Looking for a Tona in the US! If you have one please let me know and i'll take it off your hands!

A Tona just showed up on Reverb

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I am definitely interested in getting one of the complex Instruo oscillators as well as their new pin matrix mixer! They look amazing and sound different almost a futuristic gothic piece of artwork. I think that from a purely aesthetic point of view, the Instruo, Frap Tools and Verbos stuff has the best look in a case. Would be fun to build a full setup for each if budget allows.

I was contemplating the one on reverb but have a hard time paying $290 for something that was $250 new... it's gone now anyway. I am considering just grabbing a Troika, It's more economical (and realistic) than trying to find 3 Tona's but damn the wavefold on the Tona is the stuff of my dreams.