Looking for some advice and alternative suggestions on how to fill out a 60hp Moog skiff to serve as a utility box for my existing group of synths. I'm mostly interested in making offbeat sounding pop music and Mort Garson-esque instrumental noodling songs.

After a lot of lurking I've noticed a few trends over and over which I am trying to be conscious of. First, everyone wants to make a minimal modular box because of youtubers that is more good looking than functional and has no room to grow. Second, everyone fills their cases with a bunch of fancy modules and forgets to add the connective tissue. Right now I have a group of synths I'm very happy with including a Korg Odyssey reissue (modded by a previous owner to include CV outs for square and saw waves), a Microfreak, an OP-Z driving everything as a drum machine and sequencer and the most recent additions: a Microvolt 3900 and a DFAM. These last two have got me a little curious about modular but I am not interested in building anything from scratch at present or diving headfirst into a big build. However I have noticed some deficiencies in the two semis and am looking to correct/enhance them via a small utility skiff. I like the Moog 60hp skiffs for vanity reasons because they look nice and also because I have limited desk space and I can slap one (or eventually maybe two) onto my DFAM via the Moog brackets. I am NOT interested right now in expanding into Eurorack in a big way or having this be my "starter kit." I am purely looking at these modules as adding additional functionality to my existing synths, which is why I'm not super interested in getting a massive case. I don't think I will be filling up much more than this.
My thinking for picking these modules is as follows:
1) the Microvolt has a lot of waveforms that it can spit out but it quickly runs out of ways to do that internally. At best you can coax two separate ones out via the split VCA inputs inside it. Adding the Quad VCA gives me more options for amplifying, though I am worried it might be overkill.
2)Similarly, the Maths gives me a lot of additional possibilities for mangling and changing the signals coming out of both synths. This seems like the "no brainer" cliché module but also one of the ones that has me very curious.
3) I added the Behringer 140 to get some more envelopes and another LFO at a cheap price, but I think it is maybe taking up too much space in the skiff? I'm not married to this one at all.
4) the DFAM sounds amazing but could use some quantizing to make it more melodic and able to play well with the other synths, which is why I added the 2HP tune. I know this is also available in the Disting but I thought that could serve better purposes in other areas, like an additional S&H, and I think I would be quantizing the DFAM enough that having a dedicated quantizer is worth it.
5) if I'm being honest I added the Buff because I had 2HP left over and it seemed like a nice thing to have.
I would probably buy the case to start and then slowly fill it with these, starting with the quantizer and Maths. There are so many threads on here of people's tiny cases and I recognize that lmao. In this situation I am really trying to specifically complement my existing studio set up rather than set off to build a big rack.