I'd pair this with the Arturia MiniBrute 2S.

I've zero experience with Eurorack. The Arturia kit gives me an easy in so I don't have to worry about cases / power etc. I love the DFAM.

Does this look like a valid fun system?? This is primarily for beat making.

I want to be able to control it (midi) and record the output (audio) so I added modules for that.


audio : https://mengqi.bandcamp.com/track/lights-are-from-a-window


That was very helpful, thank you.

Sounds right...just keep in mind that, musically, you're probably best putting the modular cab together in a way that it doesn't sound at all like the 0-Coasts so that you can get some contrast. It's sort of like orchestration: sure, you have five different string parts to an orchestra, but then you'll want the wind colors to contrast against the monolithic string timbres. At the same time, tho, those strings need to interconnect with the winds...and likewise, tandemming control patching between the 0-Coasts and the modular cab is a great idea.

Yeah, I might've had some texts shoved up my ass during my undergrad conservatory-type training that I thought were sort of pointless (Piston's 'Harmony', f'rinstance), but Rimsky-Korsakov's text on orchestration wasn't one of those. I've found ideas from that orchestration textbook useful in multitrack and live mixing, studio equipping, arranging timbral structures in electronic media, and so on. Just proves that old adage about everything old being new again...(https://www.amazon.com/Principles-Orchestration-Nikolay-Rimsky-Korsakov/dp/1492248061 )

Answer #1: yes. Also, if you start speccing your own power supplies, you can find plenty of supplies that output lots more current than many OEM Eurorack supplies. This is especially useful when dealing with a large build. Or, alternately, you can go with a prebuilt larger case that has beefy amperage ratings...they've gotten a little more common, with the advent of cabs such as the larger Pittsburgh units (they're actually Monorocket designs, if I remember right) or the new (and cheap!) Arturia RackBrutes. Finding +12 only units might be a bit of a pain; you're better working out staying under the uZeus's requirements in its cab unless you toss it out and get something with more 'beef', like a 4ms Row Power 40 or a Koma Strom+.

Answer #2. I wouldn't try it. The issue there is that the -12 circuitry is going to expect to see a 'neutral' on its ground plane, not +12. This would be the only actual solution, as you would have a lot of trouble repolarizing that bus due to that issue. One module might be fine with it, but a couple of others might smoke. Again, the real solution (that avoids even the hint of a catastrophic possibility) is to either stay within the uZeus's limits or jettison it for a beefier supply.

That being said, though...the -12 rail on the Tiptop isn't as overtaxed as you might think. I like to spec current draws at 2/3rds of the rated maximum, which for .5A comes out to 333 mA, which is about where you are at present. So the ultimate answer here might be 'do nothing, it's just fine that way'.

One last thing: if you're planning to spec out your own power distro design for a new case, two things have to be kept in mind:

1) While linear supplies offer very quiet, no-ripple DC, they're spendy and weigh quite a bit. So this means you'd likely be using switching supplies...but in that case, you have to be concerned about noise on your DC rails. In bog-simple analog modules, this might not be a problem, but if we're talking about analog-controlled digital, the noise factor could creep in due to the switching noise interfering with the DSP clocking and such. These things can also radiate noise, so the potential for power supply garbage getting into other subsystems (think audio lines and devices here) goes up. Be VERY careful about noise factors on switchers.

2) You're always safer by using filtered busboards. Even with the quietest linear DC supplies, some modules can still send crud back down their own DC feeds which get back into the rails and spread out that way to cause all sorts of annoyance. Filtering reduces this problem, and can also be useful to reduce switching supply crud. If that's not enough, there's also various methods of isolating the DC supplies via filtering, noise chokes, etc that can get more garbage off the rails. The optimal thing you're looking for here is to drop the noise across your audio to as low a figure as is possible, as that will be the most obvious path for it to get heard...but just as much, reducing noise also helps with module stability, especially when tuning stability is critical. I would suggest putting a 'scope on your DC rail feeds during any such build to look for ripple (very bad) or switching noise to see what courses of action, if any, you might take.

