Looking for feedback as I expand my rack. Currently have O-Coast, Maths, Rings, Clouds, and Rosie. Also have Beat Step Pro and Matrix Brute.
Too much or not enough of something here?
The addiction is real.....
Looking for feedback as I expand my rack. Currently have O-Coast, Maths, Rings, Clouds, and Rosie. Also have Beat Step Pro and Matrix Brute.
Too much or not enough of something here?
The addiction is real.....
Well, if that's the case, have a look at KOMA's Strom+ and Strom Passive instead. The active Strom+ supply gives you 1.5A @ +12V, 1A @ -12V, and 1.5A @ 5V, and then the Passive is simply a connector between the KOMA power jumper from the Strom+ and your busboard. So with that, you still only have one P/S generating heat; the skiff with the Passive doesn't have that issue. And then there's price: 2 x Row Power 40 = $310, this KOMA solution = $191. Cost-wise, much more effective.
After a lot of help in this forum I now have bought my first modules.
The rack is based on a Minibrute 2S that I wanted to expand for making the synth more powerful and fun.
I hope it now will be a base for some ambient experimentation and maybe suitable for learning the first steps in generative patching. But I am sure I need some more modules for that purpose. So I hope I will get som advice how to proceed.
I guess the sequencer is not the best choice but I already have it and it has been a good tool for sequencing my Moog Werkstatt. But I guess that I later will remove it for making space for new modules as I also have the Korg SQ-1 and Arturia Beatstep and Keystep.
I had a Tune at one point - they work great. I recommend adding an Expert Sleepers Disting Mk 4, it has dual a quantizer along with shift registers (Turing Machine) and whole lot more. It’s a really useful module for under $200 and only 4hp. You could ditch the Tune or just have more quantizer for other vcos
I'm just starting to begin looking at Eurorack gear, and ModularGrid has been insanely helpful for researching and discovering modules, but one thing that is still missing is researching and discovering cases.
For this, I'm left with either googling, finding random MW or lines posts, or looking at Thomann, Sweetwater, and Schneidersladen.
I'm sure there are more case manufacturers out there than show up in these searches (I saw some of them at superbooth), but there's no database or index anywhere of which manufacturers make which cases.
Is this something that could be added to ModularGrid any time in the future?
One thing I'd consider is that if you don't need the second Row Power 40, don't put it in. As long as your total current draw in the build is between 2/3rds to 3/4ths of the rated amperage of a single Row Power 40's rails, you'd probably be better off running the single power supply to both busboards. This also means there'll be less heat buildup in the case...and lots of heat + analog circuits = generally not so good, so if that's avoidable, definitely avoid it.
-- Lugia
Hi Lugia,
Thanks for your reply. That's definitely a thing, I also feel that the extra ROW power is not very efficient and it takes some hp space...but the reason for putting one for each row and not using busboards instead is because I'm using 2 Moog 104hp cases (got them 2nd hand on ebay), which basically only works using daisy-chained power modules to link them together :< I might consider upgrading to a proper suitcase-style case later.
Any Eurorack except for early Analogue Systems modules, which have a slightly different power connection setup. These can be made to work with an adapter power cable, but then you face the issue of their earlier modules not lining up with the mounting spacing. More recent Analogue Systems modules now have the proper connection for the Eurorack standard, plus these use oval mounting holes to allow them to line up with both AS-Euro cabs and more typical Eurorack cabs.
One thing I'd consider is that if you don't need the second Row Power 40, don't put it in. As long as your total current draw in the build is between 2/3rds to 3/4ths of the rated amperage of a single Row Power 40's rails, you'd probably be better off running the single power supply to both busboards. This also means there'll be less heat buildup in the case...and lots of heat + analog circuits = generally not so good, so if that's avoidable, definitely avoid it.
Hello there,
I recemtly get an a-100 low cost case and reading the manual says tha accept Doepfer modules or 100% compatible, so im wondering which other providers or modules can i use with this case. Thanks in advance.
Hey all, so this is my planned rack in progress, upgrade from m32 and DFAM. I'm using an external Mackie 802 mixer for audio output from MI Veils and mixing, I feel the need to have an onboard oscilloscope to better learn what's going on.
