Hello everyone! I’m Antti and like many others before me have just fallen for eurorack... I’ve got some experience with hardware synthesizers, including some semi-modular ones (0-Coast, DFAM, Dreadbox Nyx) that I love and will be trying to hook up with my forthcoming eurorack, but I’d much appreciate your thoughts on my current build plan. The idea is to create dark (organic-sounding) ambient with some percussive elements and rich textures. I’ve found myself a 6U 84hp GMSN! case second-hand, so for the time being I’ll be sticking with that. I can see myself expanding in the not too distant future but I’d appreciate it if you could point out ways to make the current 2x 84hp as well as possible.
As for fx, I’m planning to run the modular through Octatrack and/or external fx, so I don’t see myself acquiring a huge amount of fx modules. I’m also planning to sequence the eurorack from the OT. Anyway, here’s what I’ve planned and (to a large extent) bought so far. Again, huge thanks to anyone and everyone who’ll take the time to comment!