Actually, both ideas there work...I keep forgetting that Quadnic module, and I ought not to. It's definitely a different character than the analog-source Doepfer, comes in considerably cheaper (by $200!) and saves 6 hp of space. Downside, though, is that you lose individual modulation and sync patchpoints. The other similar solution that seems to be viable gets more pricey, though: a pair of Klavis Twin Waves. $498 for two, but they fit in 16 hp and have way more features than either the Quadnic or the Doepfer combined. It's almost Braids-ish, given the algorithm feature set. If the price weren't a barrier, honestly, I'd go in that direction. As for the Pico DSP, yeah, that could work as well, but if you're going to use it for that insert trick make sure it can do a decent job on a mono output. Of course, that module also need not be a effect processor; you could do some twisted things with waveshaping in that Chronoblob feedback loop, so that every delay iteration keeps getting more distorted and bent out of shape. A ring modulator would be neat as well, but you'd need a carrier source...even so, consider a delay in which the iterations get more and more clangorous. Lots of possibilities exist...

As for the MAX situation...there might be a solution in MAX that can emulate the additional Monome modules. MAX is so open-ended that if you're deep into it, there'll almost certainly be a way around any hardware limit. Or, explore some of the Expert Sleepers stuff to get the MAX patterns over USB (or even ADAT optical) to their hardware, piping the MAX patterns through Silent Way. At the very least, ES's stuff saves space and is equally open-ended as Monome's modules.

Hey all! I've finally assembled enough components to have a functioning rack with some good possibilities. I'm pretty much out of space in my first case. When I look at the calculated power consumption, I see this:

633 mA +12V | 346 mA -12V | 0 mA 5V

I'm using the uZeus power supply from Tiptop Audio, meaning I have at my disposal:

  • 2000ma at +12v
  • 500ma at -12v
  • 170ma at +5v

It seems like I'm quickly approaching the end of the -12v space. However, it looks like I still have a good deal of +12v and all of my +5v.

Now, please forgive my ignorance of electrical engineering - I have two questions:

  • If I were to buy another case without a power supply, can I selectively look for modules that only use +12V and +5V?
  • Is it possible to convert modules from -12v to +12v? (IE with an adapter?)

What do you think of the Quadnic in place of the Doepfer Quad VCO?

Also, what about the Erica Synths Pico DSP in place of the verb module?

Some people are also recommending I ditch the Monome White Whale and Meadow Physics b/c the Ansible has similar functionality, and it would free some space for more mixers, but my thought was running multiple concurrent patterns on the 4 monome modules. I currently run 6 patterns or more simultaneously in MaxMSP...


Thanks , lots of food for thought here!

I am going to dig into this and see what I like!

First small rack? Don't you mean first small BIZZARO rack? MUA-HAH-HAH-HAAAAA!

OK, let's make it bizzaro...

Keep the MATHS where it is. I assume you're using a self-contained 84 hp rack, such as a Doepfer A-100LC3; this will have internal power with a built-in DC 'brick' input. If that's the case, this build should work.

Next, add the Batumi and the Poti expander. You will likely want the extra flexibility. So...ok, this gives us the Batumi for modulation, and the MATHS can do a lot of the envelop-ish and slewing behavior.

Then...BIZZARO oscillator! The Harvestman's Hertz Donut mk II should be perfect to compliment the analog oscillators in the two 0-Coasts. This is a very strange but extremely capable dual digital oscillator with internal modulation paths and TZFM capability. The spacing on this also takes care of the odd offset from the Poti, bringing us back into even hp turf. So, what better to go with a BIZZARO oscillator than...yeah, you guessed it...

BIZZARO filter! This thing is brilliant for strange timbres and filter modulations: the Limaflo Motomouth (https://www.modulargrid.net/e/other-unknown-limaflo-motomouth). It's a multiband formant filter based not on typical cutoff and resonance models, but emulating vocal vowel formants and morphing. Put together with the Hertz Donut, you then get into this very strange, alien voice-but-not-voice territory.

