This article might be interesting Top 10 Things to Know Before Launching into Eurorack

As a bit of a preface, this series will focus on the Eurorack modular format; there are other formats that use patch-points. Eurorack is currently the most popular, by far. I’ll be using “Eurorack” and “modular” somewhat interchangeably, except where I specify that something is exclusively true for the Eurorack format, such as voltage specifications or physical measurements. You can assume that any module I mention in detail in this series is built according to (or compatible with) the Eurorack standard unless otherwise stated. Synthesizers like Jupiter 8, Minimoog, Minilogue, Prophet Rev2, Oberheim OB-6, that cannot have any parts replaced with a different part.

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If you make electronic music, you’ve likely stumbled across modular synthesizers. You’ve no doubt seen videos of blinking lights and rectangular panels connected by masses of cables, sometimes being deftly manipulated by hands reaching from off-screen, other times generating music without any human intervention at all. If you’ve felt a sense of wonder when watching these machines bleep and bloop, then you’ve tapped into the heart of the modular community. A constant sense of wonder, surprise, and discovery. Filling a rack with modules can be a deeply personal journey toward discovering your unique sound and style. Modular requires a lot of knowledge up-front and can seem overwhelming to a beginner.

You can read the Full Article on StrongMocha as part of our Summer Of Eurorack Love Series:
Top 10 Things to Know Before Launching into Eurorack

Thorsten Meyer



If you don't want to use a step sequencer, but want to loop your live playing, you might take a look at the FUTURE ARTIST MIDI looper...

I use it since 2 years, I am very happy with it. Very easy to use, far better than a step seq.

Your feedback is welcome. I am on my journey joining my Eurorack with AE Modular and my DAW on MAC using VCV Rack, Grid by Bitwig, Ableton Live, and Softtube for some selected Modules. PLus the natural Semi-Modular like DFAM, Mother-32, Arturia Micro­Freak, and Matrixbrute.

Currently, I look for sequencer in the BOX, either in the DAW or in VCV Rack. I am considering the Metropolis when it comes to Eurorack, I do have two Sequencer in AE Modular.
Share your thoughts on the different sequencer in the box or in Eurorack.

ModularGrid Rack

Thorsten Meyer


Great experience with @Jonjonjon

Bought 4 modules - all good, great price, easy negotiation, fast and reasonable shipping. You are a champion!

Just received a fantastic Wogglebug from @MKNaomi . Good communication, fast shipping. All good


It's called the Felix:

I can't hype having this module enough, I use it in basically every patch now. I'll usually take different controller outputs, or envelope follower, and route it all over my modular with one set high, one low, and another one inverted.

It's a buffered mult with attenuvertors on each output. Soooo useful!

Not sure what it would be called but is there a module that can send/route a signal out of different outputs (ideally, several) depending on a CV input?

So for example low CV would use output 1, medium output 2 and high output 3?

Thread: Bug Report

Found a bug when searching for 6hp sequencers. Seems that a lot are duplicated for some reason but it's not two modules, it seems to be the search. Screenshot available but can place here.

Hi - I made a simple Arduino based device for converting your turntable in to a modular gate sequencer.
Here's the video for how to make it

and here's all the code / diagrams / templates you'll need.
I'm having a lot of fun with mines, particularly by combining vinyl sampling.

Let me know what you make of it.

I would go with an Make Noise - ModDemix and a Expert Sleepers - Disting MK4
Or a Intellijel Designs - Shifty and Disting MK4.

But if I had only 2 HP more space I would go for a
Tip Top - Folding processor
or a Doepfer A-110-6 (Trapezoid Tthru Zero quadrature VCO)

just my 2 cents (or was it 5 cents ? ) ...

Just a Disting Mk4

Thread: Start 2

After some comments I have modified my first rack that is based on a Arturia Minibrute 2S and a 6U Rackbrute.
I want to extend the Minibrute with more sound possibilites with a path to ambient and maybe som first steps in generative patches.
I have a limited budget so I would be glad if you take away some of my suggested modules if you advice me to get another one.
Or maybe suggest a whole new path.
ModularGrid Rack

I got some more modules in my rack and have some on my wishlist for the next 6 months.

