Hello everyone,

This is a rack I've been developing as a companion instrument to my upright bass. The upright bass is my primary instrument but I am really interested in making noise/drone/ambient music (depending on who I am playing with or the situation). The goal is to have this by my side and play my upright while making minor adjustments to the rack and then at some point later in the performance be able to set the bass down and play the synth exclusively (if I want to).


A few of my intentions:

Run the bass through the 2hp filter, into the disting using the signal to pitch CV function, and then sending that into the v/oct for Plaits. Also, use Maths as an envelope follower of the bass signal and send the output in to the level input of Plaits.

Use the Pressure Points (and the foot interface) to change various states in the synth of a drone patch while I improvise melody lines on the upright.

Use the wogglebug and Rene to generate events that I will improvise over.

Any advice on my rack would be greatly appreciated!

I’m making drone/ambient music, and that’s what I want from my upcoming eurorack setup. These are the ones I’m quite confident about buying:

A-130 VCA

Please tell me if it sounds horrible or is missing something essential. I’ve been practising on VCV Rack with just Plaits and Rings, and I think they sound good together.

It's a good strategy to try and make what you've got work for you while you're getting familiar with your modules.

I've fallen back in love with my Temps Utile module and have a regrowing fondness for the Ornaments & Crime module. As my own personal experience and knowledge grows in Eurorack, I'm rediscovering the power of these modules. I think you will find that modules that you're initially less-than-excited about take on new-to-you functionality later on.

I have about 25 years as a professional audio engineer. I'm about a year into Eurorack with two 104HP Intellijel 7U cases full of modules and a third 104HP 4U case under consideration. Meaning that I'll buy it when I'm feeling less guilty about what I've spent thus far... Eurocrack is making me itch. :)

I have four main oscillator modules, three filter modules, and the rest is mostly modulation and effects. Here's my rack. If you have any questions regarding some of my choices or the purpose of a module in my set-up, feel free to ask. It'll be awesome to see where you are a year from now too!

ModularGrid Rack

Some great people I've bought modules from recently:

@x2mirko & @dmgd3ar

Excellent communication & packaging/shipping, thumbs up!

Oh hi Yonga!

Did not realise it was you! Hope you're doing good!

De module is inmiddels een stuk anders dan toen aangekondigd. Informatie klopt dus niet helemaal meer: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/birdkids/raven-a-100-analog-synthesizer-voice-made-in-austr/posts/2422351

Edit: here's the final version: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D5A5XZgXsAEJ3Mv.jpg

I’m new to modular and planning my first Eurorack. My goal is a system suited for ambient/generative music. I have watched the Youtube videos and read the exellent book Patch&Tweak but I need advices.
My base is an Arturia Minibrute 2S that I will extend with a Eurorack.
What I plan is this rack:
ModularGrid Rack
Now I need to know if this can be a good beginning.
What modules can I skip and what others do I need?
I would be very grateful for some help.
Kind regards,
Jan Melin

Oh.. toen ik er na zocht kwam ik alleen de zwarte versie tegen. Gezien ik de zilveren heb gekocht wilde ik deze graag op MG. Of is de zilveren er al?
Ik zal even zoeken.
Zodra er een foto van de final panel is kan deze natuurlijk vervangrn worden. Of ik moet ook hier even beter zoeken.
Groetjes, Yonga

This module has already been added and is also not the final panel.

Thread: Bug Report

I still get all the module shops / offers in the "Buy Online"-bar from Canada, US and Japan despite being in EU.

Tried wiping the browser cookies and cache clean, switching the currency to € and listing the offers only from EU and cross-checking with another browser and in private mode, but this behaviour persists. My VPN is set to EU as well so it shouldn't mess with geolocation if there's such. Also tried completely turning off VPN to see if it affects the functionality.

Is there a setting somewhere or is this a bug am seeing here?

-- pkkkkknn

Have you cleaned your cookies before turning on a VPN? Or maybe you should try incognito mode and VPN?
-- DeanLiles

You can just set your country in the user settings to fix this kind of problems:

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

Thanks again @Ronin1973.

I think I just have to go down the route of playing around with the stuff that I have now for a few months and then eventually start replacing the stuff that I don't gel with. I feel like now, while perhaps not set up to any one thing really well, I do have a decent setup for exploring and learning what can be done with a modular system. I can already see that eventually I might move either Elements and/or DFAM out of the rack and use that space for more modulation and effects. But all this stuff is so deep that it is kind impossible to know "what you need (or want)" unless you have some basic sense of the possibilities. I mean, I spent 3-4 hours yesterday just trying to wrap my head around the basic possibilities of the Clouds module, and realised there was so much there that I hadn't realised at all while just playing around before.