Would anyone recommend to change anything? or anything to add for the possible 3rd 104hp row in the future?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Ronin
Thank you for the reply.
Your advices are welcome and I'll make the rack you suggested.
Thank you!
Hi, love the software.
Feature requests:
- Download/ save option of DatasheetI have optimized the print view. Workaround on Mac OS is to hit print and save as PDF.
- Datasheet option for all modules i own
Just put all modules in one rack is not an option?
- Option to select multiple modules to add to specific rack
That is a common request and may come at some time.
-- Haus_Sonsbeeck
-- modulargrid
Thanks! Super helpfull
Hi! I'm new to modular synthesis. After spending sometime with mother 32 I wanted to add more sample experimentation so I started building this rack. The idea was to make it an all around workstation for creating long, slow evolving melodic synth & sample passages, play with rhythmic dynamics and FX. I'd love to hear more recommendations for modules that could enhance the modules I already have, as well as any other tips that could be relevant.
Plus, the Chronoblobs all have a very unusual (for Eurorack delays) feature: an insert point in the feedback path. Lots of abuse potential...everything from filtering the echo returns to pitch-shift-whirl insanity ala the Butthole Surfers' "Creep In the Cellar", etc. Much fun.
One other device, sort of delay-ish, that might come in handy in there would be a Morphagene. This would allow for not only stereo delay-type actions, but quite a bit of on-the-fly sample looping/manipulation/damage.
That's my rack! You pasted the wrong link..
-- naught101That's everybody's rack :)
-- modulargrid
FWIW, it might be worth adding some validation to forum posts to prevent people posting those links - I've noticed it a handful of times in just the last week.
Set Yarns TE to EXTERNAL
Set Yarns B-- to INFINITY
I'm entertaining buying an Alright Devices Chronoblob 2. It hits all the high-marks for a dedicated delay unit for me.
I went ahead and purchased a quantizer. Now my problem is that I probably need to get another rack to keep this addiction going. I thought I was finished.
Update on my Rackbuild.
For the last days I was looking for a Option to Sequence in a Small HP Format. And I have to admit Ronin was Right.
The O&C running the Sequins App seems to be the best Option :-) Also the Copier Machine look interesting.
I also was able to sell my Clouds and get a used Monsoon Clouds. I know the µBurst Version is even smaller, but I think 12HP for the Monsoon is nice. It saves me 6HP and I like the Sliders :-)
I also added the Disting MK4 the 2HP Pluck and Erica Dual FX.
What do yo think?
I was also looking into the Chords V2. When I discovered Modular Synths the Chords was (besides the Clouds) the module that I really liked. Maybe replacing the E350 with the Chords V2?
I am very happy with my current setup:
I know I'd like to get a delay for certain. Perhaps more voices/filters and some day an Orthogonal Devices ER-101 to do chords.
That said, I'd love some opinions about what you would add to this setup. I tend to make multi-voice techno loops and some random Krell like patches, but don't really have a strong direction, so any advice goes!
Thanks in advance,
I got the weird problem that sometimes (like just a few minutes ago) almost all of my modules disappear from the grid and i have to add them again.
-- Quantum_Eraser
The adblock problem should be fixed so this might be an other problem.
In general if you are missing modules try to just reload the page...
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
Hi, love the software.
Feature requests:
- Download/ save option of Datasheet
I have optimized the print view. Workaround on Mac OS is to hit print and save as PDF.
- Datasheet option for all modules i own
Just put all modules in one rack is not an option?
- Option to select multiple modules to add to specific rack
That is a common request and may come at some time.
-- Haus_Sonsbeeck
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
I got the weird problem that sometimes (like just a few minutes ago) almost all of my modules disappear from the grid and i have to add them again.
I think you can use M32 and DFAM VCA out for eurorack signal out your synths but you'll need some kind of line level common output. I really like Nearness and simply use dedicated volumes for attenuating with my M32s but there's also other mixing solutions. One thing you'll realize is you'll need to convert the CV of Mother 32 if you wish to use a sequencer module (unless youre just using with MIDI through Keystep) something like Erica synths mscale to get full range.
