A screenless alternative to hardwired and software samplers. With a turntable or other sound source in the Phonogene's input, the Varispeed knob controls the quality and length of the sample recorded. Setting the Varispeed to around 2 oclock will typically allow for several bars to be captured via the record button while in Live mode. Note: the ideal position can take some trial and error to find, depending on the tempo of the record and length of the phrase you are sampling.

Using the record button to start and stop the record like a traditional cassette recorder, it is possible to grab a loop that is the same tempo as the turntable and in the same time signature. Therefore, once the sample has been recorded to memory, switching from live to loop on a downbeat of the audio source will start the loop playback in time with the original phrase. (Note: if the Varispeed knob was set to 12:00 when the loop was recorded, switching from live to loop will not initiate playback of the loop until you manually move the Varispeed control.)

Using the splice button, you can easily cut the sample into smaller pieces in time with the original sample. If you mess up the splices, just hold the splice button down until the record light flashes and try again. By setting the splice knob full CCW it is possible to select which splice is played back by patching from a row of tuned voltages on the Pressure Points (row 2 on this patch sheet) to the Organize CV INput. In this way, each pad can have an independent control over which splice is played.

Patching from the Pressure Points Channel 4 Gate output to the play input on the Phonogene will send a gate that will initiate playback when a pad is pressed on the Pressure Points. Doing this also allows for the monophonic retriggering of splices (in MPC terms, all splices act as if in the same Mute Group with Poly set to 1).

Because the ideal Varispeed setting can be tricky to find, it is best to use an offset into the Varispeed input to control the playback speed and direction once the loop has been captured. This way you can change the Varispeed setting without altering the position of the Varispeed panel control, and getting back to the "ideal" setting can be done quickly and consistently. Using a row of tuned voltages on the Pressure Points allows each pad independent control of playback speed; however, this means each pad/splice will be in a different timing. For the example in the video, I put each tuned voltage at full clockwise and attenuated on the Phonogene so that regardless of the pad selected, the splices would always be in tempo with one another. As an added bonus, the next loop recorded from the same source material was in time with the original loop/splices!

Lastly, I run everything through the Erbe-Verb because everything sounds better through the Erbe-Verb ;-)
Lee Coleman

Thread: Change Log

It should be possible now to embed private Soundcloud links.
Copy the secret link from the Share menu of the track to do that.

Happy Builder here!
Had awesome fun while messing with this Brulu Demo Patch!

Thread: My tiny MOTM

Ha ha! Yes it is. This was just to build up a picture of my ideal 22-space from that Muffs thread.

For those inclined, heres some modular videos of studio session outtakes, enjoy

Thread: Moog VX-351

true, but to get it to fit the 5u frame I had to make the picture scale down.

Wot the Kak is this?

Thread: Moog VX-351

The VX-351 (and the CP-251) are only 4U wide, not 5. They fit side by side in a standard rack.


Yes, I removed my post as soon as I had posted it.

not a module
but it's 2hp !


I made a mistake - this is the more accurate version - please keep it public.
Mark this as private instead: http://www.modulargrid.net/u/buchla-259 (picture fails to fit the grid)


Those modules look amazing! I can't seem to find any info on them, could you share any?

Thread: Comments?

Yes, thanks.

Thread: Comments?

I think you already found it out: You can still comment directly on the module detail pages (scroll to the bottom), but every comment is also accessible in the forum.


Thread: Comments?

OK - yes, I'm daft (or at least lazy as fuck) - one should make a post... Now I know.

Thread: Comments?

Before we could add comments to a module - seems like we need to make a new post in the forum instead, or am I completely daft?
The main reason I liked this feature was to be able to add things like "Duplicate"...


Thread: My tiny MOTM

Cute! ;-)

That's always sad.
I can hardly part things I rarely use, the horror to sell stuff I love ...
I hope everything will be fine.

I lied . . .I sold it :-(

added a pressure points / brains combo. case is getting a more ergonomic touch based skiff :)

  1. Source

  2. Filter
    Low Pass Gate
    VCF / Filter

  3. Amplifier / Routing
    Polarizer / Inverter
    Slew Limiter

  4. Modulation
    Clock Modulator
    CV Modulation

  5. Envelope
    Function Generator
    Envelope Generator
    Envelope Follower

  6. Effect
    Phase Shifter
    Pitch Shifter
    Frequency Divider

  7. Other / Random
    Sample and Hold
    Ring Modulator

  8. Controler
    MIDI Interface
    Controler / Stick

Thread: Woggle It 2

This is a tweak of the Woggle It (Just a little bit) patch. The optomix is now driven by the slower right hand side of the maths so that the non-strike elements are smoother. I unplug the strike inputs occasionally to allow the longer notes to play on their own. Pressure points is used to alter the pitch of the conga like sound coming from the DPO. I occasionally use the freeze function to create a bit more madness.

Oh, shit! I get them confused sometimes. Sorry!

I clearly said Ladies not Zombies!

You hired me because you said that you didn't have enough zombies here. You better pay me, punk.

Not sure if this will frighten away the zombies or lure them...

I love folk music, and studied the music of zombies when I was in college. This set is based on that old zombie folk hymn, 'I ain't gonna gnaw on Momma's brain no more', one of my favorites.

This is mostly violin through cocoquantus into the pro 2 audio in. Eurorack plays a supporting role....

