To be honest, I expected some boring synthwave but this was filthy AF just like something labeled cyberpunk should be IMHO. Good stuff! Maybe the drums are a bit too loud in the mix but this is just a very minor complaint. I like this a lot.

"the sky above the port was the color of television tuned to a dead channel"

I haven't tried this particular module (it's in my wishlist though). However, I had some problems with the saw output on my DIY ADDAC701.REV2 and Filipe from ADDAC was extrememly helpful in diagnosing the issue so I could eventually fix it. No shade on ADDAC from me.

Yes as wishbonebrewery wrote, try to use is as a dynamic modulation source for filters/envelopes/VCAs. You can also try to control the Turing Machine via CV by using an LFO or better yet one of the sloths. Controling the Turing Machine via CV is not easy IMHO but when you get it right it's a lot of fun.

TM -> S/H can also be fun.