-- lvelazquez
Thanks for the reply! I added a line level output in the rack. I was planning on keeping the separate outs from the mother and dfam straight to a mixer. I was planning on using the keystep to control the eurorack, do i need MIDI or can i just plug out the cv/Gate to controll it?
Ah i never thought on the cv converter for the mother, great Idea!
This is the updated rack https://cdn.modulargrid.net/img/racks/modulargrid_967898.jpg?1564651789
That's my rack! You pasted the wrong link..
-- naught101
That's everybody's rack :)
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
-- Circuit78
That's my rack! You pasted the wrong link..
Hi i am noob to modular world. So i am buying my first semi-modular Synth behringer neutron. I have a soundcard, novation launchkey 49 and volca sample what else i might need to get started ? I love melodic and dark techno.
Also i want expand my neutron to eurorack so what modules do i need. I have planned to buy a midi to CV(mutant brains), pamelas workout, a vco and a 2HP sequencer.
I even like maths,clouds,plonk,euclid but right now low on budget so i will buy it later. So please guide me what should i buy step by step. Please answer all question.
Thank u
I think you can use M32 and DFAM VCA out for eurorack signal out your synths but you'll need some kind of line level common output. I really like Nearness and simply use dedicated volumes for attenuating with my M32s but there's also other mixing solutions. One thing you'll realize is you'll need to convert the CV of Mother 32 if you wish to use a sequencer module (unless youre just using with MIDI through Keystep) something like Erica synths mscale to get full range.
If you want TM to generate melodies in the chromatic scale then yes you need a quantizer.
I was curious if anyone has had any experience with the 2hp TM. I’m going to enclose my current skiff diagram. Do I really need a quantizer? I thought the turning machine was like a random step sequencer and didn’t purchase one. Supposed to have the Turing machine next Monday. I should also mention that I have a Moog Mother 32, DFAM, and Grandmother that I use with my eurorack. Thanks for any help. Trying to post rack once more.
Thanks for the input folks.
I will look into the Allen&Heath Mixers.
So here's a shameless Crosspost from the MW Forum :-)
I already told that I ditched the Dual ADSR and added the Zadar. But
the Zadar can't do a normal ADSR. But even if it could tho ADSR I think it would be a waste to use it just for that.
So i only have the Maths for Envelopes. Would it be a good Idea to add something like the Intellijel Quadra? I know it only does AD and AHR or do I need a "standard" ADSR?
Read up on synth levels versus line level. The Eurorack signal is a LOT hotter than line level.
How you handle it is up to you and depends a lot on your gear. There are line level mixers and audio interfaces that can handle synth level without distorting. But there's no guarantee that everything will.
There are quite a few choices when it comes to interfacing.
You can buy a Eurorack interface like the Expert Sleepers ES-8.
You can buy a Eurorack module that converts synth level to line level.
You can buy an external mixer that has enough headroom at the input level to handle Eurorack.
You can attenuate the signal in Eurorack going out to your audio interface.I use a synth to line level Eurorack module. I find that to be the easiest solution without the worries.
The biggest issue is going the other way around: line level to synth level. That requires boosting the signal and has to be done with active electronics. Using a non-specific piece of Eurorack to boost the signal can add lots of noise.
-- Ronin1973
Thanks for the reply! i added a external out for the simplicity of things.
I would think a DC coupled digital delay set to 0% feedback could handle the job. Looks like I have an assignment to do when I get home tonight.
Read up on synth levels versus line level. The Eurorack signal is a LOT hotter than line level.
How you handle it is up to you and depends a lot on your gear. There are line level mixers and audio interfaces that can handle synth level without distorting. But there's no guarantee that everything will.
There are quite a few choices when it comes to interfacing.
You can buy a Eurorack interface like the Expert Sleepers ES-8.
You can buy a Eurorack module that converts synth level to line level.
You can buy an external mixer that has enough headroom at the input level to handle Eurorack.
You can attenuate the signal in Eurorack going out to your audio interface.
