I know it's wide in modules,setup etc ....while talking about a modular system.

I just would like to know if some people here could consider my system as a system with ''load'' of modulation modules.


ModularGrid Rack

Not a bad start but I recommend a larger case and more utilities and maybe some effects?

I know it's wide in modules,setup etc ....while talking about a modular system.

I just would like to know if some people here could consider my system as a system with ''load'' of modulation modules.


ModularGrid Rack

Yes modulation is way more important than too many voice oscillator modules. If you want to keep the smaller case, consider smaller sized hp modules that perform these modular tasks like 0chd from Divkid that is way smaller than Rampage and still gives you tons of modulation. Also consider getting a quad VCA module and attenuator. A filter would be great add on as well.

Not a bad start but I recommend a larger case and more utilities and maybe some effects?
-- benscott

I have an empty rackbrute 3U 88hp.