? Any thoughts on the best fx chains ? best use of Matrix Mixer ?
THANK YOU for reading me, any advice, question are welcomed !
sorry to ask - i'm slow & new - but how so ? are there new modules that came out ?
bastl Kong is out of stock everywhere :'(
hey @echobravo,
I'm super duper interested in this project of yours, and I wanted to know if and how you reached your objective in the end ?