Next, not BIZZARO...just a dual VCA from Doepfer, their A-132-3. These VCAs can be switched between linear and exponential behavior, so while one can handle audio dynamics (f'rinstance), the other can deal with controlling a modulation signal's levels being fed...well, most anywhere. Since this is sort of a monosynth (ok, yes, a BIZZARO monosynth), there's really only a single signal path for audio at this point, so having two VCAs like this is pretty optimal.

Next...more BIZZARO! Right next to each other, a Synthrotek VERB, which is a CVable mono reverb, and a Feedback 106 Chorus, which not only modulates the timbre, but spreads the mono VERB signal into stereo in a few different, manually-controllable ways, so that its output goes right to a Malekko Output which gives you a ganged stereo level and steps your signal down to regular ol' line level. Not BIZZARO line level, mind you...just the usual.

Fills all 84 hp neatly. And there's way more than ample room for exploration there...plus it's going to sound NOTHING like the 0-Coasts or, really, most any other monosynth, because this is a...yep...BIZZARO monosynth! Also, you can patch the 0-Coasts in and out of this really nicely in oodles of ways. The SQ-1 could, say, sequence only one half of the Hertz Donut, leaving the other oscillator fixed to create lots of Conrad Schnitzler-esque clangers, or...well, you get the BIZZARO idea here, I presume.

(Last damn time I watch that 'Sealab 2021' episode before trying to get something done! And NO, not something BIZZARO done!)

Hello everyone.
ModularGrid Rack

I am putting together my first (small) rack.

I will be using this with two 0-Coasts , a multicassa and an SQ-1.

I know I want a Maths and pretty sure I want the Batumi.

I am mostly interested in dark, drones, ambient and weirdness.

I've been loving my 0-Coasts but really want to explore more sounds!

Any & all suggestions & opinions welcomed!


Great advice, cheers! I am limited by budget at the moment, so this is more a foundation rack with the basics from which I can expand on in time, but this is really good feedback so I'll have a rethink.

Just got a module from @isle. Very smooth transaction and no problems at all.

To get your image to refresh, try this: go into View Screenshot and if you see something that wasn't what you selected, then refresh that window. Should clear that up.

Anyway...had at it a bit myself. Started with flipping the case, and then...well, have a look:

ModularGrid Rack

There's definitely some changes. The Quad VCO is paired with the Quad VCA, for starters. This lets you do a lot of CVable mixing of the VCOs, creating morphing-like structures, or really most anything. Mangroves next, then a CVable wavefolder, which not only lets you morph the formants, but also the timbral quality of the Mangroves. Two attenuators to control their levels going into the Sisters VCF...and this is key, because I looked at that filter and noted that it has this extra input, CENTRE, that allows a 'lead' part to get 3db out front and be timbrally altered against the other sounds coming in via the ALL, LO, or HI inputs. The dual attenuator lets you have more control over that lead/back balance.

Then there's a Doepfer A-106-1 filter. This is actually a filter pair, based on the Korg MS-20's Sallen-Key pair, but with the sick and twisted addition of an insert in its resonance path. Hence the stuff below: a Chronoblob delay and a VERB digital reverb. Now, what came to my diseased mind was this: put the Chronoblob into the A-106-1's insert. Now, the Chronoblob ALSO has an insert...this time, in the feedback path. So the CVable VERB goes into THAT...allowing clocked delay pulsations with the added strangeness of constantly-shifting 'room' depths, with all of this being constantly inline to alter the dual filter's behavior. Tres ambient! Of course, there's plenty of other ways to (ab)use those, too...

ER-301 is above the other set of VCAs, next to a little 4-in stereo mixer, which is next to the Clouds. This puts the Clouds in place to easily process/mangle incoming audio OR the synth's sounds themselves, and all of this can be sent up and thru the ER-301 for more processing mayhem. The I/O is right below in the tile row, also, so the right end of the build can do a lot of 'spiderwebbing' amongst all of these for pretty infinite possibilities of subpatching for sonic alteration.

