Fun VCOs? OK...the first one on my list is a double VCO that sortakinda can link the VCOs together in various ways. In a sense, it's the "poor man's Buchla 258":

Another great complex-ish dual VCO, with its own onboard ring mod:

And then there's this, from Intellijel:

In all of these cases, the VCOs that are part of these modules have ways to crossmodulate, which in the end yields some rather complex spectra. With the right additional modules to get control of these, they'll yield some amazing textures and timbres.
-- Lugia

Great - lots to check out - thanks Lugia

My recommendation for a small versatile ambient setup would be the Synthesis Technology E352 Cloud Terrarium or even Mutable Instruments Plaits.
-- farkas

I had Braids before and got a lot out of it, so have been looking at Plaits. Will check out the E352 also. Thanks

I'm creating a rig aimed at ambient & granular, and am interested in hearing about other people's favorite oscillators for ambient.

I've been out of modular for a while and there are so many more VCOs in just a few short years. I don't have a strict sound in mind, but I'd like to get something somewhat versatile. I don't have a preference for digital or analogue. It's likely I'll end up with two oscillators in any case. Thanks.