The upper row and left part of the second row (all to the Curtis Filter, which I could get for cheap)_are already in my possession, but the right part of the second row is my wish list (shor list).

Any idea's about those modules, in combination with the modules that I already bought ?

This in addition to my MiniBrute 2S, and a Dave Smith Instruments Tetra.
I am waiting for a AE Modular case with a delay module, and try to save every month a bit for a make noise 0-coast.
So I have not planned very expensive modules for the second halve of the year.
Even the plan to buy a make noise maths is put on hold to the first quarter of next year.

ps. I also added a 4ms - rotating clock divider to my wish list, but I do not see it in the image of this version of my rack yet.

The Mimetic has a reset input called "origin" that takes the sequencer back to the upper left corner (if you're following the lights). So you'll need another source that is sending out a gate/trigger after five beats. There are a few ways to accomplish this. Temps Utile, Pamela's New Workout, Befaco Muxlicer, a MIDI track in your sequencer dedicated to one gate output of the Mutant Brain.

The Basilimus Alter would make a better module for kick drums and simple snares than the Loquelic. It can do both with the right modulation at the right time (those non-sexy modules Lugia mentioned).

If the modular that your building doesn't have LFOs, envelopes, sample and hold, quantizers, attenuators, etc. then you have a really expensive synth that isn't even capable of doing what a semi-modular (like a $300 Neutron) can do.

Noise Engineering offers a lot of its hardware offerings as virtual plug-ins. You'd save a bunch of money and have a much more capable system keeping it all software (even if you have to buy Reason for Rack Extensions).

You can buy this rig but the amount of satisfaction you'll receive from it... not as much as you'd hope for the price.

-- Ronin1973

Thanks! So you'd recommend me not to go modular, but better buy something semi-modular like Neutron or Mother-32 or even stay virtual with my purposes?
Or i can still buy a rig, but expand it with the modules that would make the system more capable (i don't have a clue what are the attentuators for - have never used the one).

Thank you Ronin for the advice. I should mention that I have a semi-modular dreadbox Nyx, it has an oscillator and three modulators I can use.
The cvpal is only here if I need to layer synths from my DAW projects. Not to use in my everyday eurorack ambient set.
I don’t actually need time stretching sampler you are right I can do that in ableton, but I love granular so it is just a pleasure. And I want to avoid screens in my system, so bitbox won’t fit, but thank you for the suggestion it could have been a good alternative!

What do you suggest to add more subtle changes over time? A second batumi?
And to restart lfo and enveloppes, something like a varigate 4+ could help in your opinion?

EDIT: Or instead of a second batumi, maybe an ornement & crime, a Xaoc Zadar, or a Disting mk4 would be a good complement (even if they have screens I wanted to avoid) ?
I plan to add a Triple d by hikari as well, based on Lugia’s advice.

Would it be a good improvement to my system, on a 2x84hp ?

I made two transaction with @DBZK (Shapeshifter and HEX VCA) recommended buyer !

I made a few transactions over the past months, as well as seller and buyer. No issues at all, payment made via paypal and the delivery was rapid. Here are the good people I purchased my modules from recently. Thank you once again:

@Jack_Fresia, @smirnow, @zannielzynga, @Rendall, @NEGOROD, @makoz, @Chris_Da_Break

The Mimetic has a reset input called "origin" that takes the sequencer back to the upper left corner (if you're following the lights). So you'll need another source that is sending out a gate/trigger after five beats. There are a few ways to accomplish this. Temps Utile, Pamela's New Workout, Befaco Muxlicer, a MIDI track in your sequencer dedicated to one gate output of the Mutant Brain.

The Basilimus Alter would make a better module for kick drums and simple snares than the Loquelic. It can do both with the right modulation at the right time (those non-sexy modules Lugia mentioned).

If the modular that your building doesn't have LFOs, envelopes, sample and hold, quantizers, attenuators, etc. then you have a really expensive synth that isn't even capable of doing what a semi-modular (like a $300 Neutron) can do.