Bottom (now) tile row. Added the uMIDI 1U because the Intellijel cab's USB port (on the backplane) directly links to that for MIDI-over-USB use. Above this are your Monome modules, and this puts all incoming control signals at the lower left...nice and cohesive. Modulation/clocking is next to this, with the corresponding tile below the Tides and MATHS so everything's all in place to work as a modulation subpatch team. The row went to the bottom, also, to get your external cable runs below and away from your patchwork to avoid confusion. It also puts the tile controls close at hand to your controller for fast 'nuance' adjustment.

Sole flaw here is that I wound up being forced to drop the multiple. However, you might find that using stackable cables and/or inline mult modules work even better in this small a rig.

Downside of all of this: $5,668, modules alone. Definitely above the $2500 line, but it gives you something of a point to aim for, money-wise, even if the module compliment might change. But this isn't a bad aiming point, IMHO...definitely feels like an ambient 'instrument'.

Whatcha think?

Awesome, thanks so much for the detailed comments! I'm still wrapping my head around all of this and it's so valuable to hear your input. I love your idea about having two cabs for each input device, but that will take some time for me to work towards financially... I'm thinking for the time being use the laptop for the seaboard and focus on the modular for the monome?
So I put together another setup here (not sure why, but the image is wrong, click on the link to see the real setup):
ModularGrid Rack
It basically adds and tweaks things per your suggestions... At current I'd like to stay around $2000-2500 USD, and then fill things out as I go. In this case, what would you sacrifice to get the best sounding solution?

It's actually looking sort of underpowered, to be honest. I'm pretty sure that only one VCF is going to hamper you in getting lots of different timbres in your rhythmic patterns, and that factor is pretty essential to make effective patterns that both pound AND hold attention. I'd almost think that losing the Quad VCLFO would be in order and going with something more akin to a multicolor noise source, in addition to several small 'ringing' filters (such as either 2hp ones or some Erica Picos) would make more sense for what you want. These can also be pitchable via the sequencer but have a more percussive sound. You also need a bunch of AD envelopes for this to work, and Erogenous Tones makes an octal module with these, the RADAR. Consider a bit of processing, too...a short reverb will actually make things sound really huge and spacious without making the whole rhythm track sound like it's coming from some huge dumpster.

Keep the Tides. Slow changes across a track also make for interesting qualities in electronic percussion, and the Tides can be mixed in with some of the incoming sequencer CVs to make that happen. The STO is good, as well, for a bass source...but you really need a deep 4-pole LP VCF plus an ADSR envelope to get your bass voice working. That way, you get a solid, rubbery bassline plus you can squelch it up wite the VCF's resonance manually for a more acid-y tone.

Ultimately, if I were doing this build, tho, I'd have started with a larger rack for it. It's always better, when starting out, to go larger than you think you need...because in the end, you realize that you DO need it! Not suggesting a 12U Monster case here, mind you, but going to a 6U x 104 will give you more room, then if you find you need to, you can easily scale back down to something a bit smaller when refining the build.

Well, first up, Intellijel's Noise Tools would also be a good contender for that tile row; you might consider dropping the USB for that, as you have a backside USB on the Intellijel 7U case. Also, I'd invert the rack...put the utility tiles + your I/O on the bottom row to get the external cables out of the way. Consider, also, finding a way to squeeze either a Digiverb or a Pedal I/O in there.

Ambient, from my experience, requires quite a bit of heavy-duty processing to get the right flavor. The Orthagonal ER-301 would be a good multi-possibility choice there and would likely allow you to take out the Clouds, which Mutable discontinued recently (someone needs to edit its listing). If you have to have the Clouds, your best bet (space saving, too) would be an 8 hp third-party version of the module, for which there's several sources right now.

Nothing here in terms of modulation sources, especially slow-duration ones. The MATHS is a good choice, plus adding a Mutable Tides would give you plenty of slow-duration modulation change with good control capabilities. And VCAs...got to have those. Intellijel's Quad VCA would play nicely in here, plus give you a 4-channel mixer for either CVs or audio in the process. You might actually consider two of those, one for each.