I use a synth to line level Eurorack module. I find that to be the easiest solution without the worries.
The biggest issue is going the other way around: line level to synth level. That requires boosting the signal and has to be done with active electronics. Using a non-specific piece of Eurorack to boost the signal can add lots of noise.
Hey everyone! IM about to start my Journey in the eurorack world and IM so stoked to spend absurd amount of time (and money..) on this new-found love! I have a mother 32 and a DFAM in a twotier rack and IM planning on keeping it that way, but to expand this system with 2 84hp Tiptop HE racks in a custom made box.
The Idea is that the top rack is More towards modulation and effects. The lower rack is focusing More to be a kind of a standalone ”synth” or as a complement to the mother 32. Beacause IM totalt new to this i just wanted to check of a
Few thing First..
Hi Alan, old thread I know but shouldn't your patch be STO sub out to Quad VCA in not Quadra in?
I just picked up a Mutant Brains, and like many folks interested in the module, I'm hoping to use it to allow my digitakt to control my eurorack rig. I've installed the module and I've sent a sysex file to it via Midi-OX. The lights on top of the unit blinked, but something's still off. To test it, I'm sending a basic midi track from Cubase out of my Scarlet 18i8 and into the Mutant Brains. (I'm sending it on ch 6.) The patch is mutant brains cv out to STO, mutant brains gate to Quadra, Quadra envelope to Quad VCA cv in, STO sub out to Quadra in, Quadra out to my output module.
The sound I'm getting is glitchy. When a single sustained midi note plays in the Cubase sequence, I'm getting lots of random notes that play from the STO. The Sysex settings are all pretty basic (inputs on ch 5-8, CV outs all set to "first note pitch," and then gates 1-4 all set to "first note on" and gate. Any guidance is much appreciated.
-- alan_smythee
I’d suggest grabbing an Arturia Keystep or Beatstep Pro for sequencing and save your Space for more modulation sources. For about $120 you get a solid keyboard controller with a built in arpeggiator, sequencer and you can switch MIDI channels while the sequencer keeps playing and play live over another channel. Great performance tool. You could also drop in a Mutant Brain and use any MIDI device for control like a Novation Circuit, MPC or Digtakt. The Mutant Brain is completely customizable giving you plenty of cv/gate/trigger and even clock division options for output. Using an external sequencer is going to result in far more control over compositions at a much lower cost. If you want a more randomized or more generative composition, try a shift register and quantizer combo along with a keystep to enter root notes that the system can then transpose or riff off of.
As far as stereo goes, I think it’s worth it if you can find the right mixer module that fits your system without taking up a lot of space. The intellijel Mixup is a great little stereo mixer with plenty of inputs and stereo output in 6 hp.
Also, I tell this to everyone: get an Expert Sleepers Disting Mk 4. It’s an amazing module in a very small package. It’s probably the best wav player/sampler/Swiss army knife for the price and keeps getting better and better every update(which is very regularly).
I started with these cases but ..if you have to buy a power supply new I wouldn’t recommend the investment at that point you’re better off getting a 3U rackbrute which gives you 83hp instead of 60-56hp. They’re too small but as with anything you could probably do fit smaller digital clone modules and such and make a complete system. I had a leftover case and I’m currently using it to expand a m32/dfam rig. Would really look in nearness for a compact stereo mix solution.
I can whole-heartedly recommend @bj_gzp who not only was a quick and friendly person to do this business with, spent (as I can only imagine) countless hours navigating through the nine circles of UPS customer service for me when the forces of parcel shipping were stacked against me. Thank you!
Thanks for the information.
I did not see the magazine at Superbooth :-(
But now I have subscribed :-)
Still don't like the tiny screen tough.
-- Quantum_Eraser
Well, it is a multi-function module. In your first rack, I would strongly suggest having one.... even if you don't like the tiny screen. :)
Sometimes its worth it to compromise.
Yeah, I know that the sequencers adjusts that pitch in relation to where the oscillator is set. But when I first got into Eurorack
it took some time to figure it out :-)
Still don't like the tiny screen tough.
The Qu-Bit Octone could also be an option for me.