Noise Engineering offers a lot of its hardware offerings as virtual plug-ins. You'd save a bunch of money and have a much more capable system keeping it all software (even if you have to buy Reason for Rack Extensions).

You can buy this rig but the amount of satisfaction you'll receive from it... not as much as you'd hope for the price.

For the size of the rack and the amount you're spending... your results are going to be very limited. Ambient requires lots of subtle (blatant?) changes over time. That means multiple sources of modulation. That will require a lot of purchasing if you're looking for something that is generative (hands-off) in nature.

Your CV pal has two gate and two CV outs. That's going to leave you wanting. If it's capable of using one of those gate outputs as a clock a hardware sequencer locked to the clock would be helpful. Problem is that if one gate is used for clock... you probably want some way of resetting your modules....

Restarting LFOs, envelope generators, and sequencers yields more predictable results... even if you're only retriggering things on the first downbeat.

The Batumi is only half complete without the Poti expander. Get it.

Do you need to timestretch samples in real time? If not, then just use Ableton to get your samples to the right length then export them. Speaking of... if you can do without the time stretching then 1010Music's BitBox is a good choice. It also has two alternative firmwares that you can load giving you a complex digital oscillator or a multi-effects box.

thanks to @thomasalanlee for Make Noise Maths! you can buy with confidence form this seller!

Thank you for the help Lugia!
Actually I have a clouds clone, but only found the real one on modulargrid, that’s why he is in my rack.
Ok that confort my thoughts about the number of VCAs. I like the 2hp because it allows me to have 6 VCAs for 6hp.
Crossfold seems nice! Thanks for the suggestion, it needs lots of mA compared to other distortion modules but the crossfold possibilities can be a good thing.
I think I will also follow your advice about the Triple D. Did it release this year? Don’t find much about it.

I will upgrade to 2x84hp because I want to add a nebulae V2 in my set. I love the sample stretch, I use this technique a lot, like always, in ableton, so want to try a modular version of granular manipulation. I am a bit afraid, wonder if possibilities are limited compared to software plugins. don’t really know what to expect and the man I buy it from told me he sells it because it is too complicated to use with the softwares and sample management... so I am anxious about that too. Do you have an experience with the nebulae 2?

I will add a stereo mixer as well, to mix samples from nebulae with rings and plaits going thru delay and clouds.

Bought a 4ms DLD from @yalivec, perfect conditions, good packaging, and fast sending!
Good seller
Perfect thanks!

Thanks to all of you with the answers. Maybe i didn't explain quite well my purposes.
I've been making music for about 15 years, i already have Vermona Lancet, Elektron Analog Rytm, Moog Sub37, Roland Ju-06.
So now i need something to make sequences, industrial effects and unique drones.
So i thought that Manis, Loquelic Iteritas could make percussive and dirty percussive synths sequenced on Mimetic Digitalis (i am not sure yet which one is better for making a 5-8 step/percussive melodic sequences - this one or Pico SEQ from Erica - i need the one like M185) .
Black Dual EG/LFO - will modulate the envelope for them and also add an LFO for VCO2 by Erica, which i need to make more usual waves and replace my Vermona.
Teri Ruina and Viola are for adding distortion and interesting filter resonances because i heard they have different character.
Clep Diaz - is for making the LFO wave more rhythmic.
I don't need nothing more for now, so i replaced quad VCO with the Fusion Dual VCO.

I am not interested in sexiness of the modules at all))) - that is why i asked for help, because my investigation of which modules are the best and checking the demos of their sound on youtube, have brought me here.

I absolutely don't copy the persons i mentioned - i just thought it would be more convenient to tell which sound i am working on by telling that names.

The price of the modular is important factor - that's why i plan to build it little by little.
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Super nice. Thanks for the addition of the minimalist rack! Super useful for me!