Two VCOs, also...not really enough. The modular I currently use for this sort of thing has three VCOs plus a VCDO, Digisound's steppable fixed-wavetable oscillator. You're going to want some spectral complexity that you're clearly moving toward, but still a good ways away from at this point. You might get closer by yanking the Just Friends and looking instead at Doepfer's Quad VCO, which just came out a bit ago; I would definitely keep the Mangroves, however, because it would provide a nice timbral contrast to the Doepfer VCOs.

Keep in mind that with ambient work, complexity is key...you want slow change with lots of possibilities. You might even consider going to a second cab here so you can have more sonic possibility while staying with the Intellijel format tiles. With the simultaneous use of a Seaboard + Monome setup, something this small-scale might actually wind up limiting the full capabilities of those controllers in tandem. But with a dual-cab rig, you can use the Monome with one for functions that're optimized for it in case #1, and the Seaboard in a likewise manner for case #2, sort of like a dual-manual for an organ...but not an organ. Means more monetary outlay, sure, but you get that back in terms of being able to make more complex, subtile, nuanced music with the instrument. Sure, it opens another can of worms, but it's a can with more potential.

I'm aiming to make deep rhythmic techno, not in melodics as such.
Will expand as I need to, but as a starting point how is this looking?
I'm planning to use the cv.ocd with my digitakt for sequencing, and have an outboard mixer for direct audio.

Hi all, I'm about to take the plunge... Looking for input on a new system.
Planning on using Intellijel 7U 104HP case. Also have newest version monome 128 and will add arc 4 when I can find one... Also plan on using seaboard and custom controller I'm building w/ similar input values similar to seaboard. Plan on having it output CV values directly.
Here's what I have so far, what's missing? What's redundant? I plan on making experimental ambient... My music: http://sleeplesswaves.bandcamp.com/
Also like http://rbeny.bandcamp.com/

ModularGrid Rack


Just sold my E-330 VCO to the super-friendly @banalytic. Was a pleasure. Thanks a lot!

great seller: bought the synthesis technology E330 VCO. fast and save shipping, fair price & friendly communication. Highly Recommended!!!

Thread: Strymon AA.1

If this comes out, I'd like to try it on my Big Muff fuzz. Sorry for the visuals.

Nah...go with a smaller O&C build, something like: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/other-unknown-uo-c-magpie-white-panel which fits in 8 hp. Then maybe chuck the Blinds, since the Samara does what it does plus bunches more. Plus, consider whether the ER-301 can do any of the effects processes you have on here as separate modules in-line with the function you've got in mind for it. Keep looking at how to 'squish out' the hp needed while not losing much in the way of function...it's doable, just part of the scutwork in optimizing a build. Treat it like a challenge!

A couple of Electro-Harmonix things I've had a jones for for a while are their HOG2 and the Ring Thing. The HOG2 is capable of doing some elaborate harmonic resynthesis/modulation, especially in tandem with external modulation sources. Drawback: it ain't cheap. But even with the cost, I'd suggest looking at some demo videos in which the more complex capabilities are being shown off.

The Ring Thing, OTOH, is cheaper...and WAAAAAY cheaper than the thing it can emulate: a frequency shifter. Look a bit more at this box and you'll note that the panel has indications for modes that only do up-shift and down-shift. This is its 'sideband modulation' mode and such, and this gives you the ability to access the up and down frequency shifting on individual outputs. If you've ever looked at what the few freestanding frequency shifters cost (and survived the sticker shock!), I don't have to tell you that this box costs NOWHERE near what the Bode-type units do. To be honest, if there ever was a reason for Eurorack users to add an effect send/return module, this might be near the top of the list...and if we're just talking pedalboard alone, the ability to create the strange, alien, trippy frequency-shifted spectra for this thing's outlay is a no-brainer. Calling it the 'Ring' Thing is sort of a misnomer, really, although it will do those things, too...the real draw is the shifting.

The remaining 20hp would be good for: Tetrapad, Qubit Synapse, or Instruo's upcoming ER-301 related faders/gates module.
Though that Instruo is 22hp so I would probably need to ditch both Chance and Ornament and Crime and then fill in the remaining 6hp with what, Intellijel Shifty?

