Couldn't resist...

I went ahead and completed this thing...there was way too much missing. So now, this has a modulation section with two ADSRs and a dual LFO with cross-indexing between rates. I also dropped in a clock multiplier for ratcheting things like your hats and changing those up with a tweak...and a Ladik "Skipper", which is a probabilistic 2-channel trigger skipper that allows you to "rip up" a couple of the drum triggers to add variation with just a few knob tweaks.
Drums: threw all those others out; Maschine does those digital percussives just fine. INSTEAD...what I did was to drop in a Delptronics LDB-2 drum set and expander, and what that brings to the table are a host of electro-style percussives...stuff like the 606, CR-78, etc hits which work much better in this sort of setup. If you're housin' it up, you WILL want those. And the thing that looks like a mult next to them is NOT a mult, but a fixed-level, fixed-pan stereo submixer from Takaab. The idea is that, since you can control your levels via the Delptronics module, this lets you then send the outs from that into this, and you set up your stereo panning by plugging the Delptronics' outs across that. The white-ringed jacks are your left and right out, and connect to two channels on the Doepfer A-138s panned appropriately.
Modulation is next, followed by the TWO voices that are there now. A Klavis Twin Waves serves as a VCO for a "lead" and for a "bass", and since the Klavis' VCO1 can do suboctaves, that should bang REAL HARD. Especially since I paired it with a Viol Ruina for making the bass hurt even more. The other VCF for the "lead" is a Doepfer A-121-3 multimode. After that is the dual VCA for amplitude control of the two voice parts, and each feeds to a single Doepfer A-138s channel for panning.
Disting EX? Expensive. Instead, there's a Happy Nerding FX Aid in there for your stereo effects. Of course, if you want the drums to have no processing and have the lead and bass "raw", just patch the drum submix to the FX Aid and then send IT to a stereo pair, then send the stereo mixer's outs to the Befaco OUT, which gives you your isolated outs on 1/4" jacks (beefier, more endurance in live situations) as well as your headphone and...yep, there's can also use the CUE patchpoint and switch on the OUT to check tunings, etc in mid-set. Lastly, I added blank panels to spread out your access to the VCF controls for live tweaking.
The same P/S is in there (and it's not even close to the current draw on the +12V rail...the build wants 610 mA, and the Row Power 35 can output 1.4A on'll likely NEVER overdraw that!), as well as the Pam's (went with a cheaper one) and the o&C (also went cheaper here). The sole failing here is that it looks like I overshot by UKP300 or thereabouts, but you might be able to scrape by if you can snag some of the modules on the used market. But as for the build itself, yeah, this is pretty solid AND you get some important features that were missing...even for a "minimum viable" rig. Tricky build, as all 1 row skiffs designed to "do it all" ARE...but I think this manages nicely.