Well, you'll also need to replace the Clouds unless you have one on hand, since it was discontinued quite some time ago by Mutable Instruments. Several companies do smaller versions of this; you might look at Michigan Synth Works' Monsoon as a suitable replacement. As for the VCA count, no, six in a build like this...especially for music that has slow, gradual changes such as ambient...seems just fine. But if you insist on keeping this as 2 x 60 hp, you might want to lose all of the 2hp modules and then go with an Intellijel Quad VCA to handle audio, as this also lets you replace the mixer in the top row. And for CV/mod linear VCAs, a Happy Nerding 3x VCA would be a good choice, also allowing summing of CV/mod signals. Which brings this to seven VCAs, but you'll notice I'm not saying that's a problem!

Envelope generator...well, yes, you want that. Actually, more like "need," as that's essential to shaping the VCA and VCF behavior on each trigger from a note. Given the space limitations, you might consider Hikari's new Triple AD, which not only has a summing bus to all three of its AR generators for triggers, but each AR envelope can cycle, potentially adding three more continuous modulation sources to the build.

Last, an Optodist replacement...Antimatter Audio's Crossfold has a number of improvements over the Optodist in that you can literally "crossfold" two incoming waveforms, as well as have CV control over all of the wavefolding parameters. FYI, wavefolding works a bit better here, as you can be more subtle with timbral changes...and in ambient, "subtle" is important.

Hi, I am building my first rack, and I need advice because I don’t think I can predict my needs. I don’t know if 6 VCAs is too much for my little system, maybe 4 is enough. I have no adsr, don’t know if I want one.
I don’t find any optodist to sell, so I need distortion/saturation/limiter module suggestions.
I have 16Hp left to fill.

Thank you

Yes please, to both of the "similar racks" suggestions - only count unique modules, and reduce (nearly) duplicate rack results from individual users.

Also, it would be nice if racks with different available space were down weighted. If I have a 3u skiff with 10 modules in it, I would prefer to see other similarly sized racks. I don't care about someone else's rack that has all my modules plus 90 others.

Maybe something like (number of similar unique modules)/(total rack space ratio [big:small]) would be a good metric.

Total agreement, Ronin...danjas, I'd strongly suggest you consider a patchable synth first. Embarking on a course that leads into modular synths is the sort of thing that will turn into a pointless money pit very rapidly until/unless you understand the basics of synthesizers first.

First of all, THIS IS EXPENSIVE. Period. If you're going to mimic artists who have budgets to work with when you yourself don't, you're going to find all of this intensely frustrating. You're talking about an instrument which not only requires you to have the technical knowledge to configure it, but whose case alone will run you a minimum of $350-ish. And then, within that case, each row will run you between $1500-2500 (assuming 104 hp, which is the "best case" ultra-basic scenario with a Tiptop Mantis). You'll then need a pile of, another $150 or such, unless you're adept with wire strippers and a soldering iron. If you doubt these figures, then have a look at some preconfigured modular system (in the same general form factor as your cab above) prices: Make Noise Shared System = $4495, Pittsburgh Lifeforms Evo = $3799, Erica Techno System = $4399, Doepfer Basic System 2 = $2599, Doepfer Basic System 1 = $2549. And these are all rather basic systems, nothing really esoteric there.

Secondly, do you know your synth programming well enough to anticipate what will be necessary in addition to the "sexy" modules? In short, what will those modules need to make them work in a suitable manner...because they sure as hell won't turn sonic backflips without the other not so seemingly "important and irreplaceable modules". Ronin is spot-on when he says "'re going to have to be comfortable in a modular environment first before you can make it applicable towards any kind of meaningful production", which brings us back to patchables. Many of us on here got our initial experiences on these, because a well-implemented patchable synth will give you the feel of a modular environment without the cost and with all of the necessary circuits to make it work as a modular synth should. Get some experience in with the basics...and then, later on, incorporate that patchable into a fully-modular setup (because that should be easy).

Third, do you know your modular environment dos, don't and whys? For example, what can happen if you patch two outputs into the same multiple? Why would that happen? How would you avoid that? This is ONE example of a myriad of examples that modular users just know, and it's also part of being "comfortable in a modular environment". Or, why do you need so many VCAs? What do you do with them? Why would you leave dedicated multiple modules out of a small build? Why would you loop an envelope? How can that be made to work like an oscillator? What's with all of these different waveforms? THESE are basics in modular (and pretty much every other) synthesis - along with lots more - that are pretty useful to have a grasp of prior to throwing out a stack o' cash. And this, again, goes back to exploring in a more sensible and less spendy manner with a patchable.