Thread: Bug Report

I still get all the module shops / offers in the "Buy Online"-bar from Canada, US and Japan despite being in EU.

Tried wiping the browser cookies and cache clean, switching the currency to € and listing the offers only from EU and cross-checking with another browser and in private mode, but this behaviour persists. My https://www.vpnunlimitedapp.com/en/extras/for-teams-and-family is set to EU as well so it shouldn't mess with geolocation if there's such. Also tried completely turning off VPN to see if it affects the functionality.

Is there a setting somewhere or is this a bug am seeing here?

-- pkkkkknn

Have you cleaned your cookies before turning on a VPN? Or maybe you should try incognito mode and VPN?

Dove has a couple of great digital modules out or on the way. There's the WTF Oscillator which uses some pretty neat calculations to combine two wavetable waveforms. There's another that I can't remember the name to which has four wavetable engines and uses two pots to move a small crosshair representing your mix of oscillators (basically emulating a joystick with etch-a-sketch controls).

I'd really consider one or both of them for some West Coast luvin'.

If you're using your Eurorack as more of an expander for your existing synths, I'd concentrate in two areas: modulation and effects.

Your effects do not have to be Eurorack but if they have CV modulations in them, they will be much more useful. There is a TON of effects modules out there. Z-DSP, Magneto, Clouds (and clones), ErbeVerb, Rainmaker are some of the popular models thrown around. Also consider overdrive/distortion modules as effects. A little dirt doesn't hurt.

As far as modulation, the sky is the limit on that as well: extra LFOs, extra envelope generators, mutes, sequencers (they are great for more than just controlling pitch and triggering envelopes, CV processors like the Worng Vector Space, etc.

You can also place additional filter types in your rack if you want to run your Grandmother synth through something different than the stock filter.

If you haven't bought any or all of the Mutable instrument stuff, I'd seriously recommend buying the much more compact clone versions of each module. They are generally cheaper and take up much less space.

Take a deep breath and start slow. You already have a decent collection of modules so see how you can augment what you have with them and what areas you feel they are falling short. It's hard to say "what you need" as everyone's set-up is as individual as the individual.

I think the Sputnik modules are not made anymore, and they may be hard to find, especially the Dual Oscillator.

The Quad VCF/VCA appears to still be in stock at Matttechmodular.co.uk

Thank you so much, Lugia, for your comprehensive and detailed suggestions that I have integrated in the new rack below. You helped me in a previous thread to set up my very first modular around semi-modulars and sequencers I already own. https://www.modulargrid.net/e/forum/posts/index/3864

This current thread is just (at this time) a mental exercise, though potentially achievable later within a second rack (end of the year?) The reason is I recently rediscovered Suzanne Ciani works, including the Buchla Concerts 1975, and I'm mesmerized by this music!
MScale is paradoxically included here due to the Mother32 already on my desk.
I finally swapped the A-138s for the new Make Noise X-Pan which apparently seems more in the quadraphonic philosophy of the Buchla universe.
PS: the RackBrute depth could be a bit larger. "53mm on the upper part (power bus) and 75mm on the lower part (no power bus)". https://www.arturia.com/faq/rackbrute/rackbrute-general-questions
But I'll verify that point very soon (delivery is scheduled for next week...)
ModularGrid Rack

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

The two complex oscillators cover a lot of the same ground --- I'd swap one of them out for something different like a Verbos Harmonic Oscillator or a Wavetable Oscillator.
-- richc90

Thanks richc90 for your relevant comment. Due to the relatively small size of the RackBrute 6U, I would opt for a Wavetable Oscillator as the E-352 Cloud Terrarium or the Erica Synths Black Wavetable VCO. And alternatively Lugia provides a perspective which could be great too.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

gove money

Had a good transaction and a great deal on a
Grayscale temps utile from @Mooko

Big thanks to @MTW26 for a very smooth transaction on an E370. Real pleasure to do business with :)

dBs Music Presents the Electronic Music Weekender!

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Traded Ripples for a Polaris Filter (based on above suggestion), got a 4MS Pingable LFO at decent price (less than half of what Batumi or Stages would have cost me), and am now thinking of finishing it off with a Pam's New Workout.

