Hi Knut, MG has a lot images so Cloudflare should work especially for users far away from the cloud/server location so it worth it keeping it alive.

Regarding the redirection feel free to write here any future issue if you like :)

Regards, Marco

Ʃ ~ ^ ¬

alias subdomain for MG?

modulargrid.com is now an alternative domain for modulargrid.net. It uses Cloudflare so it might be even a bit faster.

-- modulargrid

Hi guys, I've recently found out this secondary domain.
I'm a long time user of modulargrid and I hope I could help with the SEO and the UX of your project.

I worked for a leading web marketing agency in Italy and IMHO even if your programmer set a "canonical" URL reference on the .com domain to the .net one, it's a little bit strange (also for Google) to have a fully accessible alternative site to browse.
It could generate confusion when people share links and worst it can diminish the inboud linking effect that usually boost up SEO or, in other words, this situation can make your pages less findable on Google.

The solution is to redirect (301 redirection, it's important for the developer to know) all incoming traffic directed towards the .com domain to the .net one. In this way every previous link will continue to work and you cak keep the alternative domain in a safe SEO way.

PS. You can set cloudflare to handle the .net domain OR you can invert my suggestion keeping the .com one and redirecting the .net one.

I hope you appreciate this tip ;-) let me know.


Ʃ ~ ^ ¬

Hi there,

just want to submit a little (big) request about the Sketch a Patch section. I use to often duplicate racks in order to check new module configurations, unfortunately I can duplicate patches only within a single rack and not "across" two different racks that would be very very appreciated :P I literally spend hours to rebuild patches only to see if a couple of modules in my cloned rack are more usable.

Thank you very much!

Ʃ ~ ^ ¬