Track list (in current order):
The end of silence
I ain't gonna gnaw on Momma's brain no more
Can you sing, Father Time?
He sat idly by, disinterested, as the universe was created
Spleen saver
Scream clever, scream dark

Universal Torment Interpreter

Oh, please, shiny horned one,
Hear my submission to your eternal agony.

This set was constructed pretty much entirely with the prophet 2.

Stray toilets, baboons, and string instruments are processed through it at various times in history.

Revenge of the naked dead
I can smell you scream
Universal torment interpreter
Analysis of the pygmy baboon mating ritual
Your death is very important to us
Shlock and awe
I am the creator of zombie love
The naked dead explain their horrible smell
I can smell you think
Draining the mind of the disease

A Warning to all Conscious Beings,

Consists of 4 tracks.

Hitler torments the baby Jesus
A warning to all conscious beings
Address to the citizens of Muffwiggler
The slow beheading of Nelson Baboon

Use your mind as a fungicide

Rev. 2 is in the works. I hope to have it ready in a month or 2.

Thread: Buchla 250

Flagged as private

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

Thread: Buchla 250


Wogglebug and Maths are at the heart of this patch. Maths acts a bit like a 'bouncing ball' except that the Rene CV output provides time variation for each cyle. Maths outputs clock the Rene and provide envelopes for the sounds as well as strikes to the DPO and Optomix. The Wogglebug provides extra variation to the DPO and Echophon's pitch. The left Osc on the DPO in conjuction with the Optomix is set so that it has a conga type sound. Rene operates in snake mode. The Phonogene is used to capture some of the strikes from the DPO and play them back with a bit of variation courtesy of the CV out from the Rene altering it's varispeed.


I just ordered my first eurorack modular.
For my purposes I wanted to get some different stuff then the moogs, oberheim, roland stuff I have now.
So the Mutable looked like a great oscillator f.or starters
I want to use the modular for weird, strange noises, not so for playable synth tones, I have enough hardware pieces for that job.
I am also looking for some sequencing stuff.

Maybe any one has some suggestions to add to my rack? Not to expensive, I'm little low on cash now :-)

ModularGrid Rack

For my first ever modular it was my Oscillator of choice. Having lots of old analog synths and more modern ones, I just wanted something a bit different then "just" an ordinary VCO. Looking forward patching it in!

Flagged as private

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

No worries, here's how it works:

When you add a new module it will be public and viewable by everyone as default, unless you check the "Private" checkbox.

A private module can only be seen by you (and anyone who have added the module before it went private), so this is the way to go if you want to experiment.

i'm new. give me a break? oh lord of snark!

Did you even bother searching before submitting this module?

Thread: small

hey love

I want to refer to the thread title and give you a general explanation, why limits are necessary.
Many users asked me why there is such a limit at all.

The main reason for the limitation is to ensure an acceptable server performance and keep the system save.
Without limits the consecutive duplication of huge racks could easily bring the server down.
This can happen without a bad purpose in mind but it also can be used in an attack scenario (This is no fantasy, it happened already).

The main problems:

  1. Heavy SQL processes slow down the server
  2. Database grows non-linear over time and slows down every other query
  3. Screenshot generation needs a lot of RAM
  4. Screenshots will be huge. If people embed those 3MB+ shots in Forums, other users won't be happy to load the thread on their mobile plans.
  5. Also server traffic increases. This will cost money at some point.
  6. The general Planner, SketchAPatch and TrueGrid rely on client side JavaScript. The bigger the rack, the bigger memory consumption, the slower the drag'n'drop performance, etc. This can lead to Browser crashes in extreme cases or on low-end computers like phones and tablets.

I increased the limit for rows and columns many times and I think this is maxed out.
I know many of you guys will find this unacceptable so I am thinking about a solution.

PS. I would like to say that this is one of the coolest sites on the net, free too.
-- gwpt

The keyword here is free.

Will you guys freak out if I introduce some kind of paid account for "Pro" users, which will expand those limits?

This would solve some (but not all) problems and of course would give me some revenue.
What are your thoughts?
Best Knut

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

I was wondering if it would be possible to increase the limit of 8 rows in the planner...

My total setup is larger than this, and I like to put all the modules, then duplicate that, to allocate out to my various racks.

pretty please? :)

PS. I would like to say that this is one of the coolest sites on the net, free too. Amazing work, thanks guys :) :) :)

0ne of my favorite vco's - simple to dial in just what yer lQQking for - sounds farken great

i build my own frames for my euro stuff (wood) in very wide formats and found that if I leave out the mounting rails my Mobius height fits perfectly - i used it this way for a year before it got move to my rack bay

I forgot to post .. built mine bout a month ago - cool sequencer
- nice layout and display - i 1st had probs as i put in the analog switch chip in backwards but we
hen i discovered it and switched it the right way all wired great - amazed i didn't fry that chip!

Thread: Change Log

Somehow the Core API Team of Chrome/Google decided to change the WebAudioAPI. This broke TrueGrid.
I am not angry , in fact they did some necessary refactoring of the code.
I tried to migrate all the changes and at least TrueGrid is working again.
And amazingly it also works in Firefox, now (well, kind off, but promising).
Btw, I played a bit with TrueGrid today and browsed through the patches and had a lot of fun.
Some of them are really nice!
Note to myself: I should definitely spend some time to improve this part of MG.
It had such a good start but stalled a bit ...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net