I separated piece into 3 parts(melody, chord, bass) to manage polyphony

2x Rings : 1 for melody, 1 for chords
Plaits : bass

Envelope and Filter

A138s and Quad VCA

Hope you enjoy and please subscribe my youtube channel:)
-- gasbug

Awesome. I really like what you have done with his incredible music.

Thread: muff wiggler

would be cool if the forum on modulargrid was called muffwiggler for a homage
not sure if the muff wiggler site is continuing or not.

-- tunnelsurf

I think Mike's daughter will be continuing the legacy

Thanks @enn_n for selling me your quadra and its expander! Fast answer replies and shipping. Great seller !

Thread: muff wiggler

There can be only one Muffwiggler.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

-- Johnprev123

Would appreciate any insights or comments- thank you!

Well, if the objective is to keep this very West Coast, I'd yank the DPO altogether and put in a Maths instead. Since Maths is a complex-wired version of what's basically a Serge Dual Universal Slope Gen, it fits. You can use the two slope gens as modulation, or you can cycle them at audio rates for extra VCOs. Lose the buffered mults; you don't have enough tuning-critical signals in here to justify their expense, and the rig itself is small enough that inline mults or stackcables make a lot more sense here. With those removed, you then might want to put in a 2hp delay to go along with the 2hp reverb (since reverb was key to the Buchla sound, and delay [via the Wilson Analog Delay] was a significant part of the original Serge sound). And since these simpler modules are "appropriate", then you can remove the DSP as being more or less redundant.

Another redundancy might be found with the A-149-1. The Wogglebug is actually an augmented version of the Buchla Source of Uncertainty, so having two of these is a bit much. The A-149-1 is also WAAAY too deep for a Rackbrute cab; you want to keep your module depths around 40mm or less so that you can have space for your ribbons and airflow inside the cab. With that gone, you might then want to add a stereo filter to tone-shape your mixer output; while VCFs that are typical to subtractive synthesis aren't 100% "West Coast", adding something that can act as an overall timbral shaper would be right. Have a look at WMD's Overseer, for example. It's not a "normal" VCF, but if you used it post-mix as a timbral control (either manually or modulated) that would be more in line with what the Buchla 291 is for, especially since you can CV the response behavior which makes it act more like the 291e's "morphing" capability.

Last, something additive as a VCO. The Verbos Harmonic is nice. It's also HUGE and as such, isn't really appropriate for a small build. The Mannequins Mangrove, however, is only 10 hp and while you can't directly address individual harmonics, you still have quite a bit of leeway in manipulating harmonic content with it.

This should be a lot more spot-on with the West Coast model. I am wondering about that MScale, though...if this is in an Arturia cab, wouldn't it be linked with a Minibrute 2 or 2s and not a Moog? Or does the MScale deal with a Moog that's somewhere else in your rig?

Thread: muff wiggler

would be cool if the forum on modulargrid was called muffwiggler for a homage
not sure if the muff wiggler site is continuing or not.

Thread: Small Guy

Any opinions on this small starter rack?

Well, unfortunately the DrumBrute Impact is not connected to the modular, but I guess you meant the Minibrute 2S anyway. Yes, I plan to handle the sequencing portion with its sequencer, it's a 3-track and I think it will be enough for this small set-up.

I'll check out the Poti expander and the Blue Lanterm's mixer, thanks for the suggestions!

For your current set-up, the Pamela's New Workout should be plenty for setting up multiple clocks. You don't have to divide a clock if your clock source can output multiple clocks in sync. For your small set-up a divider wouldn't be all that necessary.

Get the Poti for the Batumi. It's the one thing that should have been STOCK on the Batumi. It's well worth the $60US.

As far as a mixer, Blue Lantern's Stereo Sir-Mix-A-Lot. For the price and the feature set it's hard to go wrong with it. It's about $225US. For your next expansion, consider a quantizer, sample and hold, traditional ADSRs, and possibly one of your big effects modules (ErbeVerb, Z-DSP, Magneto, etc.).

What you have should be a lot of fun to begin with. I assume the DrumBrute Impact will be handling the sequencing portion of the build?

The two complex oscillators cover a lot of the same ground --- I'd swap one of them out for something different like a Verbos Harmonic Oscillator or a Wavetable Oscillator.

Just for fun.
Any comments ?