Alternately, could get the Harmonaig Quantizer and Wogglebug, ditch O&C and Chance.

Links/Lxd/MA Mix are all good 4hp options to pair with E352 if I ditched ER-301.

Received an µo_C from @PinPinKula : very well built, clean packaging. Had a 3 weeks shipping but probably due to custom checks.

Hahahahaha, yeah, that ought to be an easy fix but come on, it's not that important, is it? Bookmark a different part of the site and you're set :)

Getting a new project going that needs a mix of good, reliable boxes meeting immense dream machines halfway. Good start so far? had a few of these for a couple of years, but only recently started putting in the research to get them all in a good spot.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Concerns?

Thread: RackBrute_6u

Not bad at all. You will need to swap out the 4ms power for the Arturia P/S unit, however, as it comes with the EuroBrute cab and it's 5hp, not 4. This will change the spacing on whatever row you opt to put it on (I advocate for the lower...makes dressing the power cable off to the side easier). Losing the buffered mult should give you the room, and it's pretty unnecessary in this small a build. I'm assuming this sends its audio back to the MiniBrute 2s? If so, make sure to check the specs for its external audio in, because if it wants line-level, it's going to really need it, as I'm pretty sure there's no way to trim down the voltage level on that synth itself. Easily dealt with by swapping out the FX send/return module.

The build's also a little filter-heavy. Potentially, losing the uHC would be sensible, because the Sara VCF is pretty complex in of itself and the Optodist will do much of the distortion the uHC would be up to. That way, you could swap in something more complex, random-wise, to go with the Noise Rainbow; Doepfer's A-149 series wouldn't be a bad choice, nor would an Ornament and Crime build...in fact, that has the potential of lots of extra functions in a small space.

Good move with the Attenu8, also...given that it can be split in 2, can do inversions, and probably a few other twisted tricks. Doesn't seem to conflict with the Quad VCA, but I would actually suggest moving the Attenu8 to the bottom row so it's handy for processing/controlling/mixing signals either going up from the MB2s or back down to it...or both!

Thread: RackBrute_6u

I have no idea what I'm doing, I just have a minilogue.
Spent an afternoon throwing this together, does it make any sense? Feedback would be fantastic, I'm not interested in swapping in cheaper modules, I want to save up and do it right, I'm thinking long term.
I plan to pair this with a minibrute2s via rackbrute6U, but it aims to be stand alone sans sequencer (just midi-in). The modules were chosen with expansion in mind. (probably another rackbrute6U; would remove the minibrute2s and go fully modular)
I know that 8vert and the first mixer are redundant, I want a ton of attenuators for later and that little mixer is just super neat, I would want it for a mini travel rig if that ever happens.)


The format selector bar overlaps with the eurorack image. Sure it's low on the priorities and definitely not a feature, but drives me mad for some reason. Ever since 'pedals' has been added, it's been the case.

keep up the good work

nicely composed! i don't think i ever would have heard of the G-Storm filter, but those things sound amazing. thanks, looking forward to more.

Thanks! Please do continue this.

Thread: Strymon AA.1

Only photoshopped the blur image for a cleaner overview

Thread: Strymon AA.1

Quite spiffy, yep...wonder which return is active if you only have a TS 1/4" coming back in in mono, tho...

Cool stuff, make the channels loopable(LFOs) too, and this would be a killer

Thanks for the response Lugia! Olivier's announced the size of the new successor on FB already. I agree with the savings of an 8-10hp version, but he mentioned it would be 14hp (which is roughly what I'm trying to save space for lol. I don't know though when a release date would be however, so I'd be waiting till....?

Thread: Strymon AA.1


I have the intel Quad VCA and highly recommend it. Sold my Veils for it. 3db boost is crucial for mixing modules with lower output levels, and it sounds nice overdriven. Separate CV & gain offset attenuators is a big step up from the other 2 you listed. But if you want to save some HP check out the ALM Tangle Quartet. Straightforward routing and only 8hp.