Thank you Luigia for the advice.
I'll experimenting with VCV for a working rack and after this I'll post it!
I'll not buy nothing before being sure my rack works.Thank you!
-- ellelle
Hi Ellelle,
Lugia had some points. Here are a few others.
When you post a link to a rack, use the link to the page rather than a jpg. It's much easier to review your module selection by clicking the "INFO" on the module than trying to find it manually.
Here's a link to your rack. Try clicking on the picture and see what I mean:
Your rack is definitely lacking oscillators/sound sources. It is possible to use a couple of these modules as sound sources... like the Maths... however it's not intended to be one, so the results may be a little difficult to manage.
Let's keep going on what you have.
There a lots of MID to CV solutions out there. For the space and features, you can do better than the A-192-2. Something to consider is how dependent on your DAW or MIDI source for basic patches? Having an onboard sequencer or even two different types of onboard sequencers is usually a much better way to go. Sequencers are useful for much more than playing back notes.
You have a clock generater (2HP)... what will you be clocking with it? It's rhetorical. But once you learn a bit more, you'll see what I mean. Clocks and clock divisions are important. The 2HP module is very basic.
The A-143-3 is okay. But it lacks some features. You cannot reset or clock your LFOs. That's an important feature for predictable rhythmic results. It's also missing a lot of common waveforms. The Batumi with a Poti expander is a good alternative.
You have two different reverb modules. One is a digital 2HP reverb and the other is just an interface for an external spring reverb.
The A-138p is an expansion unit for another module. If you look at the face, it has 4 inputs... but no outputs. Do not buy this module as it will be useless in this situation.
Quantizers. Where would you like to source pitch information and how important is it that pitches conform to a scale? Again, once you learn more, you might want to consider one.
It's pretty common that people want to get into modular and their first instinct is to load up a rack with stuff that looks cool or is popular... but they tend to lack the understanding of WHY or WHY NOT those things should be in THEIR rack.
Open up VCV rack and place in it.
2 VCOs
1 noise-generator (white noise/pink noise)
1 low-pass filter
2 ADSR envelope generators
4 VCAs
1 four channel mixer
2 Eight-Step sequencers
1 audio interface module (necessary to hear anything).
Now start patching and make a simple monophonic synth. You should be able to create a lot of different basic sounds. Explore every connection and every knob. Once you've got the hang of it, then start trying out different modules like quantizers, effects, etc.
Watched another Video of the Sequins mode (or App or how it is called)
What I still don't get. How do you put in the notes for the next step? Do you really have to select the Notes with
these Numbers? It can't imagine thats the only way.Does it not trigger the Note from the Next step and you can select the pitch by dialing the knob? (like moving
the slider on the Pittsburgh Sequencer)
-- Quantum_Eraser
Did you view this video? In Eurorack, you're not generally selecting the specific notes you're wanting. An oscillator is generally set at a pitch and the sequencer adjusts that pitch in relation to where the oscillator is set. It's all relative... that's why you hear about people "tuning their oscillators" before they get started. Everything is dependent on where your oscillator is tuned as to what actual note (the frequency of the oscillator) will produce. With a lot of sequencers, you can pick a scale that the sequencer will quantize to. Chromatic, of course, is the easiest. With the O_C sequencer you adjust the value of each step. It denotes the octave and pitch (12 notes) above the base note. If you're coming from a DAW where everything is laid out easy-peasy it can take a little getting used to.
I grabbed a copy of the Waveform Magazine at Superbooth this year:
I really enjoyed the read, it has a good mix between interviews (manufacturer and musicians) and gear/music reviews.
Hi - thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I'm torn between the disting because it seems ideal for a beginner like me to learn different modules and suss out what I might find essential or less useful or the ADSRVCA that keeps things simple. I have the KB-1 and SV-1 already (prices were too good to miss). I'm in no immediate rush to decide as the case isn't available until late Nov by the looks of it. I might just keep an eye on both modules and if either comes up at a decent price, let that be the deciding factor. Even if I get the ADSRVCA, like you say, I'll no doubt be getting a disting later down the line!