Hi there,
I have recently released my debut CD called Reverse Image "The Silence that does not Exist" on a label called Khatulistiwa. Gear used - Eurorack, Mother-32, Behringer 2600 Blue Marvin, O-coast, Strega, Recovery Mystic, Eowave Quadrantid Swarm, guitar pedals, Ableton, etc.
"Reverse Image is a sound artist from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She builds her works using analogue and digital equipment looking for the intersection between repetitive motifs and disjointed incidences.The title is inspired by the search for moments of silence amidst the discord.
Recordings from 2022-2023."
You can stream the entire album on Bandcamp :
And here's an Eurorack track :
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Sound samples and the CD can be purchased from Soundohm :
Also, an excellent review of the album:
Thank you very much for listening! :-)