Not sure if those tile thingies make sense?

A fully fetched VCF, VCA and Pan module under one surface. Great value for money!

Taken as a standard VCO it isn´t really groundbreaking. But the Cloud idea is just unique. The sync sounds are outstanding and modulating both Spread and Chaos makes it one of a kind.

This module is just great. It expanded the timbres of my modular in a way that I haven´t expected when I decided to purchase it. One of the best modules I ever laid hand on. Paul Schreiber is a real genius!

This filter is just great. Its sound is just classic and the patch options are great. The module has a load of sweetspots, it responses very musically.


Nice XCenter, this module is all Roland world. I love it.

I had the opportunity to run this module side by side with an original JP8. The character is superbly catched. The ability to drive the module into self-oscillation is a thankfully taken plus. If you want modular access to THE Jupiter sound this VCF is essential.

Thanks! I saw this clip during my searches, but it's not very informative.

I'm beginning to think that the EMW-S101 [] may be a better alternative as it offers individual step control (only 'ON' or 'SKIP', tho') for only a few more greenbacks.

Having observed the dearth of information on the EMW website, however, I'm beginning to thing that this unit may also be a bit dodgy.

soy sos has short video

I'm thinking of grabbing one or two of them for my own system but was unable to find any user-reviews or videos on the module.

They don't appear to be particularly sophisticated but they sure are cheap!

Does anyone actually own and use these things?

2 of these and the Ostankino...great :)

  84 hp   is now online  - cheers 

I have extended the HP Limit to 84. So someone can upload this thing again as one module.

thanks, i don't mind for myself.

i thought i was helping.

it came with a case and without,

but it is just a large eurorack module. it needs 5v also.

it may be better if the url used for the module is this:



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Oops sorry, I hit reply before you posted there.


Didn't mean to condescend. Please accept my apologies.


I'm sure the admin can make the module public again, and maybe fix the hp limit too.





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Apologies if I jumped the gun and misunderstood


So you power three OBKs off a Doepfer case? 


Eurorack format OBK is not available anywhere and is not mentioned on analog solutions website, nor on schneiders nor on muffwiggler's. I take yours are a one-off custom job or a previous version.



i know what eurorack format is. i have three cases full of it.

this is the oberkorn SLIDERS, not the other oberkorn unit which is a 3 x 16 sequencer.

this one is made to mount in a eurorack case, with a power supply strip that hooks

up to a eurorack busboard. they are sold in cases sometimes which are basically 

84 hp eurorack cases, that mount in a rack. i have two doepfer 6U x 84 cases that mount in a rack,

does that mean they are not eurorack? i would think the more modules in the database the better,

although i will admit not many have these modules. i know as a private module i get to use it myself,

but i'm not arguing to be selfish, just the opposite. i WAS thinking of others when i posted it, thinking there may be others like me

who wanted this. i also wanted an old 39hp blue lantern gate sequencer module but i'm using three of a 13hp as a substitute.

if you still want to make it private, obviously that's fine,


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Hi galen8,


eurorack is a specific MODULAR format. 

The Oberkorn is a standalone unit, it's not an eurorack module, 84hp or not.


You can integrate it with your modular or not. 


There are more examples of other music gear that is 3U high, and it's still not eurorack.


Making the module private is IMHO, the best way to handle this sort of gear. You still get to use your Oberkorn entry on ModularGrid.




this is eurorack.

i have three mounted in a doepfer 9u case right now.

the module is 84 hp and modular grid only allows modules up to 72 hp.

so i split into two 42 hp modules.

Mighty admin flagged it as private.

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Please make this a private module.

being 3U does not make it Eurorack.

the database is already cluttered as it is. think of the other users here.

thank you

You're welcome! (;

Attributes: They/them, Queer, Enby, Poly*, Anti-hierarchy, Nature/Tech Weirdo
Sites: | |
WTB: Euro VCAs, Mixers, Env Followers & Interfaces.
Building the modular since ~2003

Quite noisy module because of low power TL-064 used for amplifiyng the signal. But this can be improved with any quality OpAmp having same pin-out. I've tried OP470, but it's very expensive IC.

your wish is my command.


Can someone provide a better image for this one?

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good catch Herr Solitud!

O.k. it's a private module now.

I agree - this shouldn't be in here.