Last, why do you "need" a modular? Have you been doing music for a long enough period of time that you understand the sonic elements that are lacking in your current work, and which can only be dealt with via a modular synth? It's worth noting that its most a music that developed around what was cheap and available to musicians in American inner city environments. And as a result, this is why we have some instruments that used to be utter commercial disasters which now cost an arm and a leg (Roland TB-303, I'm lookin' right atcha!) but it's also how we know that other synths that were (and, stupidly, still sometimes are) dismissed as "toys" turned out to have massive potential, such as the Yamaha 4-op FM synths like the DX-9, 21, 27, and 100 or Casio's PDM synths in the CZ line. I have actually caused structural damage to a performance space thanks to a subbass patch I perfected on the CZ-101 (which is sitting 4 feet to my left as I type this) plus 25 kW of subs...and that synth cost me $40 at a pawn shop. Pretty effing cost-effective, if you ask me!

My advice: calm down. You probably don't totally require a modular synth, and while getting one seems like it might be a gateway to being a TEKKNO SUPAHSTAHH...the reality is that it's more likely to be a gateway to massive monetary outlay and considerable frustration. Especially with this idea that you can check out other peoples' gear and replicate it, ergo you will arrive at massive success. Nuh-uh. If that were the case, everyone who ever bought a 12-string Rickenbacker would instantly become yet another George Harrison clone...and we don't see that happening, not back in the 1960s, not now, and not ever. The real solutions here involve developing YOUR sound, YOUR abilities, YOUR knowledge base, and so on; talent, knowledge and creativity don't come in an economy-sized box on a music store shelf. Work on those first...then worry about where to go with those honed skills later!

In order to get their sound you'll have to spend the $$$$$ on modules... to BEGIN with.

There aren't any shortcuts. Honestly, I'd change your focus. You're going to have to be comfortable in a modular environment first before you can make it applicable towards any kind of meaningful production.

The power of Eurorack is to go beyond a stand-alone, hardwired synth. As Lugia said, the gold is in all of the modules that aren't in the audio path but CV control.

In my experience, having a DAW involved in sound creation is very limiting because it's difficult/time consuming to modulate your DAW sequence from the Eurorack.

Hi, everyone!

I've been thinking about this for a while, and my idea is now to focus on Rings and noise generation/mixing for now. I may be a bit crazy not planning on getting Elements, but I would like to experiment with Rings using noise, a contact mic, and external audio sources, for now.

I pretty much consistently chose Mutable Instruments modules rather than narrower or slightly cheaper modules because I like Mutable Instruments (such as the open source approach and the aesthetics) and because I wanted a built-in contact mic. I might be getting an A-119 later. I will also wait on the Clouds successor for now.

Given these decisions, I would love to hear your thoughts generally, and about whether or not these modules seem to make sense together. :)

ModularGrid Rack

I put Ears to the right since I'm right handed, and I'm kind of loosely thinking that the patching will mainly go from right to left.

I got lots of cables and inline mults.

Thanks again for all the information and great advice! I have learned a lot through this thread. :)

Take care!

There are some manufacturer-approve modules that have incomplete specs. For example, the Erica Synths Dual FX doesn't have a depth listed, or the URL on the Erica website. I'd like to be able to add that info, but the module is manufacturer approved, and so it's locked, and I can't add that info.

Is there any way to get that info added? There are more modules like this, too..

Thread: (to delete)

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Thanks for the advice!
I think I start with µOsc-II, A-120, Swamp, µ4xVCA, 2Multi and Disting for checking out which of the effects I need as dedicated modules.

Interesting teaser, can't wait for the album to be released, let us know when it's ready! :-)

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Nice one! Thank you for sharing the modules you used for this track. Do you have perhaps the rack here on ModularGrid that you used for this track, that would be interesting to see too.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Excellent experience with @tomlaan.
Picked up a module from him, he took the time to let me try it out and we had a nice chat about his setup :)

Part of the problem is that you mention you want this for "techno production", but not which aspect of that, of which there are many. Is this for percussives? Bass? Leads and pads? All of it? If the latter, you're going to have quite a time of fitting something that versatile in that small a cab. NEVER start with a small cab like this...ALWAYS go with a cab that you think is too large. Invariably, you'll find that your "too large" cab is actually just fine or, if the goal is to create a unitized production device, it's STILL too small.

Second: "important" modules don't make a synthesizer work, if by "important" you actually mean "sexy". This is something I go over quite a bit on here. The ACTUAL things that make a synth a synth are the modules that seem UNimportant...VCAs, mixers, attenuation/inversion, and the like. Sure, it would be awesome if we could fill our cabs with nothing but edgy graphics, a bazillion blinkenlichts und twistenknobs, devices of arcane mystery and all of the rest of that marketing bullshit. But the truth is that you can spendspendspend on those sorts of modules and wind up with something utterly nonfunctional by neglecting the sleepy-looking modules that do all the scutwork.

Third: if the idea is to go from and to Ableton, you've got the wrong interface altogether. See the ES-8 (and expanders) from Expert Sleepers instead. These allow direct control via Ableton's internal CV tools and/or Silent Way or Volta, plus they have four return lines for audio, various timing signals to lock Ableton to the synth's clock, cues from your CV/gate/trig environment that can affect Live's operation, and so on. MIDI interfaces are all well and good, but there's other...and in this case, better...ways to do this.

Lastly, cost-effectiveness and function density are something any modular builder/user has to address. You need to define your necessary functions first (NOT the modules) and then sort out how you can make those happen in terms of modules and module combinations. That last bit is important, because a major aspect of modular synthesis comes from how the modules in your build work with each other, and not merely that you have X, Y, and Z modules. Plus, insisting on X, Y and Z modules before figuring out what they need to "play nicely together" can lead to some nasty cost and space surprises when you start factoring those actually-necessary modules into the mix.

I'd suggest tearing up the above and then going back and doing some basic research. What do the artists you mention use (that you know of)? How are they using those devices? How would you do that? Do you know your music well enough to understand how you would do that? Also, go and study some classic prebuilt synths and see how they generate the sounds they're known for, how their workflows optimize that process, and so forth. Plunging into this without the aid of extensive research will...well, just let us know when you put your money pit on Reverb, because that'll be where it winds up when you get frustrated at this little box that costs several grand but which can't accomplish jack-shit. Seriously.
-- Lugia

Hey, thanks too much for your answer.
I need the modular system first of all for leads, effects, drone sounds and sequences.
I've already made the social research what the artists i mention use and i made the rack i posted here based on the information.
But the problem is that their racks are way too expensive form me to start, so i just want something to start from, because i don't have that amount of money in one moment.
And i know the way the most synths create the sound, but the modular world seems for me a little different.

And i am not sure if the Ableton sequencing is the best, i just want to start from something to practice and make my own mistakes)

Superb! Thank you very much!

Yesssss! The additional 1 hp gridding is SUPER useful, too! Thank you, MG Overlords!

Part of the problem is that you mention you want this for "techno production", but not which aspect of that, of which there are many. Is this for percussives? Bass? Leads and pads? All of it? If the latter, you're going to have quite a time of fitting something that versatile in that small a cab. NEVER start with a small cab like this...ALWAYS go with a cab that you think is too large. Invariably, you'll find that your "too large" cab is actually just fine or, if the goal is to create a unitized production device, it's STILL too small.

Second: "important" modules don't make a synthesizer work, if by "important" you actually mean "sexy". This is something I go over quite a bit on here. The ACTUAL things that make a synth a synth are the modules that seem UNimportant...VCAs, mixers, attenuation/inversion, and the like. Sure, it would be awesome if we could fill our cabs with nothing but edgy graphics, a bazillion blinkenlichts und twistenknobs, devices of arcane mystery and all of the rest of that marketing bullshit. But the truth is that you can spendspendspend on those sorts of modules and wind up with something utterly nonfunctional by neglecting the sleepy-looking modules that do all the scutwork.

Third: if the idea is to go from and to Ableton, you've got the wrong interface altogether. See the ES-8 (and expanders) from Expert Sleepers instead. These allow direct control via Ableton's internal CV tools and/or Silent Way or Volta, plus they have four return lines for audio, various timing signals to lock Ableton to the synth's clock, cues from your CV/gate/trig environment that can affect Live's operation, and so on. MIDI interfaces are all well and good, but there's other...and in this case, better...ways to do this.

Lastly, cost-effectiveness and function density are something any modular builder/user has to address. You need to define your necessary functions first (NOT the modules) and then sort out how you can make those happen in terms of modules and module combinations. That last bit is important, because a major aspect of modular synthesis comes from how the modules in your build work with each other, and not merely that you have X, Y, and Z modules. Plus, insisting on X, Y and Z modules before figuring out what they need to "play nicely together" can lead to some nasty cost and space surprises when you start factoring those actually-necessary modules into the mix.

I'd suggest tearing up the above and then going back and doing some basic research. What do the artists you mention use (that you know of)? How are they using those devices? How would you do that? Do you know your music well enough to understand how you would do that? Also, go and study some classic prebuilt synths and see how they generate the sounds they're known for, how their workflows optimize that process, and so forth. Plunging into this without the aid of extensive research will...well, just let us know when you put your money pit on Reverb, because that'll be where it winds up when you get frustrated at this little box that costs several grand but which can't accomplish jack-shit. Seriously.

Thank you both a lot for the information provided, clear and understood.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Thanks @nuclearsound for the transaction! Great seller, fast delivery, perfect packaging ... highly recommended!

I plan to build a modular system for techno production and sync and output to Ableton. The type of sound that i want to reach is industrial like - gritty, raw, crispy and warm like Rebekah, I Hate Models or Regal.
So i need the advice with the rack i've build here - maybe something is missing or i'd better change or add some more important modules.
Now i plan to buy a few most important and irreplaceable modules and then improve it.

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I hear you all, we now have a Minimalist theme.
As a special feature you see the snap grid on that one for precise dragging and better visual reading of available space.
What do you think?

ModularGrid Rack

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

The tactile switches (non-latching types) instantly mute / un-mute tracks in mixer mode.
In switcher mode, yes, they will solo the selected track instantly.

Am i right in saying the mutes/ch select are momentary hold buttons ? or switched? Are they smooth or audible?
And in mixer mode they mute but in siwitcher mode they effectively ‘solo’?

Well, I don't have great answer for you since everyone uses their rig differently. You have several directions you COULD go in. But each one requires a substantial investment.

So, let's start with your MiniBrute. You have basically a "synth voice." It's a complete synth architecture with semi-modular jacks.

What is the MiniBrute lacking for you? You can always add Eurorack effects. Eurorack effects can differ from pedals or outboard gear especially if attributes of the effects can be controlled via voltage. Take for example Tip Top's Z-DSP. The effects are fine. But what makes them shine is the ability to modulate them. Think of a Clouds clone, distortion/overdrive, ring modulation, etc.

Filters. Having different choices in filters rather than just what comes with the MiniBrute might be a tasty choice as well. You could also add different types of VCOs or sound sources rather than what comes with MiniBrute... then run those VCOs through the MiniBrute architecture.

But for now, there's a limited amount of money to go around. I would try this: whatever you've already bought... put it in the rack. Get the Disting module and try out ALL of the effects in it. The Disting is a pain in the ass to use. But it's basically a nice collection of different module functions you can try out with your MiniBrute. If you find something that you use over and over... then maybe you should get a dedicated module? Take for example the quantizer or the sample playback functions. If you're constantly using one of these functions, then start looking for a dedicated quantizer or sample playback module. Then you have a roadmap to which module(s) you should get.

OK, I'll throw in for this as, it's not just the 4ms Pod series that has that look; you also have cases from Make Noise and Intellijel that have that "narrow edge" thing going on.

Skinny/minimalist case designs
