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Awesome! Very helpful thanks a lot. I've been a musician for over 20 years and this is like starting all over again, so daunting and exciting at the same time. Thanks for the advice this is exactly what I was looking for

Ok cool thanks for the feedback. So if I'm getting it right soemthing basically that would receive cv from say the mimetic and then in turn modulate the inputs on the Mani, am I getting that path right? I did see a Maths up for sale and hear I about them everywhere but it looks super confusing for me at this stage in the game (though I'm totally willing to put in the time to learn it). Would a module such as that work in this case?

Hey all

I've recently become fascinated with the world of Euroracks and am eager to build my first. I'm not completely new to synth in general but have no experience in euroracks and could use some advice from seasoned veterans.

My ultimate goal is a cold digital beast that can generate harsh soundscapes on it's own, but primarily be used as a supplemental instrument for my bands in both live and studio situations

The first rack below is what I'm planning to get me started and the full rack is the goal I'm working towards (for now anyway). I assume once I learn more and get some hands on experience that things are likely to change from what I'm planning now

My questions are:

1) Is my small rack enough to get me started down the path of what I'm trying to achieve? I figure I don't need an envelope right away as the Manis is the only voice and has one built in. I like the Intellijel stuff for easily syncing to a DAW and using a midi keyboard, and also for going out into an amp or recording interface. I also like the m/div for live tap tempo of the master clock. Is there anything essential I'm missing or overlooking?

2) Is my plan for a full rack something viable? Is there anything crucial I'm not thinking about? I wonder if I'm low on envelopes or modulation? I plan on using the Trogotronic for mostly drones and audio processing and with the Manis having one built in and the sampler not really needing one my thoughts are the the single ADSR is kind of dedicated to the Ataraxic.

Any advice, comments or criticism much appreciated


ModularGrid Rack

ModularGrid Rack