I went for Happy Nerding 3x VCA

Not quad vca but you can choose whether they are linked/summed or not. Very important for me.

OK, what makes me get all hot and bothered in the constant blizzard of Eurorack modules? Well, there never fails to be something that, just from the description here on l'il ol' ModularGrid, seems like something that people need to be paying attention to. Sometimes these are real game-changer modules. Sometimes they seem to be a total snooze. Either way, there's a lot that goes by on here that potentially gets overlooked...that shouldn't! So, it hit me a few days ago that, well, why not go thru the barrage of STUFF that comes along in the span of a month's time and point out some things that I think are pretty useful, cost-effective, or innovative. Especially considering that January is, of course, NAMM month and that tends to provoke new, neat, and nifty showing up all over.

So, I figured I'll take a little time out and highlight a few things that I think you, the users of this ginormous modular community, might want to poke at a little more closely. And, what the hell, may as well make it a monthly thing. So, without a helluva lot more rambling from me, I present Eurorack's KICK ASS!!! stuff from January 2018(ish). Let's dive into this craziness, shall we?...

[NB: all of these modules have a street price listed and are either available or on the verge of it]

1) River Marble: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/river-marble -- Looks basic, right? Kinda. But this is a 'tilt' EQ, and these are very useful things, not merely for timbral shaping. For those who intend to do a lot of live performance with varying PA circumstances, a simple 'tilt' like this can be a godsend, as it makes it relatively easy to adjust for sonic shortcomings encountered from performance to performance. Bins sounding meh? Well, it's likely that a bit of tweaking of this, right at the end of your signal flow, can correct for that without any need for changing the patch upstream from it. Nice! 'Tilt' control (which doubles as a bell mid EQ, more for shaping sound) is also CVable plus you get a bit of waveshaping for 'beef' factors.

2) Instruo Sinfonion: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/instruo-sinfonion -- Totally off-the-chain capabilities for quantizing, chord sequencing, arpeggiation...holy crap, it even handles just intonation! Used at its max, this thing can kick out eight different lines of polyphony. And waaaaay more besides. No, it's not cheap, but there's some serious microprocessing going on behind its panel, and if you tried to do what it does with discrete modules, you'd spend loads more than it costs...if you COULD do all of this with discrete modules. Which I'm betting probably isn't doable.

3) G-Storm Electro Delta VCF r2: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/other-unknown-delta-vcf-r2 -- I loved this filter in its original Korg incarnation. It's a bit dirty but warm, and G-Storm says they've nailed that. Plus it has a very handy 2-input mixer for both audio and filter cutoff, and some extra settings for bandpass response and filter curve. And that price makes it even cooler! Those looking for a filter with lots of color should look into this one.

4) Arturia RackBrute: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/arturia-rackbrute-6u-3u-power (RackBrute's P/S listing). -- No price here, but that's because this is part of Arturia's new 88 hp format cabs in either one or two row capacities. I've been taking a serious look at these racks. Their included power capacities are really hefty for a small (88 or 176 hp) cab, the form factor that allows them to mechanically link up with the also-new patchable MiniBrute v2s is well-designed, and the price for all of this is a clincher. Arturia seems to be drawing a bead on Moog with these new offerings, given they're priced in the general target range of the Mother32 and DFAM, and they're comparable if not better-featured.

5) TAKAAB 3LFO: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/other-unknown-takaab-3lfo -- Those needing basic modulation sources in a tiny space need to pay attention here. For $45 ($45!?!?), you get three LFO circuits in a descending decade of timings, ranging from low audio range at the top of LFO1 to 76 second periods at LFO3's bottom end. No, no CV ins, but these are clearly more for free-running mod sources. 6 hp is a great size for this level of functionality and the price is STOOPID!

6) Strymon Magneto: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/strymon-magneto -- Not at all cheap, but nothing from Strymon usually is. That being said, you get what you pay for from Strymon as a rule. And if features are any indication, you get that in spades here. It does all of the typical delay tricks, then goes several steps further with a pile of other unexpected functions that make it less like a simple effect and more like something you can interact with like a temporal instrument. Plus it doubles down on their tape emulation tricks (also seen in the El Capistan stompbox). Crave that you-can't-afford-the-original Krautrock Dynacord or Echolette sound? You'll probably find it lurking in here.