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Why is this in Eurorack? Cirklon might be 3U but is not Eurorack.

I designed my own PCB, the PCB is parallel to the front panel, and all pots and jacks are PCB-mounted, no wiring :-)

did you use an existing pcb for this build or is it something you designed yourself on a breadboard?



Yes, it is quite a straightforward build, this one uses 50KOhm log pots, though I believe it could work well too with different values.

Great idea!

It looks like easily to rebuild - what kind (lin / log - ??? kOhm) of pots do you use?

That's for sure. A 2hp one is possible. And I think, 5 Ins and 2 Outs are more convenient and next time I choose for better sockets.

Thanks for that,  a 2hp one would really be perfect...

Yes, it is DIY. I build it inspired by the DIY passive OR combiner by stk ( but took 6 inputs and not as discribed there I took 4.7k resistors.

Is this a DIY, personal module or something that will be available?

Yes, it's very useful and well layoutet. Like the design also.Unfortuantely I messed up the drilling of the switch holes. The 3rd one from left top, grr.

It has very smart panel design!

I proudly build this VCA myself on the Befaco workshop in Berlin earlier this year.

It's the photo from the original device. Was fun!

The last musical composition of Ludwig Wittgenstein, recorded just seconds before his death from the Tingler.

Wow! Fenix through a Culture Vulture? Any soundcloud demos of this setup, Mr Baboon?

The only effects I currently use are those built-in to my Behringer Xenyx mixer. Like Solitud, I prefer the Euro-modular solution over the Studio Outboard route. I hope eventually to have a number of effects modules in my Eurorack; tapped BBD, echo, chorus, spring reverb, etc. There have been quite a few newly released modules along these lines by companies such as Audio Damage, Synthrotek, and Flame, Doepfer also have a decent selection.

Hello world,
I've only been into modulars for a few months, but have been into music production for nearly 15 years. I'm based in NYC, and really enjoy spending my rent money on eurorack modules.

Totally! I don't visit Muff's.

I agree with nelson, a composition forum would be cool!

Alternate title: Three breasted coeds conquer Uranus with mathematics
(test of soundcloud set embedding).

Instruments used: 7 string violin, turbo Rat, Microgranny 2, Fenix

As 1 or 2 other people have said, and I have mentioned privately, I really think that there should be a section where one can talk about more general music related topics - whether about more philosophical issues, or about compositional methods, etc, etc.

On the general question about why another forum? I'm perhaps the least objective person to respond to this, but I think that people who would ask that question underestimate the number of people who are dissatisfied with the way that the mw forum has turned out. There are a few people here already who either have quit that forum, or have been involuntarily dismembered.

Yes please.

This site already has a fair level of integration with Muff Wiggler, and to be honest I think that Muff's has already established itself as the de facto website for modular synth discussion.

No doubt about that. And the MG forum is not meant to replace Muff, which would be a ridiculous and hopeless effort anyway.

MG already had a kind of basic forum functionality for a while with the discussion/comment section where you could comment on unique modules/racks/patches, so the idea behind the forum isn't exactly new.

The context sensitive discussion made absolutely sense but the implementation wasn't as good as I liked.

The new forum engine just tries to expand this functionality by adding a search function and a more common thread hierarchy and the possibility to add threads which are not bound to modules/racks/patches.
In my view this is evolution not revolution.

The goal is to merge discussions into the forum in a way 90% of MG users won't even notice while given the other 10% who care better tools to use.

Unfortunately I rushed the launch so the migration isn't ready yet (what bugs me).

I mean sure this new forum "doesn't look like an Excel® Spreadsheet" (personally I like the vBulletin look), but I really don't see anything here that Muff's doesn't already offer.

In short, making multiple general-purpose modular synth forums is kind of like making multiple modular databases; different distributions of people can yield different results. This can be a good thing, but I think the community around modulars is small enough as is.

When I started MG 3 years ago a lot people told me there is no reason to do it, because of the already established options available. If I had listen to them what would have happened?
Probably nothing!

People would still happily use their JAVA planners just because others told them that's the way to do it.
And most would accept that and wouldn't care about it at all.

I just try to improve things. This doesn't work in 80% of all times, and I never now if it will work or not.
I am sure that somewhere a kid is building the next Über-Planner, not because it makes sense, but because he wants to do it.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: