Comments welcome on practicality of setup and order of purchase. I admit I have a steep learning curve as I'm leaping blind into this with no advice or experience, so be brutal and honest please folks.

My aim at the moment is to build a beginner's setup to use mainly as a drone-machine for ambient and industrial music (currently I'm all in the box) but with some capacity for me to also experiment with bleepy electro and basic sound design.

So far I have soe of the plumbing (power, mixer, mult, out) and a cheapo 84hp rack (held nose, bought Behringer). Next up is the Weather Drones as a central unit, plus the ADSR and Quad VCA...

The Takaab RLFO in December, but then I'll be broke af.

The arp and burst generator, which are more geared to the latter aspects of my interests, are going to have to wait until New Year.

Updated screenshot -- the one at the top of the thread is from earlier while I was tinkering!

Weather Drones looks like a pretty complete noise-maker that would benefit from dynamic modulation and some effects.

Instead of the basic envelope / lfo consider Pam's New Workout (Pro), Zadar or maybe even Maths would give you a ton of fun modulation to patch in.

FX Aid to add a bunch of great effects algorithms

Weather Drones looks like a pretty complete noise-maker that would benefit from dynamic modulation and some effects.

Instead of the basic envelope / lfo consider Pam's New Workout (Pro), Zadar or maybe even Maths would give you a ton of fun modulation to patch in.

FX Aid to add a bunch of great effects algorithms
-- 33PO

Thanks 33PO!

Your comments are duly noted and appreciated, and I will definitely look at finding something more dynamic. Would love me some Pam action, probably looking at the cheaper modules or multiple simple units (at least for now). A YT video suggested Pip Slope plus O/A/x2 as a Maths replacement, which appeals to me bc two cheaper modules are easier to acquire for my broke ass! Any opinion?

FX are slightly lower priority at the outset bc I have Ableton and some pedals to fall back on for actrual projects, but FX Aid is a really nifty looking wee module, really flexible, so it's now on my official Want List.

Pip Slope + O/A/x2 combo looks pretty awesome, but IMO function generators are best in pairs. Patching one into another to make all sorts of wild modulations.

Maybe consider 2x Pip before getting the mix/atten

or After Later QARV is cheaper than (2x) Pip and has more capabilities

Tip Top - Miso has 4 channels and is the same price as O/A/x2

Nice! Here we run into one of the problems of modular that's already becoming apparent to me: SO many tempting modules, SO many ways to modulate and process...!

Literally all of the options you outlined appeal to me in one way or another, and I 'm intrigued by the idea of paired modules.

Probably the most budget-conscious option is one Pip, second Pip, then... probably MISO, which I really like the look of over O/A/x2. The QARV is another module like the look/feel of, so I'll be sorta keeping an eye on a bunch of these options on the wait'n'see principle over the next couple months, so another good shout there.

My last question... with preamble lol...

The idea of the rack is to have the core drone and wibble maker as discussd, then the quad VCA (or an erica double black vca) and the wee little arp and burst mods to generate basic bleepitude and melodicity, adding modulation and FX as i expand (to be used in both aspects, obviously).

How far off base am I in my expectations there?

Sorry to keep asking but it's really nice to get such detailed and useful responses!

It's possible that I misread the specs, but Weather Drone seems like it's a full synth voice. If that is the case, all it really needs is a Keystep (or Beatstep) to get bleeping/blooping melodic note sequences right away. It could be done with the Keystep's onboard sequencer, or drive the Keystep CV outs from Ableton

The output module is nice if you want to connect headphones directly, but it's not necessary if you already have a mixer or sound card for your computer.

A basic synth voice would be:
Oscillator - Filter - Envelope - VCA

All of the above appears to be included in Weather Drone along with an LFO, sample and hold and some other nice bonus stuff.

If you want to keep sequencing in the rack. Check out the full line of Pico and Ladik modules. They have some great budget minded gate and CV sequencers.

Pico Seq is a personal favorite of mine.

Excellent choice with the weather drones. I started with a semi-modular, and after getting into it for a while I got the weather drones. I quickly realized that would be the perfect choice for a first module. It's a really good combination of musically usable and modular weirdness. For your output you might want to consider a noise engineering sono abitus. At the time of writing this NE is running 15% off on their site. Same functions, but ¼" Jack's, bigger sturdier knobs, and 4hp instead of 3hp. I own the Pico out and it's a great module, I throw it in tons of cases, but the odd hp size and the tiny pot drive me nuts. To counter the odd hp I usually pair it with 1 or 3 other Pico modules. Recently picked up a 1 hp blank to fill in the gaps if I find myself only able to use 1 Pico unit. That's all personal and ocd related, but worth considering. Have fun!

After re-reading, looks like you have the out already, my bad lol

Suck it, nerd

Okay that's cool, you're basically confirming what I thought re: basic signal path, maybe seems like I'm too hasty wanting to add a second voice before I even understand what I'm doing with one, especially given what you and yeahivandalizm have said about WD's functionality.

Sequencing in-rack really fascinates me, but yeah, I'm also thinking about a Beatstep since I already use Ableton, hmmm.... as always, Pico and Ladik, thanks for the practical suggestions. Pico Seq would match the out I got for headphones... I will update this thread as I go ofc...

Cheers 33PO! You've really helped.

"I own the Pico out and it's a great module, I throw it in tons of cases, but the odd hp size and the tiny pot drive me nuts. To counter the odd hp I usually pair it with 1 or 3 other Pico modules. Recently picked up a 1 hp blank to fill in the gaps if I find myself only able to use 1 Pico unit. That's all personal and ocd related, but worth considering. Have fun!"

Aaaahh.... I am little OCD myself, in fact, so actually this is a damn useful observation!

It will take a little while before I fill my 84hp so I have a bit of leeway and hopefully everything will add up (as mentioned elsewhere I rather like Pico too), but in the meantime I'm looking to get a little set of acrylic or perspex blanks cut.

Partly to hide as much Behringer as humanly possible. If I get them done in clear or smoked effect perspex, I can use the same material if I get into it and need a bigger case!

I'm excited af to get my Weather Drones so thanks for singing its praises, I look forward to some weirdness in my life. Peace!