ModularGrid Rack

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Yes true, I could replace the Clouds with a uCloud, this wouldn´t even cost much as I could sell it pretty quickly I guess.. and the Nebulae which I quite like I think does a kind of similar job already.
Also considering a Just Friends from Mannequins instead of the Pulsar, which would be bit more versatile I guess. I like the Steve Reich like sequences of the Pulsar though ;)

Nice setup, you could find room by replacing almost any of the Mutable modules with a smaller HP version, although it will cost a bit to sell the old style and find a new skinny version. Maybe that is worth it for you?


so after playing for 9 years with normal synthesizers, and gotten more into Ambient music the last years, and finally into the concept of generative Ambient (I tried to do that before with my synths without knowing the genre...), I bought a Eurorack case with some modules, new and used.

I tried to make it coherent, and am still researching, but I would appreciate your opinion on this:

ModularGrid Rack

I already have to upper row, besides the Pamelas. From the lower row, I got the Plaits and Quad VCS.
I am using the rack in combination with a MFB Dominion 1 synthesizer, which also has CV ins and outs for the 3 LFOs, one envelope and 3 oscillators, and some more.. so this will give me some more modulation sources.

I realize another envelope would be good to have...but don´t know what to kick out for that.


Ah, sorry folks!

The image does appear correctly when viewed on my computer. It's only messed up when I look at it on my phone. Not sure why.

Hi there,

I have three module

2 with stereo output and one with mono output

Do I have to buy 2 Quad VCA to have 2x4 stéréo output and 1 mono output ?

The modules are :
Mi éléments
Mi plaits
And pittsburgh primary oscillator

Also, I have one stereo mixer and two mono mixers

Thanks for your help

I’m new in this world, so please try to understand my newbies question


Thanks a lot for your comments, it's been super useful!

Based on the feedback I'll be getting the rackbrute 6U instead of the smaller 3U and I'll replace the shapeshifter with a couple of plaits, which are smaller and cheaper too. I still like the shapeshifter a lot though, and having some extra space in the case I might buy one at some point.

As for the filters, I'll go with the Polaris and the Optomix. The G-Storm's Tonus is really interesting and having the input mixers makes it a good candidate for a small system like this, I'll keep it in my 'cool modules' list jus tin case I want to add more filters in the future.

Xaoc's Zadar seems to be a reasonable replacement for the Quadra given the cost, features and size. The Quad VCA I was planing to get still seems a good choice so far.

Regarding the effects I like the Chronoblob 2 suggested by Lugia, but I think I'll get a Pico DSP instead of the Purrvrrb. The Pico DSP is smaller and can provide different effects. The Erbe-Verb sounds really great and I might buy one once I know a bit more about modular synths, for now the Chronoblob 2 and the Pico DSP will work just fine.

ModularGrid Rack

The top row is a bit more expensive than my original rack proposal, but it will be much more flexible and much more fun to play with.

The second row of the case are some modules I'm still considering:
- Most of the time I'm already using all the LFOs in the Minibrute, so I guess having the Batumi will be really useful.
- The 2S clock a bit limiting, as Lauprellim said, and I've been considering the 4ms clock dividers, but having the Pamela's New Workout would give many more options.
- A part from that I think I may be short on mixers, maybe I could add the MI Links or something similar if need to.

I'll be getting my first modules in the next few days . Anyway, I'm still open to suggestions if you guys think I got this rack all wrong or if there are some modules I should reconsider.

had an excellent experience with @fredeke - quick shipping and great communication. shop with confidence.

I am a noob here at MG and I am just getting started building my rack of modules that I am building as DIY projects. I have assembled a collection of modules that I have purchased PCBs for.

I added this module to the library since it wasn't in there. But for some reason the image does not appear correctly when I add it to my rack. The image is from the MuffWiggler thread introducing it and appears to be properly cropped and appears fine in the module overview but when added to my rack part of the sides are cut off and it is stretched over the 20HP. I don't see any other explanation about the image format requirements other than what's on the entry page.

If someone can fix it or tell me what I need to do to correct it, it would be most appreciated.


Great, thanks for the input! I have not bought the Batumi, nor the Plaits or Pam's yet, these are just modules that I have been thinking about adding. Perhaps it would make more sense to get the MI Stages then (which is another module I have been considering), which can serve more envelope duties.

Totally see your point about moving the DFAM out of the rack. I'm sure this will happen eventually, but at this point, I quite like having it there (in part due to space limitations and in part due to the fact that I don't like to look at a half-empty case). I ended up getting a big (for me) 9U monorocket case with upgraded power supply for a really good price, so currently I'm not thinking about the rack-space (or power) as very precious.

The rack is currently sitting above a Moog Grandmother, which I can use to add another analog oscillator. But also have a couple of wonderful analogs already, so feel like the Eurorack is less an attempt to build another analog synth, and more of an experimental space for trying out and finding other sonic textures.