7) Intellijel Morgasmatron: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/intellijel-morgasmatron -- OK, David Dixon's take on the Korg MS-20 Sallen-Key filter pair was already insane enough. But Intellijel clearly thought that M0AR was in order! This thing...well, just a cursory glance at the panel reveals lots of extra functionality (some of which you needed the Korgasmatron Expanders for previously), possibly up to and including brewing the perfect espresso. Being a long-time MS-20 user (been through THREE of them across my career) I can assure you that this would be the perfect core filter for any system, especially smaller skiffs. Not only do you get the filtering and all of its voodoo, Intellijel also dropped in some waveshaping and clipping and a ring mod to boot. In short, most anything timbral you might want can likely be cooked up in these 20 hp.

8) Qu-bit Synapse: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/qu-bit-electronix-synapse -- I rip on having lots of VCAs all the time. And this is lots of VCAs, all set up for some signal-routing bad craziness. While it also has its own internal modulation source, imagine this sucker tied in with a MATHS. Does your brain hurt now? Not much to say here, coz the module says it all, and says it in 20 hp.

9) Happy Nerding Isolator: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/happy-nerding-isolator -- Now, I'm going to venture a guess that you probably saw this inconspicuous little, cheap 4 hp thing and didn't give it a thought. Mistake! Not only is this a great value in a stereo output module, it offers transformer-balanced outputs. What's the big deal? Well, transformers in an audio path invariably introduce some nice nonlinearities that nice up your audio quality, tighten up the sound, and what-not. Plus, with the useful ground-lift function, you can kill any hum issues that've crept into your sound via ground-loop problems between your rig and whatever you've got it connected to for mixing/processing/amplification/whatever. There's been other devices like this, but neither as small nor as inexpensive. Win!

...and that gets us up to the start of February's offerings. Whew! As noted, I'll probably boot something like this out each month, so stay tuned (either to pelog or slendro!).

Yeah, pretty damn spot-on! As for a do-it-all modulator section, I would see if you can do some reallocation of space to put in a MATHS...that seems like the best fit here, along with some attenuverter-type modules. If you haven't locked yourself in on the rack decision yet, maybe consider a way to add a 1U row for tiles to provide a cheap way to drop utility devices in, just be careful that there's TWO 1U tile standards and the one you're more apt to want is the original, not Intellijel's newer version. Also, have a look at Folktek's Resist module, which fits in just 3 hp and gives you four attenuators which can then be sub-patched into their pin-patch points.

Possibly the best tip I can give is this link: https://synthcube.com/cart/

Bring money.

Given that there's a bunch of third-party versions of Clouds out there now (usually in 8 - 10 hp), my guess would be that Mutable's moved on from Clouds altogether. For my money, I'd feel better about jumping on one of those rather than playing a 'wait and see' game. Plus, leftover space...always good to be able to cram one more thing in!

Cheers for posting the patch! I'm thinking of doing the same once my DFAM comes in and I figure out how to have both units connected in a creative way.

Perfect transaction with @skogn . Great communication !

Ooh, there's some lovely stuff there! I agree that you'll need some LFO type modules and attenuators/VCAs to control them. Think of them as extra hands so you can turn more than two knobs at once. You might want to include the ADDAC pedal integrator too (https://www.modulargrid.net/e/addac-system-addac200pi) so you can patch in the mobile F***station although between the Erbe-verb, Magneto and Erica FX I think you've probably got that more than covered!

I'm new here and I'm planning my absolutely first modular synth. I'm out of money and I want to dive myself into DIY. Any tips or advices for my solution? What lacks and what exceed? Thanks you all and sorry for my english.
ModularGrid Rack

Only a handful of hard copies left to ship!
And tracking new material for the new year!

And here's a from the board recording of a set i did broadcasting live on Kboo FM's 'A Different Nature' radio show: