I haven't seen this requested yet, but I apologize if this is a duplicate (or if it already exists and I'm too bad at computer to find it)

(Edit: I see something similar to this is actually a fairly popular request, and I just missed a few pages of the thread on my first read. Whoops!)

I would love, love, LOVE some more advanced search filtering options for modules. For example...

I want to be able to get a list of modules where (Function CONTAINS "Oscillator"; AND Width IS "12 HP (Max)"; AND Manufacturer IS NOT "Mutable Instruments"; AND Manufacturer IS NOT "Instruo";)


modules where (Function(s) CONTAINS "Oscillator"; AND Function(s) DOES NOT CONTAIN "Synth Voice";) AND (Manufacturer IS "Intellijel"; OR Manufacturer IS "Mutable Instruments";)

That sort of thing would be extremely useful, to me. If that sort of full-fledged advanced search isn't practical, even just the ability to exclude a manufacturer or a function from the list of search results would help a ton.