But yeah, maybe a different filter and more envelopes. What about other stuff? I still feel quite confused by the enormous expansion of terms and concepts that come from moving into Euro.

And yeah, I do realise I just need to give it some time :-)

Peaks is okay. But it's a stereo envelope generator... or basically two independent trigger/gate inputs sharing the same slopes. It will work. But your pretty skint on envelope generators. Using ones inside a menu driven module (like Pamela) might inhibit your workflow if you're dependent on them.

The Ripples has low-pass and band pass. That's okay... but I would start with a multi-mode filter with more options like a Morgasmatron.

Your low-pass gate is more in line with a VCA than a filter. It's a bit like a hybrid between the two. It definitely has a sound to it. But I wouldn't put it over in the filter column.

Take the DFAM out of the rack. Rack space is expensive and having the DFAM eating up rack space and power off of your PSU... I would reserve the space for modules. You're at the point where you're going to start throwing compromises in which modules you get in order to accommodate the DFAM. It's up to you of course.

No Poti expander for the Batumi? To alter waveshapes on your Batumi (other than sine/square), you'll have to change jumpers on the back... the same for sync vs reset.

A second dedicated VCO would also be nice. You have a Dixie and a Plaits. Something that can take sync inputs like a second Dixie or a Rubicon II would give you some options. The Plaits is fine for generic sounds. It's worth keeping. But if you're looking to sync oscillators or get in some more audio rate modulation, a second VCO would be nice.

It's not a bad start. There is a lot to work with as is.

Was posting from an iPad and couldn't quite figure out how the fetch the actual link, but here it is. Thanks for responding and having a look. Peaks can do envelopes, and have an ALM Pip Slope in there as well. Got a Ripples Filter and a Pittsburg Lo-Pass Gate.

ModularGrid Rack

Thanks @mrxndr - quickly sent out - perfect condition, great seller!

Can you paste a link of the system rather than just a JPEG? I'm having trouble identifying some of your modules and it's much easier to calculate available rack space. On first glance, your system seems to have most of the core elements. Where are the envelope generators? Is there a filter... filters? Also, you can upgrade the Batumi with the Poti expander. It's around $60US and well worth the extra 3HP. Post that link and I'll take another look.

I received the Fold Processor, and tested it in a first try out session. I really think this gave my rack a great boost, that was a very good suggestion from Lugia.

I'm not super familiar with the 0Coast. But it's essentially a synth-voice for our purposes here. It has everything in one unit to make a sound: oscillators, filters, envelopes, VCAs... or the equivalent of those elements to be technical.

Everything you have in the rack above can influence the sound of the 0Coast. You now have a new filter to play with, full ADSR envelopes, four 16 step sequencers (O_C), your Erbeverb... you can modulate your Eurorack VCOs with the output of the 0Coast... you have a lot to work with. Don't be nervous. You'll be wiggling your arse off for a couple of months.

Once you get a little bored, you have a lot of directions you can go in. Try grabbing the Monsoon module from Michigan Synth Works. I just ordered one. It's the Clouds module but with independent modulation inputs rather than four parameters sharing one input. It's also smaller and less expensive. But that's just one thing that you can do. You can add a Joranalogue Switch. That's on my list as well. It gives you two 4:1 manual switches on rotaries. There are also individual mutes that are three position switches (on/off/momentary). You could get a 1010 Music FXBox/SynthBox/Bitbox. It's the same "box" but can run the three different firmwares. The FXBox might be pretty tasty for a multi-FX processor with Eurorack control.

Edit: you could also add something outboard like a Behringer Neutron. It's basically a synth-voice as well. It's $300 if you're looking for something that's fast to set-up and has lots of options. I'll use mine if I don't want to patch a bunch of stuff to a modulation set-up I've put together. It's got a huge patchbay to tinker with... and it's dirt cheap compared to buying all of those individual pieces. Then just toss it on a shelf when you don't need it (don't bother racking it).

Okay... those are just a handful of possibilities. But you're definitely not going to be bored with what you have. Just remember it takes time to get proficient and you'll probably reach a couple of high points of awesomeness and some low points of ("why the f... did I spend all that money on this crap?!!!"). That's normal. Keep wiggling.

I think I will start to build this modular, it will take some time and surely I will understand better what to add later.
If I can ask one last thing, which modules will be most useful to me with the 0-Coast at the beginning?
Thanks again to everyone for the help, I think by myself I wouldn't have been able to build something useful.